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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12682992 No.12682992 [Reply] [Original]

Summary of looking for jobs in 2019:

>Recruiter sets up time for phone screen
>Speak with recruiter
>A few days later get rejection email
>"Sorry anon, there is stiff competition for this role and we've decided to go with other people"
>Ask for feedback as to why
>Says that they are looking for someone with slightly different experience


>> No.12683076

I had a similar experience looking for a sales job. I walked in and did very well in the interview with the lady who would have been my boss, and she switched my application from a different job to sales because she thought I was a natural fit.

The company's HR department crossed me out and went with some out of work boomer with zero in-person charisma because their resume checked more boxes than mine did.

>> No.12683853
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>>finally got hired
>>didn't change my Linked in status so those fucekrs still spam me with offers
>>reject everyone of them with different BS stories how their offer sucks
>> mfw when i love my "new" job of blowing off recruiters

>> No.12683923

It's a canned response. All of them will reject you saying that "we're looking for someone with a better fit for the position" or whatever. In theory they're afraid of a lawsuit if they tell you exactly why they rejected you, although I doubt that's ever happened.

>> No.12684520

Modern recruitment uses machine learning for psychoanalysis. When they do a phone interview they put your voice through the machine and get a psycho-profile which then determines if you get chosen.

I haven't studied it deeper yet but I'm sure you could rig the system with a voice changer. You don't have to sound like a different person, just tune it. The problem is getting hands on the system to test it.

>> No.12684601

That's interesting. Haven't heard of that.

Are they looking for higher or lower pitch? Perhaps a more even keel tone?

>> No.12684776


first find. They also use words used.

Btw interesting side note:
Using a profile picture of a persons face ML can determine with 80% certainty if you are gay. People thought it was junk science to look at people's head but it's back in full force. China is trying to do the same for predicting who is a criminal minority report style. US has similar software purely on behavior though and not just how you look. (If you move erratic on the mall camera you get flagged for suspect)

>> No.12684849

you need to go in openly carrying a firearm and look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake

>> No.12685122

That's a really interesting read. Thank you for the link!

I'm not surprised as my own anecdotal evidence seems to make sense when somebody says they're gay and it doesn't surprise me.

Scary about China doing they're doing. They're looking to create a very homogeneous society.

It'll be interesting to see how the cameras and AI change how humans interact.

Gotta add that I read a while back that using ML, a group of scientists were able to predict if someone was depressed by way of voice and video combined with voice. The voice part took 3x as long length wise to come to a diagnosis versus using audio and video cues tied together.

>> No.12685165

They are trying to use that in suicide prevention now. Facebook has also something to filter for suicide indicating posts.

>> No.12685220

What a dick

>> No.12685231

Not true. I do tech recruiting in Los Angeles. You're an idioy

>> No.12685346

So you live behind the times and that means everyone does?

>> No.12685407

You gotta be one special kind of loser to literally have a job in the current year of our lord

>> No.12685461

Based and monkpilled

>> No.12685771

Good to hear the Facebook is helping out. Unfortunately, I wonder how much of social media is increasing depression.

As someone who was once suicidal, I'm glad I didn't go through with it. Suicidal ideation really messes with the ability to see a non-depressing future.

>> No.12685784

job searching is more depressing than wageslaving

>> No.12685831

A significant correlation social media - depression has been published. They argued it's because you see a stream of the best moments from everyone and compare it to your own mundane life where you know every boring moment.

Personally i think burning through your reward center is the bigger issue. That's however true in general. Whether people use news sites or social media it's the same - you're fishing in a sea of garbage for something interesting akin to playing one-armed bandit -instead of pulling the lever you just scroll. There's been also publication to intentionally make first top news boring and lower news interesting to increase the stimulus.All these sites minmax their addiction using the same research.

>> No.12686586

I've seen that research regarding social media as well. Makes sense with the comparison of everybody's happy moments (although there are some who post nothing but bad news it seems).

Makes sense we'd feel relatively useless compared to the happy news people post in a non-stop manner. Also makes sense that our dopamine receptors would get burned out or at least numbed.

Crazy about the the boring news first and increasingly intersting news. Seems to me that there will be a first post of interest followed by boring, then more interesting stuff.

Personally I've cut down on using Facebook a lot from where I used to be. Check it a couple of times a week max. Get in and out quick. I feel a lot less anxious than I used to.

Getting people associates and anxious along with being a time wasters is one of the internal argues I have about programming a game or anything that can grab attention. I don't want to be the hook that causes people to start doing poorly in day to day activities and become addicted to whatever I may create. I've been on that side with vidya, 4chan (and Fark) and weed in particular. Set me back several years from where I'd like to be.

>> No.12687185

>/k/'s boomer dad makes him get a job

>> No.12687213

>Good to hear the Facebook is filtering my posts through a supercomputer so it can determine whether or not they are legally allowed to interfere with my life

>> No.12687215

You're not friends or relative or female

>> No.12687234

>>A few days later get rejection email

Thats way too optimistic. Most just leave you hanging till you lose hope and move on.