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12725972 No.12725972 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone hate the boss (me) so much? I am the one who gives them money. They all hang out, shit talk me, and never invite me to anything. I sometimes in my office see their social media and how much fun they have with each other. But they get silent and cold if I ever talk to them. They don't invite me to weddings and such. They act like im boring dull and rotten radioactive waste.

>> No.12725985

I changed some of their lives personally but they give each other credit for it. Anyone but me.

>> No.12726008

If no larp... Are you doing this to make money or friends?

>> No.12726010

because they're your slaves and you own them, this is the life you chose

>> No.12726013

You get what you pay for. How much are you paying them, compared to the industry average?

>> No.12726019

More info as:
-What type of work
-How many employees
-Age range.

>> No.12726029

Because they fear you. There is no way around it. You have to embrace it and try to make them fear you less if you want to be their friend.

>> No.12726030

>if you pay them more theyll invite you to weddings!
No faggot work is work, you cant be friends with the boss

>> No.12726083

you are superior to them. find an equal to befriend and talk about your shitty employees to.

>> No.12726259

quit being a faggot, your employees are not your friends, imagine "hanging" out with your someone, who will literally only suck your cock to make more money

this is why you hang out with people of equal value, get an expensive hobby or something, make friends anywhere else.

>> No.12726303

true they are all 20somethings. when I was you ger ten yrs ago it was different. I was the cool one. They all worshipped me. Now the zoomers are a diff breed. I hate them so much. They do nothing but party and go to events. They have no honor, no respect, no vision. They take their paycheck and just peace out. Where is the loyalty today?

>> No.12726312

> I am the one who gives them money.
hope this is a larp. your attitude very clearly shows why you are unlikeable

>> No.12726323
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> I hate them so much.
> Why won't they be my friend
loyalty is earned. you haven't earned it

fuck why am I responding to this boomer larp

>> No.12726336

>They all worshipped me.

>> No.12726345

how do I earn it? by kissing their ass?

>> No.12726372

no. you're some kind of psychopath and/or narcissist and they can smell it a long way that you have no genuine warm feelings for them and you can't be trusted. don't work on them. work on yourself. take a psychedelics trip or something. you might be neurologically incapable of changing, but it's worth a shot anyway if you really want what they have. that is, to actually have camaraderie and genuine friendship.

>> No.12726609

to be a cool likeable boss you have to allow yourself to be walked on. do you want that?

>heh sorry boss for being 5 minutes late
>I forgot to do it, sorry bro
>Can't come in today, quite sick

>> No.12726780

seems thats it because it just happens naturally

>> No.12726925

Ok now I know you’re larping

>> No.12726986

People like getting their ass kissed but they don't like the person who kisses ass.

>> No.12727437
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I wonder why?

>> No.12727455

Maybe all your employees are developmentally stunted losers like this anon.

>> No.12727546

This happened to my old boss that I liked. Sucks man. Some people just get off on being shitty to anyone who is doing better than them. It's crab mentality.

I'm trying to get hired at my old job so that the boss at least has someone who genuinely likes him and is looking out for him. Fuck these zoomer haters.