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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 390x326, fromo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12678065 No.12678065 [Reply] [Original]

you didn't listen at .0002
you didn't listen at .0004
you're not listening at .0006

.001 incoming quick. sad you believe the weak fud surrounding a token that can change your miserable lives. you weak fudded holo, qnt, chk out of the gates as you've done with this one. oh /biz/.

>> No.12678416

I'm getting hot vibes too anon.

>> No.12678444

Yea pamp the btt

>> No.12678466

I bought today after doing some research. I read on the their telegram today that more announcements are coming THIS week. Going to try to get some more tomorrow after I get paid.

>> No.12678503

So fucking cringe. I bought in and am a holder but I do not agree with these comments. There’s no fucking need to shill this with your contrived shite. People who want to buy will do so.

Fucking cockwomble

>> No.12678635

posts like these are disgusting, just let them discover without this bs shilling

>> No.12678674

Congrats anons, I shilled lto 2 weeks ago, but you ignored me. Well we are still early and I Love our marketmaker. today will be green.

>> No.12678691

Zero mentions on plebbit. There's still time to accumulate with shitting on each other bizraelis

>> No.12678693

>i have made a terrible mistake please buy my bags sir

>> No.12678695

I literally cringed when I read that. I’m irrationally annoyed by the above “muh I’ll buy when I get paid” post. I probably ought to stop staring at my portfolio.

>> No.12678746

kek /biz/ is in a weird place right now, a lot of old fags have left to hold their linkies in peace, and a new wave of new fags has arrived, and they don't know the feel when you discover a gem like lto, I missed holo, and quant and own, and felt the fomo for all of them but swore to never swing my linkies, now I felt the same feeling for lto, when you do enough time here you start to quickly make the difference between the gems and the shitcoins, so i realized if the link singularity happens I will make it with 100% of my stack or with 50% of my stack, so I sold 50% and bought lto, I hope you all get enough time to accumulate, but this one will go high, it's a good hold to make a quick x5-x10 and it's also a good hold to make a x40-x50, look at some coins with 80 million $ market cap and compare them to lto, it has big clients, and it will be used by a lot more clients if it gains enough attention.
don't miss out friends, there are top 3 or 4 opportunities like this in a year, and if you're smart you can make money even in the bear market and then you'll make a shit ton of money in the bull market.

>> No.12678783

well said, Linklet.

>> No.12678852

BTT is already at 60 million market cap brainlet. Its going to crash so fucking hard.

>> No.12678853
File: 24 KB, 300x300, hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey faggot ur my hero

>> No.12678941

hug me fren, i have a 6/10 gf but i just fell in love with the pornstar emily bloom after seeing her in another thread, tell me it's gonna be alright

>> No.12679071

be honest lto is a pump and dump

>> No.12679134

Look at the fundamentals for yourself.

>> No.12679168

I'm sorry the bear has eaten you asshole first. LTO is legit fren. we are trying to help you make life changing monies!

>> No.12679177


>> No.12679236
File: 60 KB, 354x286, Apu music.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is like every coin being shilled on /biz/, but if you're not too greedy you can still make a decent profit out of these pajeet coins. Just don't go all in, treat it as gambling.

>> No.12679363
File: 23 KB, 377x400, photo_2019-02-05_05-27-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pump it

>> No.12679415
File: 178 KB, 1280x734, LTO infograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every one is catching word of the LTO Moon Mission.
Expect many new articles written and videos out about LTO.
This isnt staying low cap for long.

>> No.12679491

whoever missed this better jump off the troll bridge and kys