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12724298 No.12724298 [Reply] [Original]

Mom wants me to pay rent while I am 19 and still studying. She tells me that it is going to be a valuable lesson for me into my future. Paying the rent will mean that I have to work 20h/week alongside going to school.

What do?

>> No.12724315

poison her

>> No.12724318

Dont pay rent, she cant just drag you out of the house

>> No.12724322

time to start sucking dick on the street

>> No.12724349

Kek I knew the first comment would be something along the lines of "kill her".

OP tell her you can't afford it but you can pay her after you graduate and get a job.

>> No.12724399


apparently she can since I am 18 already, or so has told me my friend who's good in law

I told her something similar and she told me that her current partner also worked while he went to school and that it shaped him into a man or whatever. she is blindfolded by love, don't think she's gonna listen to common sense now

>> No.12724421

find a fuckin' place to live alone and tell her you won't give her a single penny out of your billions earnt off cryptos

>> No.12724432

Just pay her rent you entitled fuck. Negotiate the price if you believe it’s too high. She’s right, it will teach you how to become a man. You certainly aren’t one now if this thread is any indication.

>> No.12724434

I think it's a good idea. Realistically, you won't have time for anything but.

>> No.12724448

you can call her bluff my telling her she can let you live rent free because it's important while you study, or you can never talk to her ever again

see which ones she chooses,

>> No.12724467

>t. boomer

>> No.12724484

Most likely situation is your mom is deep in debt or struggling to make her monthly payments so she sees you as an easy fix to her problems
If she actually cared about you having good habits she'd encourage you to build savings instead of paying her rent
See if she will let you put "rent" into a savings account that's in your name only every month and maybe agree to show her monthly statements to ease her mind
That will help you get into good habits and have a nest egg when you leave

>> No.12724533


Sounds like you better get a job. Preferably one that's physical labor. Do you really want to take advice from the neets on this board telling you not to?

>> No.12724547


No its called contributing to the household that you've lived in for the last 19 years. Everything is a giant conspiracy with you faggots.

>> No.12724579

what the fuck is wrong with you faggots?
>oh no, I have to work part time while I'm in school
welcome to the real world faggot. you have it a lot easier than many of your classmates you fragile fucking snowflake.

>> No.12724612

If Mom cared about you, she wouldn’t have left dad and been a single parent raising a useless little fag. Good luck.

>> No.12724634

>wagecucking while still having school will teach you how to become a man

>> No.12724637

I'd then literally have to start working 40h/week to pay the full rent

how is that gonna teach me a lesson? I have no problem working and saving that money for future - actually I've been doing that before paying the rent, but I don't see the point in working just to have a place to live in when I am still studying

why? because of the lesson?

what if she chooses the second option to teach me another lesson and I am literally homeless then?

she is not really struggling, it was her boyfriend's idea actually. he told her that I am going to grow up spoiled unless I start paying her the rent money and find a job alongside the school

not really, I have it by far worst out of everybody I know at my age in school
now ever since I am paying her rent I don't get even a dollar from her since my dad is sending me $150 every month for food (they are divorced)

>> No.12724676

>I'd then literally have to start working 40h/week to pay the full rent

oh ffs. Its called building character. And yes you will hate it. But what it will show you is that you can either a) not work b) work really c) work really smart.

Plus it will teach you good life skills. Go out there and do it.

>> No.12724679

20h a week? Should be enough to move out and pay for your own...

>> No.12724681

Tell her BF he can go fuck himself. Extra points if you smash his car with a baseball bat. Tell your mom that if she wants rent you're gonna go live alone and she will NEVER hear about you again. Work the 40hrs if you need to. Tell your real dad that $150 isn't enough(if he doesn't have a good reason to not give you more then take your baseball bat get creative).

These fucking boomers are all retarded. Give them some reality. Ofc don't leave any evidence.

If you are in USA then order some xan from darkweb and resell it for some $.

