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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1015 KB, 1080x2811, LTO Network Clients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12705440 No.12705440 [Reply] [Original]

Everytime my QNT and CHX bags pump, I sell some more, and buy more LTO.

Going to be at ATH soon in btc and fiat in the middle of the fuckin bear market.

Come @ me you fuckin FUDsters. I hope you all stay poor forever.

QNT $41m
CHX $17m
LTO $2m

>> No.12705476

Misleading Supply

>> No.12705483

Im not smart enough at blockchains to know what any of these things are.

>> No.12705484


>> No.12705493

The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.

>> No.12705499

just buy CHX, thank me later

>> No.12705508
File: 23 KB, 604x217, LTO Waste Management Save $30m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Updated by the minute.

Circulating ERC20 Cap: $ 2,278,029
Fully Diluted Cap: $ 6,551,633

Even if all of the early investors were to move across the bridge right now, which they wont because there is a 37.4% fee, the market cap will only be $6.5m.

The marketcap is currently $2.2m and this FUD is weak af

Come @ me.
Who else wants some?

>> No.12705511

People in my telegram channel say this is the next IDEX moonshot so we've all been picking up bags lol. Something about creating decentralised workflow apps right?

>> No.12705529
File: 160 KB, 731x495, LTO IMB Watson 400%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real estate, custodian/supply chain, third-party data handling, etc. They are building a sustainable business through real-world adoption.

You not being the sharpest tool in the shed, has nothing to do with the fundamentals of LTO.

Figure your shit out.

Who wants some next?

>> No.12705533


>> No.12705546
File: 78 KB, 600x874, LTO HOT ETH BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a google drive with contracts between LTO and their clients. Talk about fuckin transparency. Name another blockchain project doing this.

Weak af FUD.

Is this all you poor boys got?


>> No.12705595


>> No.12705605

Is it true that I buy this then I rich Lambo guy?

>> No.12705614


I actually feel bad that you found a once-in-a-generation gem like Quant and a good project like CHX, made good gains from both and are now going to lose it all with LTO.

So close, yet so far.

>> No.12705626


Go and find an actual mention of LTO Network in any contracts.

I'll wait.

>> No.12705663

There name is literally all over all of the contracts.

Are you retarded?

Weak af FUD.

Stay poor.

>> No.12705690


All the same guys who shilled QNT on twitter, shilled CHX. Those same guys shilling LTO.

Why would they shill LTO if they didn't think it was going to moon?

>> No.12705705

The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.

>The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.
The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.
>The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.
The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.
>The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.
The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.
>The clients aren't using their blockchain solution.

>> No.12705745
File: 364 KB, 1396x741, IMG_20190209_185809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.12705747
File: 1.92 MB, 2398x1754, LTO Meet the Devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nice try poor boy.

You can find some of the use cases here (https://medium.com/ltonetwork/lto-network-making-blockchain-adoption-happen-here-and-today-21ea907d208d …) (CMS, Dekra, MSeven, Ministry of Transportation, government partnerships, etc.) and the recent IBM + Dutch Ministry of Justice (https://usethebitcoin.com/lto-network-and-ibm-watson-to-ease-administrative-burden-for-dutch-criminal-justice-system/ …) announcement.

Check out what they did with the Dutch, Belgian, and German governments for waste transportation http://youtu.be/Gz1FR5Fro40

Is this all you poor boys got?!?

>> No.12705751

Nice argument, thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.12705790
File: 68 KB, 5290x814, LTO Logo Clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anymore basedboys?

Come @ me!

>> No.12705794


People make mistakes yo. No one is perfect.

And actually I find that most people in LTO were never in Quant, or they sold early and now they're sitting in their $2m marketcap project that has done fuck all despite all the shilling.

>> No.12705804


>> No.12705805

They actually are though, check out the explorer

All blocks are empty during weekends and very active during CET work week. Guess what that means.

>> No.12705808

fO real? Go look who is shilling LTO on twitter. They all shilled QNT when it was below ICO price.

