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File: 118 KB, 750x933, 1548529790058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12702403 No.12702403 [Reply] [Original]

what would you even do with a billion dollars?

>> No.12702412

Buy a 500m yacht and 200m house. Rest in cocaine and hookers.

>> No.12702415

use it to make 1 trillion

>> No.12702432
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>> No.12702440

Hire two programmers, and a traditional artist, and produce mobile games to pass time. Buy a small house so no one suspects anything. And looksmax.

>> No.12702467


>2000 chicks at the same time :cool:

>> No.12702479

Turn it into 2 dollars by investing in crypto

>> No.12702498

I would slowly poo everywhere

>> No.12702541
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Produce my own hollywood blockbusters so I can control the (((narrative))). I'd also break into the music industry and turn desperate instagram thots into Beyonce-tier stars.

>> No.12702542

I once worked out that it will cost me £165 million to hire ten people for 50 years at a living wage. I'd buy 100 hectares of land and hire about 40 people, I'd run a few businesses, ranging from farming to a small games studio. Basically do whatever I fancy really.

>> No.12702576

fly over manhattan or some other city in a helicopter dumping $100 bills out of a bag (maybe like 10 - 50 million dollars total?)

send everyone in america a christmas card exactly 1 time, the cards would all have a code at the bottom for their chance to win 1 million dollars, I would have 10-100 lucky winners.

maybe do some research on super powers or whatever.

Make an AR game with the intention of helping neets reintegrate into society.

idk the rest would probably go to wife + kids + sustainability.

It really doesn't take much money for me to do what I'm passionate about and enjoy doing, so I could easily do what I love for a living for the remainder of my life off of 10 million or so.

It would be cool to make a hollywood film that is considered "ground breaking" in comedy, something that brings joy to other people's lives

>> No.12702586

oh gotta remember to finish as many degrees as possible in my life time + do good for the environment

>> No.12702593

I would unironically go back to Nigeria and become an influential businessman and politician.

>> No.12702626

Probably start a sex cult.

>> No.12702634
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I'd bankroll Andrew Anglin. I'd send him a steady stream of crypto so that he never has to go hungry, and so he can grow the Daily Stormer.

Also, I'd like for him to buy the New York Times building and slap a Daily Stormer logo on it.


>> No.12702663

Set up some trusts to take care of my people. Invest in property with water rights and plenty of resources. Invest in business (start ups or otherwise) that are promising and align with my higher aspirations. Take a vacation on occasion.

>> No.12702669

Fight the jew.

>> No.12702678


I would buy an island, lambo's and 10/10 models.

>> No.12702680
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>based Wakandan National blesses this thread

>> No.12702684


fly to san franciso and jerk off in the street once a month until i'm banned or paying bail becomes too high

then pay people to dress up as me and do it once a month for the rest of my life

>> No.12702687
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Become the Jew

>> No.12702693

keep getting more, then introduce better and cheaper technologies to rekt old world lobbies trying to stick with profitable old tech

will I get killed anon if I do this?

>> No.12702698
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Rent braphogs

>> No.12702707

The only correct answer

>> No.12702715

Drugs lots and lots of drugs

>> No.12702726
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>will I iz kill for trying to change the world for the better
Not if you align with God Emperor Trump. His uncle worked on Nikola Tesla tech and Barron Trump is the one pushing neets to consolidate lion’s share of LINK so that the 4th Industrial Revolution isn’t controlled by the Old Guard.

>> No.12702735

You probably won't get arrested for that in SF.

>> No.12702747

>buy your own villa with slaves
Living the modern Roman patrician life my friend

>> No.12702754
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Dividend paying stocks
and control the crypto market. All of them

>> No.12702791

Not sure what exactly, but I would spend a lot of it on trying to improve society. If you invest 1 billion in dividend stocks you could easily make 5%/ year after adjusting for inflation. That’s 50MM/year. Insane. Even just $100 MM would be more money than I could spend in a lifetime (without buying dumb shit). I would feel obligated to do charity, fund research, do social entrepreneurship etc. if Inwas that rich..