>> No.12724683


b) work really hard for a long time

> dammit

>> No.12724687

no dude, you don't have it worse than everyone else. working part time to support yourself in school is a damn luxury. most people have to either work full time, or take out cost of living loans, which is a very bad idea.
grow some fucking testicles, either pay rent at moms house of move in with friends and pay rent there. I was living on my own at 17, I have a hard time understanding fags like you who don't know how to make it through college without mommy and daddy. I'm telling you, you're still on easy mode anon....stop being a bitch.

>> No.12724697


>> No.12724707

There's no conspiracy it's just retarded
Parents taking care of their kids for 18 years then throwing them out is the dumbest shit ever, totally arbitrary

>> No.12724724

his mom isn't throwing him out, she just wants him to contribute. as a parent, why the fuck would you keep wiping your kids ass when they're 10? you don't.....because they are capable of doing it themselves, and that's the expectation.

>> No.12724734

She will throw him out though if he doesn't pay
Otherwise it's an empty threat
Why are you such a fag? You sound like the wagies who think "contributing to society" actually matters

>> No.12724743


The contradiction of biz appears once again: a bunch of rabid anarcho-capitalist neet's who actually don't respect anyone else's right's to property and free market values in general.

> not surprised

>> No.12724754

No one is saying the mom should be forced to house the kid
If she wants to charge rent or kick him out it's her right
But she's still a retarded boomer

>> No.12724755

I'm a boomer who knows a thing or two about respect. OPs mom's boyfriend and me are drinking buddies, and I hate all you useless zoomer fags.

>> No.12724763

being a student isn’t a full time job you faggot. go get a mcwagie job while getting your meme degree.

>> No.12724779

Boomer detected

>> No.12724786

tell her that if she has financial difficulty, you understand, and will do what is necessary for the family to stay afloat, but that if that isn't the reason and she makes your life extra difficult for you during your attempt at getting an education instead of being supportive of your attempt to get good grades and make something of yourself in life, it might poison your relationship. t

desu its already over. are you a single child? if so, I'd actually try to ditch after finding a cheap place to live (somewhere with flatmates). your mother betrayed you. it doesn't matter if she knows. I'm sure she convinced herself she is doing the right thing when following her boyfriend's advice, but it doesn't matter. you can't erase this betrayal.

there's a good chance that the boyfriend actually hopes that instead of paying rent, you get mad and move out of home. he likely doesn't like you and wants you out of the picture.

I've been in a similar situation before and while I try to have some contact with my mom, 10 years later I still can't really forgive her, and I refuse to have any contact with her husband due to problems between him and me. If it weren't for my sister and extended family on my mother's side, I would likely have cut her off completely.

>> No.12724799


>> No.12724800

>as a parent, why the fuck would you keep wiping your kids ass when they're 10?
He's getting an education. It's not 1960 anymore. Spending money and energy at a minimum wage job instead of getting better grades at college is either detrimental to his future or pretty much pointless depending on how many work hours he takes on.

>> No.12724806

Sure I'll pay rent
Just not to you

>> No.12724811


How big is your projector?

>> No.12724855

What? working part time is detrimental to his future? holy shit, you are seriously delusional. the world isn't going to handle OP with kid gloves on like his mom is doing right now. sooner he gets his shit together, the better off he'll be.

>> No.12724860

maybe you should stop being a little bitch. its literally only 20H/week. you sound very entitled. your mother owes you nothing now that youre 18, maybe you should be grateful.

>> No.12724874

this is fucking easy mode. part time work while going to school is base level stuff. you guys need a reality check.

>> No.12724911

the better grades he has, the better off he'll be. this "character building" stunt is fucking retarded if it comes at the expense of his career.
>this is fucking easy mode.
for someone who doesn't aim for top grades or has super good memory and/or studies something shit easy with low competition both in the degree and in the work life afterwards, sure.

As the 33yo boomer you probably are, you don't know how cutthroat it is to be a college graduate nowadays in most fields. You need every win during your education that you can get.

>> No.12724944

as someone who is probably in late HS or freshman college (guessing never had a job.. blind leading the blind) - you have no idea what you are talking about. work experience in some form builds so many skills outside of work duties.

