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12702276 No.12702276 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12702284

I decided to swing 5% of my stack. This pump is because of me. Thinking about buying back at a 7% loss to prove my loyalty to sergey

>> No.12702302

Same here...

>> No.12702329

sixxxsy sents sunday

>> No.12702332


>> No.12702340
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>> No.12702342

Were making it marines

>> No.12702348


>> No.12702359
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>> No.12702400

very overbought on all timeframes except daily
should retrace soon imo

>> No.12702410

do it faggot

>> No.12702419

>the 12 foot long dildo is going to retrace
thx for the tip

>> No.12702438



It's starting to go parabollic... you don't watch RSI if it goes parabolic or you will be left behind, strap in boyos

>> No.12702450

Fuck I need to get at least 2K of these fuckers before this takes off for good. Absolutely on the fucking cusp of fomoing in right now someone please tell me this will correct to at least 45c...

>> No.12702463

lmao bought 2k more under 40 cents, thank you swing tards, my #1 rule that will ensure that i make more money than a lot of idiots holding 100k is that i will never swing a single LINK ever.

>> No.12702465

My crystal ball is at the cleaners but I can try to get a price estimate by going on a DMT trip if you want

>> No.12702471
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>> No.12702485

well it retraced right now so liek
>buy ze dip

>> No.12702497


>> No.12702507


>> No.12702510

>he doesn't know
Check the Link related comment under the $1 BILLION SpaceGay short

>> No.12702521
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I see your Wojak, and raise you my Explodejak.


>> No.12702533
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>> No.12702571
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>blocks path

>> No.12702579
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when did i fud? :(

>> No.12702616
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so it's now been one year since I invested into link. There have been ups and downs but at the end of the day it's the exact same as then. The only thing I've lost is the wallet's share of my investments and I have gained nothing.
You know, I've grown up enough to have gotten tired of toying around with crypto. I wanna go out there and actually make money by myself for myself. How do I do this?

>> No.12702649

get a job asshole., some basement dwellers are against wagecucking, "lol rent free" etc,

>> No.12702657

sell hotdogs

>> No.12702662
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lol go get a job why are you asking us this is a link threads high IQ autists only my dude

>> No.12702769

Up 30% just buying dips over past year, if you believe in the tech must buy when blood in the water, and have never sold 1Link.

>> No.12703406

ok it's clear I need to accumulate once this corrects. is there a faster way to get fiat onto binance than depositing to Gemini and waiting a week or so? Gonna start DCAing in over the next few months and hopefully can get to 10-20K before it's too late. Is coinbase pretty fast as far as withdrawal?

>> No.12703433
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lmao what suddenly happened that it made it clear to you?

>> No.12703473
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>> No.12703478

thought the market would go horizontal for a lot longer, it's clear there's a legit chance this takes the fuck off and never comes back down

>> No.12703484


>> No.12703518

I bought some Linkies at 11.2k sats. Did I do good?

>> No.12703541

Does it work for burgers? Seems legit from a preliminary search

>> No.12703542

Yes, you bought the dip.

>> No.12703555
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i bought the dip

>> No.12703696

Why didn't you buy right away if you expected it to go sideways? You know there's always chance to go up and never come down again.

>> No.12703798

Unironically keep holding

>> No.12703818


My grandfather was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer in 1995. The x-rays showed that the cancer was so widespread, that it had even eaten through his ribs. There were visible gaps in his chest where the bones should have been.

After hearing the doctors recommendation that he needed various forms of treatment, but even with the treatment they would give him a maximum of 3-4 months to live, he decided against all of it, and put his sons and daughters to the task of finding any information they could about alternative treatments that had any plausibility to them.

Among the things the family discovered as plausible included:

- essiac tea
- shark cartilage
- fruit & vegetable seeds - pumpkin seeds, apple seeds, apricot cores, flax seeds
- laetrine
- and any & all foods that shifted body pH from acidic to basic

He altered his diet radically.

That was 15 years ago. The ensuing x-rays taken of my grandfather in the months after his diagnosis showed a remission that was so dramatic that the missing sections of bone in his chest reappeared in each subsequent x-ray, almost like still frames of a motion picture.

Today, he's still a stubborn old bastard, but he's fit as a fiddle and alive.

What cured him?

Possibly something on that list. ^

>> No.12703845
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>It could take off at any sec
this has been the case for a while now, so why just now? how big is your stack? be honest im at 12k

>> No.12703864

The price was at 40 cents for almost a month. What in the world make you want to swing on that. Are you stupid?

>> No.12704016
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It was supposed to go down not up

>> No.12704193

I have none. Got justed by JNT. Didn't research Link in earnest until last week. Could have had 30K if I had done more research last year.

Just need to get at least a couple thousand asap and then slowly accumulate... it will all be worth it in 5 years if link has half the potential I think it does

>> No.12704303
File: 1.15 MB, 1525x1540, 66AC8C26-D6CF-49AF-B9CD-F4115E137EF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dude. When you were researching link did you have that moment where you realized everything else is a literal shitcoin? how comfy do you feeling know link doesnt even need to succeed for the token to gain value? what i mean is even if link network captures just dust of one field that the token will still gain value because of the tokenomics. i hope you know why know we marines are always so comfy

>> No.12704328

I buy $50-75 worth of LINK every Thursday. It’s been super comfy. Up over 15k linkies

>> No.12704425

>When you were researching link did you have that moment where you realized everything else is a literal shitcoin?
Basically yeah, I had that moment of enlightenment that everything depends on link or something like it working

>how comfy do you feeling know link doesnt even need to succeed for the token to gain value? what i mean is even if link network captures just dust of one field that the token will still gain value because of the tokenomics. i hope you know why know we marines are always so comfy
right now I'm terrified it's going to skyrocket before I can accumulate at least 10K

>> No.12704501
File: 221 KB, 1414x680, F96B039A-8007-4E35-84EB-C359A663A8FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here man, i try to save some for a dip but ill be smoking weed get paranoid and fomo into buying link after reading a breadcrumb ive read ten times already lmfao
im so glad you see the light. the deeper you go the scarier it is. at one point you realize AI cant function without something like link. anyone with a brain can tell you the future is a decentralized open source network, just like link :)

>> No.12704528

Your portfolio went up a lot in sats, the whole market crashed.

>> No.12705654


>> No.12705666

Been gone for like 6 months and these threads haven't changed at all. I'm getting back in with my tax returns tho.

>> No.12705726

They’ve actually changed quite a bit. A lot of newbies have joined our ranks. The majority of people posting in these threads have no idea what the fuck they are talking about and it’s obvious when they try to explain it to someone asking questions.

The FUD has gotten funny tho. We’ve reached the point we’re the FUD has gone full circle and it’s starting to regurgitate old FUD.

>> No.12706144

how high do you think it's going over the next 2 or 3 years?

>> No.12706396

Price speculation is worthless and I will sell my stack in 10-15% increments when I deem it necessary

>> No.12706867

Dumbshit believed the hopeful fudders.

>> No.12706878

if ive learned anything about link, itll be back to 39c on tuesday

>> No.12706887

you know the retards are coming back when this question starts to pop up again. bull run confirmed.

>> No.12706974

Where are the links to Jesus and the lizard people? Did the "artist" run out of room?