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12743523 No.12743523 [Reply] [Original]

Communism is literally the only way we all make it.

>inb4 but communism doesn't work
That literally doesn't matter. The whole point of communism is to destroy the current system. We need a reset. Once that happens capitalism will start over again a new.

>> No.12743533

Well capitalism is going to destroy us, that's for certain.

>> No.12743540

My stinky chainlinky will save us all.

>> No.12743561
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As someone utterly unwilling to work I'm excited for our bright future

>> No.12743562

Now fascism hell bent on expansion will save us all. Can't wait to kick your ass on Mars.

>> No.12743570

Communism is a cancer but Capitalism inevitably spawns cancers that will kill it. It might be communism but there are a slew of other things which will do it. Eventually the system will reconstitute itself as it is the natural way humans exist but the intermediary times are rough.

>> No.12743573

We can't all make it, resources are not infinite. If you gather enough resources for everyone, people live and reproduce and population grows until there aren't enough resources anymore.

>> No.12743576

Capitalism and Communism are opposite sides of the same system. It's a cycle. Like yin and yang.

>> No.12743606

If you need a "reset" of the system to make it, you are going to die poor.

What cares to be a millionaire is the mind, why do you think that succesful people say: "If I lose everything, except my mind. I will make it again."

It doensn't matter, luck, opportunities, It doesn't care, if you are predistinated to make it, you will make it.

>> No.12743634

There comes a point where being optimistic borders on being naive.

>> No.12743685

The same class of people will rise to the top of every system: the capable and the determined.
Communism has no more use for the workshy than any other system, and in every case, the intellectual petty bourgeoisie that begs for egalitarianism of outcome is violently supplanted by the most ruthless of the capable and determined.

>> No.12743792

>The whole point of communism is to destroy the current system
There are plenty of systems that do that Hell capitalism does that if you just do absolutely nothing. Justify why I should shove dildos up my ass to achieve the same thing but objectively gayer?

>> No.12743803

communism is the only political-economic system that provably (game theory) don't work.

>> No.12743809

in every revolution the shit floats to the top.

>> No.12743810
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>> No.12743816

Ye, right.
Check how post communist Russua is doing

>> No.12743836

pure cope from the lazy (intellectually and otherwise)

>> No.12743863

The moment your country falters visibly and can no longer project power, your enemies will ensure the US never gets up again.
You keep the system running or you get completely genocided.

>> No.12743866

There are a lot of ressouces in western europa.

However, low birth rate.

Same for russia.

>> No.12743875

Communism, capitalism and every single word that end with -ism suffixes are memes invented by power leeches that will feed you lies to continue sucking your blood dry.

Please consider thinking for yourself, be responsible for who you are, fuck -ismism.

>> No.12743890

Not everybody can achieve being a millionaire.

You need to have some luck, be young in the right era (not a war or an economic crisis for example), and have had good education, or mentors.

>> No.12743905

I don't want everyone to make it. There are a finite amount of resources, and everyone "making it" means I have less to myself. Communism is a strategy for people who are in a below average position in life.

>> No.12743922

>the most ruthless of the capable and determined.

So that's not really communism.

But that's the problem when we talk about communism. Again and again this retard red flag.

Never about primitive tribe or revolutionary catalonia.

Mental conditionning is tough regarding this subject, even with people who define themselves as "not normies".

>> No.12743930

how retarded are you? with communism, only the government "makes it"

>> No.12743948

yes it's a matter of scale
communism works best in family (at least capitalism would be a shitty experience)
socialism works best in a tribal setting or at a homogeneous population like a town.
and capitalism works best in large society for nations or worldwide.

there is a simple reason for this. the groups ability to effectively detect and sanction defection decreases drastically with population ize.

>> No.12743956


So you embrace an impossibility. Much more reasonable, of course.

Any nation, bigger than a fucking village, is going to carry more weight and power in the seat of government, which is necessary to administer over said nation. You can't self-govern in a country of 1 million+ people you numbskull.

>> No.12743997


It's a matter of scale... Yet.

Not necessarily in a couple decades.

>> No.12744017


Why should we give you any political respect whatsoever. All experiments have been failures and you're relying on unprecedented fantasy to achieve what you believe is possible. And you're wiling to burn down a few more prosperous nations in order to have a go at it. How about no

>> No.12744018
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>> No.12744030
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>> No.12744034

>everyone is lazy
gee never heard that argument before...

