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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 158 KB, 900x900, video.yahoofinance.com@8dfea102-b1a8-362e-9e14-5554f85eab4c_FULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1271060 No.1271060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we post our Crypto-currency addresses and our generous bros send us some money, if they feel like it!

The only request is -
>Please hold your received coins for as long as possible.
We may be poor, but we will not try to make a quick buck on our altruistic bros' generosity.

Here's my wallet addresses -



>God-emperor Trumpcoin


>tfw no self-respecting person will beg.
>tells you a lot about my state, doesn't it?
Sorry, if it looks cheap, but that's where i'm right now.
No pressure though, bros.
Have fun and may you get rich beyond your wildest imaginations!

>> No.1271084

Looking to start my Lisk journey, and o would be greatly appreciative if anyone could gift me some lisk to get me started. I will update and record my process for /biz/ to share. My address is 18086664996775677443L. Thank you in advanced!

>> No.1271106

Give me your PAYCOIN adress

>> No.1271123



had to download the QT.
thanks in advance though.

>> No.1271170

Btc 1KZ8x4wjTQ4aAji2JxTdY5qafjdhfh75zi
ETH 0x221a7b2f3f12DB806Ab0694553A06E1B5296C815

could really use the help senpai

>> No.1271172

if somone off the street aproached you and asked for money most likely you will spit in his face and call him a loser or tell him to go get a job

yet here it seems you people are completely fine with begging.

>> No.1271174

That's what the thread is for, faggot. We wouldn't spit in their face for standing in line at a fucking soup kitchen.

>> No.1271189


My address above for the kind anon that wants to contribute. Unlike other poorfags in here I can pay back your amount with 20% interest.

>> No.1271226
File: 213 KB, 896x1605, Cyrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a drawing I made just recently, resized it as a CP wallpaper.

BTC: 3D4jzyWjWXhaCCFFqvsXEEcooeb6xsJRgP

It's a girl I thought about randomly and some dead flowers by the yard.

>> No.1271492

It's my birthday today :)



>> No.1271511

no one is getting free money.
this thread is a failure.

>> No.1271523


Sending you 500 Trump coins. We need to MAGA together senpai.

>> No.1271544
File: 60 KB, 720x960, goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my BTC is: 1CjVgGhMWAknPv7jgRxgdcovDZzvMqbDei
have a complimentary meme

>> No.1271548


Sent :^)

>> No.1271557

wait, really? thanks man. unbelievable, really.
I was really not expecting anyone to even send me 1 satoshi.

Just goes on to prove Trump supporters are actually the good guys.

I'll probably never spend these Trumpcoins. They are a proof there are still nice, generous people out there.

MAGA, my main man, MAGA to eternity and beyond!

is the proof that you didn't send anyone anything.

>> No.1271566


Not business.

>> No.1271573


heyo i made the trumpcoin video^^^

if you're so kind as to donate to my TRUMP address would be super appreciative


>> No.1271574
File: 87 KB, 1366x738, proof of good people supporting Trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just going through a rough patch, satanic dubs.

my man here >>1271523 made my day though.
pic related is the proof.

>> No.1271588
File: 198 KB, 1120x1144, 1454384407949-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC: 1Ddt32q2VhYaKc4LVovwEnXJ1ovMFXP4Bj
Thank you in advance to anyone generous enough to share :)

>> No.1271594

please good anons. help a fellow anon out.

>> No.1271601

As OP, i'm adding a 2nd request.
Please show proof of receipt as i did here >>1271574.

Also, never forget to MAGA!
For our non-US friends, we will Make All Nations Great Again!

>> No.1271793

Will show proof for sure. Will hold coins and not trade as well.



>> No.1271804


>> No.1271809
File: 193 KB, 750x750, 1421664845678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your website idea failed
>tfw shit country


>> No.1271829


>> No.1271928 [DELETED] 

How do you create a bitcoin wallet

>> No.1271931

send some, im poor slav guy, who making his way in life

>> No.1271936 [DELETED] 


>> No.1271940

You guys know this is against the rules, right?

