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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12667019 No.12667019 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /biz/ fucked up again. I told you this morning to buy FOMO3D keys when the pot was at 114 ETH, now its almost 100 ETH higher. How many dividends did /biz/ miss out on today? How much stinky linky could that have bought? How many dividends will /biz/ miss out on tomorrow?

This is why you guys are wagie wagies.

>> No.12667040

This is out of control, I can't stop buying keys with the dividends.

>> No.12667118

It’s just funny this shit was kill for months and then skyrockets out of nowhere, im enjoying these gains.

>> No.12667139

Hit one hundred in the pot last night and doubled while I was at work. No sign of slowing.

Just like round one - everyone says "Yeah right get fukd" and then fomo's in at 1k+ in the pot begrudgingly and still came out ahead.

I can't imagine not getting in this low. You're going to watch the balance shoot up for days-months-eternity and hate yourself and then fold and eat your own dick out of spite.

I could have gotten in way earlier than I did but waited. Already have ROI though.

>> No.12667147

Damn this thing is about to go crazy.

>> No.12667169


>> No.12667184

Go away pajeets

>> No.12667263

is this thing for real?

>> No.12667273



>> No.12667282

I used to own this and the supporting coin p3d I think? which one better for long hold?

>> No.12667286

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiii, 100% community driven, that's unstoppable, won't doubt YOU guys again... Got my keys for the moon.

>> No.12667319
File: 3.71 MB, 924x951, E0DBE502-8E90-4E8F-A8E1-E0936F50AD72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek get better fud pajeet

>> No.12667355


Yeah mods, delete these posts about crypto projects that actually work as intended and have utility. We need more LINK threads.

Fun Fact: LINK will never have a working product, FOMO3D is a working product.

>> No.12667368


P3D is forever. F3D is the game.

>> No.12667375

this is the worst shilling squad of pajeets I've seen in a while

>> No.12667428


Really? Cause you would have made bank had you listened to us.

Protip: You'll still make bank if you listen to us, its going much higher.

>> No.12667445

This is literally how ponzis scam you, fucking retard. The last thing you want to do is reinvest the dividends. Secure your profit and get the fuck out

>> No.12667469

None, because for you to break even pot should 6x.
And for you to break even in p3d it should gain 15k eth.
But you're concerned shilling and you know that already.

>> No.12667477


Whew, you sound mad you missed out on the recent run. Don't worry, the pot is only is at 209 ETH, its been at 22,000 ETH before. We have every intention of getting it that high again through various means of passive income.

We can make this game go on for a long, long time. We already made our profits, were doing this for shits and giggles.

>> No.12667489

welp he admitted it bois lets pack it up

>> No.12667498


>Has to gain 15k ETH
>Doesn't realize the money is made off divs from buys and sells.

>> No.12667518

can i make lots of money?

>> No.12667521

>i'ma break even of divs!
>to break even he needs 15k eth in p3d
>of those 15k only 1.5k will end up as divs
>of those 1.5k he will get next to fucking nothing because early people own most of the tokens and gain all the divs
cool, bought 100k

>> No.12667531

Fomo3d is literally fud proof, it's okay, at this point you have 3 options, fomo now, fomo later or die poorfag.

>> No.12667552

how do i get in on this, is there a minimum?

>> No.12667577


Its called an hourglass structure you dipshit. Those early people who own most of the tokens create a base floor that means your P3D tokens will never be worthless and should those early people choose to sell, you'll make a shit ton of dividends and now hold as big of a percentage as early people to get in.

Additionally, P3D has games hooked into its ecosystem that are constantly raising the base floor. Its obvious most of you guys bought into P3D/FOMO3D last year and didn't understand what you were buying.

>> No.12667582

never mind, got it; looks promising, how long round 9, is it too late?

>> No.12667597

>should those early people choose to sell, you'll make a shit ton of dividends
Good one, retard. Except they pay divs to themselves based on tokens while selling their shit. You will get fucking nothing.

>> No.12667608


minimum to buy a key is .0005 eth.

>> No.12667624


You don't make divs on the tokens you're selling retard. Yeah, you can sell your stack down in increments to pick some extra divs up, but each sell gives the rest of the users a bigger share of the pot. Fuck, this is like 6th grade math.

>> No.12667636

Good night /biz/, Ill be back in the morning to see what you missed out on.

>> No.12667642

>You don't make divs on the tokens you're selling retard
This is how much you know.
Protip: get into powh at 200 eth next time, not at 30k

>> No.12667760

I missed out on round 1, sat on the sidelines for other rounds. Decided to throw my spare ETH into round #9 when the pot was less than 1 ETH. This is fun, boys!

>> No.12667788


24 hours homie. +30 seconds each time a key is purchased. This could go on for years.

>> No.12668265

I just wanted to say thank you to based people that make this game go on faster. I just wish I bought in more earlier, I made like 3k on the first round by getting in early, but man, was I thrilled when I was reading about this people that want to purchase keys through solar power and other meand and I have to say the idea intrsts me. excited to see what these people will come up with. I got in early on this round, wish I had more in there, but hey you know , I won't complain this guys have me at breakeven after all of my reinvestments. Now I'm in pure profit.
Based and redpilled.