>> No.12705815

I actually feel bad that you only recognize good projects after they've done a 20x, not before. Stay poor.

>> No.12705824
File: 161 KB, 595x637, LTO Tweet Clients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QNT and CHX sat below 1m caps for many many months.

This project literally launched two weeks ago and is already above 2m because the fundamentals speak for themselves.

How long till it's at 10m?

Go eat a steak and then come back @ me.

>> No.12705848


Go and find a mention of LTO NETWORK in any of the contracts (actual contracts, not documents they're pretending are contracts).

LTO Network's domain was registered in September 2018, yet apparently they've had clients since 2014?

"LTO Network has been servicing clients from various industries since 2014."

This is a complete fabrication.

Just for the record I called Quant early and also see the potential in CHX, so I don't criticise those projects. But I wouldn't touch LTO and I'm sick of constantly hearing about it.

>> No.12705856

Sure buddy, but that's not a lot. Like 2, 3 cliets

>> No.12705864

It's a name change you autist, same as EY signing all their contracts with Ernst & Young. I honestly don't get how this is such a big point.

>> No.12705871


Because it went through rebranding, you stupid fuck lol. You cannot even FUD properly, 5 cent indian

>> No.12705875

you are truly a faggot sir

>> No.12705883

Mainnet's been out for a few weeks, of course they're still onboarding clients. 2-3 paying clients is already more than 99% of crypto projects have.

>> No.12705935
File: 31 KB, 576x534, LTO ICO dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally LTO post contracts. Then poor boy says, "I don't believe the contracts."

Have QNT or CHX ever posted a single contract with any of their "clients"?

Literally, LTO wins government contracts at a public blockchain hackathon and saves the government $30m. Articles and videos everywhere about it.
And all this poor boy says, "I dont believe it".

Firm 24 > Legal Things > LTO Network
Same founders, sister companies.

Try again FUDsters.
All this shit so far is weak af.

>> No.12705944

You guys are fighting without any value as it’s all about asset allocation. Just throw 2/4 eth to LTO. If it does a 20x good. If it doesn’t focus back to CHX /QNT.

>> No.12705975

Picking up some LTO and BTMX for the dividends

>> No.12706042
File: 117 KB, 931x624, LTO Bob Ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that all you got FUDsters?

shits weak af

>> No.12706076


How is it a name change if LegalThings still exists? You can see a link to their existing site on their footer which is still alive.

They've not changed the name. They've created a separate brand, claimed it's had clients since 2014, and claimed it has contracts using the LTO Network itself when there's no evidence whatsoever.

Meanwhile, almost all the team are from a previous company to LegalThings called Firm 24. A "Successful start-up" in dutch company incorporation with a grant total of 373 reviews.

They even have their own fucking Firm 24 company as one of their clients! Kek.

As for those contracts in the Google Drive, have any of you actually fucking read them? They're almost all quotations, and the rest are for pilot projects.

Look at the Heineken one. There is YET another random company "TP things". And it's an agreement to install the "TP Things Transfer Pricing Documentation Software Tool". What's that exactly?

You know what, I actually wouldn't mind LTO if they were just honest about their situation. Maybe they have done a few decent pilot projects with big clients. The problem though is they're trying to make things sound way way bigger than they are and manipulating information to make it sound different than it really is, and amazingly people are falling for it.

You better hope others can't see these red flags as well otherwise your shitcoin ain't going nowhere.

>> No.12706092

im pretty hesitant to buy this so far up but every piece of fud has been refuted by these shillers... i think they could be onto something. for the record i missed qnt and got a small gain from chx. i think this is my chance

>> No.12706095


You are literally fucking insane. I think that it's the second time you post this after an admin shut your mouth. Get fucking, 5 cent indian!

