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12751213 No.12751213 [Reply] [Original]

JP Morgan is rolling out the first cryptocurrency by a US bank to transform the payments business.

Built on Ethereum

Let's go boys, love is in the air, the bear is dead, long live the bulls!

This shit is going to pump soon. Target: 400usd.

>> No.12751219


>> No.12751226


>> No.12751278


>> No.12751306
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It's built on Quorum - which is literally a FORK of ethereum. If anything this is a SELL signal. The enterprise level clients DO want crypto, but they want THEIR OWN FORKS. What does this mean for ETH bag holders? It means there will be no fucking transactions for your staking to collect fees from. You are holding bags of shit - and JP Morgan just showed you why.

I unironically sold the last of my crypto holdings and will re-invest most of it in stohnks leaving some fiat on exchange for an ETF announcement in the future. It's looking like the ONLY crypto coins that will be worth anything in the future will be store of value coins, and they will only stabilize if we get an ETF to get the whale bags in normie hands... otherwise the whales will just keep barting this shit and pumping dumping the alt market until every last crypto fag is broken.

>> No.12751311

money is in oracles, not coins anymore

>> No.12751338


>> No.12751340

lmao - I read the same FAQ and that's a huge fucking leap to claim that it will run on the public ETH blockchain. Here is what it actually says:

>Does the JPM Coin run on Quorum, J.P. Morgan's blockchain technology?
>The JPM Coin will be issued on Quorum Blockchain and subsequently extended to other platforms. JPM Coin will be operable on all standard Blockchain networks

AKA - We will send JPM coin to other Banks, and banks will use their own shit tokens. If you get anything out of this it should be to SHORT SWIFT.

>> No.12751357

But how to short swift pajeet sirs ?

>> No.12751370

Oracles don't exist in the decentralized way in which they would need to in order to be truly trustless. Someone has to release the initial data. Oracles in their current form are literally just relying on API data from multiple sources matching. How many manipulable human sources of data are required to reach consensus? How many before you can actually call it trustless? How many "confirmations" would be required... as in how long does the data have to be up for in order for it to be acted on? Two seconds and you could issue transactions based on inaccurate data. Two days and it's now taking longer than settling a fiat transaction.

Show me a decentralized, trustless oracle - and the accompanying patent.

>> No.12751386

Point is that a massive Bank is building on Ethereum tech, if anything this signals to the rest of the industry that Ethereum is the framework to work with.

Of course a bank like JPM will use a private chain to do their initial tests and setups on.

Meanwhile the XRP shills celebrate their bought partnerships, TRON shills celebrate their good will giving for PR and karma, while ETH is actually being used for 99% of the frameworks out there. Forks or not, the mainchain will reign supreme when it goes PoS and it will be ready to carry all the fucking stablecoins you'd ever want.

>> No.12751395

Bullish for BTC and ETH. JP Morgan supports an inflationary-stable coin that may inflate the first, while forking a private version of the second ignoring competitors.

>> No.12751408

Seems like xrp is going to be the loser.

>> No.12751504
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>It's built on Quorum - which is literally a FORK of ethereum. If anything this is a SELL signal. The enterprise level clients DO want crypto, but they want THEIR OWN FORKS

Yeah man, like, why even have an internet when we can all just set up our own private intranets? That's just logic.

>> No.12751567

>It's looking like the ONLY crypto coins that will be worth anything in the future will be store of value coins
the only store of value coins are stablecoins.
If you think bitcoin is a store of value you're a brainlet, its only a speculative toy

>> No.12751655


That's why there's so much hype for link and quant... We all know corps are greedy fucks and won't invest in a chain they want their own to shill. So somebody needs to connect all these greedy fucks and luckily they all hate each other so might settle on a new face like serg with a Boomer Tom vouching for him

>> No.12751736

>cuts DCA
>unloads bags

>> No.12751768
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One of the World's biggest banks is making own stablecoin for settlements --> proof that XRP is worthless trash.

Please grab a napkin and wipe the drool off of your chin. Instead of just yelling "shitcoins!!!" like sanjeev and ranjesh just actually use your brain and consider how you can make money off of such "SHITCOINS!"

If banks are not using XRP and XRP shills have done nothing but spam "BANKS WILL USE XRP!!!" how can you make money?

***SPOILER for droolers***
Answer: Short XRP.

The XRP shill army has finally been defeated! Banks will NOT use XRP.

>> No.12751822


This dude knows. You late 2017 fags pay attention.

>> No.12751830

>Marslander: Buy flo you guys! Great coin! Very needful!

>> No.12751847

>Short XRP
On which platform?

>> No.12751873

Poloniex, Bitmex, Kraken, Bitfinex

>> No.12751914


This. XRP is untenable and they are going to get fucked by the SEC BIG TIME.

