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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1265623 No.1265623 [Reply] [Original]

Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/

>tfw no high test jewish gf Edition

Visit the website first - www.robinhood.com

Candlestick charting guideline:
> http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:introduction_to_candlesticks

> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.

> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta ( https://robinhood.com/au/).).

> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.

> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.

> What's a good penny stock to invest in?
Don't buy penny stocks you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
Old Thread: >>1262424

>> No.1265626


>> No.1265627
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>> No.1265630
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>> No.1265631

First for XCO crashing tomorrow

>> No.1265632
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>> No.1265633

Can I get in?
Is it goin to the MOON?

>> No.1265635


>> No.1265637


>> No.1265638

All in on TTNP

>> No.1265641

All these suggestions from yesterday.


Guys dont buy shit of the volume is low. I've watched 3 shills eat your money so far.

>> No.1265645

First for only POOR RETARDS use robinhood

>> No.1265648
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>Tfw being a retard pays off

>> No.1265649


>> No.1265650 [DELETED] 

what's with ceru? I saw it being mentioned in the previous thread. still worth buying or should I save my shekels for something else?

>> No.1265652


>> No.1265653


Don't forget to set a chunk aside for taxes

>> No.1265657

From previous thread,

Ok, here's the scoop on /ceru/ you dumb fucks. I'm going to divide this into 2 categories, CRLX101, and CRLX301.
Has orphan drug status>http://www.ceruleanrx.com/platform-pipeline/crlx101.php
What that means is less than 200,000 new cases are documented or exist each year. It also means there's currently no effective treatment for the current disease, and it's highly deadly.
The FDA generally fast tracks these, as mentioned here, under Renal Cell Carcinoma
>The U.S. FDA has granted CRLX101 Fast Track designation in combination with Avastin for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma following progression through two or three prior lines of therapy.
Basically it means they may just skip phase 3 altogether, or cut it short and say their data is just so effective, it's hard to ignore and deny these DYING cancer patients a chance to live.
The chief medical officer at ceru is Adrian Senderowicz
Senderowicz used to work for Sanofi-Aventis.
Sanofi-Aventis was FDA approved for a drug called docetaxel back in 1999 for small metastic lung cancer.
Docetaxel, as it turns out, is the main ingredient in ceru's CRLX301. Their 2nd drug.
It's already approved.... He used to work for the company which it was approved under.... It's going to work.
Altogether the markets for CRLX101 ALONE come to more than 4.5billion annually, with CRLX301 targeting all hard tumors in general there's no telling how much people may pay.
Here's the greatest catch...
They have 0 SUCCESSFUL competitors.

>> No.1265658
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Fuck yeah! Back in black! 3 dollars to the good after a week or so in the red.

>> No.1265659

Friendly reminder that the catalyst dates are at the end of this year

>> No.1265660

Some guy asked if he should still put his money in ceru. Then fucked off between the time i posted

>> No.1265667


Out of curiosity, is there any other company to compare to it for potential growth potential? Yeah they might have a good drug but can they distribute it or produce it on mass scale? Debating on putting 3k into it next week.

>> No.1265668


Stop fucking shilling your shitty stock in every one of these threads

>> No.1265670

Thanks for the copy pasta from two weeks ago. We should be talking about what's next. June 5th presentation.. possibly receiving the green light from FDA officially in June or July perhaps?

>> No.1265673
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>not buying ceru.
Actually its my copy pasta tyvm. Others just shill by themselves now.

>> No.1265675

one of the main dudes always does it
because hes butt blasted from buying
3k in april for like 3.50

>> No.1265676

So we have until the end of this year to dump LOADS OF MONEY into ceru stock before we blast off TO THE MOON?

>> No.1265677

Show the 3 month shawty.

>> No.1265678

*avg buy in

>> No.1265679
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This means someone bought a shit ton of shares, right?

>> No.1265681

>possibly receiving the green light from FDA officially in June or July perhaps?
Where does this meme originate from? June 5th conference to discuss CLRX301 is well established, but I have yet to see any real indication that an FDA catalyst can come as early as June/July...

Is it based on the status as an orphan drug (which are usually fast-tracked)?


So this was a great success from the last thread. Any ideas on how it could have been predicted? Just the fact that it crashed recently?

>> No.1265682


My plan right now is to watch it June 5-7 and wait for a spike. After the spike sell it fast then wait for the short sellers to drive the price down then prolly get back in after it goes down 25-30% or so. That is if it beats 5 bucks.

>> No.1265685

I just pastaed from the previous thread cus some guy asked about it, and I figured that was a bit of info. Then hel deleted his post.

But you know, to the MOON

>> No.1265688

j-just like may 19th conference right senpai?

>> No.1265691

More like the may 9th or when ever it shot up to 4.50. I sold and got back in at 2.51. Bleh, should have held off but still ahead playing this stock.

>> No.1265695

Go to the fda calender thing and they're scheduled for the 30th

>> No.1265697

May 19th conference was a stupid "catalyst" because the results were published with the press release announcing the conference presentation.

>> No.1265699


My mistake, had to look in my history. I sold on 4-25.

