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12642739 No.12642739 [Reply] [Original]

Since I'm single, all I need in life is a one bedroom apartment with a decent kitchen.

This runs me $800 USD in my city
Groceries are $400 per month, car expenses are $400, other shit is $400

I can survive and be comfortable on 24k net, which is approximately 35k gross. I gross 110k a year and work 35 hours a week as a programmer with all the time in the world for my relatively cheap hobbies.

Explain to me why I should ever get married or have children. To me, it just seems like a massive massive scam that complicates my life and doesn't benefit me in any way.

>> No.12642743

you will have somebody that remembers you when you die and your blood will continue to exist in earth.

>> No.12642752

>you will have somebody that remembers you when you die
i don't care about that, i will be dead

>your blood will continue to exist in earth.
I don't care about that

>> No.12642766

What is this plebbit echochamber or a mgtow shill?
Do what you feel fren.
Having children means sacrificing time, resources and having to marry an obnoxious roast. Still worth it imo.

>> No.12642775
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I'd rather be destitute than alone

>> No.12642812

OP you're doing it right
The added bonus is that tech is rapidly expanding so there's a legit chance you can live pretty much indefinitely if you want to, and anti aging will make life just as good at age 100 as it was at age 14 or whatever.
Artifical wombs are an emerging tech. There's many more being worked on.
Your main focus should be surviving the next 20-30 years to see where the tech goes. By living below your means you're well on your way
I have a similar mindset
I make about 50k a year and my expenses are around 40k. So I'm able to save 4-500 a month which is fine, I already have about a year of pay saved. If I had a wife or kids I'd be struggling just to pay my monthly bills let alone save $100/week or so
I'm trying to cut my expenses but it's tough
I rarely go out and dont even have a TV or home internet just cell phone
I could cut costs by selling my civic for a cheaper shitbox but I need a reliable car for work and I plan on just riding my car til it breaks which could be a long time.
My rent is 640/month which includes utilities
Food around 400 a month sometimes less
Car 200/month
Insurance 150
Phone 80
Dont really spend on anything else

>> No.12642818

Well I mean it's all a game isn't it? Yea making money is fun, very competitive. It sure feels amazing and is a tremendous victory to have it better than 90% of your countrymates however fun is also making some little guy who resembles you. For this you chose a girl whom have more recessive genes than you do. You know, making your kid look more like you couse that's all the fun with kids (that's why it's the most cucked thing to raise another mans child). I for example is blue eyed but else pretty "dark" so I will make kids with blonde girl as she has more recessive traits. Of course it's a gamble but it might turn out a lot of fun.

>> No.12642821

It's indeed a scam by the government just like university is. I think in most countries, at least here in the UK, singles pay more taxes than couples. Why? Because families mean more votes and that's at least 2 people voting on the same person. Also couples spend way more in the economy than singles for obvious reasons, especially when they have kids. The government loves couples with kids because they are a goldmine and another target to brainwash. There's literally no logical reason to marry and have kids anymore. Do not adopt either though otherwise you miss the point

>> No.12642832


if you start itching for a kid go to a poor country that has no legal jurisdiction ties with the US that's also impossible to get a passport to the US. Knock up a slut, send her 500$ a month, pay 200$ a month to a local to keep an eye on her make sure she's being healthy. Once the kids born decide if you want to keep her around if she has been good/honest with you, or pay her off to sign away her rights and get your kid a visa. If shit hits the fan with her family trying to extort you or fucking with your kids health, ghost them and cut your losses. Never let them know your real name, use a vpn and encrypted apps for communication if you feel extra paranoid. If their family is broke, they could never come after you anyway though. That process is expensive as shit and the US courts just assume foreign women are trying to scam male travelers as the default assumption in any case like that.

>> No.12642854

This is a solid choice Ukraine is good. You don't want to race mix do you?

>> No.12642863

Many men share your view, and it is the surefire sign that western civilisation will collapse
>marriage a completely unfair deal to men, women can take half your net worth at will
>men see this, and slowly in larger number reject marriage, and simply live alone
>no need for men to work hard to provide for a family, they can live comfily on 1/4th the salary they would need if they had a wife and kids
>far less men work and contribute to economy through taxes
>men are net taxpayers, women are net tax takers
>govt gets far less revenue than its used to
>the vapid consumer based economy the West runs on finally dies ( men get married, work very hard to provide for family, and pay high taxes to keep the ponzi going

And I hope it dies. Fuck this unfair system

>> No.12642872

This is why whites are going to be a minority in America

>> No.12642873

>procreation and family is a scam

Ok champ you do whatever you want, more for me. I love seeing men remove themselves willingly from the gene pool. You're damn right, having children, a legacy etc, that's all trash nobody wants it.

