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12712656 No.12712656 [Reply] [Original]

should i be paying off my 15000$ student loans if I'm not paying interest on them?

I have been spending all my money from my cash job on crypto and silver. Should i keep doing this in hopes link or silver will moon and i can use that profit to pay off the loans later or should i stop buying this shit and pay off the loans now? I don't have to make payments on it and there is no interest for the time being because i am poor but when i get a better job i will have to start paying it and there will be interest

>> No.12712666

You can at least start paying off a little. That way there will be less interest later.

>> No.12712674

always pay your debts first. (((They))) will fuck you up the ass with a 10 foot pole

>> No.12712700

its a government loan though

and i plan on paying it im just not sure if its better to invest my money and pay later with the profits since theres no interest

>> No.12712711
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1. Pay off debts
2. Save 3-6 months living expenses (while learning how to invest).
3. Start investing
4. Profit

>> No.12712745

but if i pay off my debts now i might miss the ship on crypto and having cash to buy cheap property during a housing collapse (i live in vancouver)

in this situation wouldnt it make more sense to

1. start investing
2. profit
3. pay off debts
4. i live with my parents right now so i dont need much living expenses saved up?

i get why this might be wrong but could you explain it for a retard

>> No.12712748

Im in a similar situation. When I entered grad school, i used my stipend to pay off my unsubsidized student loans and now I only have subsidized ones. 0% interest and no minimum payment until i get out of grad school.
Though instead of investing in a pyramid scheme like crypto i put my money in an fdic insured high yield savings account. Ill have more than enough to pay off my loans completely by the time i graduate. Shits cash

>> No.12712749

Or, as an alternative, do the richest man in babylon formular:

1. Save 10% of your income for yourself (this can go into investing)
2. Save 20% of your income for paying off debt
3. Rest for living expenses -> whatever is left there at the end, put it in getting rid of the debt

>> No.12712763

if you're not accruing interest, it's free fucking money.
Most people/banks would kill for that type of loan.
Keep gambling and speculating and then when the interest kicks in, start paying the minimum possible payment.
The whole situation will eventually go belly up and they'll start offering huge loan restructuring or solvency programs soon. If you are in good standing, you'll be at the top of the list.
Assuming you're in US, the dems are already riding that student loans need to be "forgiven." If you're republican, Donny has brought up making repayment easier too.
If nothing else the bubble will "pop" and they'll eventually clench down on those programs. You'll be sorry you didn't take advantage of them while they existed.

>> No.12712767

To me this sounds more like gambling and not investing. I get where you are coming from, but debt is debt, even without interest.

And you said it yourself, if you get a better job (and I take it that could include more income even from investing) you have to pay it off with interest.
But if you pay it off, no one can take that money away from you.
Any sort of debt is another chain they have on you.

>> No.12712782

>i might miss the ship on crypto
you already missed it by a year

>> No.12712784

i live in canada

>> No.12712803

I'm not aware of what programs already exist in Canada, but I'd bet your country is more likely to let students slide if they stay in good standing.

this is not how you become rich, it's how you live in a nice stable life.

>> No.12712816

Or a nice base to become rich.
The less the state can fuck with you, the better.

>> No.12712821

why should i pay the minimum when the interest kicks in? doesnt it make more sense at that point to pay it off aggressively ?

>> No.12712880

I can't tell the future, but everything is looking like the whole student loan situation will explode.
You only benefit from clearing your name if the economy continues to stay smooth and sunny.
If the whole thing goes pearshaped and causes a recession, then you'll be bummed out that paid into a system that burned out.
But if that doesn't happen, and they try to ease the economic stresses through a series of programs and credits, you'll be in the clear. If you stay at the top of the heap, you're more likely to qualify for the programs that clear youre debt.

>> No.12712906

ok so i will keep spending my weekly pay from my cash job on silver coins

>> No.12712914
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I’m so sorry

Government student loans in Canada are actually held and administered by private banks there, so no, there’s no forgiveness, or at least that’s how it was for me back in the day

>> No.12712987

I wouldn't keep buying physical precious metals anon.
It seems like a good idea, and feels good, but it's not liquid enough.
If things really hit the fan and we wind up in recession so bad there are bank runs, your silver might be handy, but beyond that, it's a pain.
When you go to sell your metals, the buyer will always assume you're selling under duress and he'll low ball you. Like 10-15%. And what will you do? Tell him no, and go home empty handed?
If you really want to expose yourself to the price changes in silver, just buy a silver ETF or something. Easier to sell, and your broker will likely transfer into your account.
If you're looking for another commodity that you can use to launder your money, look into collectibles.

>> No.12713000

there's always forgiveness for loans.
It might come down to the government buying out your loan and restructuring the debt with you, but it still exists.
This would clearly be an economic and political shit show, but if the student loan bubble keeps going the way it does, it might be necessary.

>> No.12713025

Canada is not the US. Canadians are the best patsys/tax donkeys in the history of history. Remember, Canada was founded by those too pussy to resist the monarchy.

>> No.12713084

why would collectibles be better than silver?

what should i do with my stacks of cash? i feel like shit will hit the fan

>> No.12713103
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Forgot the image

>> No.12713116
File: 636 KB, 741x972, inheritance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I buy my own debt?

>> No.12713147


>> No.12713243
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>The whole situation will eventually go belly up and they'll start offering huge loan restructuring or solvency programs soon.
Good luck with that, homosexual.
The market will have to correct this one. First, studen enrollment will start to decline, then costs will go down.
School will become free and that sucks for everyone that has ever paid for it.
Either way, if you paid 180k for a piece of paper to prove your worth to a corporation that would rather you not have that paper because it means they have to pay you more so instead they turn to pajeet for "affordable" labor, then you fell for the college meme harder than you had to.

>> No.12713339

>muh free education