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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12648580 No.12648580 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12648597

fuck off my board IVAN

>> No.12648630

Fuck you bitch. Apologize now ho

>> No.12648650

Where can you even buy this trash

>> No.12648668

IDEX, BitMAX, your mom’s bed

>> No.12648676


>> No.12648691

why the fuck would you want to know??? stop burning your money you dumb fuck

>> No.12648700

Yes buy the top, shit just did a 2.5x baka

>> No.12648724

Bro, LTO has been in the works since 2012. Are you inbred or something? It has anti dumping mechanisms, BIG TIME partners, working with governments, do you actually hate money this much? Are you that fucking stubborn that you’re going to miss Live contracts that are already being implemented in the real world and working already to save customers money? Are you really really that fucking stupid?

>> No.12648730

Lol im dutch had to buy in

>> No.12648736

Absolutely has a lot more to go. It’s not slowing down any time soon. It’s a top 50 coin that released with only half an ICO sold and the other half for sale got burned. This somehow slipped through the cracks, but people are finding out about it really quick

>> No.12648772

shillvan pls. stop this coordinated pump or you will go to jail where your barely legal ass will get a big black pump

>> No.12648797
File: 6 KB, 210x230, braindead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spends all his time shilling
>people are finding out about it really quick

>> No.12648818

No one is coordinating anything asshole, at least I’m not. I’m posting about LTO. >>12648797
Do some research before talking shit dumbfuck. People see a legit crypto project and go crazy, what can i say?

>> No.12648841

ok, preparing my complaint to Autoriteit Financiële Markten. will post here once it's ready

>> No.12648844


You're trying so hard to shill this, are you saying you're just being a good samaritan?

>> No.12648874

Thinking to buy it, considering it has only 1M MC and clients. But it pumped the last days, I think I'm gonna wait a little bit.

>> No.12648895

the LTO army is growing >:)

you dont get retrace on microcap with pumpamentals like this with fresh chart in price discovery mode. dont be a fag just buy

>> No.12648900

Who the fuck cares about that shitty government it's full of cucks and muslims over there

>> No.12648930

So it’s ok for all of these Link shillers though? I’m on an obscure “anonymous” website that the scum of the earth browse. Fuck you. If anyone is taking financial advice from a stranger on 4chan, they are doing it completely at their own risk. Get real faggot

>> No.12649066

Market bought like a real man

>> No.12649087

I think we might see a retrace, just looked up the CEO, he's a successful guy and has also created Firm24 in 2012. They do the paperwork for people who want to start a company and have done so for 18k companies. The Netherlands currently has 800k companies in total so theyre responsible for about 2,4% in total.

>> No.12649411

>getting pajeeted by an 18 year old and his VPN
never change biz, never change.

>> No.12649511

LTO is already making revenue! It has paying customers! Lots of them!

>> No.12649533

I sold 10% of my linkies and bought dadi and lto, I think I'm gonna make it, both have custommers and experienced teams.
But knowing my luck I'm 99% sure both will dump to zero or something.

>> No.12649572

Does this shit have an 7.6mil marketcap right now? 210mil circulating supply.

>> No.12649695

33m circ supply

>> No.12649751


>> No.12649773

33m dude.. wtf

>> No.12649797

This is literally the best play in the market right now. And it's still a 1m cap. EASY FUCKING MONEY!

>> No.12649806

so far 4m of that 33m has been locked up for nodes too

>> No.12650030

So 7 pct of the supply is circulating? Great.

>> No.12650164

They literally have a telegram channel to show you when private sale and seed round guys move tokens to a tradeable wallet.

Those guys are locked behind the a bridge troll fee right now of 41%. The advisors / contributors are locked for 7 months. The team's tokens start to release in 8 months. Everything is very transparent.


>> No.12650358

>its a top 50 coin

>> No.12650678
File: 26 KB, 322x318, LTO Network Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% this is a top 50 coin!

Name a top 50 that used blockchain to save a government $30m? Name one that post their literal contracts with clients like Heineken and Deloitte? Try even name a single one that has any revenue?

I'll wait... Cause you fuckin cant.
None of these blockchain projects even making fucking revenue.

LTO is changing the game!

>> No.12650733

Tbf, LTO will probably creep into the top 100, not sure about top 50

>> No.12650745

Req spammed Deloitte so you're in good company, Manvinder.

>> No.12650765

I'm fine with top 100. Just wait until normies know about LTO and their working solution.

>> No.12650846

Link marine here. First time I heard about LTO was yesterday. Have learnt with ETH to do my own research despite fud. Company looks solid, NASDAQ write up, CEO is fully legit when you look him up. Anon is being helpful. I think the sudden copypasta is making it sound overshilled and contrived. I’d recommend not buying until you’ve read about it yourself and make the decision. Would like to hear genuine fud though from your research.

>> No.12650870


when cmc? didnt find it yet

>> No.12650933

theyre applying rn

>> No.12651357

Having seen this shilled yesterday, this morning i decided to have a proper read up. I expected this to be the latest PnD scam, but actually, i didn't find much wrong at all so i stuck some money in this morning for the lols and i'm already up 20%. At still only just above 1m mc i have got a feeling this one is going to make me some serious gains. you are useful sometimes /biz

>> No.12652008

kek Here comes the dump! I spoke too soon

>> No.12652118

I'll be honest I just buy what the fuck ever biz is shilling because fuck it why not. Enough autists spreading this shit around will catch on reddit and then some dick on Twitter will write an article on it, and before you know it people start to buy in and you can 3x your money.

>> No.12652287



>> No.12652360

where did you buy idex or bitmax?

>> No.12652411

Both, picked some up with ETH on IDEX and some with BTC on Bit. Bitmax was really easy you just need to be sure to set up 2FA to withdraw.