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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12665227 No.12665227 [Reply] [Original]

>"just start a business a bro"
>immediately realize there are thousands of competitors who do the same thing as you
>everyone else tries to actively sabotage your business from succeeding
>competitors get fake reviewers to shit on your business
>have to deal with legit retarded and psychopathic people on a daily basis who think they know better than you

Whoda thought that running a business is like running the mafia...No wonder most businesses fail in the first year...

>> No.12665253

>Whoda thought that running a business is like running the mafia

Good, you are already one step ahead of your competitors who don't realise the same. Now read business books, philosophy books, The Prince and Art of War

>> No.12665260

Just be yourself. Look the business in the eye and give it a firm handshake.

>> No.12665276

if everyone had a business, who would buy from the businesses??

>> No.12665279

Kek I'd rather just wagecuck for a few years and dump all available money into LINK so I can retire by age 35
>t. 32 year old boomer with 80k LINK

>> No.12665340

Just because you know this fact does not put you ahead of them
If you don't know what to specifically DO about it, then you're just as fucked

>> No.12665341


>> No.12665351

You’re going to be in for a shock

>> No.12665362

This. Wagies do the same thing to each other with office and gender politics

>> No.12665397
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>> No.12665537

At least you can sell it eventually and not have to work anymore.

>> No.12665656

Running a business isn't like running a mafia, its a network of people that try to find connections between what they do and making money.

Also, the business world isn't as cut throat and nasty as you think it is, people legitimately try to be supportive of one another while making money.

You view of things is a 'hustler' mentality and those people are the ones who fails within a year.

>> No.12666444

Go on..

>> No.12667630

>Every business is in the same industry and serves the same needs

>> No.12667646

I made an online multiplayer video game and have to deal with you ungrateful fucks bitching at me 24/7.

I should’ve made a single player game.

>> No.12667689


If you're white american it's gonna be a lot harder too. If you are hispanic you are backed up by other hispanic people, hell even if you are white but some other thing like Italian, German, whatever, you are gonna have that community to back you up. Part of having a successful business is catering to a large community of people and providing a service for them.
t. mom is Puerto Rican and she serves that community in her business, and has a steady flow of cash going because of it

>> No.12667872


>> No.12668052

the fucking problem with you faggots is you are too smart. you have to make yourself stupid and foolish to even try. thats literally the redpill. anyone can sit back and see that its not likely.

only the strong put up with looking like a clown for a bit.

>> No.12668067

The "just start a business" meme might be the biggest meme on /biz/

>> No.12668080

Also this, unironically. Many of us are a bit too smart for our own good. You do in fact have to be a bit of a retard to even try, but hey, a few of these retards actually succeed now and then.

>> No.12668100

It's a better meme than crypto.

>> No.12668185
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This man knows what's up.
Genuis may be rare, but courage is in even shorter supply.
A good chunk of people are going to HATE you if you start a business.
Hell, people still nitpick-hate on Musk and Trump after they have shown over and over again that they are near perfect men.

>> No.12668208

google the words "lifestyle branding" to make you stand out from the other plebes.

Also hire a goon to knee cap them with a tire iron

>> No.12668221

>immediately realize there are thousands of competitors who do the same thing as you
This is only correct if you don't provide anything new to the table...
Sure, if you're thinking about joining a crowded market & you don't stand out in a significant way, I'd recommend not even starting, but if you really got something needed & not present yet, go for it.

>> No.12668233

branding isnt about catering to a race or gender.
Its about catering to a lifestyle.

Only low iq shitskin monkeys fall back on thier race. Its why all the successful business men are elon musk or steve jobs tier white guys.
Also it isnt very hard for those white guys to market to low iq shitskins either.

>> No.12668237

>step one, inherit 500 million dollars.

>> No.12668245

>find niche
>direct marketing (spam on social media)
>only person in the minds of your customers
>defeatist faggot OP can't figure this out
lots of room in the world frenn

>> No.12668247
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>something needed & not present yet

>> No.12668264

You have to create a unique brand to stand out from the competition. And you dont target demographics. You use psychographics.
You need to make the customer think that buying your product is part of their lifestyle and that by buying it they are exercising their identity through the purchase of a commoddity .