>> No.12702820
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Unoriginal and pathetic
Why do you seek approval from others?
Is it perhaps because of your shame about your homosexuality

>> No.12702831

I would impregnate thousands of women in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

>> No.12702856

found you anon https://www.zambianobserver.com/i-slept-with-1400-girls-impregnated-600-in-6-african-countries-french-tourist/

>> No.12702866

Yes, I would do what he did but in a much larger scale.

>> No.12702906

kill as many jews

>> No.12702912

What is it with French men and their desire to knock-up non-Whites?

>> No.12702914

t. some fag infected with the greed disease which is slowly but surely leading him to an early grave

>> No.12702930
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>> No.12702941

Whoever is racist would be a good time to kys. If u had a billion id pay her to fart in my mouth

>> No.12702947

san fran more appropriate now though if blockchain steals all their scam gig economy investors

>> No.12702954

no i wouldnt niggers are apes

>> No.12702992

I would buy a modest house and work on some investments I've always thought about. I would give some money to my family and close friends to help them out. And lastly I would buy the girl in the OP and her friends and shower them in cum twice daily for sexual release.

>> No.12703014
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Train alien channelers, develop electrogravitics, start my own secret space program, and GTFO this rock.

>> No.12703035

>Whoever is racist would be a good time to kys. If u had a billion id pay her to fart in my mouth

EVERYONE has racial bias, and that's OK. You only think "racism" is bad, because some Shlomo with a big nose and bad attitude told you so.

>> No.12703070
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That bodies unnatural. Is it real?

>> No.12703090

Buy an Airbus A380, a yacht and 2 kilos of cocaine.

>> No.12703092

I was thinking more along the lines of English country gentleman, but same difference.

>> No.12703129

>GTFO this rock


>> No.12703137

Spread my white seed in Africa and make it a better place

>> No.12703293

>pierced nipples
Seriously though why do women do this?

>> No.12703348

I’d unironically donate a ton of it. Not out of altruance but out of ego. All of my donations would require a wing or a building to be named after me

Of course I’d use the other 900M to financially set up my family for generations

>> No.12703354

Mental illness.

>> No.12703504
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I have all these grand dreams, but deep down I know it would just be something fucking stupid.

>> No.12703567
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I would trade on Bitmex and manipulate the price to make BARTs up and down, making hundreds of millions every week. I’d also invest in the stock market and live off 10% of the dividends (around 10 million).

Lifestyle? I’d do exactly the same thing I already love doing, sitting in a dark room in front of my PC 24/7. The only difference would be a bigger house and maybe some meme lambos. Fuck traveling and all that NPC bullshit.

>> No.12703617

>win her back

>> No.12703698

It's real as far as not photoshopped, but she has a luxury sports car's worth of good plastic surgery to get there.

>> No.12703723

way to waste a billion dollars
putting pussy on a pedestal is one of the fastest ways to lose money

remember this: genuine attraction cannot be negotiated

>> No.12703746

Buy 1 million LINK EOY

>> No.12703756
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>mfw a bunch of based philanthropic neets and autists are about to inherit the reigns of the 4th Industrial Revolution, thus evening the playing field between the Old Guard banking cabal and the Wew Guard of bright eyed bushy tailed social rejects

>> No.12703787
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>we invest in brain computer interfaces, artificial general intelligence, and cat girls
>we collectively realize all of our NEET fantasies into the world
>we win

>> No.12703829

give several millions to my friends. buy quality hookers on the regular, create non-profit org to help those in need.

