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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1264904 No.1264904 [Reply] [Original]

let's talk about how to make that online money

>> No.1264907

provide something of value

>> No.1264937
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in depth posters encouraged. roleplaying not

we're here to share legitimate ideas and learn

whatever your idea, I'll go into how to make it fly with email (using it as a genuine supplement to the site) & content marketing

my idea::
>life coaching
unlicensed peer therapy. I've heard that fitness trainers and even financial advisors are basically glorified therapists.

I'm currently ex-neet, getting my life together

there is value in teaching as you learn; helping people a little behind you

for context see:

I'm going to recruit from places like GoodLookingLoser forums & I'm absolutely willing to do it for ridiculously cheap before releasing the final product of $100/week a member, 10 members a week, 2 groups of 5 with 3 sessions a week

I'm going to give lectures on things like fitness, social media and getting a life

some will be converted to blog posts, others will be dished in out in video form in a weekly newsletter (email marketing).
vimeo unlisted - no one can view without the link

and there are people in the space whom I'm already in contact with, that I might be able to put a podcast together with

>> No.1264944

I'm better reactionary

I've had 2 threads like this where I tried to give legit advice

pitch an idea or talk about my idea, and I'll get up to bat

>> No.1264950

You don't need to put op in the name field there are IDs

>> No.1264953

unless you were talking generally, in which case no shit

I work at a coworking space (shit position tb.h) where I'm around a bunch of small businesses

digital marketing is one of the larger companies where I work. this is pretty damn easy to get into

Catlain Bacher is known in the space, specifically with instagram marketing. check out her instagram because it's laughable

she's a hustler more than anything and she appeals to women her age (30's). there is a way to appeal to the 4chan type male entrepreneurs - to let them fall in love with your nuance - and they will dish out money for your info-products and services

>> No.1264954

my ip is dynamic

my id is just as likely too stay the same for the next day as it is to change the next minute

>> No.1264973

Ebooks. Here me out. You can find a subject - diy from blog posts or outsource to a ghost writer and boom

As with anythig in late stage capitalism it all comes down to marketing

Network with related bloggers first maybe? Im thinking most tumblr / word press types would sell out low (maybe 500 bucks?) To shout out your product - youtube types probably more

>> No.1264980
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>let's talk about how to make that online money
it was a shitty website that hosted some videos of someone who got recently removed from youtube.

I am going to keep making websites on niche topics, and hopefully get the google money.

>> No.1264991


Bam ain't lookin so good.

>> No.1265010
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Nathan Barry (the guy who's vimeo speech I linked) has made quite a bit of money with ebooks on design and one on being an ebook author. he's used that money to fund a tech startup

I don't get the fascination with making cheap shit when you spend 40 hours a week working for someone else. I'd advocate honing your niche and becoming an authority for 1. your niche and 2. **your nuance**

check out


solid 30 min podcast about a guy making YT money as a car journalist. I'm Ryan in the comments and I talk about this

the same people you relate to irl are people that would relate to you as a teacher and would want to learn through you

tumblr and non domain owned blogs are a joke and rather than pay known blogs, you can just as easily make free guest posts on semi or known blogs depending on your writing ability

I wrote this guest post for a semi known guy in my general niche space


literally just shot him an email asking him and he now has a section on his menu accepting guest posts

I emailed a more known guy and we were in talks to have me featured on his podcast (started ignoring him and didn't follow through because lollife)

>> No.1265020

is that adsense money?

I played around with joke rapping a few years back and talked about getting a gopro with a friend and doing things like rapping in a drugstore (after asking the cashier for drugs) for the music video

doubt adsense would touch that

anyway good for you. I hope you find something that sticks

>> No.1265049

by Google money I thought you meant Google traffic (SEO)

now I gather you obviously meant adsense

Amazon affiliate pays out more fyi

>> No.1265401

morning bump

>> No.1265457

I think the guys who have promising venutures going on won't go into any detail on them. It's too competitive out there.