Gillete commmercial pandering to sjw's

>> No.12668320
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>just wagecuck for 60 years bro.
>immediately realize there are thousands of competitors who do the same thing as you
>everyone else tries to actively sabotage your career from succeeding
>competitors gossip about you to shit on your career
>have to deal with legit retarded and psychopathic people on a daily basis who think they know better than you

Whoda thought that running a career is like running the mafia...No wonder most careers burns you out in the first year.

>> No.12668332
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Good shit.

>> No.12668364

There are basically two ways to go about running a business. Either supply an existing demand, or create a unique brand.

Like if you are going to be a capitalist scum you go to go all in. You got to learn everything. You should even read anti capitalist literature. Might find some good ideas in there

>> No.12668390

>'hustler' mentality
>"Time to rise and grind nigga"
>get that bread
>iffy uh cleaning the city shitty uh

Literally as antagonistic as you can get, and the reason I refuse to engage with low SES people, whether nigs, beans, fems, chinks, poos, rags, or hicks.

Go eat yourselves dogs, I'm building over here.

>> No.12668405
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Everything is a big mafia. Don’t sweat it. Government is a mafia, Business is a mafia, Mafia is a mafia.

The real winners in life are the guys who not only realize this but scale the fuck out of it.

>> No.12668566
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>Start-up culture

>> No.12668650

>even if you are white but some other thing like Italian
>Italians are white

Not gonna make it.

>> No.12668653

I used to work at a family business and our competitors were mostly imcompetent boomers. This is in the trades. Yes, owners pulling in 10M+ in revenues, 1M+ in profits that cannot really do any technical work besides read/send emails and print bank statements. No marketing, no financial modeling, no sales software, no accounting/working capital management (just send bank statements to accountant at the end of the year and order inventory as needed). It's a mess I tell you, the only reason these guys are in business is because they have good "people skills" and underpay their employees (lots of illegals).

>> No.12668685

white people have the best dice roll in life. You are significantly more likely to have ancestors who lived better lives than the minorities and through nepotism they already can hook you up with a decent career. Being minority puts you at a huge disadvantage because you don't have parents who can slip you into their company.

>> No.12668913

how the fuck do i find a good enough niche? i wanna sell micro greens cuz i have space for it, but the market is seemingly saturated. my plan is to just cold call like mad. but i lack the creativity and market knowledge for anything cooler :/

>> No.12669364

Jesus christ, why don't you SHOW people how your journey grows? Y'know, like on YouTube. All your trials and error, then finally your successes and what you learned along the way so they feeel like they've traveled with you.
>hurr it's saturate-
If that turns you off your idea then go get a wagecuck job and bust your ass until you get replaced with a robot.

>> No.12669407

All that wage cucking is going to go on
>lin- oh wait you dont have enough for that

>> No.12669491

I don't see how nepotism is oftenly played by white people. I don't think some stereotypical image of some ready to break late 50s white man hiring his lazy white son is realistic.

>> No.12669517

>Art of War
quit this shit, it's a great book written by a genius but this is NOT a good business book for the 21st century

by all means READ IT. Take some lessons from it like you would all books. but this meme that it's a staple must read of business is a bullshit meme. just like coffee is for closers.

>> No.12669554

Basically, running a business requires you to be a Chad. This is why women get wet for Chad and not for the listless, competition-fearing beta.

It's purely pragmatic.

>> No.12669745

business owner here
you have to make your way without looking at others companies
same for the reviews, they put fake review? then put fake review too (on your business)
reality is, you can outrace everyone of these losers if you stay serious and keep working days after days and weeks after weeks
no one just create a company and get rich 2 weeks after
its not a sprint, its a marathon

>> No.12669776

only post worth reading, it also helps to connect with people and start a business tribe, better to find others to stick together with

>> No.12669786
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>> No.12669830


you should have made binance.com, idiot