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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 145 KB, 987x863, 3540678-two-business-women-sitting-in-computer-classroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12660469 No.12660469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>See him? He's married but I sucked his dick at the Christmas party

>> No.12660497
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>See her? I fucked her in college. She killed herself after she turned 35 and had no husband or kids. I heard she was really depressed. It's actually pretty sad.

>> No.12661049
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>MFW the fate of most roasties that don't want kids until it's too late and they realize that they, unlike educated white men, are worthless without their own children.

>> No.12661169

>nothing on screen

>> No.12661192

My hobbies alone are enough to keep me content for the rest of my life. That is a feeling a roastie can't even comprehend.

>> No.12661222
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>mfw when roastie commits suicide

>> No.12661230

audible kek in an otherwise kekless thread

>> No.12661236

He's pointing to his reflection.

>> No.12661245

fuck you man

>> No.12661248

This. Plus I've already experience what its like to have sex and be in a loving relationship (it sucks)

>> No.12661253
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>> No.12661265

Lolololololol this was a funny post fuck >>12661230

>> No.12661269

there is one other >>12661236

>> No.12661314

Roasties are literally getting dabbed on by wealthy NEETs on a daily basis. I don't know how they're ever going to recover.

>> No.12661333


>> No.12662499

i wish this was true but its just a cope. A 40 year old woman is more valuable than a 25 year old average man. plus this whole narrative of women not having children because they prefer to just be whores forever isn't true. 99% of women will settle down between 25 and 35 with some beta cuck (you and me) and have children and the man will stick with it out of fear of being alone.

>> No.12662511

That's right. You can pay 40 year old women less, and they'll work hard and reliably for you if you make the office comfortable and have little perks. Best employees desu.

>> No.12662519

This. the wall is a made up lie for incels to COPE. there is no wall. women will still be instigated for sex well into their 40s. they will always have SOMEONE to take care of them as long as they're not obese. THats literally all they need to do, not be obese or deformed

>> No.12662530


you'll run out of anime and vidya soon enough neet

>> No.12662548


>> No.12662553


>oldest sister is 26 years old
>never shares/talks about boyfriends/girlfriends (don't even know if she's gay, just assume she's straight)
>not even sure if she's been on a date
>total shut-in

I'm starting to get scared for her

I really don't want her to kill herself or become a wine aunt

>> No.12662568

Introduce her to /biz/

>> No.12662569

>and this is how you learn to code
>now, go ahead and open up Dreamweaver
>step two: drag and drop that table icon into the center of the page

>> No.12662590
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>See her? She...
>wait why I'm talking alone

>> No.12662761

M8, there is one big difference, though.
Men age like wine, women age like milk.

When you get some shekels, your own car and your own home, you could have a stroll by the closest highschool and teens will throw themselves in front of you.
You think the same can be said about roasties? If you want to be the betacuck, go ahead. But realize that you only think this way because you havent tasted the fascination teen girls have for you.

You're gonna make it, bruh.

>> No.12662792

>Men age like wine
they turn to vinegar? deep

>> No.12662805

He means good wine, not that boxed crap that post-wall roasties use to drink themselves to sleep

>> No.12662851

well he's delusional, only chads are good wine

>> No.12662863

>When you get some shekels, your own car and your own home, you could have a stroll by the closest highschool and teens will throw themselves in front of you.

Absolute hogwash bullshit incel fantasy bullshit

>> No.12662902

>roasties getting toasty
Cope levels are rising...

>> No.12663074

>99% of women will settle down between 25 and 35 with some beta cuck (you and me) and have children and the man will stick with it out of fear of being alone.

Not true. A significant number of women will not have children (or maybe have one), if given the choice. However, fertility is a heritable characteristic so these types of women eventually disappear.

When women are given freedom of choice, TFR slumps only initially. Right now, TFR is only sub-replacement because the TFR of voluntarily non-fertile women is dragging the average way down. Women who identify as conservative (also heritable) have a TFR well above replacement.

