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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1267697 No.1267697 [Reply] [Original]

>house on loan
>car on loan
>phone on loan ($18.50 m/o on my Samsung)
>office on loan (I own a small shop)
>wife on loan(threatens to divorce me and take everything if I don't give her $3k pocket money m/o)
>even fucking groceries on loan cause bought with credit card.
>even lawn mover on loan
>even fridge, TV, ac, washing machine, coffee maker, sofa, PC, laptop, wedding ring, heater on loan.

Who else loan cuck here?

>> No.1267703

Mortgage and cofee maker loan is ok. I also take food loans sometimes so i hedge against sudden hyper inflation!

>> No.1267718

dem reward points tho

>> No.1267720

Always avoid all kinds of loans or finance at all costs.

>> No.1267730
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You should have invested in good boy points Ltd

>> No.1267936

i bought weed on loan in HS.
got beat up once because i couldn't pay, never lent anything eversince.
I don't even use a credit card

>> No.1268003

Mortgage - will be getting half of the equity in the divorce.
Car Loan - financed at .9 for the BRZ
Student Loan - < 3k left at 2.99 Apr

Soon I'll be no longer bounded by loans.

>> No.1268014

sense interest rates are so low right now, getting a loan makes sense actully, as far as house goes, not CC loans though

>> No.1268062

>Marriage fags

>> No.1268571

Laugh all you want - it was nice to utilize the extra income to boost our equity although now we're splitting.

Purchased house 100K, 15yr mortgage, currently 85k remaining and market value is estimate to be at least 120K so that's about 35k / 2 = 17500 for me in only three years. Not bad of a return I'll say.

Yes the divorce sucks - at least it's civil and we're very amendable on things together. Not all are as lucky as I am - that's for sure.

>> No.1268609

Feels good having a lot of shit even though you cant afford it. If I had to pay for shit in cash I would have barely nothing. I keep telling the credit cards "I'll pay you back later". They keep calling me anyways. Feels nice to have people call me. Theyre like my own little crew. Sometimes I pretend they are calling me to go hang out. Lifes great, man.

>> No.1268619


> car on loan
> rent on credit cards
> food on credit cards
> gas on credit cards
> brokerage account on personal loan
> everything is on a credit card or some sort of loan

I'm also paying child support.

And. I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

Fuck your national debt. Fuck you your stupid dollar. Fuck your inflation.

Once I'm all done, I'll clam Chapter 11 or just get 80% off.

Will I be able to get a home? In 7 years. Yes. But idgaf, the streets are better than your judgment.

Cause' fuck the system. I've learned that it doesn't matter.

I mean seriously everyone is stressed about work, bills, education, and other non-sensible things OTHER people have come up with that the majority follow in blindness. Why? It's actually retarded that I go to work to make someone else richer.

It's retarded that I have to follow bathroom laws that don't even acknowledge my identity. Where is my name on the public bathrooms? Hmm? That's what I thought - individual injustice.

But in all seriousness, "Hi, my name is Bill and I'm in debt up to my eye-balls."

>> No.1268654

>>even lawn mover on loan
>>even fridge, TV, ac, washing machine, coffee maker, sofa, PC, laptop, wedding ring, heater on loan.

>> No.1269315

Child support

Should have pulled out nigga

>> No.1269330
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>Treating credit card collectors like they're needy friends to have to hang out with you

I lol'd so fuckin hard

>> No.1269457

Credit cards and payment plans. All that shit is expensive. I barely make 15k a year.

BTW forgot to mention student loans so
>education on loan.