>> No.1272506
File: 67 KB, 600x549, I'm ready to fucking die now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC: 18RSiAVe9K75jRcaEMcBt2cZKy7dHwzxyD
>Tfw poorfag
>Tfw can't mine
>Tfw can't buy
>Tfw only way to get bitcoin is by begging like a homeless person
>Tfw you are a virtual homeless person begging for virtual money on a virtual Chinese stock exchange website.

>> No.1272518

Send me trump coin goood anon


>> No.1272526

>sending money to someone is against the rules.
>asking for money is against the rules
>begging is against the rules
>criminals go free = hey, who cares, right?
>someone is begging to just get by = fucker needs to be given the chair.
wew lad.

>> No.1272534

"Begging/asking (including tipping) for cyptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden."

We shuttin you niggas down.

>> No.1272538

haha, i can already hear the sirens.
wait, who was that knocking on my door? FBI? CIA? NASA? ILLUMINATI?
hoo, i just peed in my underwear. :`-)
please, no electric chair!

>> No.1273294


Sent you 1k. MAGA.

>> No.1274083

thank you so much man, just saw that then


>> No.1274095

I like that a lot.

You sell shit?

>> No.1274105

i will do it

>> No.1274208

OP is back (with yet another new ID because IP change)

the buddy i was talking about is a bernie supporter, we were talking about how someone actually sent me trumpcoins, and how it's supposed to be bernie who'll be this giving and generous. To check which candidate's supporters are actually better people, we came up with this -

Let's see who's supporters are more giving and generous.

Bernie supporters, here's your chance to get ahead.
protip - a Trump supporter already sent me 500 trumpcoins. [see >>1271574] Trump supporters are already ahead [as i had always anticipated.]

Here's my wallet addresses -

Trumpcoin - TQNtDdxMoQbzGgShBfCAPUDkEdU61hfA7Z

BERNcash - BK1UtXTnMcWrcQhvnL2SSyVJ7VWGxudmbr

And now we wait.

>> No.1274210

We never ask for donations but are grateful for the good cause :-)

Bitcoin 1NVrSsprpRycCZ8v9VYUAhxzSkB9RjiHML

>> No.1274221


Lol I don't even care if this is a scam, no way youll get any money from dirty bernie supporters.


>> No.1274231

>no way youll get any money from dirty bernie supporters.
just my way of outing them.

we all know 500 trump coins aren't gonna make me a millionaire (anytime soon, at least. come Christmas it's going to be a different story.)

even if someone sends me 100,000 bernie coins, i'm sure they'll pretty much amount to nothing by the time the elections are over.
This was just to see who's supporters are ready to shell out a few cents, just because someone asked.


>> No.1274237

Sent you some Trumpcoin OP out of respect for you calling him the God Emperor

>> No.1274243

Thanks, man. see this is what i was talking about. it's the intent that matters not just your words. Bernie supporters only want to take, not give and share. Trump supporters want to share the Greatness with all of the rest of people. THAT is the difference.

MAGA, bro.!

Well, there you go guys,[ >>1274208 ]
Trump supporters are up to 550 trumpcoins.
Bernie supporters are nowhere to be seen.

who do you think has better people supporting him, Trump or Bernie?


>> No.1274259
File: 85 KB, 1366x738, proof of good people supporting Trump 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, i forgot the proof of receiving.
here it is.

>> No.1274275

Lost my job after a 2 year battle with depression

rents coming up and I'd sure like to be able to eat something

Will pay it forward in any way I can

BTC: 1K78b3hBiWZ7TS72PTgpaAFZ5F9ovQdM7u

>> No.1274276

I'd have sent 500 too bro but don't have that many to spare.

And yeah, Bernie supporters aren't too big on sharing. Well they do like sharing, when they are the beneficiary.

>> No.1274277

yeah, no, it's okay, mate.
What you do shows who you are, not what you say!

and you are right about Bernie supporters.
This is why i support God-Emperor Trump.

