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1271754 No.1271754 [Reply] [Original]

I am 81st richest trumpcoin owner atm (

Hoping to get into top 50 by Monday. Anyone other trumpcoiners here? Or do you guys all hate America?

>> No.1271760

Iam top 12 and we will prevail :D

>> No.1271766

Top 29 here. Not even lying.

>> No.1271773

Not showing up on that list but I would be #49

>> No.1271774


Question though, when do we dump? Do we wait for America to be Great Again? Or is there some logical point before then?

I mean if 4chans combined meme-magic can make a man president, it should only take a fraction to raise Trumpcoin value to 0.0001 BTC.

>> No.1271778

>logical point
Immediatly. This memecoin has gone beyond irc and into guessing zone, whereas stocks have less volatility and matched return.

Only /g/tards thing scamcoins are a good long term investment.

>> No.1271783

We dump after trump decimates Hillary Clinton in a debate OR trump announces a VP

>> No.1271784

>Do we wait for America to be Great Again?
Yes. If MAGA = success then trumpcoin = moon.

>> No.1271806


But senpai. If Trump makes America great, then surely he will make trumpcoin great.

Also what if Trumpcoin gets enough publicity DJ Trump decided to buy them all for himself?

>> No.1271812

>81st richest trumpcoin owner

Which is like $30, right?

>> No.1271827

if the top 81 is worth 116 usd that must be a shitty investment for the average joe

>> No.1271830


>> No.1271851

Has anyone seen this?


>> No.1271872


$150, but yeah not heaps of dough.

>> No.1271893 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 2560x1600, Screen Shot 2016-05-27 at 19.42.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put another $120 into TRUMPCOIN guys. We're going to MAGA right?

>> No.1271898
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Just invested another 120 in trumpcoin. We going to MAGA right guys?

>> No.1271939
File: 62 KB, 306x542, 32C8BB5500000578-3520973-image-m-11_1459643546605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 10,000 TrumpCoin owner here. Once Trump reaches $10, I'll be a thousandaire.

Suck it, faggots.

>> No.1272231

there's people working hard to make this coin look unattractive by selling off a couple trumps to obviously underpriced buy offers when they could put out a sell offer 20% higher and have it sold within the hour. You really need those 0.001btc right away?

I don't have any kind of serious money invested in this, just to keep me entertained, but fucking hell I hope this coin succeeds when I see there's actually some people who have made it their job to see this coin look unattractive.

>> No.1272233

I like crypto but I don't like trump.

Is Hillary's coin purse up for sale?

>> No.1272235

Shills are shilling. Huh, must be time to dump.

>> No.1272246

Top 10 here.

>> No.1272320

who is pumping this right now? just sold all mine and i was in the top 50

>> No.1272376

Up 25% just since this screenshot, I'd say it's going well.

>> No.1272405

If you support Hillary and you enjoy bagholding consider buying CLINT.

>> No.1272488

Not me I'm holding on tight.

>> No.1272590


Trumpcoin website just updated:

What do we think? Looks bretty good to me.

>> No.1273064

mfw I bought some trumps over a month ago and im apparently number 63, lol

>> No.1273072


That just means you had like $300 of trumps lol

>> No.1273289


Got 30k trumps worth about 2BTC on Yobit. feelsgreatisgreat.jpg

>> No.1273346

some fire under trump again now, positive to see the work being done is paying off

>> No.1273522


Now 51st richest. Feels good.

>> No.1273542

I have about 100 Trump coin on:


anyone wanna add 10 more feet to my trump wall of money?

>> No.1273547

You kids are so adorable with your little toy blocks. Keep building your towers guys.

>> No.1273551

>trump coin hits ronpaulcoin levels
>i become a multimillionaire

not likely, but if there's a small chance i'm obv taking it.

worst case scenario if the coin loses promise in my eyes i'll just sell on a pnd around october and double my money. win/win

>> No.1273574
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, 885734_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Trump doesn't become President.
>Makes gazillions of speaking deals, book deals, and becoming an expert in outsider politics
>Trump brand skyrockets as disappointed and angry Clinton haters become die-hard supporters
>Trump uses some of this money to re-enter Casino business
>Builds giant, beautiful casinos in Las Vegas (and maybe if he sells out China etc)
>Finds out about Trump-coin
>Decides to buy everyone's Trumpcoins
>Makes Trumpcoin official currency of his Casinos, physically tied to his casino chips using RFID and paper wallet data
>Making Casino-chips unforgeable and anonymous, allowing for unimaginable levels of money laundering.
>Trumpcoins tied directly to USD (1/10/maybe100 USD per coin)
>You can now visit a mainstream luxury casino and pay for your room, food, and gamblings with crypto-currency
>We get rich, Trump gets richer.

Win-win-lose (nocoiners cry)

>Trump wins presidency
>Trumpcoin becomes worth 1+USD
>Win-win-win-lose (Us, America, Trump, nocoiners)

This year is gun b good.

>> No.1273772

Lord Kek truly has looked down upon TRUMP holders with kindness.

>> No.1273928

This. It's a small investment for a shot at a yuge return when it hits the media like RonPaulCoin. Something that is almost certain to happen if enough people get behind it and spread the word.

>> No.1273943

Complete finance noob here with only $1500 in savings. Can someone tell me or give me a guide to buying trump coin? I've never invested in anything or bought crypto before. I've heard I need to buy bitcoin first. Can I buy bitcoin on Yobit? When I try to it just gives me some code which I don't know what to do with. Really appreciate any help thanks guys.

