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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 187 KB, 950x645, 1549283379099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12704287 No.12704287 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine not buying this at 22 sats yesterday
>imagine actually doubting Justin "Pumpatron" Sun
Sucks to fucking suck huh biz? BTT squad assemble. Who ready for 40 sats

>> No.12704294

ive used this for years. how will it being a crypto or having an erc20 copy and pasted with it's branding benefit my experience ?

>> No.12704299
File: 124 KB, 288x361, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking delusional top buyer.

>> No.12704308

imagine thinking whales will sell their free BTT at the bottom

>> No.12704321

Whales have been dumping for days brainlet

>> No.12704327

airdrop is on the 11th dummy

>> No.12704350

You're going to lose all your money.

>> No.12704388

the last real moonshot
some people hate money op, dont bother

>> No.12704397

My grandfather was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer in 1995. The x-rays showed that the cancer was so widespread, that it had even eaten through his ribs. There were visible gaps in his chest where the bones should have been.

After hearing the doctors recommendation that he needed various forms of treatment, but even with the treatment they would give him a maximum of 3-4 months to live, he decided against all of it, and put his sons and daughters to the task of finding any information they could about alternative treatments that had any plausibility to them.

Among the things the family discovered as plausible included:

- essiac tea
- shark cartilage
- fruit & vegetable seeds - pumpkin seeds, apple seeds, apricot cores, flax seeds
- laetrine
- and any & all foods that shifted body pH from acidic to basic

He altered his diet radically.

That was 15 years ago. The ensuing x-rays taken of my grandfather in the months after his diagnosis showed a remission that was so dramatic that the missing sections of bone in his chest reappeared in each subsequent x-ray, almost like still frames of a motion picture.

Today, he's still a stubborn old bastard, but he's fit as a fiddle and alive.

What cured him?

Possibly something on that list. ^

>> No.12704402
File: 293 KB, 1080x1351, IMG_20190207_175400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam but the chinks will pump it

>> No.12704413

22 is the demand zone, accumulation is real at these levels. Don’t think it’s going to pump to 40 sats before the airdrop but 30 is very doable.

>> No.12704433

This airdrop talk is so retarded. Why would it pump before airdrop? It's the TRX-balance that will be snapshotted, so surely you morons would actually want to buy TRX pre-airdrop?

>> No.12704459

You can now pay to pirate!

>> No.12704531

give it a new interface and add some mainstream to it. justin sun will deliver

>> No.12704536

why would I want to do that when pirating is free?

Not trying to FUD, just want to hear one way this could be a good idea. I'm not against it, just don't see the need.

I was staying at a ho's house and she wanted to watch a movie she couldnt find on netflix so I got her set up with pirate bay and we torrented the movie. Now, if this were to go anywhere, it would need to get normies like the ho dling her first movie on board. Yet I didnt see an option for a crypto plug in or any marketing purporting to legitimize torrenting with this crypto. I could imagine a system where seeding a torrent could net you bittorrent bucks which are redeemable for btc or USD or could be used to incentivize new uploads on the network like users posting a bounty for someone to make a certain torrent. but I dont need BT needs that additional crypto infrastructure as people support the network as is and would likely wonder why they need a crypto to torrent. Also not advertising to the normies doing their first torrent is troubling because it means it has no value to existing users of BT nor new users.

Just pump and dumpers riding the tail end of the ERC20 trend.

like say ANYTHING to convince me otherwise because it reeks of a quick buck scam.

>> No.12704583

why would I buy trx just to receive a fractional amount of btt when I can just buy btt cheap af now?

>> No.12704594

why not both?

>> No.12704690
File: 27 KB, 610x220, btt mcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTT is simply a much better deal. theres no incentive to buy TRX for the airdrop unless BTT becomes overvalued (which it isnt see pic related)

>> No.12705085
File: 22 KB, 255x251, 1549499661471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would a free BTT airdrop to TRX holders pump BTT?

>> No.12705105

>why would I want to do that when pirating is free?
You wouldn't. But pajeets/chinks dont understand nuance. So they're easy targets for pump and dumps like BTT

>> No.12705126

>not overvalued
>$75M cap
>for a token trying to monetize a protocol that's been free for 15 years
>which literally everyone enjoys being free and wants to keep free

>> No.12705347

Now Disney will know how much money pirates made from uploading Frozen and then the cable companies will sell their IP address.

>> No.12705353

^I mean home address & IP address.

>> No.12706052
File: 607 KB, 432x529, 1541908590443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because this is crypto

>> No.12706313
File: 34 KB, 408x450, 1507408558370 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine believing Justin and CZ won't pump their new baby into the top 20