>> No.12668321
File: 69 KB, 920x380, NE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This could go on for years.
then why is it round 9 now?

>> No.12668323

wow really shows how new this board is, if you've been here couple months ago, you'd know the pot has to increase by a large fucking amount for you to get your money back. I bought around 200 eth at round 1 and didn't break even until the pot was over 1000

>> No.12668343

wouldn't the scam just be quicker if i send my eth directly to your wallet?

>> No.12668348

Broke even at 1k, then it got to 22k so I'm guessing you got quite a return

>> No.12668362

He barely got 3x

>> No.12668370

dividends decrease when there's more people in so I made off with like 3-4x don't remember exactly. But it's never going that high again once people already realized how much keys people need to buy after you for you to break even, and that number increases the higher the pot gets. I dont think anyone who bought over 10k eth broke even last time.

>> No.12668443

i love /biz/ best board 4chan

>> No.12668707


>> No.12669047

This is so gonna end today, mark this. I am not entering until 9 Sep 2019 you are losers, not even even later

>> No.12669090

problem is the game is still rigged even with that jackass.
those early adopters literally control the system.

>> No.12669375

>200 ETH

>> No.12669378

>P3D has games
literally nothing anyone is playing, get real
i hold 100 P3D i bought before the china pump of august, made a grand total of 0.01 eth in january. woo hoo
i'm sure it's a little bit higher now thanks to F3D, perhaps i made a dollar or two. lambo here i come
getting in F3D before 30 eth was smart this time around, but P3D is a blackhole. i tripled my money playing trongoo in january. ffs i even made 20x better returns than P3D investing in some fucking snail throne game that has 4 daily users. P3D is dead, justo left the ship and it's just dedicated bagholders shilling this

>> No.12669881

Justo hasn't gone anywhere.

>> No.12670012
File: 916 KB, 250x250, gif6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^ agree you will fomo in later.

>> No.12670086

fomo 3d cured my cancer and gave me the vitality of a youth

I cannot wait to buy more keys, winning!

>> No.12670269
File: 6 KB, 272x185, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please don't tell me when it's profitable time to invest when the jackpot is still small

>> No.12670276

Looks like you only missed out on 8 ETH worth of divs last night, not bad. Lets see how much you miss out in the next 24 hours? I'd guess at least 25 ETH.

>> No.12670289

/biz does its best to stay poor and hate on all actual projects, but we’re gonna help them this time around

>> No.12670304

Good luck pal.

>> No.12670328

I made 1k$ on this when it first launched, good times

>> No.12670329


>doesn't understand game theory
>doesn't understand the game can mathematically go on forever
>doesn't understand the the game is at a fraction of previous pots
>doesn't understand where actually /biz/'s friends and want to help you guys out
>pretends to understand the intricacies of a decentralized oracle and thinks chainlink will make him

>> No.12670334

what is this? some game of chicken where you invest money and see who stays in for too long?

>> No.12670355

I thought this was a parody. It's called FOMO for fuck's sake.

>> No.12670358


no, once youre in, theres no getting out. as people buy keys to get in, part of the eth is distributed amongst all keyholders and part is sent to a jackpot that is mostly won by the last person to buy a key.

>> No.12670405

whatever happened to pokemon crypto? after crypto kittys i was there when the first post about it was placed. i could have been at the top of the ponzi scheme but i am way to chicken to buy these weird crypto games.

>> No.12670419

idk, never played crypto pokemon. one of the nice thing with crypto games like this is theyre really cheap to get a feel for. it only costs a few cents to hop in and see how the game works.

>> No.12671026

>can therotically go on forever
>round 9
Don't @ me you spastic.

>> No.12671332


>> No.12671371


>> No.12671386

your new is showing
proof of weak hands and fomo3d are core /biz/ scams

>> No.12671398

Last night I poured the 1 eth I made for the day into LTO.
I have a constant stream of dividends I can pour into cheap shitcoins without feeing bad. Thank you anon that told me about this at 14eth 17 eth 60eth and 80 eth

>> No.12671400

>he missed 80eth pot
>he missed 115eth pot
>he missed 2015eth pot
>he is gonna miss 20k pot
/biz/ literally hates money

>> No.12671416

It’s at a fraction of previous pots because everyone who entered after 400 got burned. It is a Ponzi scheme in the most literal sense. If you got in early, then great! But it’s not gonna go to 20,000 ever again because no one wants to touch it.

>> No.12671463

This one will actually go on forever though, people have passive income buying keys, and keys are always going to be cheap. If the game had 10% of all eth, keys would still be under a dollar

>> No.12671531

so do i buy as a snek?
i am not gonna put in much maybe 1 eth at most

>> No.12671826

buy as a bull, its a better bang for you eth. Snek, unless you have P3D coins isn't that much worthwhile.

>> No.12672233

it really doesn’t matter which team you pick

>> No.12672844

This legit anyone can vouch?

>> No.12672950


>> No.12673456

got 40% back already.
it’s legit