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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 549 KB, 800x450, ltopajeets.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12736839 No.12736839 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else can't wait for these retards to lose all their money in LTO? honestly hope they lose their car house and family haha. fucking idiots.

I'll be here comfy with my 200k LINK watching your dreams burn to the ground, faggots. This also applies to every other scamcoin like chx btt qnt whatever else.

>> No.12736945

what a miserable little faggot you are hahaha

>> No.12736979

me, can't wait for the LTO QNT pajeeters to stop flooding the board with their absolute garbage no value whatsoever tokens.

you laugh now but at some point your pajeet gambling absolute trash will not work out and you are going to lose all your value.

>> No.12737186

haha just imagining u idiots losing ur money and crying ur eyes out makes me more happy than ive been my entire life

>> No.12737347

sounds like ur a broke ass nigger that doesn't know how to make money, stay broke faggot

>> No.12737359

i have 200k link you dumb faggot, i know the schooling is bad in india but you should at least know how multiplication works, oh wait if you're shilling LTO you probably don't know how multiplication works since you think the MC is 3m LMAO kys

>> No.12737504

link is doing fuck all right now. your an absolute brainlet if you don't know LTO is the pump to ride right now. i don't give a fuck what a shitcoin does so long as it's going up. already up 3x, I'm not losing money on this one.

>> No.12737555

You sound jelly as fuck

>> No.12737683

> I ride pnds on absolute trash
you'll get stuck and lose big time soon enough.

>> No.12737710

thats some good cope pajeet, I also bought BTC at 2 cents lol.

why would I be jealous? you guys dont even use toilets

>> No.12737853

there wasn't even a market for btc at 2 cents. I remember.
kek. how can I possible lose big time on a coin that I'm already up 3x on? this isn't my first rodeo.

>> No.12737871

you sound hurt

>> No.12738566
File: 127 KB, 1109x1280, 1549342205312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so dense you cant switch your bias from shitcoin to shitcoin. stay poor stinky linkie

>> No.12738588
File: 178 KB, 1280x734, 1549523072398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look man, the rest of us already accumulated. Shitposting FUD on /biz/ isnt gonna keep this thing down to give you more time, either fomo in or wait for the next pump. It's nothing to get your panties in a bunch about if you feel like you missed this one.

>> No.12738909

Bounces between top 1-3 vol on IDEX.

Sorry OP. It's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Still got another 5-6x in it. You didn't miss the boat.

>> No.12739718

>your an absolute brainlet
Kek! This gets me every time...