>> No.12703832
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threw up in my mouth wtf is this shit

>> No.12703842
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Take a couple seconds just to imagine the smell

>> No.12703850
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>start my own video game company to make games i want to play
>open a pizza shop
>build my own rob dyrdek fantasy factory type house-basketball court, gym, and attached apartment
>live the golden neet life

>> No.12703863

>create a massive permaculture farm
>populate with smart and responsible individuals
>help them escape wage slavery with low rent, low cost high quality food, and investment advice
>build a tight knit community with a philosophy of responsibility, fitness, tradition and autarky at the family level
>gradually expand and encourage similar communities around the world until the existing social hierarchy collapses and decentralizes

>> No.12703886

simply angelic, until you see the face.

>> No.12703933


Chocolate gfs obviously.

>> No.12704013

>will cost me £165 million to hire ten people for 50 years at a living wage
>330k a year is a living wage
Living pretty fucking nice if you ask me

>> No.12704269

It's not as simple as £16.5 million divided by 50. This is a true cost estimate based on a 5% wage inflation per year, which is not out of the question as the government pushes more stealth taxes onto a business such as pension contributions and national insurance as well as ordinary inflation. I remember my calculations started at £50,000 a year, which includes £30,000 salary as well as other employee costs, which totals £11 million over 50 years at 5%. I can't remember where the other 5.5 million came from.

>> No.12704384

pay off my families debts
invest in VTSAX
buy a nice craftsman house with a home theater for gaming and movies with best sound system
donate to charities, primarily focusing on children orphans and kids with cancer to make their lives better

and just live the rest of my days comfy, but it sucks i'll never be able to do that

>> No.12704392

1 post from that ID
it is bait
the janie posted it

>> No.12704412
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>I can't remember where the other 5.5 million came from.
Don't worry about it, it's going to a good cause.

>> No.12704438

If you look closer you'll realise what a monstrosity she is. It took someone to remind me about surgery. I may be swayed, though she's hideous

>> No.12704444

continue what I did to get 1B and get 5B so I could get 10B.

anything else is a neet larp

>> No.12704458

mentality of someone who will be poor forever, literal low iq scum.

>> No.12704461

get to suck on them ol' titties for one thing.

>> No.12704488

Suck a billion dicks for $1 each

>> No.12704494

>earn 1 billion dollars
>distribute it equally among all american

congartulations, you just inflated away the USD and made everyone have the exact same amount of wealth they had previously

>> No.12704500

invest it so that I can live off capital gains

>> No.12704520

Buy that thot a breast-reduction, tattoo-removal, and a new face.

>> No.12704585

Just live comfortably and raise a family.

>> No.12704595

Pump some random shitcoin on biz

One of us isn't as cruel as all us

>> No.12704600

Donate 999 millions to different organizations to help MY country and live comfy with the million left

>> No.12704803
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I would pay 500 million to have a fuck with her, very nice!!!

>> No.12704956

Granted, this may cost many multiples of a billion dollars, but here we go...
>find desperate nation-state in the throes of economic depression
>offer to bail them out if only they sell you a 5000 sqkm plot of land and agree to sign a contract with many hundreds of pages of legal jargon
>found a charter city:
>contact breeder communities (basically people that have tons of fucking kids)
>offer to bankroll their procreative habits and fund their family education
>offer them free land and shit
>contact professionals around the world
>declare the charter city a tax haven
>offer competitive packages to would-be citizens and corporations to have them emigrate over
>'educate' the breeder colony using super nationalistic propaganda and use them as a standing army/police/civic service of sorts
>encourage r&d, think tanks, etc.
>pray to god the city turns cash flow positive before the treasury runs dry
>try to mint sovereign currency and play god with the economy
There's so many things one could do... How much money do you think you'd need?

>> No.12705023
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build a utopian village

>> No.12705033

You're going to have a lot of money left over.

>> No.12705038

You have to be born a jew. It's not a religion. That hooked nose and psychopathy comes from their cursed genetics.

>> No.12705042
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living proof that if even if you give a poor person money, they will quickly return to being poor

>> No.12705084

disgusting lips

>> No.12705116

fuck hookers all day everyday unironically

>> No.12706122

build Smart Integrated Blockchain Infrastructures

>> No.12706138
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>> No.12706284

The only correct answer

>> No.12706315

Build a space agency. Is there really any other answer? Space exploration is the future of the human race, and if you want to be remembered in history books, you'll do everything in your power to support it.

