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12729375 No.12729375 [Reply] [Original]

Reply to this thread if you will be attending the yacht party and also one item that you will be bringing

>> No.12729382
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> not my gf because I still won't be able to get one

>> No.12729383


>> No.12729384
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Hello glow in the dark assassins.

>> No.12729385

I'd like to rsvp
I'll bring one braphog

>> No.12729387

I'll bring the solo cups and paper plates

>> No.12729396

*sniffffffff* yes my dear

>> No.12729401

Hi, I’ll bring Big Macs

>> No.12729409

Yes stinky French cheese

>> No.12729410

Ill be coming in my gold plated tuxedo

>> No.12729440

ill bring a gun to rob all the linkies

>> No.12729451

I'll bring security so we can capture and torture this fag.

>> No.12729452

my virgin cock

>> No.12729453

Gunna have to guided missile this one boys

>> No.12729462
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XRP bagholder spotted

>> No.12729471

Link is a religion at this point. Ever wonder why christfags freak out if you say there is no god? I mean why should it matter what you think? They should just assume you are going to hell and it shouldnt even bother them. But it does.

Its because you are directly challenging their delusion. Delusions are easier to believe in when they are shared delusions. You become a living reminder they are completely wasting their time on fake nonsense. It means there is no afterlife and they are going to die. Their tiny chimpanzee brain cant handle this and totally chimps out. Its the same with linkies.

They will never be successful because their bags are too small to win with BTC alone. So they have convinced themselves that link is some kind of miracle coin that will yield 1,000,000x returns. It doesnt even make sense, but the alternative is they kill themselves in a bathtub in a few years, and their simian brain freaks out. Its trying to hold onto whatever thin hope it can scrape together.

>> No.12729473

I will be there.
I'll bring a very large cheese platter for the party. With lots of stinky blue cheese.

>> No.12729478
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I’m coming, and I’ll be wearing a Michael Jordan jersey (exactly like pic related). I’ll also be bringing a shirt that looks almost like Sergey’s, and fits almost as bad, for a group photo of all the marines who managed to get similar flannels.

>> No.12729480

My turntables, you know who it is :)

>> No.12729484

Also probably gonna say hi to as many people as I can since I love all of you

>> No.12729489

Yes, a rubber duckie

>> No.12729505

ah yes of course, we shall all bring our wallets! Finally we shall finish our ritual, then off we all go!

>> No.12729511


>> No.12729520

Rumor is Deadmau5 owns over 1M LINK and will headline the yacht party

>> No.12729600

Pls yes

>> No.12729621
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there's a rumor Sergey met Taylor Swift in McDonald's after a rave in Los Angeles, he shilled her Link and since she was still high on molly she bought ~600k without thinking.
I can't confirm any of that but it sounds plausible.

>> No.12729622
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Yes, a live goat.

>> No.12729624

Hey yes I'm gonna bring various pool cleaner vacuums

>> No.12729628

Yo i’ll Bring the mdma and ketamine

>> No.12729649

It will be a mirracle if you crazy bastards don't capsize.

>> No.12729655

a torch

>> No.12729658

what happens when i bring my gf

>> No.12729680

She better be strapped in

>> No.12729700

I'll be there, and I'll bring 10,000 venomous spiders.

>> No.12729710

Me and herpes

>> No.12729766

Ive got the acid and nitrous
With our powers combined....

>> No.12729785

A baby seal on a leash.

>> No.12729844

I'll bring 100g of DMT

>> No.12729948

I'll bring a suicide vest to blow the boat up

>> No.12729958

Dmt and heroin boys.

>> No.12729986

2 LBs of high grade indica marijuana
30 packages of Kushy Punch TKO
1 LB of molly.
15 Asian hookers
2 Black hookers
3 trailer trash hookers
200 condoms

I hold 500k link.
Should I bring more goodies?

>> No.12729991
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i will bring 2 sex slaves

>> No.12730023


sweet, just need someone to bring the coke and the hookers and we're golden

>> No.12730044

I'll be bringing my social awkwardness

>> No.12730125

I'll bring nothing. People always say I bring nothing to the table. Post singularity I will be doing this both metaphorically and literally.
>will there be counsellors available on the yatch?