>> No.1265702

>scheduled for the 30th
Where are you seeing this? There's something for 1st half of 2017, and three things for 2nd half of 2016.


>> No.1265703

XCO is still good for the picking. It will hit a dollar today.

>> No.1265709

ELTP is developing an anti-abuse opiate that is modular and can be applied to every opiate pain killer on the market. Basically takes a blend of opiate micro BBs and micro BBs made up of the anti-abuse agent and mix them together in a caplet. Current drug awaiting approval is called SequestOx.

Lots of talk about the opiate epidemic in the media lately so I think ELTP will get some major traction, they are on the final phase of FDA review and a few weeks away from approval.

Company also has a ton of cash, low debt, a line of profitable generics, and solid management.

Only problem is its OTC.

>> No.1265712

Im just saying there's no reason to buy it now and lock up your money for like 6 months

>> No.1265713

i dont trust it. I feel like as soon as I look away it will plummit

>> No.1265719


Not on RH or Ustocktrade :( Which broker do you use?

>> No.1265720


>> No.1265722

Good call. Did you get in on this yesterday? Wondering what the possible catalyst/sign for today's climb could have been.

>> No.1265724

XCO is flying. I should have bought it earlier, oh well. once it dips I'm going in

>> No.1265726

Seems like it was removed? Last time I checked was a couple months back

>> No.1265728

i love how CERU likes to tease us with this roller coaster ride

>> No.1265732

I said it is on OTC exchange.

>> No.1265734

Love how low ceru's trade volume is. One person can literally force the stock up several cents with buying 2k or so.

>> No.1265735

The neutral news, I figure.

>> No.1265736

just wanna alert you guys to $CHK movements

did another debt for equity swap today that really cleaned up the balance sheet.

rumors of M&A could move this stock soon

>> No.1265737

Which RH doesn't allow

>> No.1265739

Still good if you can wait a few days.

>> No.1265747

How do I get my unsettled funds?

I want to buy stuff.

>> No.1265748

You have to do this thing called waiting.
Hard, like my dick, i know...
Or invite your friends and get instant like us

>> No.1265749

If you're watching ceru. Literally 3k shares moved it up from 2.38 to 2.40 and back to 2.36 again. Crazy.
That means every 500 shares bought or sold moves it 1 cent.

>> No.1265757

So cant someone just keep buying and selling

>> No.1265762

Does 1 referral = 1 spot up for robin hood instant?

>> No.1265763

>not buying $dday
Its like you guys don't like money

>> No.1265767

1 referral puts you in the top 3k or so. You get approved in that week.

>> No.1265768

Its puts you at the front of the line or very close to the front but you will still drop a few hundred/thousand spots as more and more people refer friends.

>> No.1265769

not falling for this meme again, it's bullshit, stop shilling your garbage shares.

>> No.1265771

Who /coffee/ and /classical/ here?

>> No.1265772

Looks dodgy as hell

>> No.1265774

How much did you lose m8? Its a solid buy now at anywhere at or below 35 cents and above 32 cents

>> No.1265780

I'll buy a little at .30

That volume though.

>> No.1265781

Someone's gotta match the price though. If you sell at 2.40 someone has to exist to buy it at that price. Same for buying at 2.38.

It isn't fair to say that price moves when people buy or sell, it moves when you find a buyer.

Thus, if people are only buying at 2.38 and it shows last price as 2.40, when you do a market sell it only matches at 2.38. The price listed is simply the last price it traded at.

>> No.1265782

>OTC exchange
>Which RH doesn't allow

Gotcha. I thought the OTC term was referring to their drug or something haha.

>> No.1265787

Sounds nice M8.

I'm /gym/ then /studystatistics/ today. Might have to add /classical/ to that.

>> No.1265790

as soon as it touched 2.45 there was a massive dump and it dipped

>> No.1265791

nothing, the volume alone, should tell you a lot.

>> No.1265793
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>tfw I bought at 2.45

>> No.1265795

lol why? You can see it was only at the price because one guy pumped it.

>> No.1265797

>tfw MGT never going back to $5.25

>> No.1265799

I was shilled
I'm only in for 100 shares, so not exactly worried

>> No.1265801

What are the taxes I can expect to pay from using this app? When is that something I have to consider when purchasing? Break it down for an idiot please.

>> No.1265803

I got in at 2.41 for 100 shares too

>> No.1265804

slow and steady anon

slow and steady

>> No.1265806

There are some good streams on tunein

>> No.1265807

I need to know this too.

How much do I need to tax myself? Where do I get the data?

>> No.1265809

I went in at 2.38 for 40

just created an account this morning

>> No.1265812

Are we talkin moon mission or slow ride to victory

>> No.1265813

I was gonna buy more of it

>> No.1265814

I'm the newest fag of them all.
Literally my first buy.
I'm a textbook newfag who bought three books on daytrading TODAY.

I figure it's a lesson if it screws me

What's your take on ceru?

>> No.1265815

>Note: Net short-term capital gains are subject to taxation as ordinary income at graduated tax rates.

>> No.1265816

Any other AMD holders?

