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12750074 No.12750074 [Reply] [Original]

>had a great life in high school
>over the course of going to a college I hate became a broken shell of a person
>final semester
>loner weirdo with no friends
>at risk of failing a class I need to graduate
>every job application is rejected
>to top it off haven’t gotten laid in almost a year

Got nothing to show for the past 4 years for the most part, feeling extra bad rn. How do I salvage my life?

Feeling worse than usual bros how do I salvage my situation? Any oldfags out there with advice?

>> No.12750090

you got JEWED fren! sue for reparations!

>> No.12750113


>> No.12750173
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>fell for the college meme
never going to make it

>> No.12750183

A lot of millionaires become so in under two years.
It's never too late to make it.
Remember, you never shoot blanks, you can impregnate some broad on your deathbed.

>> No.12750190

Wait, if you're a leftist, don't be motivated to improve your life and kill yourself please.

>> No.12750200

I’m not a leftist. I’m pretty much alt right

>> No.12750201

read some Houllebecq. lel
In all seriousness you sound like you're burned out.
I went through a failed engagement right after I graduated and it led me down a 2 year path of burned out self-sabotage.

I started to take account of why I felt happier when I was younger and tried to eke out changes I could make based on those realizations.

>> No.12750215
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Self improvement, tony robbins, elliott hulse, wait for the collapse. This is not going to be a quick fix, be patient

>> No.12750230

Stop jacking off, go to places where you’ll have to interact with people.

>> No.12750237

Resort to military officer.

>> No.12750252

Get a certification in your field

>> No.12750256

Pretty much the same situation as me. I'm 31yo now, and all the self improvement I did over the past several years didn't help. It's all downhill for you I'm afraid.

>> No.12750257

So if you had the knowledge you do now when you were in my position, what would u recommend?

>> No.12750268

I'm 34 and id kms

>> No.12750275

You need to soak in some of that sweet Vitamin D from the sun. It feels sooooooooo good mang.

>> No.12750294

Go back to middle school, and pick a creative or artistic hobby, make that your passion in life. Or be born attractive and intrinsically sociable.

>> No.12750322

your one of those alt right incels arnt u

>> No.12750336

I don’t consider myself an incel I have had sex w multiple girls, my last sexual interaction was a BJ in November. Although I’ll admit I haven’t even spoke to a girl since then

>> No.12750339

you should just buy bitcoin or ethereum when it was cheap dude

>> No.12750347

work out

>> No.12750355

Please stop being a sodomite.
Either find a wife, or have no contact with cunts.

>> No.12750411

Unsociable sorry advice, just stop being a looser and actually take your time to finish college, the dopamine rush you get from that is worth it, you'll have achieved something atleast

>> No.12750434

College is only good if you have no intention of being an entrepreneur and wish to wageslave your whole life.
Then again, IQ is 100% genetic, so maybe yuo had no choice.

>> No.12750440

Do what I did. Move to a SE Asian country, make minimum $20 teaching English, pay $1 for delicious dinner, and fuck loads of cute asian girls.

I live a great life and on top of that I'm saving at least $1k each month

>> No.12750467

Do u have friends out there?

>> No.12750722

>stop being a looser and actually take your time to finish college
College is for losers though

> you'll have achieved something atleast
Yeah, debt.

>> No.12750988


OP I had the exact same experience btw.

>> No.12751001

Release technique- drop all of your anxiety and awkwardness. People are as comfortable around you as you are with yourself.
Modafinil- low dose helped up my concentration and work.

>> No.12751017
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>havent gotten laid in almost a year
try never, fucking normie

>> No.12751047

Start one thing at a time. Sounds like you are getting overwhelmed.

First drop the caring about social life and women thing. Get your shit in line first.

Fix your class, if you can't pass it have a backup plan for how you will deal with it in that case. Try as hard as you can to pass it(limit sleep, work nonstop). If you can't go with plan b.

Stop applying for jobs until you get this fixed. Once you do apply harder. Once you are out of school and have a job then worry about your dick and social life.

Everyone feels isolated in college to some extent. High school is much more social for most of us. This system is built to make you feel desperate in order to suppress your wage later. Don't give in just double down.