>> No.1265461


forgot a 'myself included'

>> No.1265466


guys who have anything of value going on in any endeavor arent and/or literally CANT waste their time posting on internet boards unless that is part of their business.

this is the problem with internet communities: the people who DO are vastly out-performed by the people who TALK.

apply this to any subject. PUA/manosphere stuff for example: those forums arent populated by guys who are successful with women, its populated by guys who TALK about being successful.

Bodybuilding forums arent populated by guys with decade or more of experience, they're populated by posers and pubmed experts.

adverse selection is the unfortunate reality of the internet forum.

thats not to say there is no good advice out there on any subject (obviously), but the signal to noise ratio is seriously fucked.

>> No.1266175

wrong about both of those examples, esp bodybuilding, but imo right about the business one imo

I'm only making this thread because I'm not working on anything

>> No.1266572
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I doubt there is a myself included tb.h

an idea is one thing and putting it into action is another

the landscape these days is to give information for free and call it content marketing

digitalmarketer.com for example is a team of, you guessed it, digital marketers. people pay them to manage their paid advertising campaigns. Facebook ads being the best $$ can buy these days
their entire podcast (40 something and counting) is dedicated to Facebook ads

this bring traffic in the form of people wanting to learn, some of which I think pay, and sets them up as an authority for people looking to outsource

Gary Vaynerchuk also has a digital marketing firm. it's international with their sf location where I work actually

Gary has NY Times best selling books on the subject, an #AskGaryVee Show on YouTube and he gets paid to speak (he's largely motivational but he gives solid, specific advice to anyone that asks on his show or during his talks)

EmpireFlippers.com is a website (business) marketplace with most sites in the high 5 to mid six figure range. they have competition, sure, but because of their podcast they're easily the most well known

NathanBarry.com used to write ebooks on design. that's how he made his money
his free content acted basically as a funnel for his ebooks. that's content marketing

>> No.1267290

early morning bump

>> No.1268946

Anyone in San Diego want to start something trendy and that could be marketed to the sheeps on instagram. It could be any product and I'de be stoked on it. Hell, I could even market the shit out of some marinara sauce! I'm 19, marketing student, ready to build a train

hmu leaguechoppingATgmailDOTcom

>> No.1269580 [DELETED] 
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Steam workshop is all i have to say. I make mad money for sitting at home doing shit. Draw some skins and that's it. I get a safe monthly income of 3-4k.

pic related is for this month

>> No.1269599


This is why people say "books are the new business cards".

Also OP go into apps, but creative. There's still money there, it's all I do. Stay away from games and don't even fucking think about touching a template, get a cheap coder, get creative.

>> No.1269643

eBooks/selling self improvement products and services is the lowest of low in the internet marketing world. Why not get into something bigger and better?

The eBook/coaching niche is a never-ending grind with little room for growth, and you have to put yourself out there.

>> No.1269780

you'd be surprised, but it's definitely no "business" business

consulting is an entrepreneurial 'mvp' imo

>> No.1269991

Rinse 1/2 NLH cash tables, not that I expect /biz/ to believe "gambling" can be profitable.

>> No.1270033

martingale baby
zuckerberg could make 100k a year doing it

>> No.1270217
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>> No.1270453

Selling yourself is alright if you love being the center of attention and have a big ego, but since you browse 4chan, you probably aren't into that.

Also consulting is way different and way bigger than selling eBooks/training. If consulting = software engineer then ebook "guru" = low level phone support.

Just because BHW/Warrior Forum/HackForum says that eBooks are the shit and make huge money doesn't make it true.

