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12730711 No.12730711 [Reply] [Original]

I see threads occasionally of people saying that they will off themselves but thow do we know if it is a larp or not. I know its been a tough year in crypto for everyone but have some people really lost everything and find that there is no point in living? i thought going all in was just a meme

>> No.12730721

Many killed themselves

>> No.12730726

no it's a meme.

nobody killed themselves in the "great depression" or whatever either

it's a meme and propaganda for govt to 'protect' the people

>> No.12730732

I was stopped by police on my way to a famous suicide spot, and three times had a noose around my neck.

I'm sure others had more balls and went through with it.

pro tip: it's not the money loss that does it, it's the obsession and chart-watching and brain damage from the relentless emotional beatings watching things go up/down.

>> No.12730740

yes i have been and probably will more

>> No.12730741


Based suicide is a psyop poster

>> No.12730749

For sure. I've personally lost over half a million dollars in paper profits. I'm an emotional wreck and have basically destroyed my mental and physical health. I have grey hairs and I'm not 30 yet. Considering offing myself but willing to wait *1 more* year to see if BTC picks up ahead of the halvening. If we're still ogre by Jan 2020 I'm outta here.

>> No.12730750

Does it matter? Just worry about you and yours. When I see mouth breathers saying shit like "if LINK doesn't make me rich then i'm gonna kill myself", I just don't care because they did it to themselves. Even if someone told them to buy LINK, they're the ones who actually did it. So yeah, I don't care about them in the slightest. The world has too many people, anyway. Consider it natural selection.

>> No.12730850
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i see threads and posts like that all the time. I know you view it as 'the strong getting stronger and the weak getting weaker' but i think there is almost zero difference between the person who shorts everything on bitmex and the person who longs everything only one can win and live a happy, fun life so that the other can commit suicide and die early. i dont want that. when i signed up to /biz in august 2017 i never wanted any of these feels to come with me. but here they are and here i am.

>> No.12730910

I thought about that, and I've come to the sad realization that life is a competition. For there to be winners there have to be losers. On the food chain we're winning while other animals are losing, we need them to lose for us to have comfort. If somehow every human being lived comfortably, we would all make kids to the point that eventually there aren't enough resources for everyone and competition arises again, with the winners who live and the losers who die. That's a depressing realization, but it is what it is. I wish we could all make it, all of us and all the animals, but we can't, the losers die to keep the winners alive.

>> No.12730952
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go teach high school then desu. if you can't handle the minor existential distress caused by getting rich clicking buttons you don't deserve it. ever met an asshole? just imagine that asshole is the person on the other side of the trade. they're probably someone who watches Tosh.0 and wants you dead, fuck them

>> No.12730962

this is a bit medieval. today a loser can enjoy life by playing vidya, he can be even happy, he wont be considering himself loser, his cope will become the reality of his life. it is possible today. and in the future the situation will improve even more, to a point where 99% of society will live a happy life and the only sad few will remain, because they are too statistically insignificant to bother.

>> No.12731036

When I say loser I mean the one who dies so someone else gets to live comfortably. The animal that gets eaten loses, the one that eats it enjoys a good meal, the guy who kills himself because he's lost it all on bitmex loses, the one who was on the other side of his trade enjoys his money.

The one spending his days playing vidya is a winner, because he gets to live. The animals and plants he eats are the losers, cause they get to die to keep him fed. If 100% of society is well fed and happy, the population will explode to the point there will not be enough food for everyone, and then there won't be 100% of society well fed anymore, there'll be those who get the food and get to live, and those who get killed or die of hunger. If everyone was happy, that couldn't last.

>> No.12731095

the thing is: wealth is relative. Imagine how our ancestors long time ago would have killed to have drinkable water available + heat + fresh food + antibiotics. Even a poor is privileged compared to the majority of our ancestors. And yet he feels shitty because he compares himself to others now. We are surrounded by amazing things we take for granted.

>> No.12731166

Thats just the mindset the elite want you to have to be contempt being poor, I think we are all pretty greatful for modern living conditions, just not grateful that we have to work our lives away for those things.

>> No.12731212

there was a thot who had a beta orbiter roommate. he ended up gifting her about $120k worth of ETH which she didn't know how to manage so she went to reddit asking how to withdraw it and file taxes etc. they kept prying for more info about it and she admitted that when she left to stay at her boyfriend's for a weekend she came back to him dead in the apartment.

>> No.12731265

that's insane. I would literally go to her house, break in and steal it back risking a charge if I have to. Beat her ass for it if need be, it's 120k after all and belongs to you. What a sad tale

>> No.12731305

yes even the reddit white knights weren't showing much sympathy since it was clear she was exploiting him for the money. typical asian thot behavior.

>> No.12731503

Our ancestors worked for improvements, they knew their children would be better off.
Today it's the opposite.