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File: 101 KB, 834x710, IMG_20190203_150437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12642702 No.12642702 [Reply] [Original]

How much net worth do you need to overcome ugliness?

>> No.12642712

A lot.

>> No.12642726

Enough to get Bezos level roids and plastic surgery. And then a bank account above 10mil.

>> No.12642748

Probably a $million for every time you’ve thought about how ugly you are

>> No.12642831

That guy should just lift and bee urself.

>> No.12642841

Shkreli managed to do it.

>> No.12642851

He has a dyel Andre the giant face. He should probably even lift.

>> No.12642858

>even this guys got a girlfriend
how tf am I still single? oh yeah, chain stank

>> No.12642861

I alway use to think if I looked like op, or was homeless, I would just save up or steal money, enough to move to China/Iceland or somewhere and live off the land.

>> No.12642879

Haircut + plain clothes + exercise would give this guy a big boost

>> No.12642880
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shit I was just watching this video a few hours ago

>> No.12642906



>> No.12642920

His problem is confidence and balls. Probably intelligence as well from what I can tell.

He is just an avarage looking ugly dude. Lot of ugly girls with mad nice tits he could fuck if he just pull himself togather.

>> No.12642935
File: 30 KB, 380x349, 1525538999626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're beautiful alpha males

>> No.12642968

Same, wtf.

>> No.12643014

I dont feel sorry for the guy at all. I fid at first. But the more I watch, he is just a fucking random nobody feeling sorry for himself. He needs to grow some balls

>> No.12643164



>> No.12643198

he looks like an unfinished version of ken stringfellow

>> No.12643212


>> No.12643276


>> No.12643567

Honestly, billions with a bee

>> No.12643589
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>> No.12643627

google knows you're bizraelies through chrome/google spying, so they show you NEET recommendations on kiketube. No big deal.

>> No.12643686
File: 114 KB, 1080x1081, 1516266457757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. hideous bastards

>> No.12643723

Wot m8. Bezos barely looks like he lifts. If you have 100k and are desperate, get on tren, maybe hgh, lift then drop 30k on facial surgery. Rhino, Jaw, chin, hair implant if can. Lookmax everything you can think of. You have raised 2 points minimum and should be able to fuck 5/10 ultra easily. Then make more money for the next Gen shit.

>> No.12643931

I watched that video and the guy had sex suprisely enough. Wtf? And here I am, 8/10 looks but still a virgin.

>> No.12643974

Me too. Got it recommended. I am not even ugly. Feel sorry for the guy, he seems like weird but smart and based person.

>> No.12644006

Dude, no. He would need surgery and hair transplant. His eyes are probably negative canthal tilt, his hairline is too high, his teeth are crooked, the upper lip is much smaller than the lower lip, his jawline is full of stretched skin because he was fat and worse of all, his chin is very weak. He's the ugliest of the normal people (not counting deformed people) but at least he has self-awareness. He could become decent looking after surgery, everyone can.

>> No.12644311

Youtube recommended. A lot of people got it in their rec.

>> No.12644327

Imagine still believing looks matter instead of obedience to god

>> No.12644485

If this cunt got a haircut, didn't wear chav clothing and put on about 20lbs of muscle he'd just be average.

>> No.12644493

>How much net worth do you need to overcome ugliness?
10,000 chx

>> No.12644604

Shkreli is handsome guy, no homo. Those who say his face is punchable are just mad about the drug price thing, they're uninformed and don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.12644962

Yup, same.

>> No.12644989
File: 7 KB, 173x150, 1549234952940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or are ugly motherfuckers just crawling out of the woodwork in the past 10 years? It's like there's been a congenital epidemic of ugliness - there've been tons of ugly people in the past, of course, but those were often caused by environmental conditions like cretinism. Now we're just getting an epidemic of shit genetics.

>> No.12645043

It's just like asking "Why are we seeing more youtube videos with kids that are way too young to be uploading youtube videos?"

Phones got too good. Everyone has a fucking video camera now. Also SJW shit reality shows like those shows where they document the lives of extremely fat people, along with every other shit reality show has made everyone think "Hey I bet people would like to hear my life story"

I don't watch shit like this, but clearly you guys do. And every view is an affirmation that it works. Way to go faggots >>12642702

>> No.12645074

Double the needed to weight down a small dick.

>> No.12645089
File: 157 KB, 1000x666, chin-implant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Works" is $30,000. The price of a nice new car. Pic related cost like $2k. This isn't the 80's and 90's, plastic surgery is really good now.

>> No.12645105

youtube rules the world

>> No.12645135

He can be both handsome and punchable desu

in fact his handsomeness is half of his punchability, people are mad that he has both looks and money. Nobody minds an ugly rich guy because they figure the scales of cosmic justice are balancing out.

>> No.12645160

Past a certain level, Halo Effect can reverse.
If you do nothing but act like a douchebag and scam people and you have a pretty face people will just assume you're using your pretty face to get through life and be less likely to trust you.

>> No.12645447
File: 577 KB, 1024x768, 1505201545820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too. i think they're targeting people like us.

>> No.12645448

Same happened with me.

>> No.12645460

why do you think this is happening?

>> No.12645481

Kikes are monitoring everything.

>> No.12645500

Just enough to pay for a gym membership, a visit at the barber shop, somewhat decent nutrition and contacts.

>> No.12645519

Dam beta to alpha. Crazy what a little jaw movement can make

>> No.12645523
File: 18 KB, 300x227, 12342789_1616300011967571_6179426297707334169_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheeeiittt moi2

>> No.12645544

shit am i gonna see this in my feed now too

>> No.12645545

same dude, fucking jew algos

>> No.12645546

I might have to do this after I make it.

>> No.12646685


"free will"

>> No.12646695

Screencap this, NSA has links to everyone on 4chink

>> No.12646726

i guess an implant would work but a lot of the time the real fix is dental

>> No.12646731

I was recommended it, but I didn't watch it.
They have us down on that damned algorithm kek

>> No.12646996

Ye he can't rationalize that he views himself has if he was a woman consuming shampoo commercials.

>> No.12647088

He has been fuckin more bitches than the average gym manlet. Watch his video he keeps on talking how they call him ugly and later fuck him lol

>> No.12647269

Guess a tan, hair and make up are also required for the necessary effect? Is that a posture fix or also a chin implant (and slightly off photo angle+beard)? First case worth it, second not so sure.

>> No.12647707

Haircut, laser eye surgery and lifting heavy. Wouldnt look so bad