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File: 21 KB, 220x278, 220px-Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12665156 No.12665156 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12665195

>innovation springs up from the ground naturally at preordained times like you're playing civ vi. all you need is guys hammering and sickling in factories and progress just happens.

>> No.12665219

capitalists need to be removed from the jean pool. dum bretards.

>> No.12665342
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>dialectical materialism

>> No.12665353

thankfully the human waste that wants shit for free has zero power to make it happen

>> No.12665364

firstly socialism/communism doesn't have anything to do with government welfare/"wanting shit for free"

secondly, UBI is literally going to be a reality within a decade or two max. where is your god now?

>> No.12665370

fuck it's so depressing people don't even know marx wasn't about people wanting shit for free. socialism has many problems, but it's not about this.
it's about owning the value of the work you do.

>> No.12665376

>Smart Contracts

>> No.12665381

Actually his theory of societal progression (feudalism -> capitalism -> socialism -> communism) was short sighted and Eurocentric.

Telling that most industrialized nations wound up as social democracies while most agrarian backwaters went through a communist industrialization phase before also following the path to social democracy. Most of the civilized world agrees that a mixed economic system is best.

>> No.12665384

>socialism isn't about free shit
>my free shit is coming soon thanks to socialism. NANA NA BOOBOO

>> No.12665402

UBI will be useful in the transition from capitalism where most people are out of work due to automation but we still haven't done away with the concept of private property

still doesn't mean it's socialism

>> No.12665405
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Good, UBI + open borders can finally collapse Weimerica and allow for Balkanization allowing right wing authoritarians to seize power.

It's depressing that many socialists and communists actually advocate for social democracy and think that taxing the profits of capitalism for social programs is "communism".

>> No.12665452

they don't think its communism, just that its slightly less shit than unfettered "turn everyone into onions green" capitalism

>> No.12665456
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>> No.12665459 [DELETED] 

thats supposed to say onions-lent

>> No.12665468

How new are you? Be honest with us... first day as part of some coordinated left raid?

>> No.12665478
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> What he deleted.

He's fresh from reddit.

>> No.12665501

No, I've seen plenty of retards saying "Bernie Sanders ideas are so good and he's a socialist!" or "roads and schools are socialism!"

There's plenty of retards who are going to lead us down that grim path without even knowing what socialism/communism is.

Could it be anymore obvious that we're talking to a /r/cth/discord shill here? Go back to wherever the fuck you came from idiot.

>> No.12665505

Marx literally thought he was living in peak human technology times.

He couldn’t be more wrong.

>> No.12665515
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>> No.12665517

Communism as an ideology is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.
Karl Marx was an idiot. His writings are garbage and should be totally disregarded.

>> No.12665526

UBI will be inflated out of significance immediately, leaving the useless poor people holding the bag once again.

>> No.12665535


hello redit

>> No.12665546

Daily reminder that all commie/socialist shills are reddit offboarders.

>> No.12665555
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Communism is a really great example of a fundamental rule of civilization: bad things make a frustrated populace. A frustrated populace makes worse things.

>> No.12665557

you really think humans are going to all collectively give up human nature and the physical reality, and never want to go back?

face it, you will never get anything from the rich, because those of us with money have literally no reason to support a population of people that have to be given allowances just to buy things, a cycle of pollution that doesn't need to happen. simply remove those people from the system.

>> No.12665563

If I knew you in real life, I would make a bet with you for everything you had that you would be wrong.

>> No.12665567

>good got, ignore the countless wars and lives lost for the sake of capital

>> No.12665569

Except Communism requires Nationalism. The small part he missed.

>> No.12665578

I emplore anon to read this short wikipedia article in it's entirety if he's interested in the topic of economics.


>> No.12665582

without a solution to the shitskin problem, the fallacy of "everybody is equal, everybody deserves equality" is only going to get harder to push

>> No.12665584

Says the faggoy who's end goal for humanity is a stateless Mad Max wasteland

>> No.12665610

Minority groups can be made to live together with a strong police force and a unifying ideology. See: Singapore. The reason there's so much division in the west is because white liberal governments give every special interest group permission to run amuck and America arguably has the worst gang problem any country in history has ever had, but we keep them contained with free housing and food stamps so the trust fund babies and legacies don't have to think about it.

>> No.12665629

I don't get these threads. How badly are you trying to convince yourself he was (and you) are right?