>> No.12744035
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>> No.12744044

>Not necessarily in a couple decades.
i'm not a religious man, but
god save us all from communism that scales!

>> No.12744048


>> No.12744053

As someone who thinks that America needs an enemy to destroy to become great once more, I say bring it

>> No.12744071

This guy gets it. Heil!

>> No.12744075
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>> No.12744088
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>> No.12744103

>Well capitalism is going to get our asses to mars


>> No.12744117

This discussion is sterile anyway.

A mode of production happen when the time is ready for it to happen. Like feudalism after antique slavery and capitalism after feudalism.

However, we can be the first to experiment a new mode of production when it will be ready, or laggards.

If we are really conscious about a potential, we can even accelerate it.

There are enough people who understands how capitalism works and how it could be overcome.

If there is a possibility for a post capitalist mode of production to happen, it will happen, even if only a minority support it at the beginning.

>> No.12744143


If your country is already prosperous and functional, why experiment? That's stupid. Like a company that has built a strong foundation over a single model just deciding to ditch it entirely and go all in on an experimental new line of business. It's a coin flip with the potential for disaster, for literally no reason.

Things can change more reasonably and organically, you can't lose sight of what's underpinned Western economic success: the free market.

>> No.12744147

*communism is literally the only way we never make it


>> No.12744148

the new mode of production will be in sterile closed environments without soil or sunlight.

>> No.12744179

>think capitalism will lead to communism, destroy everything, then swing back.

Ladies and gentlemen, your typical amerimutt education.
While it's true the capitalism is a stepping stone on the path to communism, it will not swing back.
If you believe there are only two possible economic positions, you're thoroughly retarded.
If you believe what we have now is capitalism, you're thoroughly retarded.

false, under capitalism, it's more profitable to simulate the experience of traveling to mars than actually traveling, so we'll never get there.

>> No.12744180

Be careful what you're asking for...
Many of us are content to work tirelessly for our own family's gain, but we, the talented and energetic, are fully capable of working for the glory of Soviet America. A well run work gang will put bloggers and non-hackers against the wall, distribute their food as a bonus to the productive, and put their sons in the salt mines.
It doesn't matter to us which direction you push the system; our outcome will always be identical. We win; you lose.

>> No.12744183

Your only explaining Nigger behavior.

>> No.12744197

Let's be real here. You never win anything.

>> No.12744200

Where i live, it is not prosperous and functional. People have a hard time to make ends meet.

Also the free market doesn't solve wagecucking and the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.

>> No.12744217
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>> No.12744228
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>> No.12744231

how is this any different to the us controlling the world?

>> No.12744237
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>> No.12744242

>resources aren't infinite
there's more resources in our solar system than we'll ever be able to use

also, resources on earth are "infinite" in the sense that if it costs too much to get oil out of the ground, an alternative will arise because of the free market system. Communism is for beta cucks basedboy limpwristed genderfluid retards who don't understand logic and cannot do anything without the help of others

>> No.12744261

I wrapped up $3600 of production in my own shop since 8:00am and I'm heading home shortly covered in saw dust.
I'm on a plateau most of /biz/ doesn't even understand, but I'd kill to see more anons reach.

>> No.12744273


Surely no major Western nation then. If you want to revolutionize your banana republic go ahead.

>> No.12744290

Got mixed up between the posts and thought you were something you weren't. Congrats, anon.

>> No.12744299

Normally a thread like this would be ignored due the sheer stupidity of its accusation, but enough of you brain dead losers actually believe this so it warrants a response. No, using the government to forcefully steal wealth away from those that are competitive and motivated enough to create wealth for all and move society forward will not magically fix the system. All it will do is drive the country into massive debt and create a large pile of dead bodies. You'll be just as poor as before, but now everyone is as poor as you, except the few assholes in control of the new regime, who will live like kings while everyone else starves. Not to mention that Russia and China would use this opportunity to ensure that America would never become a wealthy country ever again. Our system is great, despite its flaws, because it can be amended and improved upon. You retards just need to vote and make something of yourself instead of seething at those that put in the time and effort of becoming successful. You live in the most powerful country in the world, quit fucking making excuses and make something of yourself.