The proof is observable in the real world. France was the first to undergo its age shift, when the TFR of the aristocracy dropped at the beginning of the 18th century. It is now the first to emerge from the lull. TFR in France is 2.07. In many regions, it is above 2.1.

The disparity doesn't have to be that big either. Any advantage will see one population eventually replace another. Interesting aside, TFR of immigrant populations to the west will crater. Their fertile women haven't been selected for yet. They'll want their turn at wineauntdom too.

>> No.12663114

have you considered the declining birth rate is for good reason? people don't want to live packed like rats. the only reason I would say declining birth rate is bad, is because clearly this banking system will punish you with immigrants instead.

but assuming we didn't live under this banking system, I would say a declining birth rate with our population numbers is a good thing. we really dont need 10+ billion people on this planet.

>> No.12663156

Literally just started dating a 29yo from a play I was in. The other 28-32yo's were pissed I didn't pay them as much attention as her, but not as much as the wrinkled foop, river delta eyed 40-somethings that I paid zero attention to.

Stay mad, wine aunt. Maybe book a trip or something.

>> No.12663172

t. 46yo chad faced and overweight, BTW

>> No.12663209

I wonder how it is to have a sistet, I think when you have a sister you realize women actually exist

>> No.12663302

This anon is right.
Declining birthrates are good so long as we can maintain cultural and economic dominance (more on this later). I think many people fail to see a positive correlation between declining birthrates in the west and prosperity, especially given the current economic climate and the worrying trends.
These trends, as any /biz/raeli should know, are, in a nutshell, technological developments which threaten to make the vast majority of labour non-profitable, replacing it with capital goods. I like to think of it this way: if land, labour and capital are needed for the production of goods and services, then, while the cumulative input is 100%, their individual inputs vary. As the input from labour (and also land) diminishes, we can expect capital to play an ever larger role. I won't go into the implications of this now. Plenty of books do.
Anyway with capital scarcity among the working classes, a fall in population would help distribute wealth and increase the standard of living. This is assuming, of course, that the population is reduced to the economic unit: labour.

>> No.12663314

I have two old sisters and having them along with two nieces made women/girls a whole different understanding for me the older I got.

Also have brothers and nephews too, so it helps to balance my understanding of both genders.

>> No.12663368


Yes, modern conditions do probably play a role. It's harder to have kids than it has been in a long time. But people had lots of kids in the middle ages and they were materially poor as dirt.


Regardless of whether or not it's good, it's happening. In a few generations, many western populations will have exploded. There are women who want lots of kids and no "career". They will "win" the game of evolution. They ARE winning. Have a look.


As mentioned, France is now above replacement and rising. And this is not due to immigrant populations.

>> No.12663424

Now, moving on to cultural and economic dominance...
Assuming that, in the future, labour contributes far less to the production of goods and services than presently, and that benevolent western governments allow the population to decline naturally, rather than forcibly, and that they institute some form of universal income and minimum standard of living, then we can hope to unleash the full creative and entrepreneurial energies of our peoples.
We clearly have cultural dominance. Even oriental behemoths such as China keep a state policy of adopting the 'good ideas' of the west while ensuring 'stability' through various methods (some worryingly totalitarian, such as social credit scores and mass surveillance).
And we clearly have economic dominance. That much is self-evident.
Now let's play a little thought experiment. Assume that we maintain cultural and economic dominance, and that our technological development exceeds all others. Assume, also, that we successfully reduce our population, so that the ratio between western and other nations is some ridiculous (but entirely plausible) number, such as 1:10 or more.
Through globalisation and open markets, we can then convert our national stock of labour to entrepreneurs or financial predators, who descend upon these barbarians with all manner of products and services that overload their feeble minds and extract their wealth, pumping it back into the native (western) economy.
We should embrace falling birth rates in the west. Let the asian hordes continue to pump out more consumers for us to exploit.

>> No.12663476


People don't make these decisions rationally and they never will. China is entering their age shift now. The number of babies being born declined by 2 million in a single year. Over 10% of the total.

This is the way it works and it will continue to work this way, barring some sort of major paradigm shift in the way people live.

