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File: 140 KB, 434x580, mini ice age 2020-2050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12692222 No.12692222 [Reply] [Original]

>earth will enter a mini ice age between 2020 - 2053 due to a period of low solar activity
>crop failures will kill millions of people worldwide
>mass pogrom of scientists and academics who shilled global warming
>global energy and crop prices increase by 1000% due to reduced supply and increasing demand
>oil will reach $1000 per barrel
>complete collapse of global stock prices
>Great depression cycle will last 20 - 30 years

How do I profit out of this /biz/?

>> No.12692239

hodl oil

>> No.12692241

>inb4 link Sergei chain-link solve oracle
Nuke Jupiter

>> No.12692256

Buy property in puerto rico

>> No.12692272

not surprised. nature has a way of not giving a single fuck about what we do. kind of happy this will happen even if i dont make it. we abused the fuck out this planet for too long.

>> No.12692290
File: 695 KB, 1500x1500, ECDA4EDC-5B1D-43FB-AD2F-8F112C24000C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun doesn’t cause climate change!!!!! Climate change is caused by human flatulence!!!!!!

>> No.12692301

Sure, and by 1972 we'll have colonised half of the moon

>> No.12692305

Flatulence is methane so partly true yes.

>> No.12692326

eat my crypto farts faggot

>> No.12692340

Fuck you idiots and global warming/ice age ahit. 30 years mate? quit acting like it's going to happen over a 2 week period.
As humans naturally do, adapt to changing climate we have no issue.
In 30 years we'll be sourcing heat from the sun. We already gather heat from earths core.
You know we've only been doing that for 20-30 years? in another 20-30 years it'll be half a century old. Most homes and just about every business will be using geo thermal heat.
We're already growing grapes in the winter.
Like literally. There are grapes that grow while it snow.
What makes you think we won't have tomatoes that grow in the snow by then?
We know more about insulation then we ever have.
There is no way to "profit" from this much like when you fucking losers talk about shorting women, millennial and other useless shit to "short"

>> No.12692402

buy btc

>> No.12692456

>In 30 years we'll be sourcing heat from the sun
We already do this, it's called solar energy
>We already gather heat from earths core
No, you god damn idiot kys

>> No.12692458

I pity scientists. So many of them will be executed (by the elected fascist governments) once the reality of the ice age sets a few years in

>> No.12692465

PLEASE tell me this means shitskins are going extinct

>> No.12692478

not extinct, but they'll for sure be forced out of Europe

>> No.12692479


Please dont say we, when its clearly they. It doesn't appear you know how any of that stuff works you just know somebody else does.

>> No.12692498

More likely that shitskins get deported once fascist governments get into power after the economic collapse so they’ll go back home in countries around the equator; which will be warmer than average. Ofcourse this may also mean some whites may choose to migrate voluntary, which shitskins could have a problem with...

>> No.12692530
File: 190 KB, 381x500, 477B5B81-B6E5-4AB0-B99D-3DE6C07AC8D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path with smart contract dividends earned from converting your PoW pollution into fresh clean air through the filtration system of my lungs

>> No.12692572

I think he means geothermal electricity, but that's far from the earths core

>> No.12692581

Welp digits confirm
Buy oil I guess

>> No.12692584
File: 799 KB, 696x478, CBB5B5DE-8056-4189-8116-4DD7D71315C1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should also pity the fucks who insist that, instead of advancement in science and technology, their made-up crisis can only be solved with financial derivative instruments otherwise known as Carbon Credits -all whilst 7 billion people are taxed on their flatulence as the 90 corporations responsible for 2/3 of manmade pollution continue business as usual, not reducing their footprint whatsoever because they’ll be making up for their carbon taxes with gains from speculating on Carbon Credit derivatives.


>> No.12692592

colder earth means lower temperature means more efficient mining

>> No.12692660

Won’t be good for the vegans #hunt deer

>> No.12692728

Never underestimate peoples ability to overestimate their understading of something they're terribly ignorant about. People are painfully incapable of forming a valid opinion on the subject, including 95% of people here.

>> No.12692779

yeah dude we'll all hunt deer lmao xD
there are far too many humans for this to work. if you live in bumfuck nowhere, deer is a boon, but you better live near water with fish too.

ultimately the cooldown won't happen overnight and stuff like indoor multistory farming will be done for a lot of vegetables. vat-farming algae is also not really that difficult. it's actually amazing we're not already doing it en-masse. idk what grains/legumes etc are suitable for indoor farming but some of them probably are. it would require massive buildout of underground farms or cost-effective and well insulated shelters for above-ground farming though.

>> No.12692844

More like the equator line will be the only inhabitable zone on Earth.

>> No.12692863

If this is true... you would be better served investing in ammo. This would be catastrophic for the world.