>> No.1270520

web apps that are creative in execution (wordpress plugins), definitely

I'd rather spend my time learning to code than hire a cheap guy but with my current job I can see teaming up with a cool, udereployed freelancer. met a guy today that tutored for code academy, paying the $42 monthly and hanging out in the lounges enjoying the free coffee and beer. I wouldn't trust hiring someone I couldn't be irl friends with

I'll shoot you an email


watch the vimeo link I posted in the beginning of the thread

at the time he was an ebook author earning over $100k with a software company he was toying around with

now he's heading the software company full time and its funding came from those ebooks & (design/UX/UI) consulting

I'm more ego driven than you'd guess but of you notice, the biz model mainly operates as an inner circle dependent on how much they've converted

I see it more as modern group therapy for men my age

>> No.1270527

poker isn't gambling

>> No.1270545
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trick children and autists into completing ads


>> No.1270581
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I make 100-200$ a day while I sleep.

I have a website that sells virtual goods. Its automated so it sends the code when someone buys it and I can generate infinite amounts of these codes via an exploit.

Website costs about 15$ a year to maintain and since I have zero competition I dont need to advertise or SEO

I'm 22

>> No.1270617

if you don't have anything to actually share then there's no point in posting in this thread..

>> No.1270686
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SUUUuurreeeee buddy

Automation: ejunkie
Website: free wordpress template garbage
Webhosting: 15$ a year with a coupon off google for hostmantis

You dont need a virtual good just find a niche and decent enough margins ay lmao

>> No.1270851

so you're selling someone else's digital products? how do you get traffic and why aren't the owners of said digital product able to cut out the middle man?

>> No.1270854


enjoy the free money

>> No.1271526

>I'm 22

what's it like having this kind of success so late in life?

>> No.1271542
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>web apps that are creative in execution (wordpress plugins), definitely

No I'm talking about iOS. Web apps are ok too, not interested in competing for PPC/SEO clicks anymore, that's pleb tier. Apple app store is like Google in 2004 right now.

>I'd rather spend my time learning to code than hire a cheap guy but with my current job I can see teaming up with a cool, udereployed freelancer. met a guy today that tutored for code academy, paying the $42 monthly and hanging out in the lounges enjoying the free coffee and beer. I wouldn't trust hiring someone I couldn't be irl friends with

Eh, not me. Coding is for autists and feminists at this point and I can either a.) have an app done for me in 7 days for a few hundred bucks or b.) pay a couple hundred bucks, do a bootcamp, make a shitty app riddled with bugs that won't work because I was focused on building the app myself instead of having an app built for me and then focusing on monetizing it, the actual important part.

>> No.1271618

So do you make money off the ads on your website? Also would we also need some kind of exploit

>> No.1271864

yes it is, just as professional sports betting is also.

>> No.1271950

he sells game currency that he gets via an exploit

though he's probably lying. nothing with enough users to net him that money under the radar would leave a bug like that open

you don't need ppc or seo for a WordPress plugin and a web app could be anything

bugs are apparently par for the course with software, especially with a 'cheap coder'

I'm not going to comment on software coding being for autists and feminists

learn more about poker

>> No.1271972
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>you don't need ppc or seo for a WordPress plugin and a web app could be anything

So how do you drive traffic?

>bugs are apparently par for the course with software, especially with a 'cheap coder'

Not in my experience. 4 million installs to date, 50 apps in my portfolio, all done with Indians and Chinese.

>I'm not going to comment on software coding being for autists and feminists

You just did.

>> No.1272024

need a summer job. is there anything i can do online?

>> No.1272029

>learn more about poker
Yknow when you "bet" in poker? Well that's a form of gambling :) just because something is +ev doesn't mean it isn't gambling.

>> No.1272035

Not him, but poker is less of a gamble than stock trading.

>> No.1272049

Vague statement really

>> No.1272355

I don't see the point in continuing this conversation with a roleplayer

do you consider playing competitive sports to be gambling


>> No.1272358

there's a reason why there's consistent winners in poker. are they just really lucky?

>> No.1272388
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Find a niche and spam, I still don't get enough views to make any money worth giving a damn -- but I might in the future. The more shit you have out there that is evergreen(can be read or watched at any time) will continually build your revenue.