>> No.12663542

>A 40 year old woman is more valuable than a 25 year old average man
wew lad
>some beta cuck (you and me)
ahh that explains it. speak for yourself faggot

>> No.12663547
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>When you get some shekels, your own car and your own home, you could have a stroll by the closest highschool and teens will throw themselves in front of you.

>> No.12663690


>women can always get sex and have some beta provide for them

Lasting fulfillment doesn't come from mere survival and sex.

Fulfillment comes from progress. The sad reality is that you only progress until you peak. Then you slowly deteriorate. It happens to all facets of your life. Your body, mind, relationships, career.

The only way out is to start the cycle from the beginning. That's what children are for. Once you stop progressing, you can live on through them. Watching your baby sprawl, crawl, wobble then finally take its first steps is exhilarating. It feels like being born anew. And it is a feeling childless roasties will never know.

>> No.12663959
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>> No.12663964


>> No.12664016

>women are consumerist drones of society
groundbreaking discovery

>> No.12664040
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Is your name Chris by any chance?

>> No.12664107

women are window dressing.

>> No.12664142
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>> No.12664256

The wall is a meme for females that manage to keep their sexual value. Why the fuck do you think the word Milf is a thing? Women also have more possibilties nowadays. Freezing their eggs at age 30 (either paid by parents that want grandkids or cucks). And go for a Round 2 the next decade. Women will always have possiblities. A lot of them live a life like: Better Sorry Than Safe and manage to find partners that willfully accept their baggage, or atleast play voluntarely dumb when she puts in the effort to look rather pure

>> No.12664272

>freezing their eggs

Cope roastie

>> No.12664293

let alone also trying to watch some old classics

>> No.12664305

Where the fuck did I just leave one word, if my stance is positive or negative to what I wrote you Cuck ? Can you read ? Did my post sound affirming????

>> No.12664336

>all that gay shit on the walls

That's a yikes from me dawg.

>> No.12664353
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Not really, but I did get tired of anime and just watch Japanese TV on the regular now. I'm still playing a F2P game that was released almost a decade ago, and I played CS in college for roughly 1,700 hours. It only cost me $8 at the time.

>> No.12664510

>manage to find partners that willfully accept their baggage
ah yes the consolation prize, I'm sure they're thrilled, hence why infidelity are at a all time high

those cucks deserve all they get

>> No.12664543


Reddit is down the hall and to the left

>> No.12664589


Umm... sweaty... no...

>> No.12664608
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>> No.12664622

is she autismo? autism can manifest itself in much different ways in women.

>> No.12664984

i know it seems like youre above doing that now, but once you see the abyss that is living life from 30-death with no children and no family you'll come around to accepting a womans past. you may think you can live a good life without a family and children but you'll soon find out that you can't, the world just doesn't work like that. I'm not trying to make you feel dumb or argue with you, you can think what you want now, just be careful moving forward not to let time creep up on you and end up being alone because you thought that money and toys would fill the void.

>> No.12665075

Yeah once I'm a 30 year old who's balding, pale as fuck, and working 50 hours a week all those 16 year old girls will want to fuck me, and not the 18 year old athletes who mog the fuck outta me. sorry guys i know you hate this but I'm probably just gonna be a beta provider for some used up roastie, better than getting no pussy at all and being alone forever. i guess ill just never ask about her past and hope for the best.

>> No.12665102

Those roasties are learning to code.
The one on the left is teaching the other what a p tag means in html

>> No.12665103

please don't ruin his fantasy, everyone has their cope thats gets them through he day and theres nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12665140

From a "world domination total control" perspective, women are the perfect population. theyre blind consumers, followers, and will obey authority without question. this is probably why men are slowly becoming more feminine, the capitalist superstructure is the next step in evolution and it selects for those feminine traits.

>> No.12665431

They are the only men. Women age like milk, men who are men age like wine and maybe you are right, beta cucks age like vinegar.

>> No.12665882

Looks like elementary or secondary school, they're all teachers

>> No.12665995

Depends on whose rates are declining, and whose are still exponential.

