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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 310x163, FED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12647502 No.12647502 [Reply] [Original]

>Prints money out of nothing
>Want a loan, goy?
>All you have to do is put your house as collateral
>''Artificially props up economy and crashes it''
>Oh, you lost your job? Can't pay the loan goy?
>Good thing you put up that house as collateral so I don't lose anything

>> No.12647524

don't like it? then you make sure trump gets re-elected, thats the only chance we will ever get to make america great again. and even then the fuckers might do the unmentionable to the poor bastard and he wont get to pull it off. still, a small chance is better than no chance. they won't allow a mistale like this on any elections in the future. this is it.

>> No.12647546

"they" want trump to get re-elected. So they can blame him for the impeding great(er) depression.

>> No.12647570

fuck me for believing this was just a silly conspiracy theory until I bacame a 30yo boomer.

>> No.12647576

It's pretty twisted

>> No.12647577
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>> No.12647582

remember how the media was completely against trump and how they still heap shit on him (more so than usual for a president) every chance they get? i'm pretty sure his election wasn't part of their plan.I don't even pay that much attention and even i've seen rumours and hints that he might take on the federal reserve and possible cripple or dismantle it and return the US to some sort of "real" currency. sure that might cause a depression or make the inevitable upcoming one more severe. sure it might not happen or might fail. but the alternative is just the certainty of more jewing, until the end of time.

>> No.12647598


Trump is the closest thing we’ve ever had to a Jew president. He’s got all their worst stereotypical qualities. A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel and the banks to go in dry when they rape us instead of spitting on it first.

>> No.12647692

imagine being this much of a bluepilled faggot

>> No.12647697

Yikes. Blinders strapped on tight

>> No.12648652

Vote for Trump.

>> No.12648662

>using credit
>taking loans

you have only yourself to blame

>> No.12648719

>elect Trump 2016
>Israel is our greatest ally!!

>> No.12648734

Absolutely nothing will change no matter who you vote for.

>> No.12648738
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>> No.12648744

I see /pol/ has it's marching orders for the day from the undercover Russians.

>> No.12648749


>> No.12648771
File: 86 KB, 814x960, 79697969760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are one dumb nigger

>> No.12648788


>> No.12648802

>Prints money out of nothing
Yeah, just like every other country on Earth. What gives it value is the US's strength/stability, technological advancement, services provided, and yes its corporations
>Want a loan, goy?
>All you have to do is put your house as collateral
But you don't have to do that. If you have a good-paying job you can get a sizable loan without a mortgage. If you want more money...then you need to put up something (usually all people have as collateral is their house)
>''Artificially props up economy and crashes it''
I find it funny that right-wing extremists make this argument. The pro-rich policies of the republican party are the problem. You elected a nuttcase billionaire hoping he'd fix your problems. What a bunch of retards
>Oh, you lost your job? Can't pay the loan goy?
>Good thing you put up that house as collateral so I don't lose anything
Yes...that's how collateral works...

>> No.12648826

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.12648839
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the problem isnt the republican party. the problem is the fundamental lack of financial literacy in america. its the governemnt who encouraged low income people to purchase houses in the first place

>> No.12648846

You can only vote for billionaires and they will keep the system working in order to keep their billions.
Who controls the money controls the country.
Politicians no matter who it is are nothing more but puppets in a theater.

>> No.12648869

It's not out of nothing.

>> No.12648918

>What gives it value is the US's strength/stability, technological advancement, services provided, and yes its corporations
Mutt detected!
NOPE the ONLY reason is b/c its the world reserve currency! Look up 'Americas exorbitant privilege'
>Blames issues on a 2 party system!
ffs its coke v pepsi! same thing just a SLIGHTLY different flavor

>> No.12649025

OP check this out

read it carefully!

TL:DR its all an accounting procedure. a debt of X needs a credit of X. I.e they 'loan' you the funds, (Debt to them). You agree to pay them (Credit, to them)...its the opposite for you!

>> No.12649070

Yes, goy. He's been president for 2 years and the wall is still not built. He's going to take on the fed any day now. Just wait.

>> No.12649166

>All you have to do is put your house as collateral
Imagine having a credit rating that's so shit that you can't get an unsecured loan. baka.

>> No.12649193

>NOPE the ONLY reason is b/c its the world reserve currency!
Stop and think about why that is.

>> No.12649213

how can trump help?
please explain

>> No.12649222

Well the President does nominate the Board of Governors and could sign legislation passed by Congress changing the Fed, but I doubt that anon was posting anything serious.

>> No.12649224

Trumpstein deserves my vote because? He allows the jews to do whatever they want like most presidents.