>> No.12706320

My God that is so fucking unattractive

>> No.12706538

>so ugly you need a billion dollars to fix it

>> No.12706764

>I was HIV negative
Yep, this story is false

>> No.12706770
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pay about $20 to some starving philosophy graduates to create a new opaque economic system that would really only benefit me, fund the campaigns of the politicians who I have control over through bribes, blackmail, secret societies, etc. then fund media and NGOs to support my narrative

>> No.12707026


>> No.12707353




>> No.12707433

the money trickles down retard

>> No.12707450
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Immortality research and fast tracking the singularity.
A pyramid for my corpse to be cryogenically preserved in some secret and safe locale.

Artificial wombs to create a dynasty who will be taken care of with the likely millions left over.
A pet lobster.

Idk, a doctor to follow me around.

Becoming a doll

Honestly prolly stocks and real estate to make even more money?

>> No.12707468

>what would you even do with a billion dollars?
invest it all and live off the dividends/interest. lock it in a trust and enact primogeniture.

>> No.12707479

I need a brain transplant at this point.

>> No.12707532

I would buy one of these gaming PCs that have pipes for water cooling. These things are cool.

>> No.12707575

probably something similar to this anon. Half of that money is getting sectioned off for "charity". Give some to family, some to friends, and maybe even to randoms who seem down on their luck. Did you know one of the most commonly stolen items from stores is diapers? That's like some sad shit you'd see on a lifetime movie, I'd probably try to do something about that

>lmao he wants to help people what a fag
yeah, heard it before. don't you have big macs to flip bitch?

>> No.12707884
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Turn it into 2 billion.

>> No.12707896

Ask a coworker who I have a crush on to marry me. Then just travel and buy a few houses.

>> No.12707951

All in on utility dividend stocks. Done. Pursue hobbies thereafter.

>> No.12708070

Or just get actual slaves from the black market at that point

>> No.12708245

so you expect her to marry you on the fact that you would be a billionaire? lol, even if she agreed not a good foundation for a marriage.

As for me, bang instathots all day every day in a big ass mansion, probably some side businesses that i dont care if they fail or not.

>> No.12708275

i'd start my own planet

>> No.12708318

I would donate some to reputable charities and also covertly fund militant groups in Latin America and Afghanistan to gain control of the cocaine and opium markets

>> No.12708346


all in LINK, obviously

>> No.12708347
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overthrow Venezuela's dictator.

>> No.12708362


giving money to a slav? you can't be serious

>> No.12708371
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>> No.12708394


Russians already doing this, you are late

>> No.12708403


sauce please

>> No.12708428

I'm not a slav so I'll be better at it

>> No.12708513



>> No.12708532

Literally nothing and Amazon Prime literally everything

>> No.12709182
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Neither are they, "Russian" drug dealers and hackers are actually CIA pretending to be Russians.

>> No.12709203

Move to a frozen wasteland and build a laboratory so I can finally test all of my scientific hypotheses. Best part is I wouldn't owe any investors anything, so I could just publish my research/inventions as public domain

>> No.12709207

I'd probably just buy some property and hire a bunch of people to work on the craziest shit they could think of involving ai and genetics.

>> No.12709478

Fund longevity research and hope I last long enough to benefit from that research

>> No.12710332


>> No.12710370



in moscow these people do not even hide

>> No.12710797

you sound more like a psycopath to me, faggot

>> No.12710834

Pretty cool concept/

>> No.12711460

Buy even more monero.

>> No.12711552

- Fund movies and TV adaptions that are actually good and true to the source material with casting choices that truly fit the characters in question

- Fund a new type of high risk high tech sport similar to quidditch in harry potter just with flyboard air's instead of a fucking broom

>> No.12711602

Jesus reddit the documentary. Holy fucking shit what a waste of time.

