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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 578 KB, 640x880, 0391F66F-4B2C-4A3B-BD24-7301F35BE7B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12706754 No.12706754 [Reply] [Original]

remember kids,

money doesn't buy happi-

>> No.12706761


>> No.12706778

>requiring a *insert anything material* to change the intrinsic chemicals in your brain

>> No.12706806 [DELETED] 

pls sir i cant even pay rent next month

>> No.12706904

Is this really real? Is there an actual LINK marine with an actual LINK lambo?

>> No.12706916

just sent you some high quality poo from the back alley behind my house. Enjoy sir.

>> No.12706924
File: 1.25 MB, 3024x4032, 1549341728893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk more

>> No.12706929

Sent :)

>> No.12706950

I sent you 100,000 CUM (Cryptographic Ultra Money), may it feed you and your family for generations to cum.

Also, FUCKING LMFAO whose lambo is this I can't believe it's real!?!? They even put #Chainlink on the IG post. https://insta-stalker.com/post/BtfBCvYHo0Z/

>> No.12706972
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>lowering an already low car
stop this

>> No.12707003

So exactly how do you drive this car over a speedbump?

>> No.12707010

>expecting taste or intelligence from a linktard

The shitcoin still hasn’t done anything, so, what’s the deal, second hand, financed or a wrapped lease car? Either way it’s disgusting and sad, way to make yourself a target, now we know who you are.

>> No.12707015

you make a u-turn

>> No.12707020


>> No.12707032
File: 676 KB, 1125x785, CF3E4C8B-3944-4455-90DB-5B9F22E86C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is lambo anon

>> No.12707038

I’m gonna start calling this the fucking basedmobile. I’ll do the same thing but with a delorean and instead of that other shit I’ll just get big tits all over it

>> No.12707041
File: 217 KB, 640x1093, 907A8E04-9F22-4B93-B87B-13A53E19E30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the spic.
Some McNormie hypebeast twat with a daddy’s money meme car who also happens to shitpost on here after arriving 8 months ago. This place is absolute cancer.

>> No.12707051
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>> No.12707071

Honestly would've been funnier if he wrapped a Toyota

>> No.12707084
File: 100 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2019-02-08 at 15.22.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you frens cant just help me get a job?

Seriously, I just asked for a fucking task and every fucking time I get more and more sad.

Now I know that lamboanon sold his soul and is mason/ilumminati.

>> No.12707099

shitskin cringe

>> No.12707117

Times is tuff pal. Fucking do online porn or something idk

>> No.12707136

You helped to changed my heart and mind.

Remember this cursed day.

>> No.12707144

>these reactions
holy fuck /biz/ is pathetic

>> No.12707148

get out of California boi

>> No.12707157


lmao there are literal rich pajeets that browse this board, it's not just a meme

incredible. What coins does this pajeet hodl?

>> No.12707162

I'm just mocked for a single reason.. some anons added me in a discord and then told me to message a guy that he would get me a task
Now I discovered it was lambo anon or other anon that have lambo and other type of cars that was just fucking with me for fun, I literally messaged everyday for like 2 months and no reply, had to hear shit as "your profile should have a discord server connection problem" to know I was just being ignored.

Seriously, no words to explain it.

>> No.12707171

look on the bottom right of the car on the first pic...

>> No.12707174

kek man, who knows lambo anons story, /biz has influenced many people, and i dont think its negative to see someone doing what basement dwellers dream of, and hes awakening normies....

>> No.12708226

It's a marketing ploy for the inevitable Tai Lopez of crypto. Some guy is going to be selling his "secrets of success" to /biz/ types. Tat's my theory

>> No.12708277


so what? some lambo in US, what the point?

>> No.12708283


also shoped

>> No.12708304 [DELETED] 

Yes it’s shopped af

>> No.12708352

>Astro world

Is it him????? Is he the real Astro???

>> No.12708377

>expecting everyone to know about your retarded scam coin meme

>> No.12708550

The poor fucker already got an STD from manwhoring himself out to land whales. Your comment is in poor taste!

>> No.12708617



>claims he was surrounded by "assholes" that "made me sell minecraft".
>moves into mansion.
>hosts parties and trys to buy friends.
>now sad, lonely man arguing with people over twitter.

At least he has that wall of candy to comfort him in these trying times.

>> No.12708801
File: 22 KB, 371x204, AEF0A5DF-B805-480F-A1EC-1AC4B79DC1BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look mom, I'm famous

>> No.12708892

I actually might have a job for you favela anon
how much you charge per hour?

>> No.12708957


>> No.12708972

What a bunch of coping retards in here lmao. Talking shit but probably driving a honda civic to work, jesus the stench in here is awful.

>> No.12708982
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>> No.12708989

Hahahaha pajeet!

>> No.12708994
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>> No.12709017

Spritual fags btfo

>> No.12709083
File: 19 KB, 512x512, 1f914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the appeal of lambos? They don't look very comfy. Why not get a Range Rover instead?

>> No.12709101

gets pussy

>> No.12709284

the kind of pussy you get due to driving around in a lambo is not the kind of pussy I want.

>> No.12709300

I guess you haven't realized they're all whores yet...........you'll see

>> No.12709577

With a lot of speed

>> No.12709597
File: 39 KB, 720x644, 26b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12709624

>daddy buys him a lambo. Link larps

>> No.12709665

No one cares about you, you dumb monkey. Fuck off.

>> No.12710678

The best things in life aren't things.

>> No.12710733


Deleteeeeeeee this NOW

>> No.12710740

Fucking wrong trip. Haven't use this one in a while.