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File: 65 KB, 576x1024, DzBb-mXW0AAEAip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12714434 No.12714434 [Reply] [Original]

He's triggered. Fails to accurately engage in intellectual discussions on the promise of LINK for the 4th Industrial Revolution. In the past has called himself a leader within the XRP Army and now says he's been in LINK since '17 (I call bullshit).

He's a joke. Engage with him and challenge his nonsensical re-hashed tweets and he immediately blocks you.

He'd would've been better off leaving his mother's anus as an anal creampie. Instead he wants to wage war with the LINK Marines.

Stupid proposition if you ask me.


>> No.12714444

Literally who?

>> No.12714448

Why does anyone care what this dumb faggot has to say? His opinion is worthless

>> No.12714504

Some asshole

>> No.12714513

twitter drama is for faggots. i don't care what some pajeet sock puppet claims. he's irrelevant. chainlink doesn't need twitter.

>> No.12714535

He has a fairly large following and constantly talks shit about the growing LINK presence on twitter. He's afraid the growing interest in LINK from the global communtiy will hamper his XRP bags. He's a highest grade of losers.

>> No.12714551

>Tiffany Hayden

Is there anything more pathetic than XRP shills? Whenever I see any legitimate posts from Coinbase they're always flooded with 50 pajeets crying about XRP.

>w-we don't even need Coinbase

Ok, cool, then fuck off you stupid pajeet cunts

>> No.12714564

You sir, are fucking based. 1000x

>> No.12714827
File: 269 KB, 479x494, 1547335617465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone get me this dudes info and ill fuck him in the butt. IM A TRUE LINK MARINE I WILL RAPE ANYONE WHO TALKES SHIT ABOUT SERGEY OR CHAINLINK!!! >:(

>> No.12714847

Fuck this finrect guy. He's clearly a detriment to chainlink and should fuck himself with a baseball bat.

>> No.12714888

fucking checked

>NPC profile pic
>Crypto in a name to appear like a "professional"
>no valid arguments to back his claims
>XRP shill


>> No.12714900

Anyone who shows where this finrekt's guy place is has his heart in the right place, speaking as a all-in linker.
Fuck Finrekt.

>> No.12715452

Are u fucking autistic sir? why the hell do u (link neckbeards) even attempt to argue. Yall are holding a fucking MEME coin, doge would probably be a better option at this point. Link will dump so hard ur nuts will shrivel up.

>> No.12715459

jesus christ finrekt is such a faggot

>> No.12715485


PEOPLE STILL HAVENT SOLD XRP? those kids are worse than EOS

>> No.12716692

>great minds discuss ideas
>average minds discuss events
>small minds discuss people

>> No.12716699
File: 34 KB, 1001x681, ethereum cant scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ethereum does not scale

>> No.12716718

Reminder that you dont know even the basics of how ethereum works but you post graphs to pretend you do.

>> No.12716735

Who cares? Let him miss out. Chainlink will make Ripple almost completely obsolete.

>> No.12717150

Reminder that for ethereum to work it has to handle a bajillion times the amount of data btc does so your linear difference doesn’t fucking matter retard

Also reminder that you are a Retard

>> No.12717155

Literally who