>> No.12649235

b/c it was the strongest country after world war 2...Did you not look up 'Americas exorbitant privilege'?

The mutts stopped backin USD with gold as they need to fund the Vietnam war...Hope they keep at it, still not enough dead mutts. Such an arrogant 'nation'

>> No.12649264

Uhuh, and why does it continue to be the primary world reserve country, over 70 years after the end of WW2 and nearly 50 since the end of the gold standard?

>> No.12649268

I'm aware of that
but Trump wants a deregulation of the market, doesn't he?
so basically less laws for banks too, isn't it?
to summarize it, voting Trump won't help against that
(but yeah, I might be a little bit too much influenced by the leftist media, and sorry for that /pol/ post)

>> No.12649274


>> No.12649276


>> No.12649281

This is. Play boomer games, win boomer prizes.

>> No.12649287

so, you mean he>>12647598 is wrong?
can you explain why?

>> No.12649297

Its how the jews keep the mutts being the aggressor nation! Through the IMF/World bank/IBS, why what do you think?

>> No.12649312

the right (re)invented this playbook with the "paid soros shills" thing. does no one remember 2016?

>> No.12649315

>what do you think
I think international trade and the strength of the U.S. economy.

>> No.12649326

>You wanted to buy a thing you couldn't afford.
>You took loan = took a risk
>You lost
>They came to collect debt
Free lesson: live within your means feggit

>> No.12649358

OP is definitely a faggot, but there is something to be said about the availability of loans for things like housing driving up demand and thus prices.

>> No.12649361
File: 310 KB, 1548x1033, DEbt to GDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much strength very win

>> No.12649370

So nothing to do with... money is needed to finance wars & without a constantly expanding supply to build/fund the war machine it can't create war. Gold can't be extracted quick enough from the ground! How do you solve this? make a FIAT currency = to gold, enter the USD...Then wonder why the US is always the aggressor nation!

Its really the only reason the US stopped using gold backed USD...to fund Vietnam!

>> No.12649383

Correct. Your chart isn't relevant.

>> No.12649420

I wouldn't say "nothing to do with" as having the flexibility to finance whatever needs financing, including wars, is definitely a primary motivator for a government to drop a gold standard. Gold is too limiting.

>> No.12649426

The problem is there are enormously many people in the world and the number keeps growing. But resources are limited so some people have to adapt or die. It's natural selection bro. If you can't afford a house then either take a risk of losing everything or move to third-world country where houses cost like 10k$ each.

>> No.12649490

>Gold is too limiting.
The sad reality is we could not have built society up this quick if we still used gold...Think about all the roads, houses, infrastructure that popped up, SO quick! that would have been IMPOSSIBLE using gold...But don't forget the wars! Have a good look into why Nixon removed the gold backing...it was to fund the war! Its the same reason today...War!
Why does 'Merica have the biggest military? its not to protect America...
Who does America fight for? ISRAEL!

>> No.12649516

>Who does America fight for? ISRAEL!
yeah, considering that muslims threat them every day...

>> No.12649525

(1) Trump is only delaying the inevitable. Things are going to get way worse before they can get better. Auditing the Fed now would send shockwaves throughout the world and is best kept for a 2nd term.

(2) People who call him a zionist puppet are desperately trying to discourage his supporters and have absolutely no understanding of who runs shit at the highest levels of society. You don't support AIPAC, you don't stand a fucking a chance. It's called an insurance policy.

>> No.12649547

>Auditing the Fed now would send shockwaves throughout the world and is best kept for a 2nd term.
Because it would be retarded. Putting Fed decisions under the scrutiny of oversight defeats the entire purpose of the Fed.

>> No.12649691

You can't steal from a thief!

>> No.12649693

The fact that fed dollars are not pegged to gols anymore completely defeats the purpose of the federal "reserve"
The reserve is empty. At best it contains a printing press.

>> No.12649704

The roman empire would like to have a word with you fool.

>> No.12649717

>People who call him a zionist puppet are desperately trying to discourage his supporters and have absolutely no understanding of who runs shit at the highest levels of society
Looks like YOU don't understand who runs society at the highest level, it sure as fuck is not a politician or some other public puppet.

>> No.12649725

>defeats the purpose of the federal "reserve"
The purpose of the federal reserve is defined by law: maximize sustainable employment, stabilize prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.
>The reserve is empty.
If you look at its balance sheet, you'll see that it is not.
>At best it contains a printing press.
Which, amusingly enough, is all it would need to be a lender of last resort.