>> No.12724958

Get a job lazy zoomer

>> No.12724984

I'm a 35yo boomer myself, but I have younger siblings and I know how different the environment is now from when I graduated. People I graduated with all got nice job offers easily after graduation even if they got mediocre grades. People their age who graduated who didn't get top grades wasted 3-5 years of their lives. Half their friends from school largely feel like failures working as waiters and other unrelated to their field bullshit.

Working builds a good cognitive skillset, yes. No one is disputing this. It is, however, not worth it if it interferes with their grades and thus career. Things aren't as easy as when I was young.

>> No.12725004

Go live in the dorms for a year or two. Take on debt if you need to. While you're there, get a job and get used to working 20 hours a week. Get some friends or whatever you gotta do to get roommates for when you move out of the dorms. You'll be fine.

Your mom can go fuck herself for being a cunt. I wouldn't give her a penny. If I were you, I'd rather take on a smidge of debt than pay her. Of course, this all depends on how much dorms cost at your university. It's worth the experience as well to live on campus. Fun af. You might even get ur lil dinker wet.

>> No.12725016

>you're worried that I won't understand finances or take work seriously.
>That's a fair thing to worry about, and I understand.
I'm worried about maintaining my grades while working
>What rent amount do you think is reasonable, and is there any amount of work that I could do around the house that would reduce this?
>I ask because paying rent after taxes is usually going to take more of my time than what I could do around the house
>This would leave more time for my studies

this demonstrates and understanding of responsibility, respect for the house, and an understanding of finances. Living rent free is the best, but parents don't always let you. Good luck

>> No.12725035

no dude, it's easy mode. nothing is sacrificed by working 20 hours a week. going to school is not so hard that it requires all your time.

you have no idea what's coming your way anon. the world is going to tear your fragile ass apart.
When I finally go around to getting my degree, already had two kids that I responsible for taking care of. Full time work, full time dad, full time student. stop being a bitch. take advantage of your youth. get out of moms house and do something interesting with your life.

>> No.12725048

either tell her to fuck off and dont pay or bail.

if you are paying you will be better off by yourself.

she will demand more over time, either live rent free or bail.

also, tell her that you will put her in a home when she gets older and that she wont get to meet her grandkids (as if)

>> No.12725051

Do it.
Life is change.
Change is opportunity.
There's no development without a change.

>> No.12725063

>muh this was how it was when I was young
t. bad reading comprehension

>> No.12725069

kill yourself you fucking boomer

>> No.12725083

If you're gonna have to work anyways, get a shitty studio by yourself or find some roommates somewhere. Cut her off until she really needs you and then make her beg for your help. Up to you whether you do anything for her at that point. Gain all of the lessons of working while showing her that trying to exploit your children in this economy is horrific and doing so to please her lover shows how little she actually cares for your wellbeing.

>> No.12725091

>current partner
Your mom is a whore murder her.

>> No.12725106

Fair enough there. I'm a bit younger than you and got a job right out of college as well so I don't know the school environment. Some of it is hypercompetitive, some isn't. Let's take CompSci for example. Yes the big names in SV are only going to take the cream of the crop because they can afford to. But there's millions of other employers out there that aren't as strict as them where you can find a job well above median pay. IMO having work experience can provide a competitive advantage if you know how to conduct yourself in a workplace and employers can see you're a reliable worker vs just getting the best grades.

>> No.12725116
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Itt you can very well see the normies who believe in wagecucking and then those who believe parents should have financial security and raise their kids well without the kids having to wagecuck some mindless jobs. Literally peasants. Just imagine your son wiping some fucken floors or flipping burgers just so he could support his education. What a fucken failure of a parent you must be. Peasant mindset.

I thought biz was the place were we try to emulate the 1% not the 99%.

>> No.12725127

seeing as how the OP's parent raised her kid to 19 without ever having a job before, I'd say that's exactly what was done. maybe you should go back to school instead of working because your reading comprehension is that of a retard

>> No.12725146

the world hasn't changed that much in 7 years. I'm a 33 year old boomer, not a 70 year old boomer.

