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File: 180 KB, 750x1063, 9F95AF4A-5959-4265-960E-44DEDF845B1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12672494 No.12672494 [Reply] [Original]

Explain yourself you pizza loving faggot kikes

>> No.12672514

Oh man I guess it should be worthless and go to 0


>> No.12672519

Kek. That's the oldest whale fud there is. Is this for SV?

>> No.12672525

there were articles like this for bitcoin last year
unoriginal fud

>> No.12672539


Yea. Bullish sign.

>> No.12672566

yes bit you had to do a bunch of obscure cryptowizardry to encode it on the bitcoin chain. SV literally boasts file upload as a main feature.

>> No.12672593

We've started moderating the blockchain. The blockchain itself, of course, cannot be censored. But businesses that
provide services for the blockchain can, should and will delete immoral and illegal content.

This idea of illegal content on the blockchain is irrelevant anyways. The number Pi is suspected to contain every finite sequence within it somewhere (that means every possible illegal image is encoded somewhere in Pi)


>> No.12672619

This. Deluded cultists still don't understand this point.

>> No.12672620

was craig hired to kill bitcoin?

>> No.12672636

I'm calling Chuck Norris.

>> No.12672642


>> No.12672649

>muh abstract arguments using Pi
There ... are ... unobfuscated ... child ... porn ... images ... embedded ... on ... SV ... blochain.
Using the SV network --> using the a network which RELIES on CP to work. Ltierally a CP powered blockchain, as said CP is required to validate the whole chain.

>> No.12672659

Any coin that forked off bitcoin after CP was put on it now has CP on it. That's probably hundreds of chains.

>> No.12672673

Normies dont understand blockchaib well enough.

>> No.12672687
File: 13 KB, 400x400, JihanTheAvenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think that someone with nothing to lose won't upload CP on-chain bricking it.
pic related

>> No.12672691

The same is true for btc in the past, and as others have said what about all the other forks?

Admit it, this fud is just targeting BSV in an attempt to manipulate it.

Which proves there is fear of BSV, otherwise why make such weak fud attempts?

>> No.12672692

>But businesses that
>provide services for the blockchain can, should and will delete immoral and illegal content.
No surprise that a BSV retard doesn't understand how a blockchain actually works.

>> No.12672705

based jihan

>> No.12672713

Fucking moron.

He's talking about filtering at their application level.

Didn't you read the article.


>> No.12672769
File: 166 KB, 1200x756, sv chads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is internet 2.0 and we prune it for different applications. Torrents could host nasty stuff too. Those who do it are prosecuted, simple as that.

>> No.12672771

>filtering at application level
Still have CP in your synced .dat file, regardless of whether you choose to display it.

You can't filter it from the chain because your chain will be invalid.

>> No.12672806

>The blockchain itself, of course, cannot be censored. But businesses that
>provide services for the blockchain can, should and will delete immoral and illegal content.

How fucking retarded are you?

That was already stated.

>> No.12672839

>not your keys not your bitcoin
>not your intention to post cp on the blockchain, not yourself to be responsible if it does

>> No.12672854

>Torrents could host nasty stuff too
o) Once something is put on the blockchain it is UNDELETABLE.
o) A torrent-shared file can simply disappear from the network when it will stop being seeded.
o) Even if the content is filtered, unfiltered chains have to be utilized at some level because validating the chain is impossible without it's full content.

>> No.12672860

Very bullish

>> No.12672875

>provide services for the blockchain can, should and will delete immoral and illegal content.
The point is you literally can't delete it if you want to have a valid chain, only remove the means of accessing it. It's equivalent to having an illegal file stored on your harddrive and uninstalling Windows Photo Viewer and thus claiming you "deleted" the file.

Do you not understand how blockchain works? It's called an IMMUTABLE digital ledger for a reason m8.

>> No.12672891

It's just random letters and symbols untill you encode it.
You need to actually do proof of work to make a picture out of this random symbols.
Better don't do, it's illegal.

>> No.12672904

Then the same goes for other forks too.




>> No.12672914

>random letters and symbols untill you encode it
Trivial to do so in SVs case. That's the point.

>> No.12672916

Which means it will pump like hell.
This BBC article is like a Streisand effect.
Best shilling ever

>> No.12672926

You can embed a lot of CP in your 5 bytes of free space per transaction in BTC. Compare that to unlimited amount of data you can put on SV.

>> No.12672927

It's no difference if it's trivial or difficult to encode. IDIOT.

