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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12710713 No.12710713 [Reply] [Original]

So basically we often overlook /biz/-related information across the 4chan(nel) boards for a variety of reasons. I created this thread to help bridge us to other active threads all across the boards that we may probably benefit from(also a change of /biz/ scenery).


>/g/ - Technology

/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
(Sticky: The /g/ Wiki)

>/o/ - Auto
"im studying to become an auto mechanic /o/"
"which mechanic simulator game is the best?"
"Does anyone here have experience dealing with audio systems?"
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Threads
(Sticky: Need advice on buying a good, cheap, used car? Look here!)

>/p/ - Photography

Can street photography lead you anywhere in this day and age?
"Hey /p/ can you recommend me some photography books to i̶l̶l̶e̶g̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶l̶o̶a̶d̶ go check out?"
/gear/ - 'PRIME'time EDITION
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
(Sticky: Moar?)

>/vg/ - Video Game Generals
/indie/ - Indie and Misc. Games General

>/vr/ - Retro Games
ITT: Retro vidya you would literally kill for

(Perhaps I lack imagination or technical know-how to identify any thread that we could possibly capitalize on /a/, /c/, /k/, /m/, /v/, /w/)

>> No.12710749


based, thanks anon

>> No.12710842
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my summer car sounds pretty cool

>> No.12711075

>/3/ - 3DCG
(Almost all of /3/ is very good)

>/adv/ - Advice
What’s a good career choice when you’re an idiot but can’t stand the company of other idiots?
"...Should I just jump ship and study cs in my off time and learn some in demand well-paying job, or keep on going on the dream of a high end programmer?"

>/an/ - Animals & Nature
/herp/ - Reptile and Amphibian General - Old Fashioned Edition
Dog General - Winston Edition
/aq/ - Aquarium General - ya gurl edition

>/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL
Budgeting, /cgl/ edition
Instagram thread
Taobao General
Have you ever been scammed?
(Sticky: Helpful Links:)
- Tutorial Database: http://cosplaytutorial.com/list.php
- /cgl/ general: http://pastebin.com/2E2BmDDc
- Taobao: http://pastebin.com/B2KSFQUM
- Lolibrary: http://lolibrary.org/
- Hello Lace: http://hellolace.net/
- Cosplay dot com: http://www.cosplay.com/

(also I could not make anything of the slightest for: /vip/, /qa/, /cm/, /lgbt/, /asp/,...)

>> No.12711161

I would add the /sig/ thread from fit

Making money goes hand in hand with having a healthy body and strong mind, being able to handle people, having soft and social skills.

>/fit/ Fitness and Health
/sig/ self improvement general

>> No.12711169

I woukd prefer biz scammers to be quaranteened to biz

>> No.12711413
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4chan intermission:
>/t/ - Torrents
A degree worth of CS textbooks

Programming books mega.nz thread


Ebooks on Drawing and Painting

29GB Library
(on a variety of subjects such as economy, communication, survival, etc.)

WorldTracker.org Mirror- 550GB of books covering just about every subject imaginable

Python video formations and E-books from Humble Software Bundle

Language Thread

Humble Book Bundles
(Cybersecurity by Packt, Hacking for the Holidays by No Starch Press)


Should I stop?

>> No.12711424

very nice

>> No.12711437

Ok... >>>/t/ is no a blueboard; did not know this, as I was sitting on the couch next to my son. Happy Sunday!

>> No.12711682

great job OP

best and most useful thread on /biz/ this year

>> No.12711839

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
How much appliances and gadgets should a kitchen have?
/ck/-approved youtube channels to learn some cooking
ITT: Helpful as fuck cooking tips

>/diy/ - Do It Yourself
(Like /3/, almost all of it is good)

>/fa/ - Fashion
"...Do I need to drop a hundred bucks for a suit and tie?"
Fragrance General
/wt/ - Watch Thread

>/fit/ - Fitness
>I would add the /sig/ thread from fit
/sig/ - self improvement general

[From a more venerable relevant thread I had to add]
All the /fit/ books you will ever need:

>/gd/ - Graphic Design
(Like /3/ and /diy/)

>/int/ - International
/lang/ - Language Learning General
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2135
(Sticky: Welcome to /int/, language learning)

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
Mahjong Thread
Learning Japanese Worth It?
/DJT/「Daily Japanese Thread」第2101番

(Could not appraise threads for /co/, /his/,...)