>> No.1274299
File: 493 KB, 427x671, Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 10.30.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taxes are theft

Bitcoin: 17bYcxqC7wK3j2ZeQkobGvpPjk2WzjjQoE


>> No.1274313


it's bitcoin.
My company lost its contract bid for the flagging job that I was at. I worked there for a year and a half. And, I became the head of my region(the head of 5 towns, and 4 active teams here on the texas coast).
Things kinda suck right now. I worked all my life, and, even with the "maga" mentality, and even with the "all you need in america is a can do attitude(i'm 36...still not middle class), i'm just totally stuck in a rut.
On top of all that, I just had to sign up for unemployment, the first time in 11 years.
Sorry for the sob story, i'm just aggravated.

>> No.1274314

also, is there a legit future for even a somewhat high pump and dump with trumpcoins? Is anyone really into them, outside of this site?

>> No.1274324



>> No.1274339

Just to let you fuckers know, I made a bot that posts in these threads from a dynamic IP (different IDs). Almost 2/3rds of these posts are mine.

>> No.1274340

Why would you even post that?

>> No.1274342

To discourage beggarfags until it's literally "all me :)". I've gone from averaging 23% of posts a thread to 47%

>> No.1274343

The whole point of a begging thread....is to beg.

>> No.1274344

you don't like the poor?

>> No.1274349

Yes, and now I'm getting 47% and you cucks get like 3% each
absolutely not

>> No.1274351

>taxes are theft
only if the gubments spends them on stupid shit and 90% goes into the black market or offshore via corruption.

>> No.1274355

>absolutely not
yet, you are getting 47% of the "begged" money from this thread.

you hate beggars, but will steal their pennies.

>> No.1274357

you are the lowest of the low and i pray to God you lose everything you own and have to beg to just get by.

>> No.1274358

Well the sticky should be changed, if no one gives a shit. Just take out the part about no begging if 'begging threads' are all good.

Then we all can agree. /biz/ is shit. No more pretending that it's not. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.1274361


>> No.1274362

>Just take out the part about no begging if 'begging threads' are all good.
alright, time to change the wording from the next thread then.

how about, Crypto-Gifting General?
Anons can post their address where they would like to receive crypto-currencies as gifts from their fellow /biz/ surfers.
And because it's a "gift" there are no obligations on anyone's part.

i'm sure gifting money is not illegal.

Anyway, ask a mod to delete this thread then, if you are so against it.

>> No.1274363

Btc 3G4SSejXRvFkCAifX36SeDdpPskR2JLWcg
Got a great idea for a suit making business, but barely have enough money to pay my rent as it is.

>> No.1274365


>> No.1274369

>you hate beggars, but will steal their pennies.
1. Yes, that's the reason I do it, not to get money.
2. I'm not "stealing" anything you entitled teenager. I'm simply working smarter than you
>you are the lowest of the low
At least I don't feel entitled to other people's money
>i pray to God you lose everything you own
1. I feel this makes you a much "lower" human being than someone running a script on an anime forum.
2. Keep praying. I have a real job and own my apartment. I don't have to rely on begging or risky market bets.

>> No.1274371
File: 594 KB, 785x820, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1274394

If you fags make a RADS address I'll send some. They're also doing a giveaway soon so follow the RADS ANN thread on bct

>> No.1274395

I did, and nothing happened. Surprise.

>> No.1274428



>> No.1274448

ooh, salty

i wish,, life was easier back then.

>I'm simply working smarter than you
by jewing beggars out of pennies

>I don't feel entitled to other people's money
not all, but only to about 47% of other people's money, right?

>makes you a much "lower" human being
praying that dishonorable people get wat they deserve is "low" now.