>> No.12706228

Ok, going through this one at a time

>How is it a name change if LegalThings still exists? You can see a link to their existing site on their footer which is still alive.
You're right, LegalThings still exists. They have an existing client base offering them a non-blockchain solution to manage their processes. Now that they developed their new blockchain product they started a sister company, same people, same clients. Probably figured they needed a new brand for this one as 'LegalThings' is stupid as shit.

>They've not changed the name. They've created a separate brand, claimed it's had clients since 2014, and claimed it has contracts using the LTO Network itself when there's no evidence whatsoever.
They signed engagement letters for new projects with their existing client base. I don't get why it's such a big deal that they signed it with LegalThings - probably for procurement reasons. The important thing here would be that those clients use the blockchain solution right?

>Meanwhile, almost all the team are from a previous company to LegalThings called Firm 24. A "Successful start-up" in dutch company incorporation with a grant total of 373 reviews.

>They even have their own fucking Firm 24 company as one of their clients! Kek.
They probably developed some workflows in Firm24 which they think are interesting. Listing them as a client is probably over the top, but it's not as if they're making a big deal out of it.

>As for those contracts in the Google Drive, have any of you actually fucking read them? They're almost all quotations, and the rest are for pilot projects.
It all starts with pilot projects doesn't it - if they prove their value they'll be implemented. No company would redesign a major business process without a pilot of some sort. Signed quotations usually means > confirmed project.


>> No.12706230
File: 35 KB, 721x115, TP Tytho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor boy says "TP Things is fake company."

TP Things also known as Tytho, is a tax company based out of the Netherlands, who happened to be acquired by Deloitte.

Get your shit together with this weak ass fud.



>> No.12706268

gut feeling says lto is a scam

>> No.12706270


>Look at the Heineken one. There is YET another random company "TP things". And it's an agreement to install the "TP Things Transfer Pricing Documentation Software Tool". What's that exactly?
I don't know what TP things is, but tax transfer pricing is a very complicated global process for any multinational that would definitely benefit from an efficient decentralized workflow.

>You know what, I actually wouldn't mind LTO if they were just honest about their situation. Maybe they have done a few decent pilot projects with big clients. The problem though is they're trying to make things sound way way bigger than they are and manipulating information to make it sound different than it really is, and amazingly people are falling for it.
The fact that they are doing this many paid projects at all would be a major thing for any crypto, especially one with a 2m cap. If this were a company in a traditional market i would agree that they're overselling it, but in this space the amount of genuine adoption is unique.

>You better hope others can't see these red flags as well otherwise your shitcoin ain't going nowhere.

I'm not pretending to know everything, but I know a good project when I see one and this one will do amazing in the next few months.

>> No.12706311

lel ok, good fud

>> No.12706322


So are you saying that the Dutch and Belgium governments are using a scam ?

>> No.12706389

i know you've been rekt hard by this meme but the Dutch don't fuck around anon

>> No.12706390

I hear only faggots and niggers like LTO

>> No.12706445
File: 163 KB, 960x1280, LTO Network Business Plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the best you got?

>> No.12706524

2019 comfiest hold

>> No.12706526

just bought without any regards to the moneys i could lose because i trust biz this is how i earned money so far. leeching of the intellectual elite kek

can someone tell me how to see the value in mew? its just blank.

im such a noob :(

>> No.12706547

Add custom token >

Contract address: 0x3db6ba6ab6f95efed1a6e794cad492faaabf294d
Ticker: LTO
Decimals: 8

>> No.12706552


Just look in a month

>> No.12706574
File: 94 KB, 702x486, 1547131095059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks you ill try it

otherwise i will do this >>12706552

thanks frens

>> No.12706746


>> You're right, LegalThings still exists. They have an existing client base offering them a non-blockchain solution to manage their processes. Now that they developed their new blockchain product they started a sister company, same people, same clients. Probably figured they needed a new brand for this one as 'LegalThings' is stupid as shit.

Okay so none of these contracts or client claims have anything to do with LTO Network or the actual project people have bought tokens for?

Look, I actually respect your rebuttal, because you've acknowledged some of issues. Maybe LTO could be a half decent crypto project. Maybe they have done some pilot work with well known brands which could open avenues.

