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12701366 No.12701366 [Reply] [Original]

How do I be based like him?

t. narcos binge watcher

>> No.12701377

el patro

>> No.12701386

Who? Some taxi driver?

>> No.12701392

Pablito Escobar

>> No.12701398

If he was based, why is he dead?

>> No.12701404

He wasn’t based. He was so retarded he ruined the most profitable business in history for everyone around him.
The Ochoa had been trafficking coke and loving like kings for decades and their name was unheard of in the news, in fact the patriarch handed himself in and died recently of natural causes after spending 5 years in prison and handing in some of his money, he died peacefully as one of the richest men in Colombia, the orejuela also trafficked quietly until Pablo Escobar quite literally outed them.
He was the absolute dumbest motherfucker in the business and ruined it for everyone.

>> No.12701415
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>> No.12701427

The based ones are the ones you will never hear about.
Pablo was too dumb to understand that success was in anonymity, not fame.
His whole life he struggled with the fact that he fucked up before making his first million and every other capo hated him. What he called treachery was just smarter man trying to get rid of this dumb ape who keep putting them in the spot light, in the end he was so fucking delusional and coked up that he actually thought he could win. All he did was give Colombians a reason to forever involve the USA in Colombia and ruin it for everyone.

>> No.12701439

Now you mention it, that does sound plausible

>> No.12701456

I haven't dug deep into studying these cartels yet. But you're right, he wasn't that based compares to other discreet cartels. What I meant was the way these cartels work is actually really amazing given the amount of work and manpower they have to hire in order to make this whole thing an global economic impact.

>> No.12701837

Wasn't really based, he was a slave to the CIA.

>> No.12702666

this anon is right but his thirst for power was too much. He was mad he never got accepted into colombian aristocracy since they saw him as a pleb with money so he tried to buy his way into power. Of course when that failed he chimped out and basically declared war on the state. He was the ultimate ancap autist

>> No.12702802

The Based Gatsby

>> No.12702995

escobar was a fucking moron. he had the world in his hands and then fucked it up by trying to be a politician.

>> No.12703042

Because he was hunted down by the whole planet from doing whatever he wanted. And that's based.