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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12717600 No.12717600 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12717629

very high

>> No.12717669

ok. should i take out 300k mortgage

>> No.12717672

Look at the effect of ltc halving

>> No.12717683

No. But it might be worth throwing 1x your monthly income in it. Split equally between btc eth and xmr

>> No.12717783

thanks anon. very interesting. just took out 300k

>> No.12718269

What and how does having work serious question

>> No.12718288

until they increase the blocksize, no one will want to use it. lightning network is a shitty solution.

>> No.12718293

Everyone else expects a pump, so it will dump.

>> No.12718304


>> No.12718786

so no on is answering my >>12718269

so im guessing halving means there will be a total of 42 million buttcoins after next halving ?

>> No.12718818

That's right every halving the amount will double. Eventually there will be a near infinite amount of bitcoins, it's what coiners call "the singularity"

>> No.12718860

your tone reeks of sarcasm

>> No.12719393

coz ur dumb

21 mil is total supply

amount minted per block gets halfed

btc and eth will moon 2019

>> No.12719406


95% but it will take a few months

>> No.12719461

well faggot, someone could have just answered my simple question without being a fucking faggot about it too

>> No.12719464
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and the best part is, by the end of reward era 7 (around 2032), the bitcoin mined from that point forward will be less than 1% of all bitcoin that will ever be in existence.


>> No.12719489

> what is google

>> No.12719552

thought all coins are predicted to be mined in 3 or 4 years?

only like 3m left i guess ?

>> No.12719555

yeah only about 3.4 million left (https://www.bitcoinblockhalf.com/)) but they definitely won't be mined in 3 to 4 years, whoever told you that is a retard

>> No.12719576

so is ti going to go up or down im sick of working

>> No.12719591

Down, futures killed it
Look what futures did to gold, uranium etc.
Its unironically ogre

>> No.12719627

Nice fud, just bought 100k

>> No.12719668

None. The halving artificially inflates the price every time but before 2017/2018 no normies bought in, thus the ATH was created by normie greed and it created a bubble. There will be a slight bullish trend but BTC won't ever reach 10k again.

No real world adoption has taken place, no real store of wealth was created. If anything it cemented the idea of Bitcoin as a failed project in the eyes of normies. BAKKT and other financial institutions keep delaying to see if Bitcoin will ever be anything worth while.

Trades are executed by large firms that know the outcome before hand and Bitcoin is too much of a rogue commodity. Something else more manipulable will be picked as the crypto of choice.

No US or EU based financial sector or government will pick up something that is largely owned by China and mined(controlled) by other BRICS.

Smart contracts will cause the next bubble of normie greed.

>> No.12719701

BTC is NOT bitcoin. It is a shitty fork and will go to zero! I will only post this once

>> No.12719714

you need to wait until 2023, sorry

but if you work hard and double or triple your stacks, you can cash out some in 2022 on the massive up slope and retire early

>> No.12719921

3-4 years! fuck you

>> No.12720035

>BTC is NOT bitcoin
it's the only bitcoin nigga

>> No.12720101

it's true tho, and you'd better accept it. if you think it's in 1 or 2 years, know what will happen?

you'll get pissed, sell everything, leave /biz/ for years and completely miss the moons

>> No.12720128

>The halving artificially inflates the price every time but before 2017/2018 no normies bought in, thus the ATH was created by normie greed and it created a bubble. There will be a slight bullish trend but BTC won't ever reach 10k again.
>No real world adoption has taken place, no real store of wealth was created. If anything it cemented the idea of Bitcoin as a failed project in the eyes of normies.

This exact same argument was made in 2014 after Mt Gox. Exact same argument.

>> No.12720135

It's really not that long of a time to wait, kiddo.

>> No.12720142

The exact same normie bubble formed in 2014. exact same.

>> No.12720150

people will say the latest ath was the last again and again and again no matter how many times they are proven wrong.

>> No.12720157

dude we are at 0.053% adoption there will be few more normie rushes.

>> No.12720160

Do you even know why the 2017/2018 ATH formed?

>> No.12720161

Fair chance, Just get in around 4-6 months before the actual halvening. If it's anything like last times people will anticipate the halvening and the bullrun will have already started when the actual halvening occurs.

>> No.12720167

>Africans in Africa bought bitcoin during the normie rush of 2017
>People just need to adopt more

You are kidding yourself.

>> No.12720173

Are you fucking Mongolian or wat

>> No.12720191

priced in

>> No.12720200

zero. anyone who disagrees is a fuckwit

>> No.12720215

I can't believe not a single person in this thread correctly summarized the effects of block reward halving correctly..

OP: 100%, if you don't know why, you probably don't understand enough and need to do more research.

>> No.12720250

Because buying for speculation isn't really adoption, is it? You can be the biggest crypto skeptic but still trade coins.