>> No.1265817

I don't even understand how it's somehow staying at 2.91-3.25

The whole thing was built purely on HYPE. Nothing has actually happened with McAfee other than him taking over MGT.

>> No.1265818

So we need to log how much we profit at each sell and cut off 10%? ffs

>> No.1265819

>bought three books on daytrading TODAY.
What'd you buy?

That's three more books than anyone else in this thread has bought, I'd guess.

>> No.1265820

idk man I started like 2 weeks ago so I'm just crossing my fingers hoping to get to the moon. Keep lurking, there are quite a few CERU fags around who know more than me

>> No.1265821

Remember I saw your post in the earlier thread

>> No.1265825

If you're in the lowest tax bracket, yes.

I have to cut off 28% :(

>> No.1265827
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Figured I start with these three, then maybe buy one or two more that's more specific

>> No.1265829

Why not just tax 10% of our total profit? like if i put in 500 and i end up with 600 it's not just 10% of 100?

>> No.1265834

Hows your gains/losses so far?

>> No.1265839

Only on gains and you can write off losses.

If you had to pay taxes on the full thing then day trading wouldnt exist.

>> No.1265843

I lost around 60 dollars over ODP and JCP and gained nothing over the ~10 shares I traded

>> No.1265845

Share u cunt

>> No.1265851

>Why not just tax 10% of our total profit?
My profits (on short term capital gains) are taxed at a higher rate because the other sources of income I have put me in the 28% bracket. Hence the 28% cut I mentioned.

If you have no other taxable income sources and are a single filer with less than $9275 in profits, it's just 10% of your profits that is taken (assuming the brackets shown here: http://taxfoundation.org/article/2016-tax-brackets).).

>> No.1265853

Ha! Joke's on them, I don't make enough to pay taxes

>> No.1265856

Not me, but I think it's XGTI.

>> No.1265859

Well, godspeed onward

>> No.1265861


fucking hell
do I go in?
Do I stay out?

>> No.1265864

I wouldn't. And I have over 4hrs of experience trading

>> No.1265881

yeah, I've been in the game since morning. I'm a beginner and think it's a great way to invest especially if it's done monthly

>> No.1265883

At 90.

>> No.1265891

Sounds like you're looking at long term steady gains, rather than short term moon money?

>> No.1265892

I took 91 flat.

Probably holding to morning.

>> No.1265907

Double up in 2 months

>> No.1265917

im in total awe that people like this are trading

>> No.1265920

What's your current poistion with CHK?

>> No.1265935

I am the president and CEO

>> No.1265944

Just buy GBR and set your sell really high. The stock is thinly traded and has a very small market cap

>> No.1265948

At least the SKLN fags will stop moaning now

>> No.1265950

If I had 100k, I would be netflix right now. AAL too.

>> No.1265967


>> No.1265983
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I'm still moaning because your mom is on my rich dick. Thank you /biz/ for showing me that meme stocks are truly the way.

>> No.1265989
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>he bought skln at .25

>> No.1265994 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1266006

Short Deutsche bank

>> No.1266009

Right? Sucks to be him. Just buy the dip fellas :^)

>> No.1266017

>buy XCO .90
>sell XCO .92-95

Anyone else riding this train?

>> No.1266020

dumb question: is there a way for me to automatically sell X shares once a stock has reached a certain price?

>> No.1266031

Yeah, limit sell at top right when you go to sell.

>> No.1266051
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ah there it is, thanks anon

>> No.1266055

A limit sell?

>> No.1266136

how much are you making?

>> No.1266146


>> No.1266172

i sold today before it dropped, will probably buy back in

>> No.1266194

Hey /rh/

How can a poorfag wage slave bypass the day trader limit? Loophole or anything?

>> No.1266202

nope, depending on how much cash you have you could just go to another broker

>> No.1266204

Don't have RH, but curious, what's the day trader limit?

>> No.1266207

I think he's talking about the fact that funds take 3 days to settle

>> No.1266208

Iirc the 4-5 trade a week limit is a federal law so brokers don't have a choice, but I know there has to be a loophole somewhere

>> No.1266222

ok you coons. the day trading limit is only for margin accounts, which robinhood instant is, as the money you can reinvest instantly is not actually the money from the sale. you can day trade all you want, which will still mark you as day trader but it doesnt matter as long as you are using cash, still have to wait 3 days for sale though. thats the catch with RH

>> No.1266241

Let us know if you learn any useful lessons from those.

Still learning! In your experience, are stocks traded on OTC exchange less "reactive" to catalysts than normal stocks (in terms of moon shots etc.)?


>> No.1266242

So as long as I don't have instant I can buy and sell as much as I want?

>> No.1266261


I want to day trade. I have $30,000 ready to go. I want to use something like a Pay Per Share brokerage. Do these actually exist? Can someone actually explain to me the fees involved with something like Interactive Broker (www.interactivebrokers.com)?

>> No.1266275


What exactly don't you understand? They even give examples.

>> No.1266343

Hi, Aubrey

>> No.1266349

No. The SEC still only allows 3 round trip trades a week for accounts under $25k

>> No.1266451

Why do they care if you're only gambling.. I mean trading with your own money?

