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12725739 No.12725739 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto price is driven by speculation.

Those calling for products, real world users, adoption, etc etc... fail to see that speculation has gotten us this far and has proven that it's not broken so I think it'll continue to work the same.

I think those that invest now are thinking ahead of the "herd." If the herd is coming after adoption, real products and all that, then they are basically waiting to buy google, amazon, and facebook when they've already mooned. We have the opportunity to get in before all that materializes and the funny thing is: the folks who aren't willing to buy now may be the same ones that buy your investments later on at MOON prices because it's "safe" at that point in their eyes.

Imagine that...

>> No.12725773
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thoughts /biz?

>> No.12725787

Were you here for the 2017 goldrush? We are not early... we are whats left on the field after the game is over. 2018 was fucking gettysburg for the crypto community. Yeah we freed the niggers but look how that worked out.

>> No.12725794

yeah, just dont be holding the alt bag when adoption comes and only hits btc/eth via second layers/sharding.

>> No.12725826

Bagholders are getting more delusional as this golden bear continues.

>> No.12725836
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biz brainlets can't comprehend this
by the time there is adoption there will be no gains

>> No.12725860

What's up with these newfags *demanding* replies?

>> No.12725878

What happens if I invested but now want to homestead and create a veganic garden? Am I not worthy of this new industrial revolution. I'll stick out like a sore thumb and my fund will be garnished by the CIA.

>> No.12725896

youre assuming that everyone who owns crypto will make it. but people here buy shit like LTO, CHX, QUANT, HOT, BCHSV, 0xBTC. You really think these people will make it? You think these are the early adopters of our time? Lol. Just fucking lol

>> No.12725984



>> No.12725996

exactly lmao. if we wanna used the classic cliche of comparing crypto to dot com, we're currently in the stage where 99% of projects go to $0. good luck picking the future googles, amazons, and facebooks in the meantime

>> No.12726000
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>> No.12726016


You could consider a yellow vest type protest except your sign could be: "Why is my green thumb illegal?"

>> No.12726637

Yeah imagine holding erc20 garbage like LINK, lol

>> No.12726861

It's not just speculation. Ethereum has at least one clear use case: ICOs.

>> No.12727150


hopefully we get ico 2.0 on the next bullrun with SEC's handsoff blessing

>> No.12727172
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>bagholders being this delusional

Crypto isn't "google, amazon and facebook". Look at where google, amazon and facebook were 10 years after they were launched, they were massive businesses solving real problems for real people, creating real utility.

Crypto is 10 years old and is still nothing more than shitty meme coins that people gamble on using unregulated exchanges.

>> No.12727234
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Fucking hate comments like this. Think big picture you stupid shit. Everything needs time to develop.

Exactly. But eventually all that lost emotional money succeed and funnel into the great projects (LINK if they can pull it off)

You basically stated the obvious OP. Things come in waves. Give it fucking time. This market will be worth a trillion businesses will snowball in when they see the value in reducing enormous departments into simple smart contracts that fetch API data.

>> No.12727261


>conveniently ignores all the research done on smart contracts and their added efficiency

>> No.12727269
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I have been here since 2013 and it is still early. Back in 2013 the challenge was buying bitcoin despite all the morons (buttcoiners) around everywhere saying "hurr durr, bitcoin is pogs and tulips." If you bought in 2013 you deserve your gains because literally everybody around you said you were an idiot.
Now the challenge is buying the RIGHT crypto despite all the ooking and eeking from shitcoin bagholders, Coretards and other late-to-the-game trash. Those who choose wisely now are still early adopters in the sense that they are able to see something 99.99% of the population cannot.
Bitcoin will be out of the early adopter phase when around 50% of investors have at least some bitcoin in their portfolio for hedging instead of speculative purposes. That time is still quite far away, but it will be here before you know it.

>> No.12727285

>Everything needs time to develop.

Yet Bitcoin has had 10 years and it still doesn't have a purpose besides buying it in hopes that you can sell it for more eventually.

>> No.12727369

anonymous payments over the internet is a use case, and is being used a lot on the darknet. Soon, micropayments will be feasible and widely used for content like twitter, youtube tipping, and watching ads (like Brave but not necessarily BAT unfortunately). Also remittances (international payment without getting ripped off if you don't have a bank account) can already be done but it just isn't popular enough yet, but will be with more adoption. But ya keep comparing digital currencies to companies I'm sure you'll make it.

>> No.12727445

Protip: everyone was waiting for the big mainstream bubble in 2013. Nobody knew what the fuck Bitcoin was back then, people were betting that there would be a bubble once mainstream knowledge arose. But that's done, we already had the 100x bubble, we already became mainstream. Once the ponzi becomes wide knowledge, the ponzi is done.

>> No.12727482

We didn't even hit .com size yet. The real bubble hasn't started.

That's what holo is for