>> No.12725192


this. that's what I did when I was 18. Came back around at 20, same old bullshit, left for 5 years with minimal contact. Came back for a few months to handle some legal stuff, found out they were going to rent out rooms in the paid off - passed down family house when they already make 200k/year and haven't helped me with a single penny for school or anything. Then go on as if I'm such a shitbag if I'm not spending a bunch of time doing them favors when I visit. Then have the audacity to question why they don't have grandchildren yet and haven't found a "good woman" to "go make a life with". laugh out fucking loud

>> No.12725283

>the world hasn't changed that much in 7 years.
it actually has. student debt bubble isn't feared because it doesn't exist. and it doesn't exist because people get employed after graduating.

the youngins who came after us got memed on. the education bubble is real in many fields, and I'm not talking women's studies

>> No.12725583

Try to talk to her partner and convince them to tell your mother it's a bad idea

>> No.12725640

Listen here retard. Do you think kikes or Asians charge their kids fucking rent to finance their extravagant boomer lifestyles?
Instead the parents bust their ass to help their children as much as possible. This is why they're so successful while Whites who were charged rent by their parents/kicked out become opioid addicts.

>> No.12725693

The best part is once they retire they'll (re)mortgage that paid-off passed-down family house to fund their globetrotting meme adventures and then blow through the rest of their savings for medical expenses once they get cancer. AND THEN, they'll come begging their 'beloved son' for financial support. When the saccharine method fails they'll lay out meme arguments about "We raised you/free food and housing for 18 years" etc. When that fails as well they'll denounce you and badmouth you to the rest of your relatives for 'abandoning your loving parents' without mentioning the fact that they haven't done anything to support you since you turned 18.
Day of the Recliner soon

>> No.12725781
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*honk* schools. scam unless youre going to be an MD RN or JD

>> No.12725793

Unironically based and unironically redpilled

>> No.12725844

Boss Baby

>> No.12725911


Oh, but they had it so hard and nobody gave Dem nuffen so I don't get nuffen too. Despite my mom marrying at 20 to my dad who made 14/ hour in 1982 with no degree after 2 years of apprenticeship and their first house cost 45k

>> No.12726122

This. Her BF hates you and is trying to fuck with you anyway he can by getting into your moms head. Ideally you would kill him but that's tricky these days so you'll probably need to find another way of changing the situation. Undermine him in every way possible.

>> No.12726143

She cant evict you for 90 days so just stack the paper and find a place to live

>> No.12726222
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>a valuable lesson

My ma gave me this shit too. Sure ma, has nothing to do with the fact you and dad are fucking broke and still continue to smoke cigarettes that you can't afford, right?
Do you know how it works in Jewish families? Your job is this: get good grades to get into a good school to get into a good job.
Like, their kids will just drop a banana peel on the floor because the mother is the designated cleaner and the kid needs to worry exclusively about studying.
They do everything they can to help their kids to succeed. What in G_d's name is making you pay rent going to do to help your future?
Like you wouldn't be able to understand how to take some of your money and give it to a landlord later in life if she didn't give you this lesson?
It's nothing but greed at padding out their own failure in life.
Now, let's say you had finished school and you had a job and were just sitting at home using your income for beer and travel, or something. Yeah maybe then they should stick you with a bill to encourage you to GTFO.

>> No.12726268
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>Tell your mom that if she wants rent you're gonna go live alone and she will NEVER hear about you again.

This. The natural order is the kid sponges from the parents a little bit, takes off in life, then the parents get to sponge off the kids at the end of their life when they are old and crippled.
The Boomers think that they should sponge off their kids to the point it is detrimental to the success of the children, precious little success too since they did such a shit job.

>> No.12726300

It all depends on what you are studying, if it's business or community college, just work, but if it's physics, engineering or maths then don't, you will fail classes and then get into debt, you may gain minimum wage, pay your mom, and then get three times what you gived in debt because you failed courses

university is hard nowadays, boomers uni was easy as shit, i can compare the tests and exams we give with those of boomers and they are completely different

>> No.12726302

Be asian

>> No.12726311

Fuck off and go crash another economy while riding on the post war boom you fucking faggot.

>> No.12726334

If you don't want to pay then move out

>> No.12726338

Don't pay rent. Get kicked out. Get a friend to stab you in a non-lethal place on your body, go to the hospital, and say to your mother "Why? Why did you do this to your son?"

