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File: 18 KB, 398x398, vb7tG0Fx_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12651720 No.12651720 [Reply] [Original]

Utterly pathetic volume. Seemingly noone has any interest in buying this coin.

>> No.12651732

>Is it dead?
Does CP involve fucking children?

>> No.12651736

instead of blowing out abc, Craig has been utterly embarassed. How can this ever flip btc if it can barely stay in the top 10?

>> No.12651742

may update is basically its last chance to become a top coin. craig promised atomic swaps, which would make many exchanges obsolete.

>> No.12651766
File: 91 KB, 1495x846, 1532932026326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr durrrr CP on the blockchain

>> No.12651776

CP on SV you tard. That's a completely different ballgame, with custom malformed opcodes ready to be the receptacle of your every bodily fluid.

>> No.12651785
File: 17 KB, 400x400, RayanCharles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How quickly Craig will betray his current allies like he did with every single one he had in the past? Two more months?

>> No.12651801

muh CP is literally and unironically one of the weakest examples of desperate fud i have ever seen.
its a non-issue for various reasons, all of which you would be well-aware of if you weren't a fucking retard

>> No.12651816

If you have no problems with storing large amounts of CP on your local machine, or relying on a service that requires storing large mounts of CP to work, then you're just myopic beyond belief.

>> No.12651838

just wait for the next pump, and dont forget to dump


>> No.12651906

the most ironic part of this debate is having it on fucking 4chan.
i have been here for roughly 13 years, and guess how this all started: as a completely unregulated data-dump where everyone could (and would) upload literally *any* data, including CP.
and yet we are still here and it has grown tremendously and there is no CP anymore.
weird, huh

>> No.12651964

isn't there? i haven't been on /b/ for a long time

>> No.12652016

what is your argument here? should 4chan(nel) be banned because someone might? what about instagram, youtube, any private computer with internet access that could potentially be turned into a CP server? if the possibility is enough for action, then literally everything must be banned.

its a simple game-theoretical situation where the possibility of uploading still remains, but because of traceability and harsh punishments is reserved for the clinically retarded and insane.
its like banning kitchen knives because a schizo might stab someone or banning cars because a terrorist might run people over.
information transfer in general is growing exponentially, everything is becoming more connected - attempts to perfectly filter everything beforehand simply mean you cannot grasp the bigger picture.

>> No.12652018

I bought some, waiting for a fake pump to drop it like US bombs

>> No.12652049

4chan can purge all CP that's posted instantly it's notied. It's mutable.
Blockchains ... are ... IMMUTABLE ... by ... close to definition. Once something is put there, it is there forever.
Do all SV tards are all this oblivious about the tech?

>> No.12652067

Where is tha CP now? Sure it's not on 4chan due to being deleted. If put onto SV, it would be there forever.

>> No.12652079

The whole thing was an exit scam because Bitfinex imploded.

>> No.12652169

and immutability is a moot point when the blockchain becomes so large that only a few datacenters will be able to store it, giving them back the ability to restrict access

i could also abuse any random (!) image site like say instagram to host any image i like by writing an algo that combines dozens or hundreds of seemingly unrelated, seemingly harmless pictures into the final picture i want, then spreading the links to the source pictures and the algo.
whoopsiedaysie, suddenly there is whatever i want on instagram, and the only info you need to see it is what algo to use on which harmless pictures - not unlike a fucking hash that points to data on a chain.


>> No.12652186

Evil never dies

>> No.12652201

waiting for the pump that never comes

>> No.12652212

Damn. Craig has reached his final form.

But yes SV is obsoleting every crypto this year.

>> No.12652213

It will surpass btc price mid 2020

>> No.12652215

>and immutability is a moot point when the blockchain becomes so large that only a few datacenters will be able to store it, giving them back the ability to restrict access

Enjoy relying on a service that requires possession of CP to function. Peak reliability

>> No.12652217

Lololollllolol watch out jl777, CSW's going to pop up claiming a patent on atomic swaps

>> No.12652228

You can put whatever you want on instagram, if you chose to put obfuscated CP, it will be deleted INSTANTLY. With SV, bucketloads of it can be put there with little effort and nobody can do anything.

>> No.12652240
File: 58 KB, 587x558, BCH and BSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Times they are a-changing.
Beginning of 2018 was so comfy with Roger and Craig on the same team.

Also new Craig Wright presentation in Japan:

How will the exit scam work if they spend millions of USD to mine the chain every month? Still the same insanely high hashpower: https://coin.dance/

>> No.12652252
File: 316 KB, 1200x899, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're immutable Public Toilet of a blockchain isn't not part of this growth.

>> No.12652273

>BCH approaching double SV's PoW

>> No.12652294

miners continue mining a chain that noone wants, but I seem to remember Jihan doing some pretty nonsensical things and we all know how that turned out for him.

>> No.12652305

>i have so many arguments that i regress to posting literal pictures of toilets
bye fag

>> No.12652327

I see you are incapable of reading. Typical intellectual level of a SV supporter.

>> No.12652329
File: 3.51 MB, 2000x1320, sven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my point, nchain and coingeek mines a chain that has almost no users. proves that they are serious and that this isn't an "exit scam".

i suspect roger low key regrets picking a side, especially since it turned out that Bitmain isn't doing so great after all and Jihan has pretty much vanished

>> No.12652350

i don't doubt it's not an exitscam. I just doubt their plan will work is all. Jihan looked like a genius a little over a year ago and I bet he thought he had it all figured out. So much for that.

>> No.12652370
File: 485 KB, 722x407, Sven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based sven poster.

>> No.12652373


>> No.12652399

* inhales *