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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12702938 No.12702938 [Reply] [Original]

get in fgts, we're going to 37-38 sats, then back down to 26

>> No.12702963

Yeah, I’ve lost 600 LINK because I was swing trading HOT. not falling for it again

>> No.12702979

i made 1000 this week swing trading HOT.

>> No.12703126
File: 764 KB, 1410x1145, 1549107089682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW lost basis in HOT/BTC price but actually made money in cash basis because of BTC fluctuations

>> No.12703806


My grandfather was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer in 1995. The x-rays showed that the cancer was so widespread, that it had even eaten through his ribs. There were visible gaps in his chest where the bones should have been.

After hearing the doctors recommendation that he needed various forms of treatment, but even with the treatment they would give him a maximum of 3-4 months to live, he decided against all of it, and put his sons and daughters to the task of finding any information they could about alternative treatments that had any plausibility to them.

Among the things the family discovered as plausible included:

- essiac tea
- shark cartilage
- fruit & vegetable seeds - pumpkin seeds, apple seeds, apricot cores, flax seeds
- laetrine
- and any & all foods that shifted body pH from acidic to basic

He altered his diet radically.

That was 15 years ago. The ensuing x-rays taken of my grandfather in the months after his diagnosis showed a remission that was so dramatic that the missing sections of bone in his chest reappeared in each subsequent x-ray, almost like still frames of a motion picture.

Today, he's still a stubborn old bastard, but he's fit as a fiddle and alive.

What cured him?

Possibly something on that list. ^

>> No.12703937
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Wrong, it was Holo that healed him, never underestimate the power of stinky feet, we are all in this together

>> No.12703992

buy back at 768 vits.
thank me later.

>> No.12704666

i forgot what the shark cartilage is supposed to do but in your grand dads case his healing likely came about from the essiac and fruit/vegetable seeds, maybe the laetrile as well. Also as you said the radical change in diet. Food is so important in health it cannot be stressed enough, and many cases of cancer can at least in some part be blamed on lack of proper nutrition and exposing the body to contaminants, in food or otherwise. I've tried to research cancer extensively after a family member got it but the advice falls on deaf ears.

>> No.12704737

The essiac tes is outrageous for allowing cells to remineralize with mg, k, s, I, etc, Satan, my accuser! One who twists, attorns! The laetril killed the cancer.

>> No.12704758

>buy please sirs i didnt sell at 40+ just give me another chance oh god why
kek, sucks to be you