>> No.12726350

That money is going to your "dad" then. Tell her to fuck off.

T. My parents made my brothers pay board but I told them to fuck off because while they were working their 60 hour weeks, I got neglected and I told them they're a year or two away from having 0 of 3 sons loving them and all the money in the world.

Say if it is a savings thing, you will routinely deposit it into an account. Boss your mum around, never let a woman have power or control over you.

>> No.12726358

Can you go live with your dad or are you black?

>> No.12726360

>No its called contributing to the household that you've lived in for the last 19 years. Everything is a giant conspiracy with you faggots.

The time when that happens is when you wipe their fucking arses for them at the end of their life and cook and clean for them when they are old and sick.
That guy put it beautifully. These parents (women) have the gall to claim they are teaching their kids "good habits" by sucking their blood which they need because of their lifetime of bad habits.

>> No.12726363

If she charges you rent to live in her house, then charge her $100/hr for taking care of her when shes old

>> No.12726374

are you sure? in most of countries if kid studies you cant just throw him out for not paying rent.

>> No.12726375

This op
Why would should you pay her when you could just get a dorm on campus. It's a waste of energy and working part time definitely affects your school performance.
There might be a slight possibility that they came up with a plan to surprise you with it he rent money when you graduate to do whatever you want with it but it's not worth losing study time or socializing/ networking

>> No.12726378

>shaped him into a man

more like the perfect betabux

>> No.12726394

Quit school and wagesalve for a while until the creature understands boundaries. If it doesn't, move out and live sparsely as you enjoy the adventure.

>> No.12726399

This lmao. Tell her you'll actually find a partner worth sticking with & she won't see your three beautiful kids. Stick it to her- your "dad" has control over your mum and therefore you. This is an awful situation to be in. Fix it.

>> No.12726405

tell her that uni is a lot harder now than it was 35 years ago, negotiate the price down so that you only have to work ~8-16 hours. ideally closer to 8

>> No.12726419

>Quit school and wagesalve for a while until the creature understands boundaries.

What do you mean? Do you think this boomer is going to go
>oh no, my son's future is at stake!
while he's putting the money in her pocket?
WILL NOT happen. The same mechanisms which justified for her sucking her son's blood will not only make her okay with that: she'll demand more money since he doesn't have to worry about school anymore.

>> No.12726426

My mom tried this bullshit with me, I managed to live with my wife’s family but of course like boomers who choose work and rot themselves rather than cultivating themselves they are trying to force me to pay rent too.

What exactly what s the lesson these people are trying to teach us? Can’t they not see that education is the only key to salvation and out of life of mind numbing misery.

>> No.12726443

Boomer morality is if it feels good it is correct and other people's needs do not exist.
It feels good to get money for free, from you, so it's the correct thing to do.
All that crap about "contributing" is and arse pull to justify what they emotionally persuaded themselves to believe.

>> No.12726444

Just straight up tell her you will commit suicide if she forces you to pay rent, and write a suicide note blaming her """partner""" for sexual abuse when you were 16/17 (provided he's been around that long i.e. your mother isn't a whore)

>> No.12726457

lmao has anyone in this thread ever been to college? worked above minimum wage?

>> No.12726464

Move out

>> No.12726471

tell her to put it on your tab

>> No.12726476

I've done both at the same time. You're seriously shooting yourself in the fucking foot working more than 10 or so hours a week. You're competing in a global world now and a degree doesn't cut it. You NEED to be in clubs, do some extracurricular activities, and preferably do an internship. All the while you have to maintain top-tier grades.

>> No.12726519

holy shit - posts like this are the reasons i still come here after all these fucking years

srsly, just buy at least 10k LINK and pay your mom the rent. try to jew her down on the price tho. good luck, you will make it.

>> No.12726526

This. Government is fucking the economy harder than johnny sins would fuck a 4' nympho. Therefore corporations needs nearly 2x the productivity to even break even compared to 20, 25 years ago. Many people do not work and produce- shuffling paperwork is their fucking job.

>> No.12726538

t. Fat neet virgin

>> No.12726548

Becoming your mum's husband will not make you a man.

>> No.12726578

Cshht, sip. Ahh. This.