>> No.1266532

Has $CHK left the station? :(

>> No.1266535

> :(

>> No.1266538

hard to say - http://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=chk

>> No.1266543

That's a lie you fucking retard.
The day trader laws are there to protect from free riding which you can't do from a cash account.

>> No.1266548

forgot the link

>> No.1266618

So under C you're kinda boned if you wanna do day trading.

>> No.1266643

Youre right it only applies to margin accounts. It has nothing to do with freeriding, though. It's to protect retards from going into crazy debt.

And you can totally freeride from a cash account. All the brokerages I know outside Robinhood allow good faith buys inside the T+3

>> No.1266662

Seemingly stupid question: how does everybody know about cheaper stocks like XCO and CHK? It is not immediately obvious to me how to peruse/find/select these cheap energy stocks without knowing exactly what to type into the Robinhood search bar.

>> No.1266693

Does /rh/ discuss stocks outside of meme stocks? I was thinking about grabbing some $RRMS since it's had decent growth since Feb.

>> No.1266710

>outside of meme stocks
Very rarely. I think most of the people here are interested in moon shots and quick money.

That being said, I also think most of the more serious posters diversify between meme stocks and non-meme stocks.

>> No.1266724

I actually do, I was right about the gold rise, turtle beach rise, and MGT early on. No one listens when it's actual advice.

>> No.1266753
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>> No.1266776

watch TTNP

>> No.1266783

I don;t know, I'm only in it for the long game. thinking of going with GALE tomorrow

>> No.1266801

>I'm only in it for the long game
pussy ass nigga

>> No.1266842

Crude is likely to break $50 this week. Some pretty strong resistance there, might wanna pick up some cheap CHK or MEMP and ride the bump

>> No.1266920

I will. Though I'm suspecting what I will be learning is the basics, like OTC being just another market for example. I'll have the books by next wednesday.

>> No.1266973
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Good feels man

>> No.1266979

How long did it take

>> No.1266988

How high do you expect chk to go

>> No.1266991

So is CHK gonna be today's moonstock or what?

>> No.1266998

75% chance of FDA approval for double,triple and even quadruple price is pretty good.

Fighting drug addiction. Awarded shit ton of money and revenue if approved.


>> No.1267001


I fucking hope so. Holding from yesterday.

>> No.1267009

me too

since .11

>> No.1267037

It's a $7 stock selling for $4

>> No.1267044
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You're not shilling me again are you?

>> No.1267052

Yes your $100 will move a stock that trades 29 million shares/day

>> No.1267060

>he actually thinks thats how /biz/raeli meme voodoo works

>> No.1267064
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I bought too high, lads. Wasn't able to enjoy the gains today, just trying to dig myself out of the hole I put myself in.

>> No.1267069

Invited a friend and it bumped me down from the back of the line. Worth

>> No.1267071

Don't worry, you'll see $4.50 this week. My average is $4.05

>> No.1267076
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So psyched...

>> No.1267079


>> No.1267092

>RH during day
>crypto at night

Will I ever sleep?

>> No.1267107

What's your ceru?

>> No.1267108

I just set a limit for it at .25 desu, I hope it dips more so I can buy more.

>> No.1267111
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Not that interesting

>> No.1267123
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Not mine either. Got in at 2.45

>> No.1267143

Maybe someone can help.
I put 100 in recently and the money was immediately available so I bought and sold apple in a day for a little profit. 2 or 3 days later I got a notification my deposit failed. But I still made that profit...
Also it's been more that 5 business days and still money is not withdraw able.

>> No.1267149

What makes you think it'll ever reach $7. It seems like it's reached its peak yesterday.

>> No.1267150
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What can I gather from this?
Will this affect the price positively or negatively?

>> No.1267170

Ohhhhh fuck guys get in here brk.a about to fucking moon my cousin just called me told me to go negative and buy as much as i can afford

>> No.1267175

catch the morning bump and scalp 3-5 cents. Its at .99 right now

>> No.1267178

Thx for the tip! My cousin told me to go all in on ASTI going to the moon SOON!

>> No.1267182

Thoughts on CLDX?

>> No.1267209


>> No.1267231

SKLN is a good investment, for day traders and long term.

They got an ER rapport which didn't show gains but was very promising for the future on monday went from .16 to .11 because of retarded panic sellers that only saw the revenue go down a bit.
Yesterday smart people bought into this because its at rock bottom and is now again around .16/.17

Reasons to go in this one : They just fired the old douchebag of an CEO and the new one is BADASS, he bought aswel 1.6 million shares of SKLN.which you don't do if you believe in your plan

They fired their old PR crew and hired a new team (supposedly top notch)

Their revenue only went down because they replaced old units for free for their customers

>> No.1267233

And i forgot to say, they have 0 debt !

>> No.1267255

That's some good shilling

Got any sources on the badassery of the new ceo? Or douchebaggery of the old one?

>> No.1267269

this is the only thing that matter.
da fuck is she?

