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12710310 No.12710310 [Reply] [Original]

>be 26 yo kv dropout NEET
>playing pubg duos, paired with autistic qt femoid
>start playing together regularly
>eventually start becoming attracted to each other, but still don't share our full names
>turn out we went to the same secondary school (she wasn't there before I left)
>guess her real name from pubg name
>Literal 10/10 studying for PhD in computer science at Cambridge
>Always assumed she was a ugly neetlord like me by how she avoided anything to do with school/career/general normie life
>feel massively inadequate and insecure speaking to her
>we were planning on meeting but I just fucking can't do it now

>> No.12710326

actual autistic people are smart. you’re just a weird loser.

>> No.12710345

what the FUCK do you have to lose on meeting her? Just don't be a desperate beta male. If she isn't interested afterwards anymore, that's a win too. Now you have valuable experience.

>> No.12710346

>presented with black and white, chad vs virgin choice
>chooses virgin
>wonders why is virgin
just go and report back when you fuck it up

>> No.12710416


>> No.12710476


she could be your ticket to eternal neetdom anon. take the chance.

>> No.12710485

literally real the RED PILL and get educated faggot.
You literally can't lose.

>> No.12710496
File: 35 KB, 448x375, do it faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking excuses OP, you've wasted every opportunity before this.
Best case scenario you get a sugar mommy that will work while you neet worst case you don't talk to some roastoid anymore.

>> No.12710509

this. dont pussy out op, you will regret it for the rest of your life. risk/reward is overwhelmingly on your favor

>> No.12710574

>Choosing a prostitute to go to by looking at photos and descriptions
>Want to go to the stunning ones, but to intimidated by them
>go to uggos
This shit isn't easily reversible OP unless you put in directed effort.