>> No.12726602

>everything that makes you a man in society also makes you a literal slave who can't enjoy any fruits of their labor

Hmmm really makes me think

>> No.12726749

>She tells me that it is going to be a valuable lesson for me into my future.

Shit, my mother pulled that shit some months ago for "teaching me a lesson" because apparently I'm saving too much money from my salary (fucking what?). I'm currently looking to leave the house soon.

>> No.12726761

Your mum is a woman. Her emotions tell her it's wrong for you to have money saved when she has shit she wants to buy and can't. Gotta get yourself out of there ASAP.

>> No.12726814

>tfw my university makes students sign a contract barring them from getting a job so they can focus on studies

suck on that boomers

>> No.12726828

Your mommy is trying to siphon money out of your pocket at a time in your life where you need to build and consolidate wealth. It looks like you will have to pay for housing regardless, so find some roommates and live with them. It sounds like your mom will just drag you down anyway.

>> No.12726886

just quit school and get some girl pregnant; that will show her.

>> No.12726900

the work and school meme ruined my health
dont fall for it

>> No.12726956
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>my mom’s boyfriend wants me out of the house so he can raw dog her on the kitchen table

>> No.12727181

tell her you will fuck her with your young cock if you can skip rent

>> No.12727228

kek, fuckin zoomers will never learn.

>> No.12727389


>> No.12727420

That last part though... 100%

>> No.12727428

This clown pepe meme is more cringy than the forced frescos

>> No.12727436

Unironically just move out. I bet you can find cheaper rent elsewhere anyway

>> No.12727441


Your mom is a dumb cunt. The only """"LESSON"""" shes giving you is how to ripoff your children.

What a bitch.

>> No.12727447


honk honk

>> No.12727741

>building "character"
>spending literally every waking hour of your life making someone else richer

o I am laffin

>> No.12728009

quit school, pay the rent, save at least 10% of your income

>> No.12728038 [DELETED] 
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Threaten to send her to a shitty retirement home.

>> No.12728146
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>> No.12728154

>tfw exact same thing happened to me
>only after 3 months of doing this, she decided it was okay for me to stop paying, literally 0 complaints from me beforehand
>23 now, graduated in biomed engineering and own 20k linkies
I still live with my mother, and I'm on a 89k a year salary.
I swear, the singularity can't happen soon enough

>> No.12728173


>> No.12728739


Pizza delivery. Half the time you get to drive around listening to music. Hours are pretty flexible. High turnover rate so it should be an easy job to get. Average shift for me was 5 and a half hours. Tips are nice.

>> No.12728916

Don't pay a dime. You really think she'll make you homeless? Call her bluff. You'll be fine.

>> No.12729014

Suicide murder the greedy cunt.

>> No.12729031

She just wants to steal from you. Tell her to go fuck herself and that you're putting her in the worst nursing home you can find in the nation. Get a chill place near downtown with a good fren.

>> No.12729057

Jesus Christ these threads

>> No.12729098
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>current partner

>> No.12729132
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>told me that her current partner

>> No.12729151

pay rent 3 times, then start forgetting

>> No.12729234

This thread is great. You can tell the well reasoned and thought out answers and the ones that are just bitter that kids these days don't have the misfortunes they had.
Seriously OP, depending on your major, it's more important to try good grades and start doing extra circulars that are relevant to your education. Partly for the added credibility and CV building, but also because you will meet other people in your industry. The people are likely from a higher class than you, and have more connections and opportunities presented to them. If you get into their social circles, you'll have those opportunities too.
Working in college and hanging out with other low class wagies will just lower your expectations for what to achieve in life.
If she still insists you waste your time at a job, at least ask her for the savings account idea. She'll either admire your creativity or she's a greedy Boomer.

>> No.12729326

Beat her current parter up and ask her who's the man now

>> No.12730368
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>my moms boyfriend

>> No.12730395

clown pepe is the first fresh meme that I think I can behind in a while. he has that je nez sayy kwa.

>> No.12730426
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Think u mean jenny say wha?