>> No.12744301
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>> No.12744316
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>millions of mass shoot by squad executions and forced labor camps with monthly revenue of one soap bar made from your dead comrade.
>capitalists who provide millions of jobs and fixed minimum wage plus free market opportunities based on your competence and personal advantage.
you literally must be mentally corroded in order to pick first option

>> No.12744412


What they are saying is communism is a cancer that is expecting to fail.. I mean lets be realistic, bill gates is making like 50m a minute from investments..

I didn't realize people were actually ironically in favor of communism, because the arguments for it were just bad. Now if they are expecting some shift back to capitalism then I could see how it can be a useful tool.

The current climate is so bad with people using there money for influence (censorship, correct the record, etc..) That it needs a wipe. We fucked up and more capitalism concentrating that money even further won't help.

>> No.12744439

you literally only have to slave away for 1 year at mcdonalds and invest all your earnings into link. then wait. its not that hard to be honest.

>> No.12744446


Not understanding the thread. The OP wants communism and people to suffer.

>> No.12744453

>If something isn't broken why fix it
Loser mentality

>> No.12744479


Reasonable, mature mentality you mean. You're retarded and don't know what real Venezuela tier strife is.

>> No.12744491

>false, under capitalism, it's more profitable to simulate the experience of traveling to mars than actually traveling, so we'll never get there.

which is fuckign great. If we find any useful resouces on it, we migth travel to it anyways. but without those, traveling would be a waste of money. in totalitarian societies a leader could starve its citizens of its resources to get to mars without any benefits. in capitalism this is luckily not possible.

>> No.12744619
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Reminder: Identitarian issues are counter-revolutionary

>> No.12744651

>communism is necessarily totalitarian
>capitalists never waste a country's worth of resources on silly projects
whew lad

the left is united working class

>> No.12744686

Too bad the “reset” will take 100 years and during that time millions of people will starve to death

>> No.12744916

And your point is? If something is not optimal but it works, does that mean that it's not worth improving? I'm not really taking a stance on pro communism or not that was my first post in this thread you angry little man

>> No.12744963

Move to N.korea if you want that shit. Let us know how it works out.

Inb4 but that’s not real communism. Yes, it is.

>> No.12745000

Most posting in this thread are still missing the point. It makes no difference whether communism works or not. None. zero. Communism is not a solution. It's a reset button. And right now it's exactly what we need.

>> No.12745003

>Now if they are expecting some shift back to capitalism then I could see how it can be a useful tool.
But that's even worse. It's one thing to be blinded by the seductive allure of a "new" "better" "system", but to think that adopting a failed system in order to magically revitalize the old system is a classic case of "cutting off the nose to spite the face". We have a perfectly functional system that can be changed by the citizens. Why cause a bunch of death and destruction over the POSSIBILITY of fixing the old system's problems? The only people that would support this are those out for revenge, they refuse to comprehend the consequences of such a unthinkable action.

>> No.12745033
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>we all make it

>> No.12745073

>not real communism

every time

>> No.12745101


>Communism is literally the only way we all make it.

Nah man, that's how the dictator and his buddies make it, the rest of us will just be their slaves. Basically just like in capitalism most people will just be slaves to the rich. Communism isn't the answer, it's actually pretty similar to capitalism in the way that it centralizes wealth/power.

>> No.12745123

Even these shitshacks are unaffordable for the average man in the west nowadays

>> No.12745148

Your still missing the point. Stop cherry picking the thread and read. >>12745000

>> No.12745232

There will be no reset.

If capitalism collapse, no one will have anything to do with it again.

Like what happen to state capitalism in USSR. No one wants to try that again.

>> No.12745254

>Communism isn't the answer, it's actually pretty similar to capitalism in the way that it centralizes wealth/power.

You've understood half of the equation.

The other half is that USSR wasn't communism.

In real communism, there is no wealth/power.

>> No.12745351

>In real communism, there is no wealth/power.
How is that possible?

Wealth is an abundance of currency or possessions. How can you eliminate that? Will you take literally everything that's a possession away from people? It's literally impossible.

Power is the ability to exert influence over others. Communism works because the government has complete control over its citizenry. Without this control, everyone could opt out. No power = no communism

>> No.12745449

Lol you don't get it. In real communism not even pets are allowed. You think you can be the guy with two dogs? Fucking forget it.

>> No.12745571

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/203083875