However, my issue is with all these bold claims about all these clients actively using LTO Network and all this muh omg fucking hell how is this not $100mm blah blah bullshit.

The absolute fact is that LTO Network could be decent some day, but it's currently nowhere near as amazing and successful as so many people on Biz seem to think it is. Nor does it have any of the fundamentals yet to pass much past it's current marketcap.

>> No.12706797
File: 127 KB, 500x500, allYOUhadtodowaslisten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this is as token of my appreciation frens. if all goes well I want you to have fun down the line

>> No.12706800


Uh no one said TP Things is a fake company.


So if TP Things is a tax company that was acquired by Deloitte, why does LTO/Firm24/LegalThings have a professional services agreement signed between TP Things and Heineken in its proof that it has Heineken as a client?

I await your answer.

>> No.12706875


LegalThings One = LTO Network, rebrand.

Why did you decide that blockchain should be the basis of your project?

We encountered it naturally really, while producing workflows for our customers. Our company has been automating and digitizing workflows since 2014 and during this time we encountered a problem: putting too much trust in one data storage system.

So we started to experiment with blockchain-technology and came to the conclusion that on top of fighting fraud, blockchain technology can also be used to to create a digital audit trail of your documents and cut out middlemen while doing business. As a company that helps organizations to streamline their business processes for maximum efficiency, we felt it would only be natural to incorporate blockchain technology.

Briefly describe your team. Why these people became the engine of your project?

Our team has three founders: Rick Schmitz, Arnold Daniels and Martijn Migchelsen.

Rick has worked as private equity and M&A tax lawyer at both PwC and Deloitte.

Arnold, software architect - has 20 years of experience, holds a computer engineering degree and is a certified AWS architect. Arnold is a former Lead Software Engineer at Cloud9 IDE (acquired by Amazon in 2016).

Martijn has worked at PwC at the technology sector team as a corporate finance advisor.

Supporting day to day development and operations are Sven Stam (CTO) and Martijn Broersma (COO). These are supported by 5 developers, a head of legal, a head of sales, a manager operations, two legal employees, a PR employee and a designer and marketeer.

>> No.12706903

What are the main centerpiece and the highlight of your project? What will attract the investors' attention?

The centerpiece and highlight of our project is the Live Contract: a decentralized workflow that is fully GDPR compliant aimed at giving enterprises and governments more control over their data while streamlining business processes by making them more efficient.

Our solution is pretty much the only one which is targeted at enterprises and governments and maintains full GDPR compliance. The only projects which come close are Hyperledger and Ethereum Enterprise, but this still does not really compare.

Why is your project better than your competitors?

Our project originated from a real need to enable clients to have more control over their data. We naturally came to blockchain as a good addition to our already existing product. Our project already has undergone 3 years of development, we have real startup experience with a cohesive in-team structure and have existing clients that use our product.

What are the major ways of monetization for your project?

There is a network valuation tokenomics thought through to the last piece, and then there is a company building solutions on top of the blockchain. Both things have business papers.

>> No.12706935

Which markets are the most attractive for you right now? Do you take in consideration the USA and other countries with the legal restrictions for the crypto crowdfundings?

Europe is the most relevant, and global companies which have clients in Europe. This is mostly because GDPR compliance is of utmost importance to them. However, the product is already getting global and will be getting worldwide adoption, so it is definitely not Europe-exclusive.

Describe your project in 3 years? Will it change something in the world?

We hope our project continues to grow as people realize the need for controlling their own data while making their business processes as cost-effective as possible. Our mission is to fight bureaucracy, fraud and nepotism that (can) plague so many organizations, industries and governments. We believe that by using our solution we can rid the world of these things while maintaining full transparency and staying fully compliant with GDPR regulation.

>> No.12707017

Who the fuck are these losers and why should we do the research for them ?