>> No.12730445

Pay her with your coq

>> No.12730464


Let’s assume that legally she can have you thrown out. Does she have the will to do that to her own son? I don’t know a thing about your mother but I’m going to answer that for you - fuck no she doesn’t. She doesn’t want to do that to you and she doesn’t want others to see her doing that. You could live there indefinitely if you want without paying a single cent. This should not make your list of top 100 concerns.

>> No.12730851

i was paying rent when i was 17. die you muggy little prick

>> No.12730919

She just wants extra meth money>>12724399
You are gay

>> No.12731130

Well its obvious she doesn't love you and doesn't understand her place as property.
Under Sharia Law you have a right to stone her for 1. being a slut 2. talking shit to her son

So memorize these phrases and yell them at her next time she brings up paying rent:

"Silence you rabid whore, Allah be blessed I shall strike you for your insolence"

now as you beat her with the closest nearby object say the phrase:

"You Jewish Cocksucking whore! You are the reason our country is going to shit, fucking shitstain boomer!"

After you beat her within an inch of her life, she will show respect towards you for the rest of her life and realize that what she has done was sinful, she will be happy that you showed her mercy and didn't kill her for her insolence.

>> No.12731160

>implying you’re actually studying and not just shit posting and playing video games

I think working part time will do you some good, OP.

>> No.12731178

this or cut his brakelines

>> No.12731531

>anon we're going to need you to """contribute to the household""" by paying extortionate rent even though we're doing fine financially when you come home from uni for christmas and easter and summer and despite you using negligible resources and making 0 noise
>ok i won't come home then

this seems to have upset my parents quite a lot
I on the other hand, do not care

>> No.12731555

>What do?
move out!

>> No.12731601

Oh, I see. Silly OP, your moms boyfriend wants you out of the house so he can pump loads into her. Your mom has chosen to kick her own flesh and blood out of the house so a man who doesn’t have the decency to marry her can lay pipe and talk about he was “shaped into a man”. Top kek, get out now

>> No.12731613


I'm Asian, 32 living with parents. never had to pay for rent in my life

>> No.12731623

My mom tried to do this to me too after I moved home to save money while still in i I, of course I was 23-24 so I should have already graduated but my parents paid for my sisters entire college as well as studying abroad in Europe for a semester. I guess that’s what I get for being a degerate as a teenager.

>> No.12731625

Asian men are known to be completely autistic. There's a reason asian females avoid them like the plague.

>> No.12731647

Wouldn’t surprise me I know a white roastie who was an ex drug addict in her 20’s with a mixed kid from a 40 yo nigger who had her claws in a beta bucks engineer. Her whole life and her mutts would have been paid for but she cheated on him with a homeless junkie in a halfway house. The poor sap engineer still babysits her kid sometimes because he feels like “his real father” KEK.

>> No.12731696

>her current partner
never been in that kind of situation but my mate had some boomer prick come into his house fucking his mum acting like he's in charge
they started arguing and this faggot still thinks he's got it
broke his ribs, jaw, collar bone and put him in a coma for 3 days
not even larping
fuck boomers

>> No.12731756

This. OP stop being a brat and start acting like a man.

>> No.12731788


>> No.12732041

Actually student is often used in place of occupation on a lot of forms and surveys. But 20hr per week isn't that bad if you're in school so long as you aren't majoring in something that takes up more time to study.

>> No.12732068


>> No.12732327

high quality shitposting there son, kudos to whoever recorded this

>> No.12732339
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>She tells me that it is going to be a valuable lesson for me into my future.

She is a fucking liar!! She just wants the money because she is a greedy bitch!

Curb Stomp her ASAP!!

>> No.12732365
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>> No.12732461

Tell that dumb bitch NO and scare the fuck out of her, if she asks again, your gonna make a big fucking mess for her, she better watch the fuck out

>> No.12732463
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When my mom tries to pull this shit I just fill up one of my own drawers with shit to remind her who is in charge.
The key is to keep it sealed for the 15 day fill-up period and to eat a lot during this window.

Then you make her clean it up.

>> No.12732703
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>her current partner

>> No.12733253

now that's what i call a parent trying to sabotage their child's future success

sorry you got that roll of the dice pal

>> No.12733290
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