>> No.12666016

>But people had lots of kids in the middle ages and they were materially poor as dirt.
Childbirth also was the leading cause of death among women until about 100 years ago, and the chances a baby made it to 5yrs old was much slimmer than it is now.

>> No.12666061

> It's a cope you incels.
> The truth is.. *writes a cope blog*
Kys you old wrinkly hag.

>> No.12666102

Someone cares for an old woman, so that means wall doesn't exist and 30yo woman is equally beautiful as a 18teen yo.
Top kek logic.

>> No.12666122


I figured, but they probably have the same type of crap on their walls at home. True garbage.

>> No.12666431

You're all retards.
Yes, a 40 year old woman can get sex if she looks decent, but you need to realize that AT THAT AGE, she doesn't want sex only, but want an ALPHA provider. NO ALPHA MEN WILL MARRY A 40 YEAR OLD. That's the point.

The point is that she NO LONGER can get a 8/10 above man. She will only get an omega cuck.

>> No.12666447

So you got a “get out of jail free card”. So what

>> No.12666453

hell, she will probably get 5/10 or below. unless she's incredibly good looking.
but NO woman looks better at 40 than at 18 - 23.

If you're a millionaire chad, who are you marrying? the used up 40 year old whore, or the 20 year old, who only had 1 relationship before and still has 10 years more of guaranteed beauty?

>> No.12666691

i didn't call anyone an incel, if anything im an incel. i know its extremely unpleasant to accept that you are and always will be a beta cuck but you have to do it. every man before you did it and you either have to follow in their footsteps or be miserable forever. if you need proof, go to r/mgtow and see how those sad faggots live. if none of this resonates with you, just wait a few years, i used to think like you too before the world broke my spirit.

>> No.12666720

True. It really is over rated. I don't give two fucks about this shit hole planet and what happens now or ever.

>> No.12667192

Best body is girl on the right, best hair is girl in the middle. Anyone got a non npc version of the pic?

>> No.12667301

This reads like a bit of an incel cope, but it’s unrioncially true. Im in my mid 2os and girls have gotten more interested in me as I have gotten older. If you’re not a 20 yo uber chad then dating becomes easier as you get a little older. Women’s sexual market value start decreasing when they hit ~25 and they start hitting on guys a lot more, appreciate attention more etc.

>> No.12667818
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what's wrong with vinegar?

>> No.12667869

There are wealthy NEETs?

>> No.12668031

Not true. Or there wouldn't be people who go after MILFs and even grannyfuckers. Women are always going to be valued more until we can get reasonably realistic sex bots out there, which is still a bit away. Incels like to cope and say we are close to it, but we aren't. The only thing they have is VR porn, which is still missing an emotional component to a relationship even though the physical is there.

>> No.12668225
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>as long as they're not obese.

>> No.12669258

Ok braniac, first thing, dont use an acronym until you've said it in words first. Secondly
>fertility is a heritable characteristic so these types of women eventually disappear
What type of women women eventually disappear? Care to specify

>> No.12669284

its like having a safegaurd against becoming like 99% of the women hating faggots on this website. I love my sister

>> No.12669315

Please never have children. With that mindset you are going to do so much damage to those kids. You're going to be that faggot dad who gets sweating red angry over his 2nd grade childs soccer game. Please reevaluate your retarded opinions

>> No.12669320

great fucking thought m8

>> No.12669322

that's because there's about 20 million immigrants in France you mong
our official statistics are forbidden by law to report on ethnicity, and plenty of them live illegally; but the data is available once you look through different paths. not talking about the drepanocytosis map popular in anglosphere, there's many more indicators. for example, social security fraud numbers inavertently letting it slip how many foreign nationals are getting entitlements...
for that matter, metrics in purely business oriented ventures will help you as well. first search results on french app store and google play? koran, islam, ramadan, etc.
by 2050 france will be overtly african and muslim, and it has nothing to do with freedom of choice of women... ffs my apartment complex is 50% african at this point and ALL the women stay at home all day, taking care of their kids and half of them pregnant with the next one

>> No.12669342

Seems like a mature opinion, I can agree with it. The disagreement is probably coming from people under 26ish, as they will never really get it until they get it.