>> No.12711636

I can't wait

>> No.12711688

Generously shower my favorite female twitch/chaturbate streamers with donations on a daily basis. Bonuses on their bdays and special anniversaries

>> No.12711716



>> No.12711802


>> No.12711815


>> No.12711929

make youtube video of burning the money

>> No.12711944

You sound retarded. He likes making money so be it. After all you cant really spend that much any other way

>> No.12711982

>inb4 he loses absolutely everything on BitMex

>> No.12711993

>inb4 you get robbed and murdered by a desperate populace and/or get tortured to death by mobsters for money

>> No.12712031

I make them do fucked up shit for money, one of mine ate their own shit for $220 (They swallowed).

I made another one put a cockroach in her pussy for $500. (She had to crunch it up inside)

>> No.12712036

Buy 4chan and actually make it profitable and drive the incel fucks out

>> No.12712130

HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I thought black women were ugly? wtF?

>> No.12712144

retire to a home in the mountains with my dog and my girl

>> No.12712169

Who is this lady and what % of her is plastic?

>> No.12712464

Do literally nothing and dedicate my time to my hobbies

>> No.12712934

I wouldn't know until I actually had the billion dollars.

>> No.12712975

Buy recreational nukes

>> No.12713102
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I would go to the brothel every day

>> No.12713180

Join Delphi door. That's literally the point

>> No.12713439

Deliver pizza and tip the customers

>> No.12713459

Billionaires don't go to brothels, they can get the sex slaves straight from the farm. Most billionaires fuck girls ages 3 - 12 on the daily that they keep on private property in 3rd world countries. Brothels are for poor people honestly.

>> No.12713849

You just have a small penis. Those would feel great wrapper around my schlong

>> No.12713983

Become an art dealer and safely double my stack

>> No.12714041


Give all of it away except 100 million to my friends, family, community, schools, and legit charities.

>> No.12714151

Buy lots of patents

>> No.12715080


This guy knows whats up

>> No.12715230
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I would buy 3 blocks of houses in Detroit and mow them down. Then build a shipping container castle with a heated moat filled with African crocodiles. I would use it as a way to slowly wage war on Detroit and its crackheads.

>> No.12715287
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I would set up multiple trusts to set my family and a significant amount of my extended family for life, buy an island in the Mediterranean with a fortified mansion on it designed to withstand all possible weather conditions including submersion and nuclear fallout, then use the remaining money to buy up hotel properties in SEA, starting with Vietnam.

I would build resorts to service Western clients in Vietnam and create indentured servants by charging them for english lessons and hospitality training while making it a requirement for them to speak it for increased salary and advancement opportunities within my organization.

My family was capitalist Vietnamese that were forced to flee their country and have their properties and businesses nationalized. Would be hilarious to enslave the ancestors of the communist scum and make them serve the west.

I would spend the rest of my years developing, colonizing, and debt enslaving undeveloped nations.

>> No.12715288

Buy realestate, run for president

>> No.12715435

I think about this sometimes. I'm pretty sure my real answer:

>invest 10mil, live off the interest (easily 100k/yr), read below for why so little
>buy 500mil worth of land in the rockies
>spend 10mil on entirely hand-crafted, off-grid, sustainable cabin ~2500sqft
>set aside 50mil, hire ag workers at $30/hr to farm and raise all of our food, pay them from the interest on the 50mil leftovers, ag business will be off-grid
>still have 430mil
>spend 100mil to become a patron of a few dozen musical societies around the world
>spend 30mil to start a west european-style traditional woodworking school with grants set up for free tuition for the small group of students every year
>create 100mil research grant for alternate energy, funding 5 American public universities
>create 200mil grant to fund grassroots politicians around the USA in non-urban areas (no amount of money can compete with the idiocy in our large cities)

literally make america great again, even if it takes a hundred years after i die

>> No.12715714

do whatever I can do to colapse the American Economy

>> No.12716054

that seems fun to be fair

>> No.12716087

>>buy 500mil worth of land in the rockies
>>spend 100mil to become a patron of a few dozen musical societies around the world
>>create 100mil research grant for alternate energy, funding 5 American public universities
>>create 200mil grant to fund grassroots politicians around the USA in non-urban areas (no amount of money can compete with the idiocy in our large cities)

you just spent 90% of your billion in about a week.
this is why poor people stay poor

