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File: 75 KB, 635x456, 2019_02_12_16_13_14_Jason_Schreier_on_Twitter_As_they_brace_for_today_s_layoffs_Blizzard_employee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12736309 No.12736309 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12736322


>> No.12736324

fuck blizzard. it's been making shitty games for the last 15 years. d2 was last good game

>> No.12736325

play sjw games win no prizes

>> No.12736327

this is what they deserve for ruining WoW you faggots

>> No.12736328


>> No.12736332
File: 127 KB, 481x856, 5F7E16F7-AC5F-46D4-94A0-33DE2622B9DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All men I'm guessing?

>> No.12736334

>tfw I can remember playing WC3 for 12 hours a day back in 2004 with my tea and chocolates playing comfy custom games

>> No.12736336

Blizzard is a dying company, they had a good thing going but fucked themselves. The old guys have already left and probably dumped their stocks a long time ago.

>> No.12736337

I will press F, but to say fuck to this company. Fuck the poor choices they made. Most of the valuable staff left long ago anyways.

Looks like classic is gonna be even worst than my worst expectations.
>inb4 much mmorpg
Fuck you zoomers

>> No.12736350


>> No.12736376

True af

>> No.12736387

>Looks like classic is gonna be even worst than my worst expectations.

Why? what happen?

>> No.12736391

non-gamer here, can i get a quick rundown?

>> No.12736393

Gaming bubble finally bursting? Gamestop and EA should go under next.

>> No.12736402


>> No.12736414
File: 62 KB, 610x425, european-union-population-pyramid-2016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not enough kids, blizzard peaked when millenal large generations peaked and also got lucky hitting a jackpot with diablo, starcrafts and wow. not gonna return to their former glory ever again. i would just shut down company and focus on running starcraft tournaments from now on since esports is the thing now

>> No.12736422

Poor results, they are firing

>> No.12736432

I'm just happy another SJW company is going under. Don't be mistaken, many of these companies like Buzzfeed, EA and Blizzard are actually still profitable but it seems investors are giving up on exponential growth and now are just laying off a bunch of the fat (hopefully diversity hires and other useless people) to have an actual normal linear growth business like everyone else.

I'm not pressing F for these social justice pieces of shit.

>> No.12736434

Are you retarded?

>> No.12736451

This and this.

I was a shareholder... but when they annoucned diablo 2 immortal, i sold. It was a rip off mobile game, when quite literally the old croud is where they make their money. We played d2 when we where kids.. im 30 now, ill gladly play 200$ for a badass diablo 4(if its like d2)

But nah. Fuck that lets get zoomers with mobile gaming.

Blizzard died years ago

>> No.12736461

It's weird that they were unable to make diablo 3 good;. It's not like they have tons of other projects..

>> No.12736473

It's not like the fan base of WC3 and D2 are older now with actual money to buy nostalgia driven games. :')

>> No.12736474

Was made by a different team, like wow after BC.

>> No.12736494

those fuckers been pushing that progressive bullshit. they deserve it

>> No.12736508

Seriously its amazing . Whatever tho... just means i buy more guns

>> No.12736538
File: 349 KB, 621x605, 1549938602578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12736546

I really loved WC3, D2 lan parties and Fallout 2,3 and NV.

D3 and Fallout 4 made me stop playing games.

>> No.12736574

Its not even the same people who made Blizzard great. Sucks that they lost their jobs though

>> No.12736701

I’ll push L to LOL.

>> No.12736793

Nothing changes. The execs that made all of the decisions stay. They still get their giant bonuses. They run the company into the ground, jump off with golden parachutes and find another company to latch on to.

>> No.12736823

I fucking hate Kotaku and video game "journalists"

>> No.12736831

BfA was such a fucking turd. Overwatch was done after a month.
They canned 4 years of work on two unreleased games.
Now mobile Diablo? Action rpg on platform with shitcontrols?
So fucking stupid.

Maybe classic wow will give them some relief. I imagine lots of nostalgia boomers getting into it again.