>> No.1272396
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>> No.1272409

I play poker and earn from it, it's still gambling lol, can't believe we're even arguing about this. Tons of forms of gambling can be +ev

>> No.1272450

This guy is right. Gambling is loosely defined as any undertaking that has a risk of loss. Even if the risk is small in certain cases, or mitigated by advantage play, causing a positive EV, it is still gambling. Some games/actions are more of a gamble than others (more risk) and some are less of a gamble (less risk). The risk of loss is the defining factor which determines the level of the gamble. Poker, for an experienced player, is not at the same level of gambling as slots, for example, but is gambling nonetheless. It personally took me years to become a winning player (some people take less, some more, and some never get there), but once you learn the skill it becomes inherent, like riding a bike. I would recommend first learning how to win consistently with play money before you even start playing microstakes for real money. Phil Gordon's "Little Green Book", Phil Hellmuth's "Texas Hold'em" and Doyle Brunson's "Supersystem" are all solid reads. Read them. Study them. Apply them. Also, play as much as you can. The only way you are going to get good at poker is to play day and night.

>> No.1272465

Would also add "Harrington on Holdem" to that book list. Poker like anything competitive changes over time, low stakes games aren't as soft as they used to be (on the main sites anyway) so a winning player needs to adapt to these changes

>> No.1272535

>Harrington on Holdem
Forgot that one. Good call.

>> No.1272612

ok if you actually mention your niche than this thread can actually start

I understand if you don't want to risk losing that sweet $600 a year

ur crazy

fine you win

I haven't played much and am not profitable (less than $100 lost). thanks for the book recs. I've planned to order one next Friday but haven't looked into any yet

I've played at a casino $3min, $6 max. my friend is addicted (and profitable.. though barely as of late) to the black jack buster at that location

>> No.1272624

the look of a man who realizes he's a fucking piece of shit junkie

>> No.1272965

he blames Ryan Dunn's death lol. I literally turned off the show when he tried to say his dad playing pranks when he was younger messed him up and is the reason why his life turned out this way

>> No.1272969

his best friend died and he got the shit kicked out of him by some faggots at a museum

>> No.1273250

ur 14

>> No.1273282


What virtual goods do you sell? Do you create your own or is it someone elses? If it is someone elses, how do you get the right to sell?

>> No.1273296

I'm 24

you're a 19 year old roleplayer that doesn't know what a web app is

>> No.1273300


Does your mom know you're on here?

>> No.1273301


>I'm 24

A 24 year old could answer a question about traffic gen, yet you couldn't. Under 18 = ban.

>> No.1273305

I personally run a custom writing service for college students, have about 50+ assignments at any given time with 2 people who i split the work with. In return I give them a small cut out of what I actually make, and I do many assignments myself when I am not actually at work irl.

Also operate a currency exchanging service that specializes in BTC conversions, it makes a nice bit of change so long as prices are stable. I've been looking into CPA affiliate marketing as well, anybody here with experience in it that can give advice?

>> No.1273312


How much do you charge for writing? I had a content writing service about 7-8 years ago back before it got really competitive, always wondered how people were able to make the college angle work out profitably since college students typically can't/won't pay much.

CPA arbitrage is more or less dead unless you have a steady low cost/free stream of quality traffic or enjoy the idea of churning accounts on FB which is expensive as fuck and annoying as fuck. I monetize a lot of my app traffic with mobile CPA offers though.

>> No.1273317

It depends upon the assignment really. Most research papers/dissertations go for at least 70$ or so. Smaller assignments like homework is normally 20$~. Surprisingly a lot of college students purchase the service, although it's normally the same clients rather than new ones. I also service some high school students but they normally want their online classwork done or something of that sort, not much writing with them really.

>> No.1273321

anyone with half a brain would know that when speaking of software the term is users

gaining users is completely dependent on the type of web app. that's like asking how you find customers for a company

>> No.1273326

there's money in copywriting for companies. there's plenty of work out there

you can join wework and pick up jobs from a virtual billboard they have for all members

>> No.1273334
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>arguing semantics like a fucking autist
>still hasn't answered the question

Wew lad.


