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12712827 No.12712827 [Reply] [Original]

Craig invented Bitcoin in 2001 allready.
He is Satoshi or satoshi stole his idea. Kek.

>> No.12712833
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First name of Bitcoin was "Spyder" kek

>> No.12712845
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Last name before bitcoin was "blacknet".

>> No.12712852

lmao, nice word doc faggot

>> No.12712859

these jpeg documents are quite convincing. maybe try printing a doc and then scanning it next time for better effect. fucking retard

>> No.12712869

yeah let me just open an doc and put in "1995". pretty sure craig stole it from me you fucking brainlet OP.

>> No.12712882
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>> No.12712894

just take a minute out of your day and imagine how big of a brainlet you have to be to post a thread like. OP really is a giant faggot.

>> No.12712930

How many redbacks to make it.

>> No.12713091
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He releases everything to cause by June there will be a massive fud attack on him.

>> No.12713104

Who cares we know by now that he is satoshi.
Lightning network is needed anyway

>> No.12713125

poo in loo

>> No.12713139

If u dont believe csw is satoshi even after all this proof has been laid out i really dont know what to say

>> No.12713145
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>Okey he is satoshi, but he is wrong. Lightning network is needed anyway

ahh, so that's the narrativ you redditors are going with. You never fail do shock me

>> No.12713150

There's coming more and more. He prepares.

I could imagine in June someone releases an anti csw book or something

>> No.12713156
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>He doesn't know about Craig Wright, more commonly know as Satoshi the inventor of bitcoin.

I will give you a quick run down.

This man owns every single patent on earth. You cannot publish patents anymore because he already owns them. He has more than 200 degrees from various universities, he even owns the patent on basic momentum formulas, the next time you push a shit from your anus you better believe you are paying royalties to Craig "Satoshi" Wright.

This man is so rich he can buy the planet but instead spends his extremely valuable time making a better financial world and educating us on twitter. His own words on why he turned down the president position at Harvard as head of facility and chief of all academia: "I was asked why I would rather educate people on twitter than at a ivy league. I told them its simply my intellectual mind needs to reach as many people as possible and if you don't like that STIFF"
>S= Satoshi
>T= Teaching
>I= Intellectuals
>F= Fundamentals
>F= Fast

He only sleeps one hour a night the rest of the time he is publishing patents and suing other people for patent infringement. He solved the P versus NP problem when he was only 7 years old but has made it adamantly clear that the world is not ready for the consequences.

In his down time he writes scripts for movies as a hobby. Every single Oscar nominated film has been written by him under various pseudonyms.

A lot of his more clandestine projects is unknown but rumor has it that he is currently working on a project to nullify entropy and change the laws of physics. He already has the patent but he needs to wait a couple of years to publish it because craigmanity is not evolved enough yet.

>> No.12713228


>> No.12713256

Also, Craig shot himself in the foot with that ridicolous BCHSV.

My fuckin' sides.

>> No.12713287

Boring, nobody believes him or you.

>> No.12713299
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Fudders are basically low IQ Tier kind of people. They never read something bigger than 3 pages. All the information they get are contained in simple and short posts.

They are simple not smart enough to read a medium article about the possibilities and details of Bitcoin. They never read a patent and don't understand Bitcoin at all. Because of this, they can't participate in discussion about Bitcoin.

All they can do is ad hominem attacks. I explain it for the low IQ people. An ad hominem argument isnt really an argument, but an attack on a person, to avoid the subject.

They don't know, that Bitcoin never changed and that the economics were clear from day one.
Still, they fud, cause the truth is, they want to get spoonfeeded by higher IQ Tier people.

> Bitcoin is about miners paying money to verify transactions to earn more money than they spent.
This way, there is competition.
This leads to innovation.
They invest to strengthen their market share.
It would be nonsense to attack the network because they would loose their immens investment.

> Miners wants to process as much data as possible because every bit is money for them. They will push for the highest possible blocksize and compete with other miners to be faster, to earn more.
All this secures the network more and more.

>This is Bitcoin and it always was like this.

A "home node" isn't adding any more security to the network. They are bullshit propaganda instruments.

But this is only the backend.
The frontend is beeing build by everyone.
> There are no limits, every problem can be solved with Bitcoin.

But if you take away the miners, all what is left is a network which is based on the rich elite (proof of stake) doing nothing to get even richer

>> No.12713331



LINK will be 3$ BY MAY.

>> No.12713433

SV shilling is LINK fud, prove me wrong.

>> No.12713446
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>> No.12713487


so bitcorn is a company, not a currency?

>> No.12713538

A project you brainlet

>> No.12713544

I don't get it, if he's satoshi why doesn't he just move some of the btc from the genesis wallet to prove it

>> No.12713574
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>> No.12713591

He plays poker with his enemy's

>> No.12713607

Based S.T.I.F.F. poster

>> No.12713946

Anyone remember that Australian IT industry post? I'm starting to believe it, all the convict blood ended up pooling in their IT sector.

My experience:
>Met an Australian lesbian IT duo. Majority of their products is useless educational vaporware; with funding from government grants and academic research grants.
>Another Australian guy in the 2010s - he convinced one of my my coworkers to turn over our company's ERP source code so they can sell it on their own to government clients. Ridiculous. Turns out he had a prior history of scams.
Loud shittalking technically clueless scammers the lot of them.

>> No.12714253
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>> No.12714582

Based Ass blaster if it is really you. Do you still believe in coinmetro

>> No.12714828

core fudders will never experience true beauty of dr creg phd invent patents for many MANY wonderful things which will be launch in VERY NEAR FUTURE
he launch them VERY VERY SOON

>> No.12714867