Build an easy encoder for splitted BTC pictures and it's even easier there.


>> No.12672946

It's still obfuscated to hell and back. Much more akin to 'random bytes' from the other argument. Compare that to storing RAW JPEG FILES on SV blockchain.

>> No.12672954

Why are you so buttblasted? And no, this fact makes the rounds every few months or so. You'd know this if you weren't a nucoiner.

I was pointing out the fact that it is impossible to delete something from a blockchain like you said in >>12672593 without a 51% attack otherwise your chain will be invalid. You sperged out about this.

Maybe try learning about the underlying technology before you invest in shitcoins m8 and get defensive about your sunk cost shitcoin investment.

>> No.12672962

Not only that given the right algorithm anything can be turned into cp. This is a non argument even tho sv is still a shitcoin and craig wright a wannabe

>> No.12672964

>Streisand effect
not if supporting it guarantees being a human toilet if you go to prison.

>> No.12672966

Creg is drunk again boys.

>> No.12672983

Pretty sure the illegal content on BTC chain is not only obsfucated, but not even in "order" so it's even harder, you don't just need a "start point", you'd need specific knowledge of which transactions together form a set to make the illegal image and their order.

The raw JPEG files on SV blockchain could probably be encoded in a couple of lines of python, given a transaction ID, for comparison.

>> No.12672996
File: 2.59 MB, 300x197, Obama visiting US troops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topkek, CSW is seriously triggered here. Gonna flip out and try to crash the whole market again? Look you retarded pajeets, this is literally just old fud - it's just a way for these BBC kikes to go "Oh noes, immutable blockchain tech itself is illegal because CP exists". So don't worry about it. And again - why the hell are you storing the whole image or video on chain? Not necessary, store a magnet link or something. I know it's to prove a point, but cmon.

>> No.12673011

That would be an argument against prosecuting CP at all. Please try to use it in court and see what happens.

>> No.12673058


It amazes me, these psychological trolling, astroturf and forum sliding tatics are being used against them.

You guys (bsv opponents) need a different strategy !

CSW has you figured out !!

>> No.12673060

This. You can take any image, diff it with another image, then store the output. Then use the second image to reconstruct it. And I dunno, store them on unsecured printers and such. So many ways to do this type of thing. Moral of the story is blaming a technology for how it's used is moronic. This whole argument is just old fud that was used about the Internet itself.

>> No.12673067

>i was only pretending to be retarded
Put down the Jim Beam, craig.

>> No.12673084
File: 311 KB, 678x381, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the hell are you storing the whole image or video on chain
To destroy the person that destroyed you

>> No.12673108

>what is steganography in an immutable chain
this is possible in every single coin that allows optional data broadcasted to chain.
it reflects nothing on the underlying at all and this is weak FUD.

>> No.12673113

So what? Lot of things won't fly in court despite being true. The opinion of a kike in the judges chair matters only due to the obedience he compels through force, not moral authority or being logically correct. Nah, SV is some serious pajeet shit but this whole thing is a non-issue.

>> No.12673144

>la la la I can't hear you

>> No.12673149

No, I mean in general, not the retarded politics of these shitforks of shitforks. Why is SV so proud of this? You don't store raw video directly in a database table, on a technical level why is SV so determined to do it that way? You just store a reference to it. Seems like a good way to waste space.

>> No.12673154

The most true thing in the world is a dick lodged forcefully into your anus. I'm sure you'll be enjoying prison if you continue supporting SV.

>> No.12673167

I want to put the whole brainlets collection on the bsv blockchain. how to proceed?

>> No.12673178

Craig has his grandiose idea that goes beyond just storing pleb-tier files on-chain. I'm sure the vision is very bright and paradigm-breaking ... in a world where there are no illegal images.
Just listen to his videos where he speaks about the potential for metanet.

>> No.12673251

perhaps this?

>> No.12673358
File: 276 KB, 1066x600, brainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12673405


Use b.bitdb.network or bitcoinfiles.

When the CP was posted, I spammed the chain with Pepes so it wouldn't show in the explorer.

>> No.12673483

Next pump incoming.
Thanks dear fudder and bad uploader for all this attention

>> No.12673862
File: 635 KB, 1125x817, 9C2F90E2-BA85-42B8-BE5E-E9682616614D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud. If we had to throw out everything pedos have touched then we’d have to dismantle most of our institutions. I hate pedos just as much as the next person but this argument has never made a difference.