Very cool. We used to charge per/100 words until Indians started racing to the bottom and drove prices to the point where it wasn't worth competing. Glad to hear the market is doing better, it seems.

>> No.1273463

kneepads' coupons

>> No.1273485

>gaining users is completely dependent on the type of web app. that's like asking how you find customers for a company

it's mostly that I'm tired of fucking talking to you. creating software was your idea. how would I market my own software upon creation? I guess it would depend on the type of software

with WordPress plugins and themes, from what I know companies market via freemium. note I have no fucking experience with WordPress and I'm not interested in making a plugin

how do you market your portfolio of apps? oh that's right, you don't have one

this conversation isn't getting anywhere. how about we start with what app you'd be interested in making and we'll go backwards from there and come up with a marketing idea

note that a great majority of small software companies use 'inside sales' (ie telemarketers) to move their product

>> No.1273488

groupon already exists and kneepad specific doesn't scale

keep naming niches and keep in mind Vive exists for hair blowout coupons

>> No.1273562
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>how do you market your portfolio of apps? oh that's right, you don't have one

Unlike you, I don't need to play pretend on 4chinz. My portfolio is marketed 100% with ASO, 4m+ installs completely organically. Feels good man.

>> No.1273595

It's still gambling even if they can swing the odds into their favor. Starting a business is a gamble also. Life is full of them.

>> No.1273802

how am I playing pretend whatsoever?

when the amount and quality of effort you put in directly affects the outcome, I just don't really consider that gambling

>> No.1273916

Poker is not gambling if you're playing it correctly. Having +EV bets literally means in the long run, you will negate variance and realize gains. If you have enough of a bankroll over enough hands, it's mathematically impossible for you to end up being a loser, if you're a good player.

>> No.1274007

we been through this already, by definition it is gambling.

>> No.1274041

then by definition anything you attempt to do in any circumstance - all acting upon variables given to you by chance - it is a gamble

if poker is a gamble so is driving a car.. and the stakes are a lot higher behind the wheel

I like how this turned into a poker discussion

>> No.1274597
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I found a niche market that i know enough about to write a few articles about. (soz senpai im not going to tell you what it is)

However the topic is sexual, and I know that adsense have a strict policy on these type of websites (i dont want to risk it either.)

What ad agency is good that supports this type of content?

>> No.1274598

Tell us what field m8

>> No.1274604

$36.5K isn't that much bro. Get a real job

>> No.1274614

if I do that, then other people will start making similar sites ;)

>> No.1274631

I'm not sure how to react to this level of stupidity

you're not goinf to make any money writing a 'few hehe' articles, fag. you make money as a machine pushing out new thoughtful blog posts multiple times a week

do you really think you're $200 yearly writing about gay furry will be anything anyone would want to steal? do you think anyone not interested in gay furry will put in the hours it takes to make a blog successful?

and blogs don't make money with adsense. everyone has adblocker, no one clicks those ads anyway and it will just ruin the aesthetic of your blog. you make money with affiliate marketing. the new dragon dildo you reviewed, the furry costume etc. and with your own gay furry enovellas

>> No.1274637


I agree, I pay 2x in rent what he makes in a year while he 'sleeps'

>> No.1274644

>gay furry


Im not saying that im going to make big money from some shitty website, but I don't want any competition in what im going to be writing. Even if its shit content, I do no care.

Im no expert but I think the furry part of the internet is already saturated anyway, I can tell from the way you think its so great.

Turn down the edge.

>> No.1274650

I'm just saying I don't think you realize the amount of work that goes into a blog or why you think anyone else is willing to put it in. you can beg this board to start a blog in your niche and they wouldn't do it

>> No.1274683



36k/year is a shitload of money. About 55k gross, which is good money even in the US or Europe. I have to work 3 years at 9-5 job to get this much.