>> No.12730128


Thai or Venezuelan? I know Thai is standard but Venezuelans these days are cheap!

>> No.12730145

a pair of pants

>> No.12730201

i got some oracles that i need fixed maybe sergey can help me i’ll bring my oracles

>> No.12730401

Ill bring a couple bags of Takis lime and habenero, were going to need snacks right

>> No.12730586
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I'll bring my waifu body pillow.

>> No.12730624
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I would bring booze and my tobacco pipes for Latakia and whatever else is available

>> No.12730816

I'll come. Will bring box of dom Ps, molly and blow

>> No.12730847

I'll bring my Dreamcast with powerstone 2 inside

>> No.12730873
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Are we still going to the Icebox in Ropsten?

>> No.12730880

Yes coming to yacht party can bring very tastful curry the best curry so my chainlink friends do not get hungry from drugs and sex with chainlink position. IS Sergey come?

>> No.12730881
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I'll be there. I'm bringing a Dyson Airblade

>> No.12730892

I will bring spme high energy meteorite stones from Sibīrijā.
I asked my personal shaman if he would like to be participating in the yacht party but I have to wait for his mail to arrive at my port yet.
If he confirmes I will try to smuggle ayahuasca in my sailboats water tanks.

>> No.12730914

I can cover that

>> No.12730956

I’ll bring my LTO tokens

>> No.12730970
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This guy fucks

>> No.12730971
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I will be coming.
I'll be bringing exactly 387lbs of grass fed holstein ribeyes. Why holstein? Because fuck you that's why, and that's what I'm going to be bringing. Someone bring a grill.

>> No.12730989

I'll bring the traps

>> No.12730998

A ribeye from a dairy cow? Eww no thanks.

>> No.12731002

We'll feast on the meat of swinglinkers

>> No.12731017

Whos bringing the yachts??

>> No.12731042


>> No.12731056
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Come below deck if you want to experiment

>> No.12731061
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I’ll bring connect 4

>> No.12731100

They actually have a higher lean meat yield than (((Angus))). Just like Brahma bulls have a higher fat content than (((Angus))).
In fact, I'll just bring Brahman, so we can make the pajeets flee in fear.

>> No.12731106

Building up Steam eh? Gotta releave that pressure. Maybe this is a Computer Simulation of Delusion brought to you by Industrial Revolution 3.0, Seems like an Anonymous Decentralization of ideas, it would be delusion to think that would lead to the 4th Industrial Revolution ;^)

>> No.12731165


I'll bring the extra absorbent paper towels and my positive attitude

>> No.12731235

absolutely based

>> No.12731249

I’m coming and I’m bringing my cousin Phil. He loves getting stupidly fucking drunk and fighting people. One time he threw a guy out a window.

>> No.12731290

Cool. I'm in.

>> No.12731314

Before everybody gets drunk, can somebody help me set up an oracle?

>> No.12731383

Top-tier combo. Don't forget the laser show and fog machine though.

>> No.12731397

I guess I'll bring the laser and fog machine... and do your drugs.

>> No.12731451

You fags really are a fucken CULT!!this piece of shit is fucking DUMPONG and you fucks are posting this stupid shit!! I own LINK and it makes me want th o sell when i see this stupid shit posted. Im starting to think thi is is a fucking children's coin...i knew i should of sold the last pump.. fuck me!!!

>> No.12731540


Sounds like a great way to get robbed/kidnapped/disposed of.

>> No.12731564


>> No.12731646
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Liking your shopping list, lad.

Imma bring my cum-stained, vaginal juices-dipped copy of Prometheus Rising. In case yall feel like summoning some shit

>> No.12731663

I’ll be bring my Springfield XD 9 with hollow points

>> No.12731675
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>> No.12731870

Based and linkpilled

>> No.12731892

thank you delphi, very cool!

>> No.12732166

350k LINK holder and connects with some big pharma oldfags... I’ll be bringing a fat stash of extremely rare quaaludes for my fellow marines

>> No.12732182

Yes I would like to attend and I'll be bringing my extensive collection of board games.

>> No.12732202

god damn it why does this always make me laugh so hard

>> No.12732206

I'll bring some bud.

>> No.12732468

I could bring the sodas I guess

>> No.12732478

240k link holder.

