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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1272113 No.1272113 [Reply] [Original]

Silly things you want to do if you make it

I want to buy a million dollar luxury RV home and travel around the country eating at 5 star restaurants.

>> No.1272116

I just want a 300 foot Yacht that I can drive to the Caribbean whenever I want to smoke drugs with brown people on islands.

>> No.1272160


That's an extremely small minority of people, who do drugs I mean, and they are universally looked down upon.

>> No.1272167


>> No.1272169

I want 5 rolls royces with custom paintjobs mentioning all the people that hated on me

>> No.1272176

Lol I like that one

>> No.1272560

buy /toys/ of my favorite fictional characters

>> No.1272575

I would do as much of the Continental land mass as I could in NA answer SA as you plan on doing.

I would definitely have to travel the world and experiencing the nightlife and whatnot like a king.

Seeing all the wonders of the world, and all the magnificence that has rung out through human history.

Too had that'd take millions.

>> No.1272576


Travel to all the 3rd world countries, live in them for a bit, then when I get tired go somewhere else.

>> No.1272595

All I want is a nice ~300k home, a nice car, and the ability to just not work.

I don't care about traveling or anything exotic. I just don't want to be a wage slave.

>> No.1272669

Start the fetlife, /biz/ and harmed child mansions

adopt afghan boys and force them to take estrogen and crossdress

help troubled kids

maybe increase gdp of some shithole

>> No.1272687

Why do you want a nice car? Whats wrong with a 8k car?

>> No.1272691


8k is a nice car in my world

My current car is worth $600 right now

>> No.1273666

Fly to California, buy a nice car, drive back to the east coast, toss the keys at a street urchin.

>> No.1273677

>adopt afghan boys and force them to take estrogen and crossdress

If you do this in Germany they'll put you in Parliament

>> No.1273699

pro tip for pleb: there's no such thing as a five star restaurant. "stars" when referring to a fine dining establishment refers to a Michelin star rating, which is 0-3 stars. many 0-star restaurants are very good, and of course this all applies only to places for which Michelin has published a guide. the vast majority of 3-star American restaurants are in NYC or the SF Bay Area.

>> No.1274826

I want to own politicians. I want to change the economy so that it makes poor people richer and makes rich people richer too.

I want to see a transition to a green energy economy. I'd also spend money on vegetarian propaganda and make the world vegan atheists. If everyone was vegan it would virtually eliminate our overpopulation problem because we would only need 1/10th the farmland.

Maybe start a religion. A non-supernatural religion, so basically a club with a cult like environment. We would all live in a giant tower in the middle of the city. But the tower would be it's own self contained universe with housing, parking, shops, hospitals, police stations, offices etc. Most of us will be entrepreneurs working on the cutting edge of science and philosophy. Eventually I'll set these towers up in every city in the world.

I would probably also write and direct my own arthouse films. I would hire the biggest stars and the best actors, and I would make then do weird creepy shit. My movies would be violent, edgy, slow, boring, artsy af, and they will all be about the meaning of life and ethics and shit. It will be complete insanity and when it hits the mainstream theaters people will flip out.

>> No.1274850
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Run a used book store in the nicest part of an expensive city. Run a bakery and coffeeshop out of it and not worry about the bottom line. The dream.

>> No.1274926

Good one Anon!

>> No.1275626

Atheism is fine
Hippie shit is fine

Veganism is gay. I like cheese too much

>> No.1275665

>If everyone was vegan it would virtually eliminate our overpopulation problem because we would only need 1/10th the farmland.


All land is not equal and you can run cows on shit you could never plant.

>> No.1275714
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Til they steal your boat

>> No.1275900

Mr Soros?

>> No.1275912

Orbital Hotel and Casino resorts.