>> No.12673907

You still don't get it.
Files on a regular computer can be deleted. Data in a regular database can be deleted.
Data in a blockchain CANT BE DELETED. they are there FOREVER.

>> No.12673940

Pedos keep their money at banks, therefore anybody using banks are pizza lvoing faggot kikes. Pedos go to parks, therefore anybody going to a park is a pedo loving kike faggot. Pedos go on the internet, that means your a pizza loving faggot kike.

The only answer is to kill everybody alive.

>> No.12673956

Nobody gives a shit about pedos themselves. Only about CP/Child rape.

>> No.12674225

The blockchain will be so insane big, to exabites, that you can find any CP.
You can store the transaction hash but that's then the same like storing CP.

>> No.12674236


>> No.12674243

>FUD everywhere today
unironically bullish
i was debating whether to put another months wageslaving into this now or stack up for later - guess the bottom IS in. thx, bro.

>> No.12674257

no man no, btc only had urls you can only store like 40 bytes on it in a transaction. sv has 4 gigs of data. a bit different.

>> No.12674278

the potential of metanet is like making a car that you can carry on your back while paying for the privilege. because it's ground braking not to sit in a car but to carry that car on your back.

>> No.12674279

No they didn't. There's literally no proof. If it did happen there would be picture evidence
But there is no evidence

>> No.12674303

yeah they show cp downloaded from the net on tv all the time.

>> No.12674306

Fake news going after Dr. Satoshi...Very bad move. I don't think they know what Craig's capable of. This is literally his lifes work and he is a angry, cruel motherfucker with hell of alot money. This show is gonna be great!

>> No.12674309

Haha the cuck fork only got a shitfork even from the fud.
Btc child porn > sanjis vishnu abuse xd

>> No.12674316

File storage onchain is just so fucking dumb.
Blockstream will never allow that. The future is in the layers. There will probably be some combination of decentralized governed file storage with some AI that recognizes CP in 10 or 15 years with a 99.999% accuracy....

>> No.12674331

I always thought it was a Vishnu embedded in the crypto-currency blockchain

>> No.12674383
File: 59 KB, 500x500, beyondmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockstream will never allow that.
Amazing that in just 4 short years we've gone from BTC maximalist retards saying "blockstream doesn't control bitcoin, that is just a conspiracy, goy" to "blockstream will never allow that."
BTC maximalist fags truly deserve to loose everything.

>> No.12674388

Exactly; zero proof. I rest my case

>> No.12674398

There needs to be a Richard Hanson on the blockchain. Vishnu Hanson

>> No.12674413

it's all over the internet nigga, they used money button to post it.

>> No.12674445

if you want proof i guess you have to install a full node and scan the blockchain for any image not shown by block explorers.

>> No.12674476

which is kinda ironic because now those sick pedo fucks can passively fish for illegal content removed from public access and don't have to keep the rest of the data for long. the providers are doing the heavy lifting for them to select out target data.

>> No.12674494

LN will scale Bitcoin. Blockstream happens to have the "best" LN implementation. Swimming against the river is just dumg imo. Its about Store of Value and transport - everything else comes after that

>> No.12674522

Fucking hilarious that CSW keeps banging on about working within the law while this is happening.

>> No.12674612

ln is just a medium term scaling solution for micro-transactions. increasing the block size is a short term fix. despite what faggots say neither allows for true scale to replace visa and mastercard and swift and sepa.

>> No.12674638

increasing the block size and pruning the chain regularly by posting blocks with complete utxo that nodes can validate and after a while delete previous history, may be a solution for scaling.
utxo size is now what? 65mb? fucking nothing.

>> No.12675467

where the website with all the files on the chain

>> No.12675473

hey hey greg said it's okay and he is satoshi... so that makes it okay... OKAY?

>> No.12675476

Its almost as if CSW is a faker. . .

>> No.12675511

>The number Pi is suspected to contain every finite sequence

Not suspected to... it does. Its proven fact. However, the numerical representation of Pi is a human construction.

>> No.12675534

What are shitcoins to you?

>> No.12675955

his own mother said so that he is a compulsive liar who will make up stories to inflate his own importance. what did you expect?

>> No.12676912

lol sauce please?

>> No.12676979

This is dumb FUD

-BTC already has CP on it

-OP_RETURN is pruneable and nodes can blacklist addresses containing illicit content to prevent access

-This makes crime harder not easier as you have an immutable evidence locker with the signature confessing to the crime embedded in it