>> No.12711864
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/smg/ - Stock Market Generral

>> No.12712160

>/lit/ - Literature
Writing Career/Novel
Readings that will let me understand Psychopaths / Sociopaths
(Sticky: Welcome to /lit/)

>/mlp/ - Pony
IHasbro Fourth Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call

>/mu/ - Music
/prod/ - music production general
/gg/ - guitar and bass general
"I know almost nothing about music theory and I want to make beats in FL studio, how do I start?"
(Sticky: /mu/ Wiki)

>/n/ - Transportation
/gag/ - ( General ) aviation general
(/gag/ is dedicated to all the pilots and pilot applicants out there...)
/bbg/ bike buy general
/bqg/ - Bike Questions General

>> No.12712224

Fuck >>>/o/ and every o fag. I went there to ask what car to buy with muh crypto gainz and my bread got dereted. I even narrowed it down to three and asked for pro/cons from fags who know this shit. What the fuck is /o/ good for if not advice on what car is good and what one is shit? Meanwhile they're posting endless "what is the best hood ornament and why is it (my choice of car)"

>> No.12712234

based and oldfag pilled. thanks OP keep em coming. this reminds me of the old 4chan when we're the /legion/

>> No.12712634

(considering the general board culture, regarded most if not all topics are relevant)

>/out/ - Outdoors
(Highly Recommended)
/Homeless General/
/Cookware General/
Homegrowmen Thread #159 Farming and Gardening
Fishing & Tackle Thread
Homestead Tips
Winter camping thread
Non-Electronic Entertainment
(Sticky: Welcome to /out/!)

>/po/ - Papercraft & Origami
Who should I watch for origami. Tutorials?
/po/ Weapons Generals
(Sticky: Welcome to /po/!)

>/sci/ - Science & Math
It’s texhnically game theory you cock sucking faggots
"What is the best type of engineering in terms of salary, and job opportunities for the future?"
(Sticky: ...)

(Could not appraise for /qst/,...)

>> No.12712785

OP, thanks for the links! Good to take a break from biz at times.

>> No.12713214

>/trv/ - Travel
(Like /3/, /gd/, /diy/)

>/vp/ - Pokémon
PTCG/O General
(OPENING TRADABLE PACKS IS GAMBLING, since packs are the primary currency of this game...)

>/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF
Corporate Trademarks and Openers
Maps and things
Webm Programs
(Sticky: Welcome to /wsg/)

>/x/ - Paranormal
Maifest Money(???)
Men of Destiny


Total boards that I possibly do not have the imagination or know-how to assess: 19
(/a/, /c/, /k/, /m/, /v/, /w/, /vip/, /qa/, /cm/, /lgbt/, /asp/./co/, /his/, /qst/, /sp/, /tg/, /toy/, /tv/, /wsr/)

If you know any topic I may have missed, or wrongly posted, please correct me.

>> No.12713234

>/trv/ - Travel
(Like /3/, /gd/, /diy/)

>/vp/ - Pokémon
PTCG/O General
(OPENING TRADABLE PACKS IS GAMBLING, since packs are the primary currency of this game...)

>/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF
Corporate Trademarks and Openers
Maps and things
Webm Programs
(Sticky: Welcome to /wsg/)

>/x/ - Paranormal
Maifest Money(???)
Men of Destiny


Total boards that I possibly do not have the imagination or know-how to assess: 19
(/a/, /c/, /k/, /m/, /v/, /w/, /vip/, /qa/, /cm/, /lgbt/, /asp/./co/, /his/, /qst/, /sp/, /tg/, /toy/, /tv/, /wsr/)

If you know any topic I may have missed, or wrongly posted, please correct me.

>> No.12713313

/biz/ doesn't deserve someone as based as you.
Give me your email, if I become rich I'll pay you for doing this job

>> No.12713445
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If you win one day, then I would have already been rewarded.

I wish nothing more.

>> No.12714159
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>> No.12715064
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>Continuing to 4chan:

>/aco/ - Adult Cartoons
/aco/ 3D Animation General #69
/aco/ Commission Thread
Make SFM Porn Thread
/weg/ - Western Erotic Games
/aco/ OC Drawthread: Playboy Edition
(Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs)

(could not find anything in /r/...)

Could I continue listing for the NSFW boards?

>> No.12716019

quality thread have a bump

>> No.12716045
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