>> No.12665638


Says the fagget who’s end goal for humanity is a nuclear winter due to two superpowers wanting to take eachother’s resources in the name of profit

>> No.12665643

its also a lot easier if you just get rid of subhumans and subhuman cultires. singapore works because the bottom feeders are homogenous

>> No.12665674

you say that, but the brown people are birthing at more than twice the rate of whites. there is no such thing as white genocide, whites are voluntarily not breeding and dooming themselves to extinction. socialism is coming faster than you think

>> No.12665688

Fallacious ideologies always end up destroying themselves by their own hand. Communism and socialism being cases in point. You would have to literally retarded to engage with, let alone adopt belief systems that stem from these schools of thought.

People aren't equal. I disagree with using a broad brush approach to race however, when brilliant men like Thomas Sowell exist. Nonetheless, I fail to understand why using discernment and logic offends commies. There is a continent that has barely progressed beyond the dark ages. In another part of the world countries have fought each other unabated for hundreds of years. Bringing the vast majority of these people within your borders is stupid and will lead to chaos.

>> No.12665689

>UBI is already being implemented in first world countries

name a single thing marx was wrong about

>> No.12665703

That's not my end goal for humanity though. Im not an American or a supporter of the US or Russian governments.

But if you are a communist your ultimate goal is a stateless world aka Mad Max. No regulations on anything like the environment, no oversight, nothing.

>> No.12665733

Did you IP hop after getting BTFO OP?

Redistributing the profits of capitalism still isn't communism, it's just another form of capitalism.

>> No.12665734
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the discord trannys are trying again

>> No.12665740

>*UBI is already being TESTED IN ISOLATED MARKETS in first world countries AND FAILING CATASTROPHICALLY*

>> No.12665749

what does more shitskins have to do with socialism? rich people have money, poor people will always want it. the shitskins have zero control or power over what rich people do. you literally make no sense.

>> No.12665766

He googled how to router reset and he's right back to tripping over s o y filters and being an obvious agent provocateur.

>> No.12665778

Out in the wild, without hordes of silent downvoting NPCs backing them up, commies are actually quite stupid when you engage them.

>> No.12665779
File: 41 KB, 552x690, 772DF984-4BE1-4CD3-A267-887AC7D17042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx’s criticisms contained within his incomplete thesis on capitalism were based solely on his library studies of Byzantine era labor practices. And because the average factory worker at the time had developed organized networks of advocacy for effectively improving their working conditions, completely contradicted Marx’s myopic thesis, he completely ignored and disregarded the contemporary critiques and experience of his working class countrymen by foisting strawmen arguments about things as trivial as their social vulgarity in pubs or lack of academic prowess, etc. Marx, the patron saint of out of touch trusfund hipsters, was an unashamed hypocrite who oozed mental masterbaiting hubris from every cell of his being.

Marx hated capitalism because he hated work, was in massive debt and couldn’t save his money for the life of him, choosing instead to live the academically insular bohrmisn lifestyle, drinking and eating to excess off other people’s money.

>> No.12665781

kek, you think your work, or the average persons', has any value? If you died the economy wouldn't give a fuck

>> No.12665780

They vote for wealth redistribution.
>Can't create wealth, and stealing it's illegal *lightbulb* vote for someone to steal it for you

>> No.12665788

who? i know who cardi b is nobody gives a fuck about whoever that is. i know about instagram whos that old guy dont give a fuck sorry its our world now grampa

>> No.12665792
File: 57 KB, 500x195, 1533603548767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's about owning the value of the work you do
Its about how a parasitic race can survive without actually contributing anything valuable to society.

>> No.12665813
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>> No.12665836
File: 3 KB, 448x357, 240642068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this real? if this is real then Hitler was right about everything

>> No.12665837

hahahahahaha, you cant be serious. you think voting to steal money is just going to make it happen? you even think the government would put such a vote on the table in the first place, and the wealthy would sit around and wait for it to happen, instead of having all of their assets safely out of the country before the first bit of ink even hit paper?

you guys are delusional.

>> No.12665859

It's a recovered document from the ADL that the FBI managed to get their hands on in the 30s. The ADL and the FBI had been spying on each other for a while, the ADL in order to infiltrate and gain power over the FBI and the FBI in order to prevent that.

>> No.12665868

I would posit that the most successful example of a communist system is the US military. Though, it only works as well as it does because it’s financed by capitalism.

