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12719702 No.12719702 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck insomnia.

>> No.12719704

it's the worst i agree

>> No.12719706

Just chill, I will knock on the door in 2 hours.

>> No.12719709
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heh, im already up. might as well check the market, heh.

>> No.12719748

I have a dumbass cough keeping me up. I’m here for you op.

Might I suggest listening to this guy who has a gift of rambling about random shit and making it so fucking boring that you can’t help but fall asleep. Give it a try, see if it helps you. Worth a shot since I know the pains of insomnia and his channel has worked for me near 100 percent of the time when I can’t sleep.


>> No.12719755

I can stop insomnia with weed, but it has so many cons if you use it like this unsupervised that I don't recommend it. I am now a disgusting addict that still can't sleep and sweats like in a sauna for weeks when I stop daily consumption(I get woken up by the soaked sheets). One week into the "purification period" this time, slept 3 hours tonight.

>> No.12719762

Of course I mean that I get woken up if I manage to sleep a few hours. I consider my issue insomnia, but I still manage to get some sleep between 3/4 AM and 7 AM.

>> No.12719821

I don't want to buy weed because my shitcoins are too precious.

>> No.12720379


Alcohol, benzos, weed. They all suppress rem sleep. When you come off 3 weeks will be absolute hell. Terror nightmares, only sleeping in intervals, sweating like a pig.

Once withdrew from daily ativan. Never want to go through this shit again.

Hang in there fren, its worth it.

>> No.12720696

I like to listen to Coast to Coast AM or Art Bell when I'm going to sleep. I have occasionally gotten weird dreams from it though.

>> No.12720712

I have post nasal drip. I can feel muccus building up and then I have to wake up and spit it out, this is like every 30 minutes

shitty allergy and most likely having a subhuman recesed jawline

>> No.12720718


>> No.12720748

Fucking REALLY weird dreams off of that stuff. Makes me kinda groggy in the morning but does work if not taken every night.

>> No.12720753

It's probably a fungal infection. There's a lot you can do to sort it. Research candida infections

>> No.12720845

why candida of all things

i think there is mold on my bath tho, but i dont know how to nuke it

i live in a flat so i dont have a window that goes to the exterior in my bath it sucks

>> No.12720921

>shitty allergy and most likely having a subhuman recesed jawline
You most likely have that jawline due to mouthbreathing from the allergy. But yeah, jaw problems don't make things better itself either, so I'd look into that as well. (Mewing?)
You can try some keto or even primal diet for those autoimmune problems. Raw milk is said to help a lot for allergies.

Alcohol, vinegar, or chlor cleaner depending on the situation. Chlor isn't healthy obviously, but it does bleach and if you can air out sufficiently it's not a problem.

>> No.12721861

I already explained why mewing doesn't fucking work as an adult.

For the allergy I just need to become rich and move from this shithole. Just gotta wait until 2030 for 1 btc to be fucktones.

>> No.12721895

Real people with sleeping problems don’t even notice it. You just turn into a crazed always awake machine. Then every now and then you crash and sleep for like 2 days straight. Be thankful you guys know what being tired feels like, at least that’s normal.

>> No.12721933
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>go to bed at 10 pm
>only manage to fall asleep at 3 am because of nasal congestion due to a cold

>> No.12722213

whoa i never thought about it like that. How would you define the crazed always awake state? This happens to me when I stay up for hours at night on my phone then take stims the next day.

>> No.12722343

You are basically fully functional except time feels extremely warped. Everything feels like forever and goes by in a flash all at the same time. You start to get a weird sense of pride from being awake all the time and at the same time you realize what's happening is very unhealthy. But you don't feel tired, you just keep going until your body literally shuts down out of necessity. I spent ~2 months like this because of work, and then another month because of work a couple of years later. I've always had sleeping issues but there is a level you get to where not sleeping fully through a night is a paltry version of "insomnia" and I imagine some people wrestle with this because of purely psychological issues.