>> No.12751932

check put sto platforms and exchanges. look into chx

>> No.12752001

haven't used bitfinex or polo in over a year, you can short there now?

is it brainlet friendly? I've never fucked with shorting cryptos.

>> No.12752022

All of the exchanges I listed are brainlet friendly, but Kraken has by far the worst UI.

>> No.12752045

there is an infinite regression of centralization as points of failure.

businesses don't care as much about data points being reliable. they already assume that they are.

In big business it isn't about perfect, but rather sufficient

>> No.12752062
File: 546 KB, 2896x2896, A87B2233-3166-45AA-8E9F-7191788934E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only future for crypto is store of value
No, currency and digital gold is not the future of crypto and the next bull run will not be characterized by normie adoption of the “coin to rule them all”. The future of crypto and the next bull run will primarily be the result of institutional Finance and Insurance firms integrating smart contract and cloud computing protocols into their existent systems wherein the adoption and implementation of blockchain tech saves them shit tons of money in transaction costs, data storage/delivery and compensation claims.

Get with the program son.

>> No.12752072

>JPM Coin will be operable on all standard Blockchain networks

I'm just gonna say it... Chainlink

I don't give a fuck about blockchain wars, cause they're all gonna need my comfy node

>> No.12752101

How is the data source the oracle's problem? The oracle's ONLY job is to get the data you asked to you exactly as it came from the source.
You want to start talking about decentralized data sources your going to have to get into some crazy shit, like fucking omnescient psychic kids in a pool with their brains hooked into computers. Which even then would have centralized points of failure!

>> No.12752111


I already have 200k from ether delta ;)

>> No.12752158

crypto already got rekt by the SEC, the SEC deems crypto a scam, thats why 2018 was bearish

>> No.12752205

ICOs are not crypto!
Crypto will never be under the control of the SEC, That the CFTCs job.
'18 was bearish cause blockchain scams that pumped the market in '17, people then realised they bought into scams, sold.

>> No.12752460

>people then realised they bought into scams

Lolno, these scams are still in the top 100. Look at all the Chink shit like VeChink and Tron ICX, BTT.

2019 WILL be the year of the Bear, when this trash goes back to zero and Bitcoin returns to $800.

>> No.12752475

>Sells the bottom
>Copes hard

>> No.12752519


>> No.12752575


>people can just like... lie man

so many words and so much brainlet, you won't make it, start reading and lurking more fag

>> No.12752625

Seems pretty ironic timing to have this release exactly one day before an alleged “announcement” from chainlink.

It’s probably nothing though.

>> No.12752650



>> No.12752823

>Lolno, these scams are still in the top 100
True, but those are obviously delusional hodlers or Chink hodlers. Either way they are getting left behind, only crypto will move the market

>> No.12752852

Imagine being a crusty fuck n building a bank coin on a platform that can't even handle trading kitties

>> No.12753030

More like QNT.

>> No.12753297

>This shit is going to pump soon. Target: 400usd.
Try 40,000 USD / ETH when all the banks and credit unions jump on it. And they cannot not jump on it cause otherwise they'll be left behind

>> No.12753589


Scaling won't be coming for another 2-3 years. How do you expect this to play out?

>> No.12753623


>> No.12753800
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>> No.12753824

Mongoloid, they’re not using Ethereum

>> No.12753832


what did you say?

>> No.12753843

>six million

>> No.12753858

Is this a joke?

>> No.12754010

>I unironically sold
this means he sold the bottom after buying in on ath

>> No.12754029

Own (CHX). Finance Industry is and was always going to be the real big boys playground for crypto. All this utility, store of value, privacy coin nonsense is over. DLT's and Tokens (just like fiat) are the only really useful as a way to make the indivisible become more divisible.

>> No.12754035

are you giving it away?

>> No.12754052

A balrog of Morgoth

>> No.12754256

Private blockchains are a meme. What's the point, just use a regular database if all participants are fully trusted.

>> No.12754318


>> No.12754356

someone refute this please please please

>> No.12754394

>just use a regular database if all participants are fully trusted

>> No.12754438

Well if the data source isn't the oracle's problem then it isn't a fucking oracle - it's a aggregator of API's - and by its very nature the rules that it will adhere to are 100% centralized.

>> No.12754442

I can't fucking stop reading old middle earth shit. God that stuff is so good, Ungoliant and Ancalagon, the warhammer Grond... Time to pump Blind Guardian on the headphones again.