>> No.12669343

My sister is a psychopath and an utter roastie whore. Feels good to be the 1%

>> No.12669352
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i'll take your sister on a date. i'm 27, white, 155, and I voted for trump.

>> No.12669373

The beautiful, cultural place France and Europe used to be is going to be now used as an education system for 3rd world nogs and islams. They are going to keep coming in, get educated with the cultures, and hopefully it will cause the nog/muslim tiers of the human population to grow socioculturally. The sad news is they are going to keep drinking from the well of your culture until it runs dry, and is a bastardization of the glory it once had. Like a dead carcass they are going to keep eating from it until theres only bones left. Hopefully the nutrients of it cause them to grow in a more intelligent direction

>> No.12669381

wouldn't that make you the 99%?

>> No.12669521

pls gib autist gf

>> No.12669553
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, 22499875_211740642698469_4098762246342049792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see this? its a woman with a penis and shes beautiful.

>> No.12669564

Wrong. If other people have less kids, having more kids will always be a genetic advantage for the individual. Your mistake is thinking on the macro-level, where of course lower population is good. But you should think on the individual level.

>> No.12669605

Holy shit you fucking loser

>> No.12669621

Fuck thats sad.

When Hitler?

>> No.12669673

Pics pls

>> No.12669686

if he is happier than you then you are the loser

>> No.12669801 [DELETED] 

Yes, consider also that what you find around now is either younger women(with your same level of maturity in regards to relationships, but inexperienced in life), or same age girls that weren't able to find a partner/left their partner. You just have less competition because you're not in school where every kind of personality gets thrown in a class and forced to live in close contact, leading to bullies and discomfort. Those bullies that kissed your current gf in high school are now either living life or being alpha braindead citizens(effectively doing the same they ever did until they die). While you are experiencing love as it should naturally occur so late because in nature you would have been killed or shunned or have killed for your right to stay with Stacy. Much dumb, very animal, but we are made like this.

My gf was a total slut while I've been alone until past 20yo. Past 25 I'm feeling ok with life and girls throw themselves at me, except every single one of them(the ones I've met) had anal sex like a pro, let some random dude fuck her after a party, or gave blowjobs to 40yo men at 16. They think it's normal and part of growing up, they don't want to do that anymore for fear of being sluts, it's like they're proud of going through that and turning out normal, but the truth is they are mostly too dumb to care(or chose to play dumb) and that lets them live guilt free. This goes for most males too, so many young males respect me now because I do my thing, learn and look like I know what I do. These are the same that would have bullied me in school if we were the same age. They will either grow smarter, fail, or keep living happy in the fog thinking they are hot shit because they can convince a random girl to fuck them, no foresight, no sacrifice, no long term thinking, no putting your environment first, no cooperation. I guess that's part of growing up, and today we take a shit ton of years to grow up.

>> No.12670087

Do you really think he is though?

>> No.12670161

I think it's probable that he is happier than you, but that both of you fall relatively low on the happiness totem pole

>> No.12670227

>When you get some shekels, your own car and your own home, you could have a stroll by the closest highschool and teens will throw themselves in front of you.

Looking at mental illness statistics by that time they will be throwing themselves in front of you for completely other reasons.

>> No.12670298

My sister hasn't talked to me in over a year, but I bet her tune will change once she finds out about my LINK millions.

>> No.12670381

Wait, why am I a loser? Lots of people play DotA/CSGO.

>> No.12670386

>did you hear about Chad from Highschool? He purchased 500k LTO in feb 2019 and recently sold them for 5m USD. I’ve sent him so many messages.... do you think he would fuck me?

>> No.12670611

I think it’s probable that he isn’t. Can’t really prove it either way can you?

>> No.12670920

This could happen without our culture outright disappearing like you say if we facilitated their brainwashing(like it has been with us in school) so that they can grow up as modern adults and bring what they learn back to where new humans with no opportunities are born. Else we are trying to fix a leakage by dampening the floor with a tissue. You know that, we know that, people that matter are investing now to profit down the road from this. It's the reason we peasants are unhappy.