>> No.12665874

brown people vote overwhelmingly for socialist policy. whites don't. your only hope to keep the socialist state away is to stop brown people from voting but you can't do that.

>> No.12665889

Communism could possibly work but it would essentially have to give up on being as "communist as possible." It would have to be very pragmatic because otherwise they'd be overtaken by another system immediately.

>> No.12665892
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never seen that particular document but it surprises and saddens me if true

>> No.12665900

Taxing the profits of capitalism for government programs isn't communism. The military still gets its equipment from corporations.

>> No.12665903

What is social security, food stamps, housing authorities, school bussing, obamacare, etc etc etc?
Stolen money redistributed to a multiplying underclass that will never fund those programs themselves when the white man's last check bounces.

>> No.12665938

That's a lie or ignorance.

t. Marx - The fragment on machines.

>> No.12665961

And yet to say something like that you most likely never read a chapter from him.

I can also say stuff like "Nietzsche is responsible from millions of deaths."

>> No.12665974

the redpill is that no system will ever work, it's all about balance

this eternal tug of war between two ideologies will make sure that both factions will keep each other in check

>> No.12665980
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>it's about owning the value of the work you do
The only thing you truly own is your body and mind. Those are the most fundamental means of production.

Under communism, your means of production (i.e. YOUR property/mind/body) belongs to the state.

The only system that respects an individual human being’s sovereign dominion over their property/mind/body/“means of production” is a capitalist system within a constitutional republic.

Gee wouldn’t it be nice of such a thing existed in practice and not just on paper?

>> No.12665990
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>actually cite issues with Marx's theories
>radio silence

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.12666044

>But if you are a communist your ultimate goal is a stateless world aka Mad Max.

So the primitive tribes were Mad Max. Revolutionary Catalonia (1936) was Mad Max.

>> No.12666058

Faggot, the second us goyim are not needed anymore is the day we are genocided. Do you really believe those who control the world are compassionate beings and well supply wealth to does who are not needed anymore due to automation.

>> No.12666072

communism and socialism are for beta cucks

>> No.12666075
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>> No.12666078

You patronizing brat.

Marx wrote tens of thousands pages of highly intellectual content you are too lazy to even read.

>> No.12666094

If he really said that Goebbels is more stupid than i thought.

More likely he was doing propaganda by saying this (against bolshevik russia).

>> No.12666105

So you're an anprim like Kaczynski?

>Revolutionary Catalonia (1936) was Mad Max.

You mean they guys who got steamrolled by authoritarian leftists - just like every other ancom society that was attempted? Stalinists dealt the anarcho syndicalists the fatal blow before Franco finishes them off.

>> No.12666107

doesn't make Marx any less of a beta male cuck retard

>> No.12666108

Fuck stealing money.

I want money to be obsolete.

>> No.12666109

Marx was just another loser. Too lazy to get a job.

>> No.12666117

>Under communism, your means of production (i.e. YOUR property/mind/body) belongs to the state.

What you refer to as communism, in russia, was in fact bolshevism, or state capitalism.

>> No.12666119
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>read Marx
>point out issues with his theory
>bro Marx was a genius read Marx

Every. Single. Time.

>> No.12666135

>responding to every post one by one

Theory: OP got BTFO but linked the thread to a Discord for this new retard to astroturf. Seems like another offboarder.

>> No.12666142

>I can also say stuff like "Nietzsche is responsible from millions of deaths."

"Life is without objective, meaning, or purpose". Nihilism. Total horseshit. It should be thrown in the dumpster fire with Marx's nonsense.

However, the suffering that communism has wrought upon the world is almost incomparable. You are literally fueling destruction and misery by promoting it, whilst ironically sitting in a capitalist western country with a full belly in front of the comfy glow of your pc.

>> No.12666146

Please just stop.

Your rethoric is even lower standards than SJWs.

Just check the wikipedia page (if it's not too much asking) of all Marx's texts.

No one lazy could have made such quantity of work.

>> No.12666151

>it wasn't REAL communism

communism is retarded. only retards and ignorants think its a viable system

>> No.12666156

Seems like a fucking no-nothing prick.

>> No.12666162

its not Marx's text, that text belongs to the state

>> No.12666177

>The guy who never ran a business or held office to prove his ideas worked was right.

Top kek. Literal armchair coaching. His writings have as much value as a NEET's opinion (which he basically was). The guy never worked a day in his life as the workers he wrote so much about.

