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12737917 No.12737917 [Reply] [Original]

is Sergey Nazarov a descendant of Adolf Hitler?
seriously, look at his face and open up a photo of hitler next to it.

>> No.12737928
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>> No.12737940
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>> No.12737989
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is LINK a meme because it's a giant joke that the jews would never let happen or because it will actually do what we all think it will?

>> No.12738038

I do not think the jews control Link OP. KEK. what gives you that idea in the first place? You are larping, r-right OP?

>> No.12738045

"the jews" lol, i wrote that KEK

>> No.12738191
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Welcome newfag. Stay a while

>> No.12738218


>look at his face

no, Hitler was not an inbreed retard

>> No.12738224


why are insulting Hitler?

he never been an inbreed slav

>> No.12738229

Hes a untermensch slav

>> No.12738231

would explain his high IQ

>> No.12738242

Sergey is slavic. You should read about what thought about the slavs. Just google Lebensraum. (essentially a holocaust of the slavs in order to free up the land for pure Aryan Germans.)

>> No.12738248

*about what Hitler thought about the slavs.

>> No.12738261


You faggots should watch TGSNT or read the book "Soviet Russians Under Nazi Occupation"by Johannes Due Enstad and stop spreading bullshit about Hitler hating slaves.

>> No.12738304

this is obvious, can't kill the jews like cock roaches, so we will fuck with their wallets.

>> No.12738307

Sergey's father was one of the war planners for the Soviet Union when they invaded Afghanistan in the late 70's.

>> No.12738363

lmfao go read about the siege of Leningrad and then tell me about how much the Nazi's loved the slavs.

>> No.12738380

Read my book recommendation and I will read yours deal?

>> No.12738401

link or name i can look up?

>> No.12738413


>> No.12738426

okay, what was his fathers first name?

>> No.12738450


>> No.12738589

>Evil ID

>> No.12738598
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>That ID

>> No.12738793
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>oh evil fuhrer

>> No.12738861


>his high IQ

does not exist

>> No.12738871



>> No.12738879

what is kek trying to tell us?

>> No.12739049

I knew a milf who fucked Sergey. It was her hobby and she was open about it. She told me that it felt wonderful being able to provide romantic love and intimacy for people who struggled so hard to understand the world. The way she described it was like being fucked by an animal, since they operate on instinct when it comes to sex. Most are chronic masturbators and and desensitized to sustained contact, so retards fuck hard, long and are very selfish. She enjoyed seducing him, and the way he reacted when she let on that she was serious and wanted him to mount her. She told me that she never used condoms when she was fucking retards, not because she liked them, but because it was degrading and thrilling for such terribly mishaphen people to cum inside of her and get her pregnant. According to her, she had aborted 15 retard babies over the years. Think about that. Think about how much sex with retards she had to have been having to get knocked up woth downie spawn 15 times. She was hot as fuck even at 40 but after knowing that possibly a hundred or more 'tards had their way with her over the years, I couldn't bring myself to try and seduce her. She seemed really into me though, and I'm not really sure why..