>> No.12649728

They also have the monopoly on giving you a loan

>> No.12649741

>le wall XDXD just hate Dr President Trump already pls
yeah nah i still like him

>> No.12649746

>Rome didn't debase its currency
ffs it was the first one!
Mutt detected!

>> No.12649757

i probably wasn't the first..just one of the famous firsts...

>> No.12649768

Lol wut?

>> No.12649770

I think you misunderstood. read again

>> No.12649783

you make it sound like the president has any kind of power. he doesn't.

>> No.12649861

Absolutely this. The man married his kids off to Jews. His cabinet is full of Jews. PM of Israel loves Trump, is Sheldon Andelson’s bitch, he fights wars for Israel and fights to pass laws to prot4ct Jews from anti’semitism.

The fact his Trump is a Jew puppet who’s interests lies in advancing Jewish agenda which is anti-white. He was elected to tame the white people of America by being advertised as an anti-establishment who is nationalistic. If Hillary won we’d of had race wars and burn this mofo to the ground already along with the Jews in charge.

Trump has not built his wall, loves immigration from shitskins countries and based blackmen, pushes anti gun laws, gives billions to niggers, does not bring manufacturing back from China, and he just blames the democrats for all his failures and his NPC followers take the bait instead of realizing that it’s all a charade to keep us divided and confused, to never realize who the real masterminds are.

TLDR: Trump is anti-white globalist fuck. He is controlled OP and was meant to win the election for the reason of subverting the whites towards civic nationalism and away from what’s truly good for us.

>> No.12649866

He currently controls the Fed, get rekt

>> No.12649875

I'm referring to the people he has to placate in order to achieve anything because of their tight grip on every aspect of society.

>> No.12649914


>> No.12649917

If he controls the Fed, does that mean he was angry at himself when he was complaining about Fed policy?

>> No.12649953


>> No.12649969

You idiot. The FED is independent of the government. They print money and control interest rates at their own will without government approval. If the government wants money then they printed in return for debt from the American people. THE FED is not the good guys here.

>> No.12649970
File: 125 KB, 666x867, AE6B1EA0-FC21-4DA9-8BD5-B6999C0E614F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Trump nigger. A vote for Trump is a vote for the most evil anti-white people on Earth.

>> No.12649984

Why do cranks always capitalize the letters in Fed as if it was an acronym? I seriously want to know.

>> No.12650037

He doesn't control them.
The President is just a puppet, he has no control.

he can't achieve anything anyway, only what they allow.

>> No.12650356

He's not a puppet, but all the other presidents after the one that wanted to get rid of the CIA got assassinated were.

>> No.12650406
File: 597 KB, 992x778, wheelbarrow-wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History tends to rhyme.

>> No.12650450

He did not control the fed at that time until they caved in and MSM went mockingbird again.
Don't worry. I know that the FED is evil. Who in their right mind would pay interest for their own currency?
If he was a puppet there would not be constant character assassination on him.

>> No.12650460

Brainwashed and bluepilled

>> No.12650484

Controlled opposition to make people believe they really had a choice

>> No.12650639
File: 4 KB, 781x43, Asif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By your reasoning every systemic player is supporting the system.

>> No.12650680


>Jews rig the economy and destroy millions of lives by cheating

"Muh you don't have to play so it's perfectly okay."

You, sir, are a cuckold of the worst kind.

>> No.12650695

>Yeah, just like every other country on Earth.

"Everybody does it so it's okay if they suck us dry"

Cuckold detected.

>> No.12650758

>If Hillary won we’d of had race wars and burn this mofo to the ground already along with the Jews in charge.
This is just a fantasy bro, no one can touch the elites. They have more resources than anyone else in the world.
What would happen is a pointless war with the populace fighting itself, and finally when things settle down it'll just return to business as usual.

>> No.12650777

I live debt free

>> No.12650799


>The president controls a privately held corporation with stockholders

Are you kiddings me?

>> No.12650851

He is a Puppet (like EVERY politician) and the MSM is just another tool of (((them))).
They show you this theater in order to create pointless discussion that leads nowhere, to keep you distracted which works perfectly as you can see.

your NPC ass finally got woken up?

>> No.12650869
File: 43 KB, 499x498, 1543019206318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communist, ANCAP, whatever you are, please just die already, or at least stop spamming this /x/ shit in the buisness board

>> No.12650886

youtu be/X7pfoV8s_HU?t=515

>> No.12650904

No. You need to escalate - Trump is too weak.
Doesn't matter. You can't jump from "I'm with her" to 1488 in a single step. Stop listening to psyop glowniggers on /pol/trying to turn you into a retarded Siegefag that'll never get anywhere. Trump served his purpose and fucked with them, while showing how much further there is. Time for the next move.