>> No.12716118

Give it away to the less fortunates

>> No.12716197

>You only think "racism" is bad, because some Shlomo with a big nose

or because there are still people alive who remember lynchings, no-nigger bathroom laws. dumb cunt
you only believe shlomo theory because some podcaster/NEET sold you it, stay 'woke'

>> No.12716232
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Wealth is wasted on the altruistic

>> No.12716247


1 bil isn't enough, not even close

>> No.12716283

finance anime projects, have them to continue making seasons for cowboy bebop and ghost in the shell. Maybe have them do a bleach vs naruto mash up.

apparently the cost is 2million to 3 million per season.

>> No.12716294

looks like lotion

>> No.12716337

you can do this on 200k a year by going to colombia and brazil. and fucking bitches for 50 to 200 a pop.
i know ive done it, but only on 50k a year residual income.
After you cum on your 10th bitches face it becomes a bit boring and you end up realizing its better to have a soft harem of 3 to 5 girls of course you can fuck the odd random bitch

>> No.12716372

your mom

>> No.12716384


>> No.12716389

Buy about 100 million of SpaceX equity. Invest in life extension biotech. Shitpost.

>> No.12716410

i dont like girls with dark skin anonsan

>> No.12716414

It's very easy to make money if you have a billion bucks.

>> No.12716569

go eastern europe then same thing

>> No.12716866


>> No.12717076


The total number of African Americans lynched in all time is roughly equivalent to the number of White Americans murdered by African Americans in a single year (3000-3500 iirc). Which is again smaller than the number of African Americans murdered by other African Americans.

But hey, muh bathrooms clearly means he's a sucker while you're an enlightened free thinker, just like everyone else who shares your opinion. A really basic and unexamined one, far more so than his because his isn't the dominant narrative and is constantly under attack.

Won't engage again because /pol/ is meant to contain this shit, but you're so self satisfied and full of shit that I just had to say something.

>> No.12717120


>> No.12717164

use it to breed brown women with european features, like anime intented.

>> No.12717464
File: 76 KB, 400x400, monica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12717512


>The total number of African Americans lynched in all time is roughly equivalent to the number of White Americans murdered by African Americans in a single year (3000-3500 iirc).

Nice whataboutism you fucking cockroach.


>Some 57 percent of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators, while only 15 percent were committed by blacks, and 11 percent by Hispanics" And an interesting part of the study mentioned: "From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white and black-on- black violence declined at a similar rate. The rate of white-on-white violence declined 79%, from 52.5 victimizations per 1,000 white persons to 10.8 per 1,000. The rate of black-on-black violence declined 78%, from 66.6 victimizations per 1,000 black persons to 14.5 per 1,000. Similar to the trend for intraracial violent victimization, the rate of interracial violent victimization declined from 1994 to 2015. The rate of white-on-black violence declined 74%, from 10.2 victimizations per 1,000 black persons to 2.6 per 1,000. The rate of black-on-white violence declined 80%, from 14.9 victimizations per 1,000 white persons to 3.0 per 1,000. In 1994, the rate of black-on-white violence was higher than the rate of white-on-black violence. However, the rates converged over time.

>"The rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000)."

"Won't engage again because /pol/ is meant to contain this shit"

You "won't engage" because you're a fucktard spouting their shit and you don't want to get banned for it. A feckless pussy like all the other stormfag insects. Kill yourself you fucking roach

>> No.12717542

Buy as much BTC as possible, then sell it all for 1 sat each.