>I have a real job and own my apartment.
see >>1274371

>I don't have to rely on begging or risky market bets.
see >>1274371

>> No.1274455

My Bytecoin:

My trump: TQjYPz9xz8d7tvsSSqhfAbtwdaog8r2VcS

Plz help me I need to start my way to fortune If profit will give you half of profit

>> No.1274481

>by jewing beggars out of pennies
No, by running a script from a dynamic IP instead of posting manually like you
>other people's money
Again, it's not "your" money you entitled fucking teenager. It's whoever actually earned them, to do with as they please. This is why people don't like beggars.
>get wat they deserve
Yes if you believe someone deserves to "lose everything you own and have to beg to just get by" because they ran a script on an anime forum. then you're a pretty low human.

>> No.1274486

>hurr durr stop begging, you are a low human
>hurr durr i'll literally take pennies out of your begging hands and still be higher than you.
logic was never your strong suite, was it?

you cannot put down beggars and then go on to steal from them, and claim to be all high and mighty, you dense motherfucker!
sheesh, i'm glad i'm only poor and not a literal scum.

in any case, thanks for bumping the thread anyway.

>> No.1274493

>stop begging, you are a low human
Begging is not why I called you low. Work on your reading comprehension.
>take pennies out of your begging hands
>steal from them
I can't take something from you that isn't even yours, you entitled fucking teenager.
>and still be higher than you.
>claim to be all high and mighty
I have never claimed that. Again, work on your reading.

>> No.1274498

no, Its part of my job, creative artist for a company, i just do extras like these when i feel it.

gimme coins already...

>> No.1274502

>entitled fucking teenager.
is this the only insult you know, you entitled fucking teenager?

>backpeddling so hard.
yeah, you can fuck off already. no body here wants to see any more of your posts.

i really do wish now the mods will delete this thread.

hey, Mods, this is the OP, and i want you guys to prune this thread, please.

To all those who actually did gift us some crypto-coins - thank you very much guys, the gesture was very lovely but please don't gift anymore. The thread has been compromised.
>No good dead... and what not.

>> No.1274518

>is this the only insult you know
No, but I don't see a reason to vary it since it's very accurate.
>backpeddling [sic] so hard.
Where specifically did I "backpeddle"
>The thread has been compromised.
I'm in every thread retard

>> No.1274520

>please don't gift anymore
Also, lol now you're doing my job for me.
Thanks. Like I said, my goal here isn't to get money for myself

>> No.1274547

0x7a1a471a4d36d9c3b5fd4f8451abf23b923ea962 will shill etherum for some ETH

>> No.1274549
File: 1.88 MB, 2550x3300, spend_your_time_wisely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm a student who don't want to live off of rice/beans/frozen vegetable/milk and eggs all day every day for the rest of college, I'm gladly take any donation!
Will post proof if I really get some help.



DGB (yes DGB, I'm playing CS:GO, so why not earn some money while playing)

>> No.1274551

Lol dude vegetables rice and beans are very good for you. Cut out the eggs and milk and quit thinking you're an African child

>> No.1274562

Since I'm spending a part of my free time with getting fit, this needs to be included.

It's just that I can't have some additional stuff from time to time without paying it out of my safety money stash.
I'm aware that this is a good food composition ( I forgot oatmeals). Dining out maybe once a month with colleagues or getting a beer would be cool. Or travelling home from time to time without having to pay 50€ which is much for me now.

Yes, I don't have it that bad, but since this is a thread to have a chance to get a little help, I try my luck.

I'm not exaggeratedly complaining and trolling :)

>> No.1274677

Bitcoin: 181PCYg7AZnSvdTtjCYbTiskUBScNS7Q8E

>> No.1274841
File: 67 KB, 500x500, rarepepe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my NYC address


>> No.1274902

>DGB (yes DGB, I'm playing CS:GO, so why not earn some money while playing)

Does this actually work? I tried it and I never get them (playing ranked)

>> No.1274931


You should, I've been getting a ton for ranked


>> No.1274957

How do you claim them then, because when I click "claim digibytes" I get a message that says

"No more payout.". Is there a long time wait before it's ready or something? Or, is there an expiration time when you have to claim them by?