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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12636666 No.12636666 [Reply] [Original]

Be me

Childhood friend's parent is terminally ill with cancer and only has a month or two to live.

Last week I message her. We were very close as kids but this was the first time we have talked in a few years. She thanks me for the message tells me how much she misses me then after some small talk point blank tells me that she wants a baby with my genes and ask me if I want to donate sperm.

Says when she decides to have the baby in a few years, it will be set for life and I can be any part or no part of it that I want with zero burden or pressure. To think about it and if the day comes where I agree, the lawyers will draw up the papers and we'll get it done.

Her family's business is stable, has been around for more than 3 decades and does the equivalent of US 650 Million dollars in revenue per year.

I have never wanted to marry. I have only wanted to breed. What are the pros and cons of this situation?

>> No.12636671


>> No.12636698
File: 26 KB, 558x583, 1548885299996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very poorly constructed bait

>> No.12636984
File: 335 KB, 770x415, covington.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked brother. Can you give us some proof? Would be very interesting if this is not a larp

>> No.12637247

No cons, you are ensuring a good future for your offspring. Give me link or eth for good blessings.


>> No.12637412

It's not bait this is my current reality right now. I won't give any proof. Believe don't believe I don't care I'm not here for validation.

I'm walking myself through my thoughts because this is a situation.

>> No.12637659

Damn cancer must put those ovaries in turbo mode to pump a baby out iiinnNNN ~~~ ill with cancer and only has a month or two to live.

>> No.12637666

but yeah do it. ask her for like 1k tho haha and ur homie has to watch

>> No.12638632
File: 115 KB, 700x500, INDIA METAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TLDR: $640M girl can't find a literal dick

>Man, these Indian baits on /biz/ are always so funny