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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12714784 No.12714784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do I hate poor people /biz/?

>> No.12714802

because you're spoiled and your parents raised you with weak moral fiber.
perhaps you should ask a shrink.

>> No.12714862

Most likely because money is the main/only thing you got going for you. I'm pretty wealthy, but I don't mind poor people at all. If anything, I "hate" people who were born wealthy or got really lucky and have no idea what it's like to struggle financially.

>> No.12714925

I’m not wealthy by any means, but the hate still remains. Perhaps I should’ve rephrased this question to homeless people since those are the only type of poor people I see in my city. They hassle you to no end and leave their disgusting heroin needles all over the place. I didn’t feel thid way initally, but after living here for 8 months, I despise them.

>> No.12714941

Self loathing is very common bro

>> No.12714959

A lot of them are mentally ill.. I get where you're coming from though.

>> No.12714994


It's a self-hatred thing, no one cares about the poor, vulnerable individuals that roam the streets, and if no one cares about you when you have a roof over your head and food on the table, you will feel like an absolute failure.

>> No.12715123

Because poor people complain about being poor and shift blame into everyone else. Meanwhile it's incredibly easy to be well off in any 1st world country.

>> No.12715143

Because you're likely an American who wants to push down his fellow poor because he believes if he 'works hard enough' he'll escape the poor life and reap the benefits of fucking over the poor that he encourages

Crabs in a bucket

>> No.12715144

Because we live in the "easiest" time to be a human in history, the top 20% pay 80% of the taxes and give these poor retards free services like healthcare and education and they STILL complain

>> No.12715165



t. grew up in a poor neighborhood, low income, among them

I wouldn't care about them at all were it not for the fact that we're in a dysgenic system that artificially props up their stupid existence and idiot children. And make no mistake, most poor are poor because they are dumb, the stereotype of the good/smart down on their luck individual is a lie.

>> No.12715569

I just want to accumulate money so I can start my business of loaning money.

The world's a shitty place and bad things happen all the time. I just want to be the guy who helps you in your time of need

>inb4 jew

Name a better business faggot

>> No.12715584

do you have a foreskin?

>> No.12715597

Other than the Lebron James BBC dildo mold guy

Thats the only business idea coming close prove me wrong

>> No.12715612

I hope you lend to some faggot who doesn’t pay u back.

>> No.12715619

Every philosopher since aristotle has said usury should be avoided at all costs in a monetary system.

Riddle me this, if money was no object, what would you want to do?
if you can't come up with an answer, you're a sociopath.

>> No.12715622


You're going to find out why loan sharks are as harsh as they are.

>> No.12715635

Because you hate their mentality and you want to educate them on how to save and build wealth, but at the same time you can't because if you do that then they become a threat to your success. What you're feeling is frustration, OP.

>> No.12715701

Influence and motivate people with public speaking and other forms of speech.

Gotta find out some day yo.

I hope bitcoin drops to $300 so biz kills themselves while i buy in. You faggots are still hopeful

>> No.12715720


>> No.12715740

>they become a threat to your success

sounds like paranoia

>> No.12715750
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Buy sv sirs

Fudders are basically low IQ Tier kind of people. They never read something bigger than 3 pages. All the information they get are contained in simple and short posts.

They are simple not smart enough to read a medium article about the possibilities and details of Bitcoin. They never read a patent and don't understand Bitcoin at all. Because of this, they can't participate in discussion about Bitcoin.

All they can do is ad hominem attacks. I explain it for the low IQ people. An ad hominem argument isnt really an argument, but an attack on a person, to avoid the subject.

They don't know, that Bitcoin never changed and that the economics were clear from day one.
Still, they fud, cause the truth is, they want to get spoonfeeded by higher IQ Tier people.

> Bitcoin is about miners paying money to verify transactions to earn more money than they spent.
This way, there is competition.
This leads to innovation.
They invest to strengthen their market share.
It would be nonsense to attack the network because they would loose their immens investment.

> Miners wants to process as much data as possible because every bit is money for them. They will push for the highest possible blocksize and compete with other miners to be faster, to earn more.
All this secures the network more and more.

>This is Bitcoin and it always was like this.

A "home node" isn't adding any more security to the network. They are bullshit propaganda instruments.

But this is only the backend.
The frontend is beeing build by everyone.
> There are no limits, every problem can be solved with Bitcoin.

But if you take away the miners, all what is left is a network which is based on the rich elite (proof of stake) doing nothing to get even richer

>> No.12715778

Well, then it looks like no philosophers since Aristotle knew anything about basic economics. Debt is the entire reason people who aren't already wealthy can afford to start businesses, and it's the means by which the wealthy increase their wealth. Our entire economy's success is based on loans.

>> No.12715784

well, even though you've come up with an answer, it still shows you're a sociopath

>> No.12715819
File: 146 KB, 582x709, bacon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the success of a civilization requires usury
>there is no alternative
*I D E O L O G Y*
*I N T E N S I F I E S*

>> No.12715827

The first thing to do after making it is avoid poors. They WILL drag you back down with them.

>> No.12715828

Nah. Not everybody you meet is your friend, and id never speak to my real friends or family in a manipulative tone. Its not like im killing anyone. Im helping them with their emergency or situation by lending upfront

>> No.12715829
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-ayn-rand-is-a-bloody-socialist-compared-to-me-robert-a-heinlein-91-51-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You value their opposite.

>> No.12715851

Because you're a poor faggot that "acts like a rich person" because you are still stuck in the delusion that your meme coins will one day make you rich.

>> No.12715859

>if money was no object, what would you want to do?
Impregnate thousands of women.

>> No.12715863

Oh so you meant homeless people...well it's probably because you're a neet who subconsciously fears becoming homeless when your parents die.

>> No.12715866

>Meanwhile it's incredibly easy to be well off in any 1st world country.
If Mommy and Daddy still change your diapers.

>> No.12715885

>t. grew up in a poor neighborhood, low income, among them
Phony backstory props up every idiot who's still sucking off the family financial tit.