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12721148 No.12721148 [Reply] [Original]

Ripple faggots getting REKT HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA

>> No.12721250

LMAO, this is just the beginning of the dump for them

>> No.12721533

Finally, I was getting sick of all that Ripple shilling.

>> No.12721567

next target: BTC

>> No.12721850

>KYC and AML still a thing
>nostro/vostro doesn't mean what ripplers think it means

>> No.12721903


Lol what does it mean?

>> No.12721914


>> No.12722051

Get ready for the biggest green dildo youll see this month

>> No.12722060

>measuring marketcap

if you were measuring these alts properly xrp would be fighting with tether and tron, not serious projects like btc and eth.

>> No.12722069

lmao 40 billion supply kike scam coin, how long can the lie go on

>> No.12722474

Read here.

>> No.12722804

(((She))) doesn't know what she's talking about either.

>> No.12722815
File: 371 KB, 2048x2048, 620CAD5E-7F4B-493A-AE13-A8C1BABD2B14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this. there is literally NO fucking way on earth this coin doesn't eventually go to zero

>> No.12722816

>Up 1.5%

>> No.12722928

elaborate if you don't mind. I don't know intnl fin, so I'd appreciate the guidance

>> No.12722938

Click 'All' anon :--^-)

>> No.12722940

Please kek and god and jesus please let XRP fags lose all their money please.

>> No.12722943


This is mistaken and will be brutally excoriated by many sources in the coming days. Do not stand behind this article

>> No.12723186

what did the writer get wrong?

>> No.12723414
File: 34 KB, 680x695, 5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old white cuck that doesn't know people besides euro countries and usa exist
Ripple will start with the poorest countries and start nipping little profits. Then as these shit currencies increase in volume on XRP it will slowly become worthwhile for EUR and USD and JPY banks to capitalise on the savings on those shit currency channels. But in the process they create liquidity on EUR and USD and JPY and GBP as they transact with the shitholes, creating a path for direct trades as well
Do you brainlets finally understand now?

>> No.12723489

people are so blind. xrp will dominate the crypto space and you think it's a scam LOL! this project is so ahead of any other crypto and proceed to get mass adoption yet fags still cry.

i'm not a bad man but the day xrp succeeds and link still struggles to go beyond .50's i will laugh my ass off hahahah

>> No.12723593

What competitive edge do they have over SWIFT GPI?

>> No.12723629

>t. Bought at $2.70

>> No.12723646

Literally anyone can just sign up and start doing it. Small poor banks and startups have a chance to fight the big boys whereas now there's literally a single network, it's like trying to create a new internet service, can you really build your own shit? No you'll be under the big boys anywhere in the world. But ripple can change that.
Retards are anti ripple because theyre anti banks but it can literally purge the cancer from the banking system by making it a level play field and allowing people to topple the kikes

>> No.12723679


Lol how new are you

>> No.12724245

Yes, but what advantage do they provide over swift? SWIFT GPI is already up and doing billions of dollars in business a day.

>> No.12724388

how about low fees and transaction within seconds

>> No.12724410

rippel will overtake BTC and become #1 CMC coin in 2019-2020.

get ready faggots. BTC fill flash dump sub 1000 while XRP flash PUMPS to double-triple digits.

>> No.12724455


coinmarketcap "2-3

billions of volume. banks behind is... govs behind it.... jews behind it.... everyoene is behind it. in before your sSHITCOIN 2million volume.. this "shit" has billions of volume. ripple will overtake the world. we will be the super rich elite of the world. NOT YOUR STUPID 2 MILLION LUNCH MONEY COIN.

ripple will be the winner. why you arent investing to this anon. you wont make it.

normies WILL FIGHT for DROPS of ripple in 2020's

>> No.12724456

>investing in the Jew coin
>get JUST
>act surprised
Imagine my shock

>> No.12724465
File: 259 KB, 1170x618, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so in a couple of years XRP will price almost the same as ChainLink
That is, if Ripple doesn't doublespend on their (((private nodes))) and dump on people
it's an infinite supply after all ;)

>> No.12724526

Imagine being this delusional

>> No.12724570

blue pilled

why do you think VISA and MASTERCARD go into a bid war for earthport? you guys are too dumb.

>> No.12724828

transaction speed was only an issue because of KYC and AML, which the GPI is speeding up. Banks never had to worry about large fees either.

>> No.12724831

market is fucked brehs


>> No.12724849
File: 9 KB, 211x367, 1506473859518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here. What exactly does XRP do and why did it rise to the top three cryptos so quickly, and stay there?