>> No.12754487
File: 69 KB, 1037x889, repent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means I sold the top (again). Holy shit - keep holding please. You had from December 15th until today to ride tons of pumps. I bought $18,000 worth of BNB in December. I sold the vast majority of it at $9.80 a couple days ago. That is not selling the bottom. I sold 570 of my last 600 BNB today at $8.80

See you over at SMG until the ETF hits ;)

>> No.12754542

Oracles ensure fidelity of data delivery, not fidelity of source.

>> No.12754743

Reminder that “stable” coins are only stable to their peg. A USD stablecoin is at the mercy of the US government and economy. Reminder that we have crypto to sidestep this sort of risk

>> No.12754757

Blockchain is always better than database, even private one, database cannot do cryptocurrency transactions and smartcontracts... thats why there is blockchain

>> No.12754763
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>being this delusional
>computers are used in 99% of business
>therefore buy Atari stock now guise

>> No.12754786

>JP Morgan partnering with a network that can't handle the volume of a cartoon kitty game
Uh oh. This is not going to end well :)

>> No.12754788

So I should buy LINK RLC ETH and maybe REQ?

>> No.12754851

you don't need smart contracts for internal use. Just like you don't need blockchain when a database will suffice.

>> No.12754912

>How is the data source the oracle's problem? The oracle's ONLY job is to get the data you asked to you exactly as it came from the source.
Wrong, because the moment you use that in a trustless environment, you need to overcome short-term rent seeking and manipulation through dishonest reporting at a minimum

>> No.12754914

Lmao dude, they'll create their own private blockchain that hundreds of member banks across the world can use.

Banks are sick and tired of the international settlements fee Jew.

>> No.12754920

and people still desperately believe that any other platform is going to replace or even compete with ethereum.

>> No.12754935

>Built on Ethereum
A private version of ethereum, yes.

>> No.12754973


they are using an ethereum fork called Quorum, which isn't publically available or traded anywhere

industries and institutions will use private permissionless blockchains, because exposing themselves to the risk of public participation and market manipulation would be suicidally stupid from a business standpoint

it does, however, show the usefulness of ethereum, even if corps will simply fork it then use it

>> No.12754997

You brainlets will never understand it. COMPLETE END TO END DECENTRALIZATION IS A FUCKING MEME. at one point data will originate from a single source.
Is your plan on complete end to end decentralization to pull information from multiple universes? Better start working on some crazy tesseract oracle service.

what is so difficult to understand that chainlink as an oracle service is built to securely deliver data onto a smart contract? Its plain and simple English. If you want a complete oracle provider that gives 100% correct outputs you better hope IBM makes a Hal 9000 from 2001.

>> No.12755120

2019 and half of you still haven’t realised that big corps are in no way interested in becoming more transparent or decentralised. They want the opposite, more privacy.

Every large corp will run an internal , permissioned, private blockchain. Good chance it’s already over for eth and if you still think anything is seriously going to run on WAN, DRGN or any of these other memes you bought here KYS. Platform coins are DEAD.

>> No.12755125
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Eth will be king.

Also the chan pass is worth it (and required in the near future) my homie.

>> No.12755129
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forgot to flex.

>> No.12755148


>> No.12755610

>platform coins are DEAD
Ha, gonna be hearing that one for awhile before you are thoroughly BTFO

>> No.12755678

>internal use
The point is they want external use. They're banks.

>> No.12755710

you are missing the point. It's about trustless/decentralized usage vs centralized usage. A privately owned coin is totally pointless, except for stablecoins

>> No.12755795
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Yesss. ETH crashing will take down all erc20 tokens and let me scoop them up cheap as chips.

>> No.12755877
File: 42 KB, 604x453, 77044005-1A29-45B2-8EE3-3E0A60C32BDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2 eth right now how many do I need to make bank? Serious question the price is going up and I wanna buy low

>> No.12755882

Then an oracle could be nothing more than a shitty PHP and cURL scraper. The oracle has to have a larger job, or I fail to see the value. What differentiates an oracle from an API with a whitelist if the source data cannot be verified against a large number of other independent sources or vetted to prevent manipulation.

>> No.12755948

Here's the problem. You keep throwing around words like "Oracle", when in reality, you're talking about a couple API calls and a blockchain transaction. That's not a breakthrough of any kind. To your point, full decentralized oracles are a meme. Link is a meme. Now we agree. Start calling it what it really is - an API Aggregator. Have fun competing with salesforce and all the other gorillas.

>> No.12756505

but you bought BTC at ath
confess it
maybe not even at ath but near the top of a log curve wave
you did, didn't you?

>> No.12756560

So why do we need a centralized stablecoin on ethereum? Who does this benefit except JPM?

I guess I'm just not seeing the incentive for this shit from a consumer perspective. And from the bank's perspective, what value does a private blockchain have over just some permissioned database? Who is securing this private blockchain?