>> No.1274000

Use localbitcoins to get the BTC. You can use one of the big exchanges or circle app to get it but they usually ask for ID to comply with money laundering laws.

Once you have BTC deposit them into your yobit wallet, and then you can post buy trades for Trumpcoin.

Optional: after you get the trumps, download the official wallet from the official website and withdraw them into that, so you can begin staking and earn more. Just dont forget to back up your wallet.

>> No.1274016

Number 93 here! Just happy to see I'm on the list at all.

>> No.1274023

You're such a bunch of losers. No coin has ever been valued to anything except bitcoin.

We only need one conceptual cryptocurrency and that is bitcoin.

Litecoin is $2 because it's the "other bitcoin"
Ether is $10 because of hype

There is literally no reason for people to begin buying up trumpcoin, so the "pump" will never come.

Just stfu, fuckin morons.

>> No.1274040

Stay salty, bitcuck.

>> No.1274050


>the pump will never come

>bought trump coins at 3k, sold half at 6k
>trump still 5k

>> No.1274176

>We only need one conceptual cryptocurrency and that is bitcoin.
>Oh but wait here's 2 more that were also hugely successful
>Oh yeah and those other 100 cryptos that have at least $1m market cap
>Don't bother investing guys there's no reason for anyone to buy any of them

People would probably listen to you more if you weren't 100% wrong about everything you say.

>> No.1274180

How can you even cash out? Who is going to pay for this shit?

>> No.1274224



>> No.1274322

does trumpcoin work the same as bitcoin?

>> No.1274507

Similar but not the same. For one thing Trumps are Proof of Stake, BTC is Proof of Work.

>> No.1275503
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>His trumpcoin balance doesn't have a comma in it
>He's thinking about selling before there's at least 1 before the decimal

You guys want to be fuckin poor or something

>> No.1275582

>he hasn't converted his life savings and 401(k) into Trumpcoins
>he hasn't triple mortgaged his house to corner the Trumpcoin market

>> No.1275609

Remember PND?

>> No.1275913

Trumpcoin isn't a pump and dump, it's a pump and pump.

>> No.1275931

Newfag here can someone explain to me what Trumpcoin is and how I can invest in it?

>> No.1275965
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Which of these coins do you guys think will be worth 10x as much this year?

>> No.1275973

>get btc
>buy trumpcoin with btc

>> No.1275978

I read on the discussion thread they are about to release a how-to video. I wouldn't wait for it to come out though, by the time everyone else sees it it'll be too late.

>> No.1275983

i'm in the process of making it now

should be done in a week at the latest

>> No.1277348

Don't forget to post link on /biz/ when it's done.

>> No.1277502

Is that you TrumpContentCreator?

>> No.1277923


will have bits and pieces together quite soon

>> No.1277945

I've been watching the ups and downs for two days now and it's mostly downs. I really want to invest in cryptos and Trump was looking good, but now I don't know. I have almost 1 BTC to put on it, but I need someone to talk me into it. No MAGA or to the moon bullshit.

>> No.1277960

How about the potential media coverage? Especially considering the new angle the devs are pushing... buy TRUMP to support the Trump campaign by raising the price of the Trump Fund.

Think about it... do you really think the press would ever do a story on LISK or ETH or DOGE? But TRUMP... goddamn. The media loves stories on Trump. When word gets out and Trumpcoins end up on the front page of Drudge, you'll have tens of thousands of people falling over each other to buy it. It'll shoot well past where RonPaulCoin got to that's for sure.

I truly can't see any investment on earth with more potential than Trumpcoin right now. We play it right we could all walk away loaded and change a presidential election at the same time.

Still up to you if you invest, but I'm holding on tight to my Trumps because I believe this thing.
Do some research I think you'll see the same potential I do.

Great job so far bro. I'm the one that emailed you that video script yesterday. Glad to hear you've got something new in the works, give me a buzz if I can help at all.

>> No.1278066


>Expects to profit by examining daily trends

Buy high sell low /biz/ as always. Go invest in DubaiCoin or Rise, they're both going places.

>Mfw "I've looked at the polls this week and Trump really isn't going anywhere, Jeb will be the nominee."

Trump = Unstumpable.

>> No.1278085

Why can't I buy on Polo??

>> No.1278786

Not on polo, you can use c-crex or yobit.net

>> No.1278881

Shouldn't even be mentioned in the same thread as glorious trumpcoins.

>> No.1278919
File: 817 KB, 2090x1126, 2015-09-29-1443571065-2131895-ScreenShot20150930at2.57.03AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie is over and done with. TRUMP is going places. It's time to make a statement and give some good link juice to the trumpcoin movement. I present you the latest in shill-technology (absolutely not hacked together in two minutes from my mother's basement)


>> No.1279317

I wouldnt feed Bernie rubles or crooked hillarycoins to my dog.

>> No.1279446
File: 11 KB, 250x200, L+lopunny+_17327f33299fb77682f21fe4b8c42c13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hillary wins
>Karl marx e-shekels only acceptable currency
>McBlockchain becomes the sole employer/source of food

>> No.1279450

BernieCoin would probably go over better than TrumpCoin.
Either way Lird Kek (pbuh) will smite TrumpCoiners for trying to weasel in on his name.

>> No.1279621
File: 60 KB, 904x692, 1453829021495 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord Kek (pbuh) blesses Trump holders with big profits.