>> No.12720256


>> No.12720278

The amount of completely fucking retarded posts ITT is staggering. It's like every one of the remaining 25 posters here decided to pretend to be retarded in a single thread

>> No.12720291

>Vendors popping up everywhere
>Fuck you and your bitcoins pay me in USD or ZAR

>> No.12720320

I agree it doesn't look good right now. But adoption is objectively when people start paying for their burgers and pickups in crypto.

>> No.12720330

>in crypto.

Key word. See how its not BTC

>> No.12720630

only kenyans did, they're smart money

>> No.12720656
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Every else expects reverse psychology, so it will pump.

>> No.12720676


>> No.12720722

In the eyes of normies internet was to sell drugs, scam people and distribute CP and malware. Now we have normienet. Normie perception and opiniones means shit

>> No.12720745

>None. The halving artificially inflates the price every time but before 2017/2018 no normies bought in, thus the ATH was created by normie greed and it created a bubble. There will be a slight bullish trend but BTC won't ever reach 10k again.
>No real world adoption has taken place, no real store of wealth was created. If anything it cemented the idea of Bitcoin as a failed project in the eyes of normies. BAKKT and other financial institutions keep delaying to see if Bitcoin will ever be anything worth while.
>Trades are executed by large firms that know the outcome before hand and Bitcoin is too much of a rogue commodity. Something else more manipulable will be picked as the crypto of choice.
>No US or EU based financial sector or government will pick up something that is largely owned by China and mined(controlled) by other BRICS.

this guy fucking gets it

>> No.12720768

It will start the bullrun but bull runs start slow. Dont expect it to be at ath overnight. It will add a daily reduced selling pressure though that slowly adds value to btc.

>> No.12720779

threw in the LINK shill right at the end, nice

>> No.12720834
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I think it will trigger another bull run. Mining is expensive work and I would estimate at least half of the coins mined need to be sold to pay for expenses. Every day, miners dump a bunch of coins onto the market, and those coins are bought up. After the halvening, the number of coins dumped will be greatly reduced, but the number of buyers should remain, at worst, unaffected. I think a feedback loop will occur, where people buy more due to halvening-FOMO, which will propel us into another bubble that will make the last one look like the one before that.

>> No.12720849

Bitcoin is dead. Go in with XRP and LINK, they will give you some nice gains.

>> No.12720873

this guy gets it. u can hate on xrp all u want but it looks like it will dominate the cryptos

>> No.12720892
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>> No.12720954

you aren’t deep in the rabbit hole yet. xrp is tied to the imf, federal reserve, sbi. if you don’t sense where this is heading to then i’m sorry for you.

>> No.12720993
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1% XMR
2% ETH
3% BTC
4% BCH
90% BSV

>> No.12721299

This first post happens to be the best one

>> No.12721547

Nothing will happen.
Too many idiots are expecting a pump.

>> No.12721741

what a shit portfolio for such a nice ass

>> No.12722436

Nobody cares. Bitcoin is on a slow death. Halvining or not it just simply won’t matter. If you want any chance at making it, sell now and see how the market looks in 2020.

>> No.12722451

Everyone thinks it's overthinking, so it will pump.

>> No.12722503

Fucking idiot

>> No.12722538

Priced in kek.

>> No.12722602
File: 15 KB, 640x491, etfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except bitcoin didn't have his x1000 etf pump yet

>> No.12722620

You missed the part where China will be the #1 superpower by 2030.

>> No.12722629
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The real question here is why is people concerned with normies when normies have no money. Low IQ fucktards.

>> No.12722736

still only like 4-5 million people has ever held bitcoin. out of 9 billion. seeing how bitcoin for a long time was the gateway to alts this speaks volumes for the size of crpytosphere.

>> No.12722942


hey retard, if we keep buying the price will keep increasing and normies will inevitably fomo back in, why is this so hard to get???????

>> No.12722978

all you guys fudding and running scared by this price level should leave because you don't understand what we are dealing with here.

i'm spending every penny i have loading up on BTC and nothing more

>> No.12723087

good for you, altho i honestly think tone vays is onto something with the sub $2k call, the market just feels off, so load slowly and carefully!

>> No.12723189

Why 2023 specifically?

>> No.12723952

He’s a dumb shit talking out of his ass don’t mind him

>> No.12724010
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>still nobody has posted the halvening bull cycle chart
anon i am disappoint

>> No.12724028

>Everyone who bought the top in 2017 only gets 300%

>> No.12724056

cant wait for buy bitcoin for half price ready to load up

>> No.12724257

the next bull run will probably cap out in 2021 to 2022.

2018 was a year of crash, 2019 will be a year of sideways and 2020 will be return to ath and 2021 will be new peak of bullrun.

The exact dates will vary a bit as the last bullrun carried over from btc in 2017 to alts in 2018 so exact dates arent set in stone but thats how the cycle goes.

>> No.12724571

Except there is more than just psychology to the halving. It lowers the supply flow.