>> No.12642891


>> No.12642949
File: 83 KB, 560x373, 46D03709-9A18-4D03-A65D-1171CCE51FE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All stops with a prenup. Most men are pussies and have to “ask” the wife for permission. Assert dominance and things will flow much easier. My gf of 10 years is down for a prenup because I am the alpha. She knows her place and is happy to be in it. All you fucking pussies need to stop letting girls take control over you and change your life

>> No.12642959

I'm pretty sure other men's genes will be on your future wife long before you meet her anyway

>> No.12642981

>Explain to me why I should ever get married or have children.

Why? Just shut up and fuck off with your personal blog, nigger.

>> No.12642999

If you are a good person who can attract a good wife and have good children, the investment is the best you can get
If you are a bad person you should not reproduce, both for your sake and ours

>> No.12643021
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It's not because of that, you deceiving faggot.
They are becoming minority because of nigger and shitskin import.
100mil Whites in 100 million U.S - 100% majority
On the other hand 150 mil in future 600 mil muttmerica is minority, despite the absolute increase.

>> No.12643037

Based. Keep up the path OP and fren. The worlds changing and doing things the old way is literally just LARPing at this point.

>> No.12643060

Given your worldview and values, the financial implication (that it's completely irrational) is obvious. So there's no /biz/ discussion possible.

If you want to find out why people value family and children differently than you do, either ask normies or talk to a therapist. But there's no financial aspect to that question.

>> No.12643092

Stop acting as if faggots such as yourself aren’t contributing to the problem. It doesn’t matter to me though, so you can keep jerking off your japanese cartoons and complaining about “muh immigrants and muh niggers”.

>> No.12643101

In a few thousand million years the sun will swallow the Earth and no one will ever remember we were even here. Who gives a shit about "muh gene pool"

>> No.12643201

not an argument
once again, the CAUSE of a problem are not hikkis fapping to animu

>> No.12643288

yes, prenups which are routinely thrown out of court when the woman claims she signed under duress
as soon as you put a ring on your gfs finger, you wont be the alpha anymore. All your power will vanish, she can divorce rape you at will.
lets see if you being alpha can stop the govt coming and taking half your property
50% of marriages end in divorce

>> No.12643361

So the declining birth rates of whites in America isn’t a problem? More white people dying than there are babies to replace them isn’t a problem?

>> No.12643378

Precisely this. People who swear by the gene pool meme are cringe as fuck.

>> No.12643391

a prenup is a prenup. Have a good lawyer I guess. There is no power loss unless you allow it.

>> No.12643394

Whites becoming a minority you said.
So not a cause of Whites becoming a minority.
Cause of White population decline, yes.

>> No.12643397

>OK can someone explain to me why I shouldn't be living in a single room living my life alone and learning half of the median income like a pathetic piece of shit? Happiness is a scam right?

>> No.12644464

I worked and lived in San Francisco the same way. saved a ton of money. expenses never topped 1700 a month. Worked a really nice paying job. had a master bedroom with a view of the City. If you ever decide to enter into the anti male contract of marriage. Hire an attorney and put all your pre marital assets in a trust. never mingle or use that money. your money post marriage should never go near that bank account. spend only your post marriage money. so that if she ever does try to divorce you, she can't touch the money you have saved and put away in a trust.

>> No.12644523

God that sounds like such a ridiculous pain in the ass.
How about guys just don't get married and pump and dump instead?

>> No.12644674

modern "marriage" is a total scam, there's absolutely no point to it now that women are liberated and supposedly independent. the foundation of marriage was to transfer ownership of a woman to a man of her family's choosing, the system we have no serves no purpose other than to transfer money from successful men to irresponsible women. it's a laughable that "traditionalists" cling on to this system after it's been corrupted beyond repair.

having kids is a scam too unless you're wealthy. If you have an estate worth a shit you ought to have some heirs so you can pass on your success and good life. this is the one situation where it's truly selfish to not have children. if you're a wagie barely getting by it's very selfish to have children because they will only inherit the same fate, and social mobility isn't getting any easier unless there's a massive depopulation event. and if you have kids you actually have to raise them yourself, don't trust a woman or the state to do it properly or you'll get justed by your own kids one day.


>> No.12645196

depends if you let her power affect you
lets say she ditches you and gets half of marital property
ok, so now she is old and unattractive, and you still have loads of money. so who really wins? you do.
if you internalize this she won't leave because you will put off an aura that she would lose in that deal.
now if you beg, try hard to win her back with roses and shit, and otherwise act like a cuck, you are going to lose

>> No.12645232

also women account for 90% of household spending so when that dies the consumer culture dies and we can all finally live in peace

>> No.12645424


Tell me how living is not a scam? You should just kys yourself OP. Imagine all the expenses you’d save!

It’s not like there’s any point in you being here, is it? You’ll save yourself the pain of looking back on your pointless lonely life when you’re an old and broken man