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12728384 No.12728384 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got any good money saving tips?

I already live pretty frugally so it's pretty funny seeing normies get enraged at the fact that I can live very cheaply for my area.

The more jewish the better.

>> No.12728392

Have you tried using old shirts and cloth rags as toilet paper?

>> No.12728393

Once your savings reach a certain level your goal should not be to save more money but to MAKE more money.

>> No.12728394

When you get money, don't spend it.

>> No.12728400

never eat out
use bicycle and bus
use free napkins as toilet paper
or reuse and wash a wash clothe for toilet paper
pee in the sink

>> No.12728408
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>or reuse and wash a wash clothe for toilet paper
you're a fucking swine for even suggesting this

>> No.12728434
File: 30 KB, 423x566, 5f0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us jews are the master race and all the faggots on this board hate us b/c they ain't us. we'll never tell our secrets.

>> No.12728437

buy things with no questions asked returns policy

things like video games, furniture, even food can be bought like this

>> No.12728440

i knew whole families growing up that shared a shit cloth you privileged cunt

you moisten it before you use it and wash it in the sink after use

>> No.12728441

tell your dad he can go in your ass and you wont get pregnant, tell him to pull out at the last moment when he's in the other hole to save money on condoms

>> No.12728457

Buy supplies in bulk or on sale
Find a friend with Costco membership and load up on soap, razors, toilet paper, shampoo and shit like that that won't go bad
Don't smoke cigs
Don't do drugs
Don't drink alcohol
Don't gamble
Don't pay for sex. If you want real human interaction find roasties online and invite them over for fun or find extremely cheap or free dates if needed like walking around a park or museum or a discount movie
Don't pay any bank/credit card or late fees or interest
Buy food in bulk or on sale same as above. Stuff like chicken thighs on sale are great value and good taste.
Use less stuff. Less toilet paper, less soap, less water, less shaving cream, less heat, less electricity. It all adds up.
Cut your own hair or find the cheapest possible place to have it cut. Go maybe 1x a month or less
Obviously don't pay for any books, games, music, movies. Pirate all that shit.
If you need clothes go to local Goodwill or salvation army store. Or browse Craigslist for used stuff.
Don't buy gifts for others and don't expect to receive any. Birthdays, Christmas, mothers day, etc. Just tell everyone you don't want to waste the money and you don't want them to get you any gifts either.
Don't pay for shipping.
Use coupons
Get rid of your tv if you have one
Examine any subscriptions and cut back if you have any
Price shop your insurance once a year if you have any. Car, life, health, etc.
Get a cheaper phone plan

>> No.12728459
File: 65 KB, 705x602, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait of the century right here.

>> No.12728468

Please be real

>> No.12728481

If you're going to buy a car, buy used. You can usually get something around 4k that looks decent and has low enough mileage that it'll last for several years. Cook your own food and eat simple meals. As a general note on technology, keep using your old shit until it doesn't work anymore.

>> No.12728487
File: 91 KB, 501x599, 501px-Nara_period_toilet_paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try the environmentally-friendly Japanese alternative to toilet paper.

>> No.12728491
File: 51 KB, 446x299, larry-david-tca-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bait you fucking nazi I'm more jewish than larry david (who happened to be my neighbor growing up).

>> No.12728505

not me, but other kids i grew up with. i found out its pretty normal when i had to use the bathroom at a friends house as a kid.

a shit cloth is far better than the middle east where they just use there left hand and a jug of water


>> No.12728510

Buy rice and pasta in bulk. Most cost-effective calories.

>> No.12728524


>> No.12728570

Tell us a story about sleepovers at the Cletus family shack. Did you bring your own toilet paper or borrow someone’s shit rag? Serious question

>> No.12728637
File: 33 KB, 256x319, ayyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes your posts are definitely bait, but also hilarious. Have an upboat based semite man.

>> No.12728765
File: 203 KB, 349x491, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brother came in the shitcloth

>> No.12728814

Isn't it funny how the people most obsessed with saving money are the same peoole constantly bitching and stressing that their shit never works?

I know someone like that; lives totally on the cheap and always running around town refunfing broken shit and stressing over warranty certificates.

He also bitch tits from using plastic cooking utensiles and cheap plastic cooking appliances.
> protip: heat and plastic is not a good combination.

I'm not exactly rich. I'm a minimalist who spends a little extra on good quality and durability. I have ZERO such problems.

>> No.12728837

This. I wanna know where you grew up. My bet is on Baltimore.

>> No.12728870

Can any /fit/fags in the thread say which of these is the least feminizing?

>> No.12728883

Okay....so the second part, are you aiming for a clean cloth or mostly ok. I mean how does the washer handle that and washing t-shirts after the rags.

>> No.12728955


>> No.12728958

if you smoke, don't switch to rolling your own cigarettes or try to quit cold turkey, just get a vape. You will recoup the investment in a week and it's the easiest way to quit if that's your plan. Not a Juul (dumbest purchase possible other than cigarette boxes)

Build your credit for years until you can carry a handful of 20,000 cash loans. Put them all in Ethereum and move to Thailand

>> No.12728978

after i learn then i bringed my own shit cloth with me.
you cant even flush tp where im from the plumbing cant handle it so you throw shitty tp in the trash its normal

puebla mexico

just hand wash it in sink with soap and water

>> No.12728981

How fucked would you get if you actually did this. It just disappears in 7 years right?

>> No.12728985

I have no idea. But one major problem I just noticed with my plan is that vaping is illegal in Thailand

>> No.12729019

Prostitution is also illegal ;)

>> No.12729047

Buy credit card numbers and drugs off the dark web. drugs sell for 3X-10X profit. Credit card fraud is never prosecuted at the local level. One of these is safer and the other one gets you $ fast

>> No.12729102
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Nah the worst thing is mom's flow

>> No.12729107


>> No.12729110

How does peeing in the sink save money

>> No.12729141

Jews down that water bill

>> No.12729157

Live in your car for a couple years and save whatever money would be spent on rent.

Buy foods in bulk (Lentils, rice, beans, oats, etc).

Avoid disposable things like toilet paper and its derivatives, use water to wash your ass and cotton towels for cleaning and drying, not paper towels.

Dumpster dive, buy marked down clearence items whenever possible.

Buy second hand clothes, drive used cars, dont eat out ever, hand wash your clothes, use a drying line, only heat the room you are using, never waste food.

Basically just look up what people did during the depression and copy them.

>> No.12729168

Great post

>> No.12729196