>> No.1267280

Rosée divine

>> No.1267286

New CEO : Dr. Carl Schwartz is acting as the Interim President and CEO of Skyline Medical. He is owner/manager of dental groups in Burton, MI and Grand Blanc, MI. Dr. Schwartz previously served on the board of Delta Dental Corporation of Michigan, was a member of the Michigan Advisory Board for Liberty Mutual Insurance and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Florida.

Old CEO was not successful, he didn't think outside of the box thats why he left.
New CEO is a guy with a hell of a lot experience and has already refreshed the whole management team.

>> No.1267333

Pre market of SKLN is already up 12% with 18k volume.
Probabky will see a small dip at the opening if its still rising in the Pre because of people taking their gains but should keep rising after

>> No.1267341

Just checked it. Up 18% with 67k volume now

>> No.1267345

Watch list $VSTM today guys. Maybe buy on the dip if you want in, looks good

>> No.1267346
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Am I doing it right?

>> No.1267351

yes haha Come to GEVO and this will happen again in mid june

>> No.1267360

Am I missing something? Why are you sharing your 1% gain for the day?

>> No.1267363

Reported losses 2.1mil vs 96k revenue in Q1 2016, also I don't think they've ever made a profitable quarter correct? There's no way they're not in debt.

>> No.1267385

Day ah

>> No.1267386

You don't have to believe me, i am just sharing my thought on it

>> No.1267389

whose ready for market open

>> No.1267391

Redpill me on open/closed market how to cash in once you profit etc etc

>> No.1267393

people open the market @ 9:30 eastern time.
If you want after market trades put gtc orders in. Wake up to your defined profit in your account.
Useful if you don't have time to be watching the ticks on ThinkorSwim all day.

>> No.1267398

I did it /biz/, I've made $200 profit after 6 months of memeing with you guys.

Now, should I buy 2 $100 hookers or 1 $200 one?

>> No.1267402

100 $2 hooked mate. A roomful of cheap hookers is overwhelmingly exciting. It's like having your own personal army of whores

>> No.1267418

Time to short the S&P 500/buy into SPXS?

>> No.1267424

How long should I hold onto CLRB and SCON? Also should I just sell ceru now and invest when the expected rise comes.

>> No.1267430

idk i think its going to go up again so maybe SPXL

>> No.1267435

>tfw MGT is never going back up

>> No.1267436

UGAZ Good to get into at the dip?

>> No.1267460

Nete split

>> No.1267468

Reverse split, rather.

>> No.1267489

Think MGT is going to profit in the long run? Or should I just cut my losses now?

>> No.1267491

Can't go up forever.

>> No.1267498

don't know I'm waiting till they announce something real.

>> No.1267499
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>> No.1267506

What's goin on with CBYL?

>> No.1267508

I didn't know about the RVS and i had nete in my watch list and i saw the 950% gain haha

>> No.1267509

I had a dollar in buying power so I bought 1 share the other day. I'm up 17 cents kek.

>> No.1267512

SKLN is a go.
Dip after opening is now, chance to buy.
Volume is 4.5 mil !!!

>> No.1267517

Is .138 good to buy

>> No.1267520

i bought some more at .1375

I think everything under .15 is a buy, i expect it to go over .20 this day

>> No.1267523

how did this stock go from being worth dollars to now cents? be fearful when others are greedy anon

>> No.1267525

XGTI is a good long term play.

>> No.1267532

Bad financing !
Thus the whole new CEO + New management + new PR team.

Stock market is gambling, this is gambling

>> No.1267537

Who enjoying that CHK money?

>> No.1267543

what CHK money was there to be enjoyed?

>> No.1267551
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mcafee you crazy bastard let's get some promising news soon

>> No.1267552

Ty $Gevo

>> No.1267560

>buying that sweet sweet $XGTI dip

Also I wish $GEVO would go moon already desu

>> No.1267561

babby's first stock trade here


Anon isn't the only one to recommend it. How do I know when to sell?

>> No.1267565

When it makes enough profit or loss for you to think "huh, I should sell".

You could also just sit on it for a year and see what happens, not like $SKLN isn't a penny stock.
Unless you put a couple hundred in it, in which case iunno man.

>> No.1267570
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I had forgotten what the color green looked like

>> No.1267572

I lost $400 on skln

>> No.1267581
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Show us the 6 month

>> No.1267586
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>> No.1267587

Holy shit, what happend to nete? I just made $500 on what I thought was a lost cause

>> No.1267600


>> No.1267618

Fake robinhood screenshots are so cool.

>> No.1267631

I got out at 3. Cut my losses and hopefully invest in this general surge.

>> No.1267650

ttnp news when? seriously gonna do it last minute on friday?

>> No.1267662

What did you buy at? When? Whatya sell at?

>> No.1267664

Still holding onto MGT that I bought at the top

Should I sell it at a loss or will based McAfee turn things around soon?

>> No.1267665

I bought over and over. I was in at .22, and I kept buying and buying, my average was down to .15 and I still couldn't profit . I just gave up and sold at .12. wasn't worth the stress.