>> No.12666179


>> No.12666184

Ok i'm out.

Again someone who doesn't know the difference between bolshevism (russia between 1918 and 1991) and communism (revolutionary Catalonia, primitive tribes).

>> No.12666199

It ain't that hard when you're couch surfing at your boy Engles' pad (who's dad owned a fucking factory). If you were a rabbi without a care in the world, who never could quite balance a checkbook, you'd probably write alot about how unfair it was that it wasn't your dad's factory too. Wait...

>> No.12666263

>tries boring reddit rhetoric about ancap shitholes that got overrun by authorian commies
>bro stop talking about authoritarian commies what about this movement that got over run by authoritarian commies?

Gee it's almost as if ancoms are just useful idiots for bolsheviks. Now out of this conversation before you embarrass yourself further.

>> No.12666266
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Reminder that BTC is literally proof that the LTV is correct. Marx would be a bitcoin maximalist.

>> No.12666290

What race are you talking about?

>> No.12666316
File: 43 KB, 474x405, th (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just have everyone dig holes forever. Infinite gdp, bro!

>> No.12666345

>Just check the wikipedia page (if it's not too much asking) of all Marx's texts.
half of them he didn't finish because he knew they weren't going anywhere.

>> No.12666365

One of the major problems with communism is the existence of technological obsolescence. Let's say the community needs water. One man offers to work hard to bring water to the well by hand, using two buckets. Another man builds a pump and a pipeline, making water retrieval automatic and cleaner. There is now no need for water fetchers. Are the water fetchers supposed to stop the pipeline from being built and say that pipelines are bourgie because you don't have to work for them? If not, what happens to the water fetchers. Are they liquidated for no longer being needed? Are they taken care of for lack of work? If they are being paid to do nothing, is that itself not a bourgie lifestyle?

>> No.12666538

>forcing people to work

spoken like a true bootlicker. you think rich people work like the rest of us wage cucks? they literally live on the interest of your family's debt. the less they work, the more money they make

>> No.12666587

Here's another s o y lefty raid post. They're out in force tonight doing the "blue the blue boards" faggotry.

>> No.12666589
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>> No.12666625

If u really think so, you either:
1. Havent read his critics
2. Have read like 20 volumes of Lenin

>> No.12666826

this anime is based btw

>> No.12666875

Unironically more masculine than the average white liberal

>> No.12666890

That's a really dissapointing thing to think about for our species.

>> No.12666905

Sad really. Many of these soft skulled millennial lefties and liberals who look like they should have been thrown to the bottom of a spartan bone pit are trying to lead us into the grasp of socialism.

>> No.12666910


>> No.12666917

TO DO List when you realize that you're a commie:

1-Realize that.
2-Kill yourself for being a faggot commie.

>> No.12667342

couldn't find it on the fbi declassified vault, either im bad at searching, it was removed (which they say is possible on their site), or it's faked

>> No.12667387

As far as I can tell, it's only held by the National Archives & Record Administration, which requires you to buy their records from them. It's only hosted online on one site (it's part of a massive document dump) but I refrain from posting it unless necessary because "durr da site is biased and it has silly articles so clearly all 500 pages of documents on this website are faked."
I forgot what section it is but it's definitely under the 100-HQ-530 area.

And yes, I'm aware. The website has very silly articles.

>> No.12667513

found it thanks
page 119

>> No.12667827

Oh gee look, literally nothing you stated refutes the facts about Marx’s lazzyness, arrogance and hypocrisy.

It also doesn’t matter how much he wrote when he literally disregarded the contemporary experience of laborers only to base his analysis of capital purely on accounts of Byzantine era labor practices and trades, all amounting to an incomplete body of work that Marx himself acknowledged was unfinished.

Fuck Karl Marx. He is the Archetype of a narcissistic parasite.

>> No.12667832

fake news, tsk tsk

>> No.12667962

>hurr muh news fake
I bet you also believe in the myth that capitalism actually exists and is what stratifies global commerce today.

The absolute retardation required to believe in fairytales is astounding.

>> No.12667986

>t. just read the introduction to Life After Google

>> No.12667999

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'
'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.'
'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'

>> No.12668013

congratulations on this post, seriously

>> No.12668048

>Infinite gdp
>What is useful labor?

>> No.12668408
File: 1.83 MB, 240x426, how socialism really works . Bernie . pol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
