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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12691052 No.12691052 [Reply] [Original]

Lately I have been having arguments with a commie douche, but he is studying economics, and when he gets technical I cannot argue with him. Help me defend capitalism, define the basic economics that pertain the decision making in the State, so that others here can know too

>> No.12691122

With no context the fundamental difference is that capitalism embraces individual liberty and private ownership while socialism decentralizes ownership to each worker to combat exploitation of the working class.

Im assuming youre talking about socialism vs capitalism. Just look at BTC for a real reason why socialism would become an inefficient mess. Under socialism, each individual has equal share of the company so each decision would turn into a popular vote just like BTC miners. Now imagine a political system running on that foundation and lets pretend how that is going to keep everyone happy and maintain peace.

Capitalism has its own issues such as worsening inequality, thats why a mixed economy is the obvious choice.

>> No.12691132

>when he gets technical I cannot argue with him
dont be scared by technical jargon, he's probably talking out of his ass. Economics is actually really simple, actually its just common fucking sense. The job of the economist is to make it sound more complex than it is so that we keep getting screwed over

>> No.12691367
File: 747 KB, 1119x884, 1548930053524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck would you have GDP per capita if wealth is owned by the state?

>> No.12691372

Constant growth is impossible, it's retarded to think capitalism isn't it it's death throes.

>> No.12691377

So sell BTC?

>> No.12691381

FUN FACT: The man in the photo is Rod Rosensteins granddaddy.

>> No.12691401
File: 26 KB, 457x441, Supply-and-Demand-curves-and-point-of-equilibrium-Source-worldpresscom-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show him this

>> No.12692194

Read some of the books by Mises and Hayek.