>> No.1267668

bought 550 of XGTI at 0.168 today, heard it's going to drop to the low teens by week's end - any evidence to back it up or is it just speculation?

>> No.1267672

He said he has a lot of things planned so wait for one of the big announcements.

>> No.1267676

Any idea when the next announcement will be?

>> No.1267682

Who /GEVO/ here

Train departs first week of june

>> No.1267688

Choo choo

>> No.1267689

What happens in June?

>> No.1267704
File: 99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160525-100001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get out of slw while it's going up? Or hold for a while?

>> No.1267710

I just sold, so probably tomorrow.

>> No.1267711

Oh shit

>> No.1267715

News on gevo and tlog when?
Any links?

>> No.1267719

TTNP fucked?

>> No.1267727
File: 320 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-05-24-13-10-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be a big upswing tomorrow again

>> No.1267728

Wondering the same thing

>> No.1267729

Speculation because this stock tends to do that.

>> No.1267731

I'm tempted to say the drop is artificial and caused by manipulators to scare people into panic selling. It's happened every other day this week. Big rise at the beginning, then a pretty hard drop sometime during the day before leveling back out.

>> No.1267739

CERU launch when :(

>> No.1267741

End of the year, my question is if the drug is finally distributed how much per share are we looking at

>> No.1267745

Healthy TTNP dip, get the fuck in now if you can

>> No.1267746

well according to other /biz/raelis 8~9

>> No.1267767

>mfw gave up 2 days ago and sold

>> No.1267770

There's thousands of people every morning scouring through the market. If something is found they tell people cause then it will grow even larger.

>> No.1267774

Read the copy pasta.

>> No.1267775
File: 19 KB, 306x273, 5e4ba9cbee2b21a98214fe53ba543457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing how robinhood probably won't be in canada for years, do you think it's a service that a canadian could turn into a startup?

I have a masters in finance and basic knowledge in programming but with some help and connections I bet it could work if there's no shitty canadian law to fuck it up.

>> No.1267776

doubtful, i sold right before it dipped so i got lucky, I'm going to buy in tomorrow or Friday because it's going to explode.

>> No.1267779

You have to become a licensed broker but yeah, you could probably become very very wealthy.

>> No.1267785

Should I dump my ceru at 2.45? Most of my money is in there and I'm missin all the meme trains.

>> No.1267792

Do you think robinhood could make a dick move and quickly implement themselves in canada after seeing someone come up with the same service?

>> No.1267795

The hard part will be making any money.
If you could really get consistent gains to just cover the things like servers costs you'd be a millionaire by now.

>> No.1267798

>basic knowledge in programming

This stuff is extremely complex. The complexity of these trading websites and apps makes everything else seem like a hello world.

>> No.1267799

Why haven't you guys bought dday yet before it explodes? It also owns other websites and assets like Rantsports.com and wetpaint.com

>> No.1267805
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I guess you're right.

How do people even make these startups? There's so much shit to know about. Even if you're the greatest finance guy ever, you'd need a master programmer, a great lawyer, a great accountant, a great fiscal councelor...

I just don't understand. No even talking about all the knowledge you need to have before diving in like hidden costs to follow all the regulations and laws properly...jesus.

>> No.1267833

Should i hold uwti until tommorow?? Guys anyone else in uwti

>> No.1267845

I invested some money into RPM(rye patch gold corp) and their trading has been halted at request of the company. I cant seem to find any news as to why this halt was implemented. Any ideas?

>> No.1267856

I thought RH didn't take fees.

Why did my 1.80 price turn into 1.75 when it says sold at 1.80?

>> No.1267868

Did you reply to the wrong person?

>> No.1267869

It's because of a reverse split you fucking mongs.

Go for it, maybe nogs will use their new basic income to purchase penny shit stocks from you

Answered a million times. Bid/Ask fluctuations and RH being too slow to keep up with real-time pricing

If you guys are this fucking dumb, why even bother trying?

>> No.1267874
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>> No.1267878

I'll go ahead and ask the same

>> No.1267879
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>> No.1267880

>zillow notification
do you flip houses?

>> No.1267884

xgti dip

>> No.1267887

might buy back in if it dips low enough

>> No.1267888

Im asking why, I already know they are allowed to, Im asking for insider information

>> No.1267890

Keeping an eye out for a cheap duplex as investment

>> No.1267893

14 is plenty good.

>> No.1267894

If you hit market price then you get what they can match you with at that immediate time, which is always a tiny bit lower. Set limits if you're working with that small trade margins of profit.

>> No.1267901

I first got in at .11, I'll buy if it gets that low again

>> No.1267903

Tried to buy XGTI at .15, .152, .155, and by the time i could place my order price was already above it. ended up grabbing at .16. Am i doin this shit wrong or what.

>> No.1267908

people react really fast when things get steep. gotta go fast.

Are you the whale?

>> No.1267909

Set limit buy and wait. It's in the upper right corner instead of market buy.

>> No.1267911

Yea I was using limit buys but by the time I could set it slightly above current price it already moved past it.

>> No.1267912

Should I buy Nugt or should I wait?

