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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12715206 No.12715206 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12715275


>there's been a huge fud campaign against Quadriga for a long time now. Is suspect the newer exchanges, like coinsquare try and promote this narrative. There have been withdrawal delays for some customers, but personally, I've gotten withdrawals this past month within the specified time frames listed on their website.
>so if you have any evidence, or can testify to why you know what you know that be great. otherwise your just another cucksquare shill.

>did you know the Mtgox went under only after withdrawls took more then 3 months to confirm. did you know quadriga withdraws happen within 3 weeks. until that timeframe doubles, I'm going to arbitrage trade the shit out of this.

>> No.12716710


>> No.12716746
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oh non no no no no no

this dude says it's a FUD campaign

this dude lost all his money on a Leaf Exchange

>> No.12716762


>> No.12716824

That's sad but you can feel the cope. How can someone be okay with withdrawals taking 3 weeks? International wire transfers take 5 days tops, but quadriga was a Canadian exchange for Canucks which means withdrawals should take a day.

If an exchange tells you that their withdrawal process takes more than the bank transfer time they are basically admitting that they have no funds and are using new deposits to fund old withdrawals.

>> No.12716982
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Based Quadriga, making things right in the world

>> No.12717013

What do you want to bet he was moving to Markham or some suburb of Toronto that has been completely chinked. The funniest part is, where this gook was moving he still could have barely afforded to live. The areas the chinks took over cost a fortune to live in. $700,000 + for a 1200 square-foot duplex. What a joke. he was already going to lose 25% in property value alone.

>> No.12717031

>Tong Zou
You can't make this shit up...

>> No.12717035
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>try to out jew the jew
>get jew'd in the process

>> No.12718135

>cryptocurrency can help us avoid goverment's prying hands
>it's anonymous and decentralized
>fiat will be obsolete


>> No.12718146