You think that it's a scam ? Get the fuck out and never come back. The nerves on these shithead broke indians to come in here and paste 1 line of FUD and then expect hundreds of lines of explanations

If you think that the dutch and belgium governments are using a scam, then go shit at the beach, Ranjit! By already

>> No.12707095

if you own QNT CHX AND LTO you will make it by 2020, if not, im sorry, this projects are nobrainers and not burned out during the last bubble. Stay poor!

>> No.12707112

Ok but how much of each?

>> No.12707141

newfag, only fags use name here and indians? You mean pajeets?

>> No.12707143

Usual biz allocation is

10K chx / 1k qnt / 50k LTO ??

>> No.12707153


I'm personally half CHX half LTO because QNT is already almost 50million cap and it can't do a lot more.

CHX: 12-15 million cap
LTO: 1-2 million cap

Hold for 1 year and you're going to be pleased

LTO has so much fucking potential, ignore the FUD, they said the exact same thing about QNT and CHX their early days

>> No.12707158
File: 218 KB, 900x1964, qntlto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at these QNT whales transitioning to LTO lol

>> No.12707196

Are they using the LTO network though? or just working with LegalThings? that's what's confusing about this project. they seem to be selling their past successes, but this was before they transitioned to a blockchain company as far as I can tell.

>> No.12707217


it's just too obvious and whoever can't see this won't make money

same fudders same the bullshit about QNT/CHX 4 months ago, some listened, some like us didn't and we ended up x20 our money. LTO is now where QNT was 4 months ago. It will pump after this accumulation phase is over.

You have to be able to see through the stupid fuds on this board to make money. Otherwise you will be dead.

>> No.12707244
File: 26 KB, 322x318, LTO Network Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dutch and Belgium governments are using LTO Network and their blockchain solutions. They saved $30m by implementing LTO Network.

EU governments supervise the removal and transportation of waste to and from other EU countries, connecting multiple agencies to manage the operation. It formerly relied on manual, paper heavy processes, but by using LTO Network blockchain, the authority aims to free up human resources for other tasks.

The LTO blockchain infrastructure provides an immutable way of verifying data about the weight of the shipment and the quota, making interactions among the parties trustless and secure. Data is being shared only across the stakeholders—since it has to be done in a GDPR compliant way.


>> No.12707254

>the authority aims to free up human resources for other tasks.

kek thats a nice way to say "we want to fire people"

>> No.12707283
File: 206 KB, 377x400, LTFRO Network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short video about LTO Network and how they are using their tech and blockchain solutions to save the Dutch and Belgium governments $30m.

Name another blockchain project creating this kind of value.


>> No.12707323
File: 292 KB, 773x677, MrT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get in. Mr. Whale of Valley City Imports is meeting the team in 6 hours.

>> No.12707325


I've actually been balls deep in Quant since August. I just think LTO Network is nowhere near as great as everyone seems to think it is.

But hey, making money is the most important thing, so if everyone does think it's that amazing, even if it isn't, there's still a good chance of profit.

I'm 99.999999999999999999% confident though that Quant, even at it's current MC, is going to provide greater gains than LTO from this point forward. We'll see.

Good luck anons.

>> No.12707542

Would you recommend selling QNT now and going into LTO?

>> No.12707646

of course 2m vs 50m coin

i have 100k++ lto so its up to you

>> No.12707684

What about CHX? Doesn't it have more pump potential than LTO since FAST is releasing next week?

>> No.12707823


CHX is like 8x higher mcap than LTO. Not a chance.

CHX still has room to pump, but LTO will pull the 10x+

>> No.12707852

Heh, that's true... I think I'll grab a bag

>> No.12707874
File: 51 KB, 1416x452, FTX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12707913


Yep, forget QNT, both CHX and LTO are undervalues compared to QNT and will pump. LTO will pump a higher X but have to be patient (look at the old days chart of CHX and QNT!)

50 50 CHX LTO is the best.