>> No.12724894

not a bitcoin or eth wannabe. also its an oldfag coin.

>> No.12724897
File: 193 KB, 400x370, 1549791638151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.30 usd

>> No.12725239

Stop projecting!
>What are dirty floats?
Banks will not use XRP, the price is to volatile! Don't buy into the >MUH INSTANT meme. Your forgetting about KYC/AML (something Ripple has been in trouble with in the past), bank opening/closing times, network issues, Also banks like the ability to stop payments if suspicious.

You understand that the funds in 'your' account aren't yours right? its the banks!
I think the other issue is not understanding that banks have to balance the books that the close of biz that day. A $10 debt needs a $10 credit...Explain how/why the bank would bother with a currency that fluctuates SO much. Remember the bank isn't transferring 'your money', its the banks money. A debt on one bank is a credit to the other, one gets the liability one removes it. To try to change this is to change the rules of banking, globally.

The system requires trust between each other, its 2 businesses doing business, can't have questionable sources doing transactions. The ABSOLUTE minimum funding to start a bank, that I know about, anywhere in the world is $500k...SO PLZ stop your delusion that everyone can do this!

Also, Why use a currency where 40 BILLION can be dumped at any time...You think (((they))) are just going to trust RIPPLE?

>> No.12725332

Ripple has none of the strengths of crypto with all of the weaknesses.

>> No.12725346

B/c a flood of nomies came along that don't know how to differentiate between crypto & blockchain came along. Bought into the MUH BANKS BS. Its just delusional holders now that don't understand market cap.

>also its an oldfag coin.
Its not! It's a newfag coin. Maybe a Zoomer coin as the hodlers are quite arrogant!
t. oldfag

>> No.12725410

in the end nobody can predict the future. clearly swift will face serious competition. this is a brand new eco system that's getting established as we speak. Ripple was the 2nd company ever to receive the BitLicense, the federal reserver is bullish about XRP, Ryan Zagone is on the IMF task force for faster payments, Ripple has plenty of partnerships, come on… You already know where this is heading to.

>> No.12725443

why are you talking about things you dont understand? There are already people sending hundreds of milllions, and even sometimes billions a day, through the xrp network. There are divided networks on the xrp martket, retail and institution.

>> No.12725448
File: 436 KB, 2605x1814, muh589EOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what a ripple forum looked like nov 18. this wasn't even over-the-top delusion, but one of several threads of this kind, with no serious/realistic discussion whatsoever.
i cannot stress how rippletards literally are this deluded.
the only people to hold it are those that confuse low unit price ("omg just .30$ for ONE ripple, just like BTC 2010 !!!!1111111") with early adoption/large potential.

>> No.12725507

IF that is true, 1 thing is true, IT WON'T BE USING XRP!
Stop funding ripples projects, your getting deceived!

>why are you talking about things you don't understand?
Kek, project much? xRapid/xCurrent/RippleNet is NOT XRP!

>> No.12725564

RippleNet = xRapid (=XRP), xCurrent, xVia

xCurrent is a software for the banks to instantly make transactions through RippleNet, but the goal is to get banks upgrade to xRapid, which is faster and better.

Seriously, you have no idea wtf you are even talking about. Do your research before talking thx bye

>> No.12725606

I'm talking about actual XRP you retarded faggot.
Actually educate yourself and stop trying to be such a polarizing queer

>> No.12725634


>> No.12725917


>> No.12725997

Chris Larsen and Jed got big bags boy you gone get fucked over. It's not a real cryptocurrency. It's a centralized Jew coin that should be avoided by normies. But we all know how this goes.

>> No.12726066

Oh no, inky 3rd on cmc? Such a bad place to be.

>> No.12726108
File: 60 KB, 585x592, B58981EA-29C3-4B7E-9743-99E59962578E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple is dead

>> No.12726830


>> No.12726990

Unironically xrp is actually solid, it has massive backing and use cases. Ignore the regurgitated nonsense coming out of forbes and coindesk. A massive run is on the horizon. Only faggots fudding it are maxis/ eth faggots/ link autists

>> No.12726999

Are u fucking retarted? 100b supply capped, 55 in escrow

>> No.12727008

honestly biz doesnt deserve xrp. Fud all you want, but know u missed the opportunity of a life time and instead u bought sergeis craplink.

>> No.12727015

Always good to see cripples get fucked. >>12722816
It's back below Ethereum.

>> No.12728323

>Ignore all major publications

>> No.12728327

55 in escrow that Ripple put there themselves you deluded faggot.

>> No.12728333

>the standard...Uber driver's coin

>> No.12728410

The average XRP investor.