>> No.1267913

Wait holy shit am I misunderstanding limit buys? If I were to have set the price at .17 it would have bought immediately at it's current price of .152 or whatever?

>> No.1267930

Limit buys are simple as fuck don't worry. If you want to sell at 10 dollars, your order straight up will not go through unless it is 10 dollars (or lower). If you want to sell at 20, it will not sell for below 20. Not even 19.98.

Market order you take immediately what is on the buy/sell book (which is other people's limit orders).

>> No.1267933

First time I said sell I meant buy* when talking about the 10 dollars.

>> No.1267940

what about stop loss and stop limit? How do those work and should I be using them?

>> No.1267948

Idk. But if the stock goes up while u order it you'll buy at .17. If you want a stock at .15 do a limit buy at that price, and forget about it until you get an email notification. Only problem with doing it this way is your buying in a downturn everytime so it can get a little depressing, but works good for dips

>> No.1267949

Yea I see how I'm just a fookin idiot. I thought that limit buys wouldn't go through until it hit that exact price. Coulda saved myself some dollarydoos

>> No.1267961

depends on how much you have
I have a 100 shares and I'm gonna stick with them while I look for other stocks
there has to be something special about it. but then again we might all just be idiots

>> No.1267965

What do you guys think of HTM?
An insider just bought ~500,000 shares in the last week. Might load up on shares tomorrow

>> No.1267966

I-I'm still good as long as it's green r-right?
Even if most of my stocks is r-red?

>> No.1267968

>>1267961Yea I don't have instant so I can't just flip em real quick into another stock. I sold my 75 shares at 2.44. My average was 2.27 so it's some small profit. I'm still extremely new to this so I want to play around with other stocks and try to understand stuff a bit more. Every stock is a valuable learning experience for me

>> No.1267972

same here. I'm gonna give you the same advice someone else gave me: sell limit on 2.45. godspeed anon

>> No.1267973

any meme stocks?

>> No.1267976

CERU my nigga

>> No.1267980

CERU my nigga

>> No.1267982

CERU my nigga

>> No.1267984

Also can someone give me sauce on this?

>> No.1267989

CERU my nigga

>> No.1267992

volume is so low though

>> No.1267999

TTNP my jive turkey

>> No.1268002
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>+10% in AH

>> No.1268056

CERU my nigga

>> No.1268057
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Congrats you anime-posting, weeaboo faggot.

>> No.1268068

CERU my nigga

>> No.1268075

Rosee divine

>> No.1268085

CERU my nigga

>> No.1268113
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Anyone think this guy is going to come to work this month?

>> No.1268143

>CERU my nigga

>> No.1268148

I hope it goes to $2 or under.

Then i'm going to pick some up again and just ride it out until $5-6 again, if it ever happens.

>> No.1268157

CERU my nigga<

>> No.1268186

Bet he'll be back Monday after presidential campaign finishes up

Big plans and I'm chugging the koolaid

>> No.1268237

Breaking news on TTMP


We goin' get approved, nigga

>> No.1268254

this been known, hope you all hopped on the rocket

>> No.1268257
File: 72 KB, 210x210, 17ab7e4d6545ad524532d9ae9b5c8181000f804f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the face of a liar?

>> No.1268264

it's not too late is it?

>> No.1268353

no, I'm getting more

>> No.1268469

Is TTMP the stock ticker? It's not showing up in RH

>> No.1268490

TTNP u pleb

>> No.1268505

TiTaN Pharma

>> No.1268510

how much increase are we potentially talking about? 80+%?

>> No.1268540

Expectations are anywhere between $12-15 to the low $20's on the higher end.

>> No.1268590

>His wait may soon be over. Behshad Sheldon, CEO of Braeburn, said the company is finalizing negotiations with the FDA about the product’s label, which she said “usually doesn’t happen if you’re not going to get approved.”

>“But, you know, nothing is ever 100 percent,” Sheldon added. “We are cautiously optimistic.”

460 shares at 6.11 average...

>Expectations are anywhere between $12-15 to the low $20's on the higher end.

This would be so sweet.

>> No.1268614

What's the plan here. How do you know it'll drop again?

>> No.1268627

Just opened account
I intend to just throw in $100 wageslave bucks and have fun with it
Sure hope I don't get pulled in and lose my life savings day-trading

>> No.1268630

There's good news about the contract so I'm certain it's going to shoot up

>> No.1268632


I'm not a doctor but these "little details" sound kind of major

>> No.1268640

yes but that was January

>> No.1268646

So should I buy more ttnp when the market opens or do you think it'll drop again like this morning.

>> No.1268653

There's a slight possibility, however it doesn't matter because it's going to have exploded by the end of the day

>> No.1268668

Are you gonna instantly buy or wait a little. I'm still a little new to this so idk what to expect.

>> No.1268674

i'm buying first thing, but I don't know shit either tbhfam

>> No.1268694

>yes but that was January

And the lady shilling against the drug doesn't really seem to know her shit.


Also notable is the value of ProNeura, which is the patented technology that allows for the slow release of the drug. FDA approval would validate this technology and might set the stage for a buyout by big pharma...

I'm so nervous.