>> No.12707923

IF you missed QUANT, IF you missed CHX


FintruX Network (FTX)
$0.022629 USD (30.20%)

Personally, I think some of you Faggs deserve to be poor but ALAS, I need you to by my bags. The only shit MOONIN in this shitty market is whatever SCYTHER PUMPS.!!!


>> No.12707926

Yeah that sounds like a good plan, I'm really liking CHX too so I'll make sure to have a bag

>> No.12707956

using caps doesn't make your shill any better

>> No.12707994

Go ask your boy scyther about FTX

>> No.12708018

IF you missed QUANT, IF you missed CHX


FintruX Network (FTX)

Market Cap
$1,923,451 USD
525 BTC
16,126 ETH

Circulating Supply
85,000,000 FTX
Total Supply
100,000,000 FTX

Personally, I think some of you Faggs deserve to be poor but ALAS, I need you to by my bags. The only shit MOONIN in this shitty market is whatever SCYTHER PUMPS.!!!


>> No.12708339
File: 800 KB, 500x1406, ltoscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma scyther ur mom if u dont gtfo this thread

>> No.12708357

Nice meme

>> No.12708630


>> No.12708652

while you're at it, buy my LINK bags faggot
if this turns out to be another LINK I'm going to fucking rope

what exchange(s) is this LTO shitcoin on?

>> No.12708715
File: 734 KB, 1300x1500, LTO Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume is on idex and bitmax. Bitmax is surprisingly good.

>> No.12708825
File: 297 KB, 1024x750, lthoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12708915
File: 623 KB, 1065x402, LTO profits QNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QNT $42m
LTO $2m

Here are QNT holders moving over to LTO

>> No.12709436

they claim to have won a hackathon promoted by the dutch justice ministry... I searched for this news, but couldnt find any. Could you please share?

>> No.12709502

Im tired of using shit like idex and etherdelta tho. Ill wait til this shit is on a real exchange

>> No.12709553

Don't buy FintruX FTX
This faggot Scyther accumulated and wants to dump on you.

>> No.12709569

Thanks anon

>> No.12709589

I rarely post here and I honestly don't care if the 0.001% of the people here buy or sell this but I felt bad for those who missed QNT.

I am not here to shill; so listen up.

Go to LTO Etherscan, check the wallets of top 20-30 wallets. See how many people (anywhere from 50k to 200k wallets) hold 150-500k LTOs.... then check when they bought QNT...

I'm not saying the same about CHX. It's only QNT. A LOT of these big buyers who bought QNT early are not buying a shit ton of LTO over the past 2-3 days. Buy a lot I mean 200-500K LTO tokens.

I think it is only a matter of when this project flies. It should be an easy, easy, easy, easy, easy 3X.

This shit is following exactly the same pattern QNT followed.

It's a legit business, with government ties, a product and mainnet launched (QNT remains ERC20 lol) and a very transparent team. This should be at least 10million which is a 5X!!!!!. This is while QNT is 40-50million.

>> No.12709595

Think you meant to say:
>big buyers who bought QNT early are *now* buying a shit ton of LTO

>> No.12709605


apologies, yes, are now buying QNT.


>> No.12709610


Ok sorry I clearly can't multi task. "Are now buying LTO" .. people who bought QNT and HOLO early are accumulating a shit load of LTO tokens right now. 500-600k, to 1-2mil.

>> No.12709618

No problem, it's late

>> No.12709622

By multi task do you mean talking on Discord as well as on here?

>> No.12709640

proof of this?

>> No.12709677


Litteraly took me 2secs to google this

>> No.12709699

To be fair those "contracts" are just try out agreements. Not working partnerships.

>> No.12710059

> reads with his eyes close

>> No.12710078

Those are LegalThings their clients, not LTO. For now, they are not using the LTO network you faggot. That is why the token has no value

>> No.12710163

kys worthless faggot

>> No.12710170

Is this really what you base you entire judgement of the project on? Which legal entity they use to sign their contracts with? If that's the biggest piece of fud you can come up, forget 5x, were doing 20x at least.