I'll come, but I'll bring a knife and some cocaine

>> No.12732616

Ill be bringing my kidnapping kit.

t. nolinker

>> No.12733443

since i have the most linkies on this board i will be organizing it faggot, so you will all be bringing me gifts and hookers

>> No.12733628
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>> No.12733889

I will bring my yacht. It will consist of five rubber ducks attached to each other, in a row of course. The biggest one will be painted in the colors of Sergey's shirt. It will be glorious!

>> No.12733890

how many linkies must one hold to attend?

>> No.12733927

I think the amount is not that important. I would say the time held without selling is more significant.

>> No.12733937

I will send my hologram to the yacht party

>> No.12733984
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I'll buy this duck and bring it with me

>> No.12734022

lots of A5 wagyu straight from nippon and a few chosen manga whores that look like nami and robbin that each will be packed with an analplug made of compressed coca-jewl.

>> No.12734044

No. Im just going to bask in my gains in peace. Especially after seeing this post


this stupid autist could still be out there waiting

>> No.12734082

LoL! Fear me, worm!

>> No.12734085

oh fuck.

>> No.12734091

thinking we wont party Mcafee style

>> No.12734144

I'm gonna bring the good times, and the laughter too. We gonna celebrate your party with you, come on now...


>> No.12734164

There will be security at the yacht party.
We will hire Academi Ex Special Forces to protect our asses from crazy retards like that guy.

>> No.12734221

Will bring McNuggets

>> No.12734245

I always just assume this is a larp or not serious, but if we all make it I can't stress how bad of an idea this is for so many reasons. Never tell anyone of your wealth. Many of you won't understand how important this is until its already too late.

>> No.12734266

I will bring my gold plated dragon dildos to share

>> No.12734269

Then by all means sell and fill my buy order faggot or shut the fuck up

>> No.12734295

I'm gonna a be hiring hitmen snipers and have them shoot the legs of targets. Then once people start freaking out and starts to escape, capture the immobile patrons.

Of course I will patch them up once they are relocated once they are relocated to a secret area (I'm a med student). In addition, I will surgically place a bomb inside their chest cavity that is capable of remote detonation.
Once they wake up, I can torture them to give up their linkies. If they try to double cross me, i can remotely detonate the bomb.

Alternatively, I can blackmail some allu akhbar by keeping his family hostage and send him to the party. The amount of linkies that will be taken out of circulation forever can drive up it's price too.

Any other ideas?

>> No.12734339
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Challenge accepted.

>> No.12734435
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You can bet ur buns ill b there. I'm bringing my conjoined twin, Ahmed

>> No.12735144

>implying the rest of us won't be armed to the teeth as well
I personally will be shoulder holstering a compact and I'll have more guns in my dunnage

>> No.12735156

>dankest weed and whiskey

>> No.12735242
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Dont forget to bring whores. My balls are heavy

>> No.12735852

It would be safer to do a cruise, but less debauchery of coarse.

>> No.12736348

Yes, I'll bring positive thoughts, positive and collective thoughts.

>> No.12737473


>> No.12737583

I’ll bring some XXXL Plaid shirts

>> No.12737601

i'll be there fren. me bring bradstix

>> No.12737640

Again, by the time link moons I will probably have 10 mil links.

I will bring the yacht and the security (ex spec ops academy) to protect us from all the edgy retards on this board.

It will be off the coast of Mallorca. All of you faggots need to bring the hookers and drugs.also you will need to prove you bought linkies way before the moon before you get in.

>> No.12737702

Investigative journalist here. I'll be bringing kalashnikov.

>> No.12737732

If you were steakanon from a while back, I look forward to your cooking.
Will bring a george foreman just to piss you off, then reveal that I brought a proper grill

>> No.12738125

Heart, vays, song, ver not allowed.

>> No.12738133

dick fart is a lactating sodomite what belongs in an oven.

>> No.12738601

get rekt nonlinker I will chainlink my fists in your face hehehe

>> No.12738702

Pleads don’t be a larp

>> No.12738856
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I will bring duck sauce

>> No.12738867

I'll bring a literal pallet full of all sorts of different cases of beer. No worries, I'll pay for the loader too. This yacht party is gonna be fucking dope.