>> No.1268696

SKIS is up 24% premarket, just got approved to build a new ski resort. They were just (like 6 hours ago) given $52 million for a new project.
Could be an amazing return for a day trade tomorrow

>> No.1268698

Thanks for the tip, definitely worth looking into for a quick buck if there's a quick dip in the morning form people harvesting their gains. Doesn't look like there was heavy volume recently, so maybe it's best to buy in at open.

>> No.1268708

I'm in muthafucka, let's lose some money.

What's the volume? Like 2k?

>> No.1268722

Average volume is ~22,000.

Most analysts are rating it a "buy" or "strong buy"

It peaked at 4.44 in afterhours tonight. Volume should be huge tomorrow

>> No.1268726

Like I do plan on going for TTNP tomorrow but at the same time SKIS looks promising. I'm biased though because I grew up skiing all the time and I live near some of their ski resorts and golf courses

>> No.1268734

Do you have instant? Might be a decent tradeoff to make your money early in the day with SKIS and getting in on TTNP after that ride has ended.

>> No.1268735

SKLN didn't skyrocket today. Think it'll do anything tomorrow or should I just get out while I'm still green?

>> No.1268744

I don't have instant unfortunately. I'm just going to buy TTNP at the opening price, and then watch SKIS and buy at any early dip I see. Working with a disposable amount of money so there's no fear either way

>> No.1268749

After-hours looks good. Up 15%

Ah, I see. I was fed up with the settling time and got into Ustocktrade, but now I have instant so I use Ustocktrade for positions I intend to hold for a while since they don't have an Android app.

>> No.1268781

Yes, I'll take it after dump. Whoever brought it up afterhour is probably going to eat well in the morning. I sure would.

>> No.1268786
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How long do I roughly have to wait boys? I've been waiting for this for a fucking minute. Can finally do fast plays. My goal is just to make like 10-30$ a day and reinvest profits. 2 years of consistent trading will get me adequately experienced to be making 100$ a day as a side income imo. I'm also gonna be getting good at poker and use csgopoker.com and make like 5-10$ a day. It'll be a lot of work but in a couple of years it'll pay off

>> No.1268789

If you do well and don't lose your first 10k.


>> No.1268943

Any day now. Maybe even tomorrow. I was 3,000th in line, then they bumped me back to like 15,000, and then a day or two later I got in.

>> No.1269050

Tomorrow if I want to buy fast should I put a market order now or what.

>> No.1269061


What do you guys think about TTNP, is it still going to explode tomorrow?

>> No.1269084

Catalyst on Friday. I could see people buying in after that juicy dip today. Unless there are more people who want to cash out their gains before the catalyst.

I got in low enough that the dip doesn't bother me. I am nervous that maybe the wall street boys know something more than I do.

Feels like it's possible people are just taking massive short positions in case this fails. So nerve-wracking.

>> No.1269157

Thought I was getting in low at $7.50 yesterday, just hoping news didn't leak and I'll be holding the bag for awhile.

>> No.1269162

>Unless there are more people who want to cash out their gains before the catalyst.

I don't understand. The catalyst is good. Right? Right!?! Wouldn't they want to hold on till after it happens?

>> No.1269169


>> No.1269173

If you got in just a few weeks ago you'd have realized about 45% gains yesterday at the peak.

It's pretty greedy to ask for even 5% on a stock so I don't blame people for just realizing their amazing gains then playing with even a 10% chance of being wrong.

>> No.1269181

MGT may blow up again. Check it out. premarket movement is huge

>> No.1269189
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I lost 2k on it cause I fucking froze when it was crashing from 5.50 to 2.65. Idk I just couldn't do anything about it even tho sell button was right there and I could have gotten out green. FML

>> No.1269193



>> No.1269195

So.. ttnp is moving slower than I thought. I should be more patient.

>> No.1269201

What's a good price to get into ttnp before all this stuff happens?

>> No.1269206

New thread pls bois

>> No.1269223


>> No.1269227

I mean it's $7 right now.. am I missing something..?

>> No.1269228

It's already at a good price. 7 is after the dip. It might go down to the high 6s again but idk.

>> No.1269260

It's inflated on the speculation that the FDA will approve.

We'll see.

>> No.1269269

Why did I buy DDAY at 0.4 fuck all you memers. Down 20% already ffs

>> No.1269280

I jumped in at morning high of 7.16. I don't even care. I just hope FDA is going to announce good news today or tomorrow.

>> No.1269297

cashed out for a quick 30% yield on SKIS, bought TTNP at 7.10 and holding until decision

>> No.1269319

Bleh, was going to try and random a stock but random dot org picked RL for me. 1 share is 93 bucks. Only have 50 to play with at the moment.

Second pick IMPR, 13.70... Hmmm, buy 2 shares and see if the RNG can out do the meme stocks.

>> No.1269323

Is ARRAY still worth buying into?

>> No.1269325

Has anyone bought PSID?

>> No.1269371

Possibly, their approvals should be coming late june

>> No.1269386

TTNP doin decently, cmon fda make us rich

>> No.1269398

New thread
